Session Information
10 SES 12 B, Knowledge Regime and Performativity Discourses in Education
Paper Session
Across many professions reflective practice appears to be an indisputable component of professional practice. For example, in the health and social care professions Saltiel (2010) noted that it appeared to, ‘constitute a new orthodoxy’ (p. 130). Similarly, within the field of nursing education Gilbert (2001) observed that reflective practice was beginning to achieve a status that was beyond question. Further back Smyth (1992) noted that within teaching there was, ‘something commonsensical, natural, almost indisputable about the suggestion that teachers should be thoughtful and reflective about their work’ (p. 284). Within teacher education it is now common for reflective practice to be integrated as an important element of initial teacher education programmes (Belvis et al, 2013, Lane et al, 2014; Jay and Johnson, 2002).
However, as Smyth (1992) notes reflection can mean all things to all people. It is commonly justified and framed by a rhetoric of ethical, emancipatory or transformational discourses (Gilbert, 2001). Reflective practice from this perspective is seen as a way of thinking as much as doing, reflecting Cochran-Smith and Lytle’s (2009) concept of ‘inquiry-as-stance’. It could be argued that, while this reflection may result in changes in practice, Hagevik et al (2012) note that critical action research can also involve gaining greater levels of self-understanding and an appreciation of the social forces that shape the school, echoing Brookfield’s (1995) contention that for critical reflection one must challenge the assumptions that impose limiting perspectives on teachers and examine the socio-political dimensions of educational practice. Reflective practice as a tool for teacher empowerment however is just one of many conceptualisations. Set within a ‘culture of audit and managerialist prescription’ (West, p. 67), reflective practice can take on very different functions whilst continuing to be cloaked in a rhetoric of professional empowerment.
Within an increasing environment of performativity and accountability, reflective practice can be seen as a form of monitoring and surveillance (Gilbert, 2001; Taylor, 2003) focusing exclusively on the improvement of ‘teacher effectiveness’ and student test scores. Set within this technical rational paradigm, where, ‘good teaching is equivalent to efficient performance which achieves ends that are prescribed for teachers’ (Halliday, 1998, p. 597) reflective practice can be seen as a ‘skill’ that, ‘focuses on improving teacher performance as a result of reflection on their practices’ (Belvis et al, p. 279).
The extent to which reflective practice in teacher education policies in Ireland and Norway is framed within a discourse of emancipation and empowerment or in a discourse of performativity is the focus of this study. Hallman (2011) notes that, ‘reflective practice in teacher education still vacillates between associations with the personal and the pedagogical’ (p. 533). We contend that within a performativity culture, conceptions of reflective practice increasingly reflect a technical rationalist perspective influenced by concerns of national competitiveness and the ‘performance’ of state educational systems. To that end, the aims of this study were to examine references to reflective practice in teacher education policy documents and explore:
- The extent to which reflective practice is seen as improving the performance of the teacher or empowering them professionally?
- The extent to which current manifestations of reflective practice reify a technical linear approach to teacher learning.
Expected Outcomes
Belvis, E. Pineda, P., Armengol, C., Moreno, V. (2013) Evaluation of reflective practice in teacher education, European Journal of Teacher Education, 36 (3) 279–292 Brookfield, S. 1995. Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. (2009). Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner Research for the Next Generation. New York: Teachers College Press Fenwick, T. (2003) The 'good' teacher in a neo-liberal risk society: a Foucaultian analysis of professional growth plans, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35:3, 335-354 Gee, J. P. (1999). An introduction to discourse analysis: Theory and method. New York, NY: Routledge Gilbert, T. (2001) Reflective practice and clinical supervision: meticulous rituals of the confessional, Nursing and Health Care Management Issues, 199 - Hagevik, R., Aydeniz, M. & Glennon Rowell, C. (2012) Using action research in middle level teacher education to evaluate and deepen reflective practice, Teaching and Teacher Education, 28 (2012) 675-684 Halliday, J. 1998. “Technicism, Reflective Practice and Authenticity in Teacher Education.” Teaching and Teacher Education 14: 597–605 Hallman, H. (2011) Shifting genres: a dialogic approach to reflective practice in teacher education, Reflective Practice, 12:4, 533-545 Jay,J. & Johnson, K. (2002). Capturing complexity: a typology ofreflective practice for teacher education, Teaching and Teacher Education 18 (2002) 73–85 Lane, R., McMaster, H., Adnum, J & Cavanagh, M. (2014) Quality reflective practice in teacher education: a journey towards shared understanding, Reflective Practice, 15:4, 481-494 Nicoll, K. (1998) 'Fixing' the 'facts': flexible learning as policy invention. Higher Education Research And Development, 17 (3), 291-304. Potter, J. (1996) Representing Reality: Discourse rhetoric and social construction. Sage London Saltiel, D. (2006, July). Judgement, narrative and discourse: Critiquing reflective practice. In conference: Professional Lifelong Learning: Beyond Reflective Practice (Vol. 3). Smyth, J. (1992) Teachers' Work and the Politics of Reflection, American Educational Research Journal, 29 (2) 267-300 Taylor, C. (2003). Narrating practice: reflective accounts and the textual construction of reality. Journal of advanced nursing, 42(3), 244-251. Reid, H., & West, L. (2011). Struggling for space: narrative methods and the crisis of professionalism in career guidance in England. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 39(5), 397-410. West, L. (2012), Really reflexive practice: auto/biographical research and struggles for a critical reflexivity. In Bradbury, H., Frost, N., Kilminster, S., & Zukas, M. (Eds.). (2012). Beyond reflective practice: New approaches to professional lifelong learning. (pp. 66 – 80) Routledge
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