Network: 01. Continuing Professional Development: Learning for Individuals, Leaders, and Organisations
01 SES 01 A, Principals' Professional Development
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 13:15-14:45, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Sara Bubb
- The Professional Development Needs of Principals
- Does A Self-assessment Leadership Inventory Help Aspiring Principals To Become More Agentic?
Sara Bubb Peter Earley
Susan Lovett Jan Robertson
01 SES 01 B, Professional Identity
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 13:15-14:45, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Clive Beck
- The Voice of Extended Professionals: Teachers' Perceptions About Professional Identity
- The Impact Of The Doctorate In Education On Professional Identity
- Working With a Teacher Research Group: Logistics, Identity, and Learning
Majda Joshevska
Helen Boulton Alison Hramiak
Clare Kosnik Clive Beck
01 SES 02 A, Approaches to Literacy
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 15:15-16:45, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Naomi Flynn
- Teachers and Researchers Building Subject Knowledge for Teaching English Language Learners: Exploration of Communal Constructivism in an Online Learning Space
- The Role Of Primary School Students` Perceptions Of Their Parental And Teachers` Feedback For Their Reading Motivation
Naomi Flynn
Frank Hellmich Fabian Hoya
01 SES 02 C, Professional Learning Through Masters' Programmes and University Involvement
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 15:15-16:45, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Amanda Ince
- Diverging Ideologies Guiding Master of Education Programs for Teachers and their Actual and Perceived Expressions
- The Pros and Cons of Bespoke Masters Provision Compared with Traditional Masters Programmes For Teacher Professional Development
- School-University Collaboration - A Way To Build Internal Capacities For School Improvement?
Ruth Zuzovsky Khalid Arar Smadar Donitsa-Schmidt Judith Barak Ricardo Trumper
Amanda Ince
Susanne Sahlin
01 SES 02 B, Student Voice for Professional Learning
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 15:15-16:45, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Ken Jones
- The Missing Link in Teacher Professional Development: Student Presence
- Development Of Student’s Beliefs Towards Inlusive Education At School
- Students’ Voices in Schools: a Catalyst for Teacher Development?
Jason Margolis
Bettina Lindmeier Dorothee Meyer Alice Junge
Kiki Messiou Mel Ainscow
01 SES 03 A, Mentoring Policy and Practice
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Ken Jones
- Leadership Context and Educative Mentoring: From Policy to Practice
- Mentors of Beginning Teachers: Rewards and Challenges of Mentorship as Professional Development
Frances Langdon Sue Sutherland
Lynn Lemisko Laurie-ann Hellsten Carol Demchuk-Kosolofski
01 SES 03 C, Professional Learning and Early Childhood Education
Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Annika Elm
- Professional Learning – Preschool Teachers’ Experiences of a Research Circle
- Personal practical theories in early childhood education professionals. Training, supervision and work contexts and the construction of professional knowledge
- How Do Expert Teachers Use Specific Open Resources To Support Professional Learning Communities?
Annika Elm Ingrid Nordqvist
Helena Luis Maria do Céu Roldão
Anne Mette F. Karlsen Mary Genevieve Billington Inga Kjerstin Birkedal
01 SES 04 B, Evaluating Professional Development
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Amy Gaumer Erickson
- The Proof is in the PD: Evaluating the Quality of Professional Development
- The Proposal of Methodology for Evaluation of the Effects of the Professional Development Programs for Teachers
- The Use of Knowledge Surveys as Indicators of Prospective Evaluators’ Knowledge and Skills Improvement
Amy Gaumer Erickson
Dragica Pavlović Babić Tinde Kovač Cerović Sonja Banjac Ivana Cenerić Aleksandar Baucal
Najla AlDuraihim Anne Loos Abdulelah AlMojel Pasi Tapio Reinikainen Saleh Alwan Alshumrani
01 SES 04 A, Teacher Professional Development: A European Perspective
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Wendy Robinson
- Teachers Professional Development
- Teachers' Professional Development in Nordic Countries
- A Comparative Historical Analysis Of The Essence Of Teachers Centres In England And Spain 1960-1990: Past Perspectives And Current Potential?
Heidi Regine Bergsager
Matti Taajamo
Wendy Robinson Tamar Groves
01 SES 04 C, Approaches to Professional Development for School Leaders
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Agnes Turner
- Storytelling as Pedagogy for Management Development: A Collaborative Inquiry
- Learning From Experience And Coaching: A Proposal For School Leaders Training
- Emotional Reflexivity and Educational Leadership
Joan Walton Gillian Bishop
Manon Toussaint-Banville Nieves Oliva Rodríguez Mariana Altopiedi
Agnes Turner
01 SES 05 A, Professional Development and the Science Curriculum
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Michel Grangeat
- Development of Swiss science teachers: A longitudinal analysis
- Sources of Teachers Professional Knowledge Growth: the case of Argumentation in Science Classroom
Alexander Koch
Michel Grangeat Elie Rached
01 SES 05 B, Professional Learning Policy and Teacher Accountability
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Ken Jones
- Testing a Model for Analysing Professional Learning Policies
- Framing Independent Learning Activities in the Primary Classroom: Teachers’ Classroom Dilemmas in the Age of Accountability
- The Making Of Professional Ethics In The Age Of Accountability
Aileen Kennedy
Pete Boyd Graham Frost Justine Davison Denise Murdoch
Geir Afdal Hilde Afdal
01 SES 05 C, Micro, Meso and Macro Perspectives on Professional Development
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Karen Sealy
- An Exploration of Professional Development Needs and Opportunities Across Nine Counties Using the 2013 TALIS Teacher Questionnaire
- The Micro Politics of School Development - Teachers' Strategies and Actions
- Implementing A Large-Scale New Curriculum: Educators’ Self–Assessments and Beliefs
Karen Sealy Karen M. Sealy S Marshall Perry Thomas C. DeNicola Hector X. Ramirez-Perez
Tove Steen-Olsen
Jia Grace Liang James Sottile George Watson Xiafei Xue Patrick III Kearns
01 SES 06 A, Perspectives on Professional Values
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Deniz Hunuk
01 SES 06 B, Community and Collaboration
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Christopher Day
- Teacher Empowerment through the Development of a Learning Community: The Urban Schools Group
- Living on the Edge: Risk and Resilience in Teachers in Schools Serving Challenging Urban Communities
- Conditions of Different Forms of Teacher Collaboration and their Effects on Instructional Development in Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances
Ann MacPhail Deborah Tannehill
Christopher Day
Tanja Webs Eva Kamarianakis Annika Hillebrand Heinz Günter Holtappels
01 SES 06 C, Narrative and Reflection on Professional Learning
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Anne Chappell
- Thinking Differently About Continuing Professional Development: Teachers’ Narratives Of Professional Learning
- Teachers’ Reflections On Professional Development During An Online International Course To Promote Teaching For 21st Century Learning: A Comparative Analysis
- A Whole School Approach to Guidance Counselling in the Irish Post Primary Sector: Findings from a Holistic Single Case Study
Anne Chappell
Jan Georgeson Claudia Blandon Linda la Velle Andrew Edwards-Jones
Lucy Hearne Paul King Tom Geary Neil Kenny
01 SES 07 A, Well Being, Respect and Vision in Professional Learning
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Rosemary Mulholland
- Placing Well-Being at the Heart of Professional Learning
- Saskatchewan Teachers And A Study Abroad Experience In Finland: “I Love How The Finns Respect Their Teachers!”
- Identifying Teacher's Professional Vision in Elementary School Teaching
Rosemary Mulholland Wendy Timmons
Paul Orlowski
Natsumi Maeda Tadashi Asada
01 SES 07 B, Approaches to Middle Leadership in Northern European Countries
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Conny Björkman
- Teachers leading their own mini-project - A way to build internal capacity?
- The Function of Development Leaders in the Implementation and Sustenance of the Beginning Literacy Model in Iceland
- Internal and External Collaboration Forms as Internal Capacities for School Development - principals and teachers´ views in three Swedish schools
Maria Styf
Sigríður Margrét Sigurðardóttir María Steingrímsdóttir Eygló Björndsóttir
Conny Björkman
01 SES 07C, Collaboration Matters
Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Anne Line Wittek
- Collaboration Matters
- Collaboration for Effective Teaching and Learning: Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Learners in Oxford Schools
- Professional Development in Teacher Support Teams: A study of teacher and nurse educators’ group collaboration
- Unusual Collaborations: Teachers working with other agents towards inclusive school cultures.
Anne Line Wittek Magnus Hontvedt Kenneth Silseth Ian Thompson Harry Daniels Ángeles Parrilla Teresa Susinos Carmen Gallego Åsa Mäkitalo Lorena Ortega
Ian Thompson Harry Daniels Lorena Ortega
Magnus Hontvedt Kenneth Silseth Line Wittek
Angeles Parilla Teresa Susinos Carmen Gallego
01 SES 08 A, Approaches to Mentoring
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Fiona Chambers
- Paedeia Café: Bridging Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education through Peer Group Mentoring
- Using Design Thinking to Develop a Mentor Training Programme
- The Development of Mentoring System through On-going Cognitive Intervention
Ulla Kiviniemi Hanna Korhonen Päivi Tynjälä Hannu Heikkinen
Fiona Chambers Gavin Breslin Deirdre Brennan
Tadashi Asada
01 SES 08 B, Collaborative Professional Learning
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Eva-Maria Bennemann
- Teacher cooperation in times of change. Coping with new challenges in recently introduced German inclusive schools.
- Teacher collaboration for learning and innovation: Case from Kazakhstan
- Entrepreneurial learning and school improvement - a Swedish perspective
Eva-Maria Bennemann
Nazipa Ayubayeva
Eva Leffler Åsa Falk lundqvist
01 SES 08 C, Professional Learning from an Individual Perspective
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Slawomir Krzychala
- Stories Of The Body In Education
- In Search of Something More: One Physical Educator's Career Path
Joana Manarte Amélia Lopes Fátima Pereira
Cassandra Iannucci Ann MacPhail
01 SES 08.5, Network 1 Meeting
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 12:00-13:00, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Hannu L. T. Heikkinen
- Network Meeting
Hannu L. T. Heikkinen
01 SES 09 A, Lifelong Professional Learning
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Kendra Geeraerts
- Induction and Mentoring - Counselling to lifelong professional career as teacher
- Is teaching a job or a vocation? Effects of altruism on teacher wellbeing
Karen Paaske Lisbeth Lunde Fredriksen
Huan Song
01 SES 09 C, Approaches to Professional Development Research
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Linda Hobbs
- In What Ways May a Municipality-based Senior Lecturer Contribute to Research-based Teachers' Professional Development?
- Examining Educational Design Research As Form Of Teacher Professional Learning: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis
- Learning to teach out-of-field: The influence of school culture and rurality
Helena Sagar Louise Frey
Ryan Dunn John Hattie Terry Bowles
Linda Hobbs Coral Campbell Frances Quinn Lee Ann Hally Terry Lyons Colleen Vale
01 SES 09 B, Commitment and Self Efficacy
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Tanja Webs
- Types of Teacher Commitment – Specific Patterns and Further Differences
- Professional Development for Teachers, Three in One - a Kinderegg
- A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis of Teacher Self-Efficacy
Tanja Webs Christine Neumann Annika Hillebrand Heinz Günter Holtappels
Katarina Sipos Maud Baumgarten
Pi-Ju Wu
01 SES 10 A, Professional Learning and the Development of Knowledge (Part 1)
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: May Britt Postholm
- The Role Of Professional Development Program In Secondary Teachers’ Implementation Of Knowledge And Practice
- Further Education and the Development of Knowledge in School
- Becoming A Legitimate Knower – Surfing Semantic Waves During In-School Tutoring Sessions
Askhat Tazhibayev
May Britt Postholm
Pernilla Andersson Varga Anna Maria Hipkiss
01 SES 10 B, Professional Learning and the Development of Knowledge (Part 2)
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Kristin Helstad
- Learning from Lessons: Studying the structure and construction of teacher knowledge
- Teacher Students Traumatic Childhood Memories of Gender Negotiation
- Knowledge Creation through Cross-Disciplinary Talk in Teacher Teams
David Clarke Man Ching Esther Chan Doug Clarke Anne Roche
Thordis Thordardottir Steinunn Helga Lárusdóttir
Kristin Helstad
01 SES 10 C, Professional Development and Change
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Bev Fluckiger
- Pedagogical Change: System, School and Classroom Action
- Transformative Learning, Employment And Social Change Following Plant Closure: Individual and Collective Challenges In The Rural Area Of South Tyrol
- From Actions to Interactions. A Review Study on the Role of (Cross-)Professional Networks in the Sustainability of Educational Change Initiatives.
Bev Fluckiger Mary Lincoln Elizabeth Wheeley
Christine Tschoell
Virginie März Lisa Gaikhorst Desirée Weijers Rob Mioch Femke Geijsel
01 SES 11 A, Perspectives on Teacher Learning
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: David Morris
- Successful Students-STEM Program: Teacher learning through a multi-faceted vision for STEM education
- Methodological Challenges Concerning Times Segments and Time Scales in Video Studies
- Giving Pupils the Licence to Lead on ICT CPD: Findings from the Teach a Teacher Project
Linda Hobbs John Cripps Clark Barry Plant
Sigrun Wessel Svenkerud Cecilie Pedersen Dalland Kirsti Klette
David Morris
01 SES 11 C, Developing Schools and Enabling Teachers for Professional Learning
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Heinz Guenter Holtappels
- Developing Schools and Enabling Teachers for Professional Learning
- Design-Based School Improvement
- School improvement for Schools in Challenging Circumstances: Evidence-based Approach to Build School-to-school Networks and to Support School Development Strategies
- Sustainable School Development in Deprived Areas: Potentials of Collaboration between Schools, Science and Administration
- School Development with Entrepreneurial Learning to the Students
Heinz Guenter Holtappels Rick Mintrop Mahua Baral Nina Bremm Veronika Manitius Annica Otterborg Jan Deinum Elizabeth Zumpe Eva Kamarianakis Tanja Webs
Rick Mintrop Mahua Baral Elizabeth Zumpe
Heinz Günter Holtappels Eva Kamarianakis Tanja Webs
Nina Bremm Veronika Manitius
Annica Otterborg
01 SES 11 B, Social Interactions and Teacher Development
Thursday, 2016-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Kai Averbeck
- School organization and school body composition in a new type of comprehensive school in Germany
- Teachers Becoming Tutors - Collective and Individual Turns in Professional Development
- Adult-Child Social Interactions In ASD Classrooms Following The Adults’ Participation In A Professional Development Initiative: A Multiple Case Study.
Kai Averbeck Heinz Günter Holtappels
Slawomir Krzychala Agnieszka Zembrzuska
Tish Balfe
01 SES 12 C, The Professional Learning and Development of Teachers in England and Shanghai: Opportunities and Effects
Friday, 2016-08-26, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Christopher Day
- The Professional Learning and Development of Teachers in England and Shanghai: Opportunities and Effects
- Teacher collaboration in England & Shanghai: Similarities & Differences
- What Does Doing Research Mean for Teachers: Comparison between England and Shanghai
- Principals’ Roles in Teachers’ Professional Learning and Development in Shanghai and English Schools
Christopher Day Yan Zeng Mary Oliver Lu Jiexin Bernadette Youens Fan Yang Jane Medwell Ann Lieberman Hu Guoyong Guoyong Hu
Mary Oliver Zeng Yan
Yang Fan Medwell Jane Hu Guoyong
Christopher Day Zeng Yan
01 SES 12 B, Teacher Mentoring: Barriers, Benefits and the Reflective Practitioner Model
Friday, 2016-08-26, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Rachel Shanks
- Teacher Mentoring: Barriers, Benefits And The Reflective Practitioner Model
- Barriers To Mentoring Student And New Teachers
- Teacher Mentoring And The Reflective Practitioner Model
- Mentoring: What’s In It For The Mentees And The Mentors?
Rachel Shanks Eimear Holland Iris Marusic Michelle Attard Tonna Eva Bjerkholt Dean Robson Melissa Parker Semiyu Aderibigbe
Semiyu Aderibigbe Iris Marusic Rachel Shanks Eimear Holland
Michelle Attard Tonna Eva Bjerkholt Eimear Holland
Eimear Holland Dean Robson Rachel Shanks Semiyu Aderibigbe
01 SES 12 A, Intergenerational Learning in the Workplace
Friday, 2016-08-26, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-Theatre F, Chair: Hannu L. T. Heikkinen
- Intergenerational Learning In The Workplace
- Types Of Intergenerational Learning Among Teachers
- Inter-generational Learning in Teaching: What and how teachers learn from their younger and elder colleagues?
- Age as a Predictor for Relationships within School Teams
- Learning Leadership for Sustainable Innovation in Complex Environments: The role of Intergenerational Learning
Kendra Geeraerts Hannu Heikkinen Petr Novotný Donald Ropes Julia Franz Karla Brucknerova Brucknerova Päivi Tynjälä Jan Vanhoof Piet Van den Bossche Nienke Moolenaar Karianne Kalshoven Han van Kleef Antonia Ypsilanti
Petr Novotný Karla Brücknerová
Kendra Geeraerts Hannu Heikkinen Päivi Tynjälä
Kendra Geeraerts Jan Vanhoof Piet Van den Bossche Nienke Moolenaar
Donald Ropes Han van Kleef
01 SES 13 A, Early Career Teacher Retention: A Critical Examination of the Issues
Friday, 2016-08-26, 13:30-15:00, Room: OB-E2.18, Chair: Anna Sullivan
- Early Career Teacher Retention: A Critical Examination of the Issues
- Trajectories of despair and elation: Mapping the origins of the emotional turning points in early career teachers’ lives
- Questioning the support for early career teachers: Turning it inside out and upside down
- ‘Classroom ready teachers’: Gaps and silences in current policy debates about teacher education and early career teachers
- Unpacking teacher quality: Key issues for early career teachers
Anna Sullivan Maria Assunção Flores Barry Down Geert Kelchtermans Virginie März Katri Jokikokko
Anna Sullivan
Geert Kelchtermans Virginie März
Barry Down Anna Sullivan
Maria Assunção Flores
01 SES 13 B, Academic, Espoused and Tacit knowledge in Education: Reciprocal Influences and Outcomes (Part 1)
Friday, 2016-08-26, 13:30-15:00, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Sara Bubb
- Academic, Espoused and Tacit knowledge in Education: Reciprocal Influences and Outcomes (1)
- Changes of Teachers’ Personal Orientations for Teaching: A post-critical theory lens and initial empirical findings
- How do Teachers Engage with Published Research?
- The Social Context of Research Use
Tim Cain Clemens Wieser Jonathan Supovitz . . Sara Bubb
Clemens Wieser
Tim Cain
Jonathan Supovitz
01 SES 14 A, Academic, Espoused and Tacit knowledge in Education: Reciprocal Influences and Outcomes (Part 2)
Friday, 2016-08-26, 15:30-17:00, Room: OB-H2.12, Chair: Romiță Iucu
- Academic, Espoused and Tacit knowledge in Education: Reciprocal Influences and Outcomes (2)
- Mobilizing Research from Academia to Policymaking in Education. Challenges and Opportunities
- Contextualizing Research: the Example of the Third French Consensus Conference on Continued Development of Reading Skills
- The Link Between Teaching Competencies and in-service Education in the Perception of Primary and Secondary School Teachers
Tim Cain Georgeta Ion Marie Gaussel Giorgio Ostinelli Romita Iucu Ken Jones
Georgeta Ion Romita Iucu
Marie Gaussel
Giorgio Ostinelli
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