Session Information
10 SES 13 B, Research Approaches: Effects, Validation and Relationship
Paper Session
The purpose of this study is to examine how teacher educators work in implementing reform ideas in the new Early Childhood Teacher Education in Norway. International actors and national policy makers continuously approve educational reforms, which is challenging for the educators and requires professional leadership (Hansen et al. 2014). In 2013 Norway introduced a new 3-year Early Childhood Teacher Education. In the new National Guideline for Early Childhood Teacher Education (Ministry of Education and Research in Norway, 2012a), in force from 01.08.2013, the content of education has been divided into six multidisciplinary knowledge areas which are quite comprehensive and replaces the ordinary academic subject. The subject pedagogy, although it does not exist as a pure academic subject, has the responsibility to be the unifying academic subject (Ministry of Education and Research in Norway, 2012b). The reform is characterized by being both reforms of structure, culture and contents and the academic subjects are being challenged to become more multidisciplinary (Finne et al., 2014.). The aim of this paper is to examine in what way teacher educators as team members translate the reform ideas. The research question is:
In what way do Teacher Educators in the academic subject pedagogy as Team Members, fulfil the Reform-mandate of establishing a unifying subject?
The theory of the teacher educator´s roles is based on Lunenberg et al. (Lunenberg et al. 2014, Smith 2005, Koster et al.1996), their description and research of teacher educators. They also build an understanding of the teacher educator as a group that needs to be given more attention and research focus around the world.
In the French and Scandinavian traditions of modern organizational theory, implementation of reforms is understood as ideas needed to be translated (Røvik, Eilertsen, & Furu, 2014). The actors have the basic insights and when an idea is to be implemented, not only the organization, but also the idea is being affected. The ideal is to have multi-contextual translators with knowledge about the context where the reform is developed and where it shall be implemented. Various rules of transformation exist: The first is making use of reproduction, when the actors only copy earlier practices. The second is moderate transformation when the actors deduct and add something to the established practice. The third category, radical transformation of the ideas, is a process that requires creativity and needs innovative work over time. Røvik et al. say that generally transformations occur both consciously and rationally, as a transformation to avoid conflicts, or as an unconscious transformation. The way the reform ideas are translated will decide whether the reform is implemented, and if so, how it works in the field (Røvik, Eilertsen, & Furu, 2014).
When change processes start with and are under the management and pressure from the level of the policy maker, Van Meter & Van Horn (1975) call the implementation a Top-down process. When the ideas in a stronger way are grounded in the faculty and in the institution itself, it is a Bottom-up process. An implementation process depends on whether it is accepted, and how much the change separate from earlier practice.
Biesta´s (2014) theory of the complexity of education in the domains qualification, socialization and subjectification is used. These three domains have explosive force to support new understandings of educational processes because they make visible the complexity of tasks the teacher educator is a part of and the context to form out the role. Biesta´s three concepts are used for the teacher educators adaptive task in the connection with the reform and the translation process in the reform.
Expected Outcomes
Alvesson, M. (2011). Interpreting interviews. Sage. London. Biesta, G.J.J. (2014). Utdanningens vidunderlige risiko. Fagbokforlaget. Biesta, G.J.J. (2015). Good education and the teacher: Reclaiming educational professionalism. In R. Kneyber & J. Evers (eds.), Flip the system: Changing education from the bottom up (pp. 79-90). London: Routledge. Biesta, G.J.J. (2015). How does a competent teacher become a good teacher? On judgement, wisdom and virtuosity in teaching and teacher education. In R. Heilbronn & L. Foreman-Peck (Eds), Philosophical perspectives on the future of teacher education (pp.3-22). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. Bryman, A. (2008). Social Research Methods. Oxford University press. Creswell, J.W. (1994). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Finne, H., Mordal, S. & T.M. Stene (2014). Oppfatninger av studiekvalitet i lærerutdanningene 2013. SINTEF, Rapport 2014-04-09. Hammersley, M. (2008). Questioning qualitative inquiry: Critical essays. Los Angeles (Calif.): SAGE Hansen, S-E., Sjöberg, J. & T.V. Eilertsen (2014). Finske reformideer i norsk lærerutdanningsdiskurs, In: K.A. Røvik et al. Reformideer i norsk skole: Spredning, oversettelse og implementering. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, pp. 167-193. Haug, P. (2008). Norsk lærarutdanning – kva har skjedd med pedagogikkfaget? Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, 06/2008. Korthagen, F. (2004). In search of the essence of a good teacher: towards a more holistic approach in Teacher education. Teaching and teacher education 20. pp. 77-97. Koster, B., Korthagen, F., Wubbels, Th. & J. Hoornweg (1996). Roles, competencies and training of Teacher educators: A new challenge. In Edvard Befring (Ed.), Teacher Education for Quality. Oslo. pp. 397-411. Koster, B., Brekelmans, M., Korthagen, F. and Th. Wubbels (2005). Quality requirements for teacher educators. Teaching and Teacher Education 21. pp. 157-176. Lunenberg, M., Dengerink, J. & F. Korthagen (2014). The Professional Teacher Educator. Roles, Behaviour, and Professional Development of Teacher Educators. Sense Publishers. Ministry of Education and Research in Norway (2012a). Ny rammeplan for barnehagelærerutdanningen. Ministry of Education and Research in Norway (2012b), Nasjonal forskrift om rammeplan for barnehagelærerutdanning av 04.06.2012. Røvik, K. A., Eilertsen, T. V., & Furu, E. M. (Eds.). (2014). Reformideer i norsk skole: Spredning, oversettelse og implementering. Oslo: Cappelen Damm akademisk. Smith, K. (2005). Teacher educators´ expertise: What do novice teachers and teacher educators say? Teaching and Teacher Education 21. pp. 177-192. Van Meter, D. & Van Horn, C.E. (1975). The Policy Implementation Process: A Conceptual Framework». Administration & Society. 6: 445. SAGE.
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