Session Information
01 SES 03 C, Professional Learning and Early Childhood Education
Paper Session
This investigation focuses on the construction and grounds of early childhood educators’ personal practical theories, its transformations (in the first year after the initial training period and after nine years after the end of vocational training) and the identification of the factors that were involved and influenced the construction and modification of these theories, in particular training, supervision and professional socialization. Complementary focus was also on knowledge-building strategies in children as a purpose of the educator's action.
We conceive knowledge construction in a line of epistemology of practice (Alarcão e Roldão, 2008, Schön, 1983), which involves reflexion, critique, analysis, and theorizing, in order to produce professional knowledge. Teacher training implies strengthening the professionalism and construction of professional knowledge from, and within teaching practice (Roldão, Hamido & Galveias, 2004). The construction of knowledge is crucial to teacher autonomy and professionalism (Zeichner, 1993; Hargreaves, 1998) as a training that is resilient to adverse features of educational contexts in which educators begin to work and facilitate the adoption of innovative educational practices.
The study presented here focuses on processes of learning and professional development. It pretends to discuss how early childhood teachers develop and modify their theories and practices and build their professional knowledge. We intended to answer the following research questions:
- Do teacher-students build a practical theory at the end of the initial training? What supports it?
- Are there changes in the practical theories of early childhood teachers (in the first year after the initial training period and after nine years after the end of training)?
-What are the factors identified by the subjects in the modification or construction of these practical theories?
Expected Outcomes
Alarcão, I., e Roldão, M. C. (2008). Supervisão. Um contexto de desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. Mangualde: Edições Pedago Berliner, D. (1994). Developmental stages in the lives of early childhood educators. In S. G. Goffin & D. E. Day (Eds.), New perspectives in early childhood education: Bringing practitioners into the debate (pp. 120-123). New York: Teachers College Press. Berliner, D. C. (2004). Describing the behavior and documenting the accomplishments of expert teachers. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 24(3), 200-212. Brouwer, N., & Korthagen, F. (2005). Can teacher education make a difference? American Educational Research Journal, 42(1), 153-224. Buitink, J. (2009). What and how do student teachers learn during school-based teacher education. Teaching and teacher education, 25(1), 118-127. Bullough Jr, R. V., & Baughman, K. (1993). Continuity and Change in Teacher Development: First Year Teacher after Five Years. Journal of Teacher Education, 44(2), 86-95. Calderhead, J. (1981). Stimulated recall: A method for research on teaching. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 51(2), 211-217. Edwards, A. (2005). Relational Agency: Learning to be a resourceful practitioner. International Journal of Educational Research, 43,168-182. Edwards, S. (2009). Beyond developmentalism. In In S. Edwards & J. Nuttall (Eds.), Professional learning in Early Childhood settings (pp.81-96). Roterdão: Sense Publishers, Elbaz, F. (1983). Teacher thinking: A study of practical knowledge. New York: Nichols. Hargreaves, A. (1998). Os professores em tempos de mudança, Lisboa: Macraw Hill de Portugal Meijer, P. C., Zanting, A., & Verloop, N. (2002). How can student teachers elicit experienced teachers’ practical knowledge? Tools, suggestions, and significance. Journal of Teacher education, 53(5), 406-419. Melendez Rojas, R. L. M(2008). Pedagogical content knowledge in early childhood: A study of teachers' knowledge. ProQuest. Roldão, M.C., Hamido, G. e Galveias, F (2004). A prática profissional como eixo estruturador da formação: reorganização de um curso de professores do 1º ciclo numa instituição portuguesa de formação. In Actas do II Congresso CIDInE, I Congresso Internacional Luso –Brasileiro, Florianópolis – Brasil, 5 a 7 de Abril de 2004. Schön, D. (1983), The reflective practioner: how professionals think in action, Nyor: Basic Books Shulman, L. S., & Shulman, J. H. (2004). How and what teachers learn: a shifting perspective. Journal of curriculum studies, 36(2), 257–271. Zeichner, K. M. (1993). Traditions of practice in U.S. preservice teacher education programs. Teaching and teacher education, 9(1), 1–13.
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