Session Information
10 SES 13 B, Research Approaches: Effects, Validation and Relationship
Paper Session
To use videos for teacher learning has been much emphasized within the last years, in teacher preparation as well as in in-service training. In the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Switzerland online-tools were developed especially for teacher education. However, as some critical authors note, videos are just a tool and have to be embedded in a didactic concept to provoke learning processes. The central question is: What do students learn by watching videos and how do they learn?
To answer this question critically data of three courses at the University of Hamburg will be presented. The courses involved in the qualitative research project prepare teacher students for practical internship. A web-based learning platform with 40 short staged videos showing situations of uncertainty was used to make the teacher students aware of uncertainty as a constitutive element of teacher professionalism and of different options how to cope with uncertainty. On the basis of a concept of learning by Combe (2010) the learning process was organized in five steps: (1) provoking an irritation by looking videos and cutting them in very small scenes, (2) producing resistance by forcing students to describe just what they have seen and listened without providing evaluations and ratings, (3) experimenting by looking for further connections how the scene might go on, (4) thinking alone and discussing the answers in a community, (5) finding words and descriptions by writing protocols and a learning diary.
Expected Outcomes
Argyris, Ch., & Schön, D. A. (1996). Organizational Learning II. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. Combe, A. (2010). Wie lassen sich in der Schule Erfahrungen machen. Lernen aus der Sicht der Erfahrungstheorie. Pädagogik, 62 (7-8), 72-77. Helsper, W. (2004). Antinomien, Widersprüche, Paradoxien: Lehrerarbeit – ein unmögliches Geschäft? Eine strukturtheoretisch-rekonstruktive Perspektive auf das Lehrerhandeln. In B. Koch-Priewe, F.-U. Kolbe, & J. Wildt, J. (Eds.), Grundlagenforschung und mikrodidaktische Reformansätze zur Lehrerbildung (pp. 49-98). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. Mayring, Ph. (2003). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken, 8th edition. Weinheim: Beltz.
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