Session Information
01 SES 09 A, Lifelong Professional Learning
Paper Session
General description
How to best induct new teachers into their role as professional educators, has been shown to be a global challenge. Research concerning the difficulties new teacher faces when they transition to their roles as professional teachers, has yielded much important knowledge in the last two decades. This research has further shown the importance of establishing a mentoring-service to support the new teachers (Kemmis, Heikkinen, Fransson, & G. Aspfors, 2014).
Research questions
What actions does the Danish schools take to support the new teachers at the start of their career?
What supportive measures are best suited to keep a new teacher in her job?
How does the use of mentoring-services influence the number of new teachers who quit their job?
What skills should a mentor possess to best support a new teacher?
The objective of this study is to investigate how the supportive measures put in place to induct new teachers into their teaching profession effect the number of teachers quitting the teaching profession in Denmark. Additionally we wish to formulate recommendations that ensures that induction can be viewed and structured as the first phase in a lifelong career.
Theoretical framework
The term induction does not refer to a single program nor a certain theory. Some argue that induction should be viewed as phase, a phase resembling adolescence. For the new teacher this phase is marked by the gathering and acquisition of practical knowledge, orientations, and attitudes (Aspfors, 2015). We regard induction from a political and practical perspective, and we base our study on empirical data.
Mentoring as a term does not refer to a single, well-defined concept. Kemmis note that the term is ill defined and poorly conceptualized, and therefore term is able to take on different meanings or properties depending on the perspective. The confusion regarding mentoring “[…] is not so much about a lack of theories but rather about a plurality of theories” (Kemmis et al., 2014 p. 154). The term mentoring is used differently for different purposes and in different settings (Sundli, 2007). The term mentor can as well refer to many different roles. For example can a mentor be an expert-coach, a subject specialist, a critical friend or a learner (Aslan & Öcal, 2012).
In this study, we will analyse mentoring and counselling within a constructivistic framework. Likewise in the study we will use a framework based on constructivistic and systemic theory to analyse collaborative learning, development though collegial counselling as well as supervision.
We wish to investigate the challenges faced by new teachers in their first job. We wish to do this from three different levels: a Society level, an organizational or school community level and an individual level.
Expected Outcomes
References Aslan, B., & Öcal, S. D. (2012). A case study on mentoring in a teacher development program. Journal of Education and Future, (issue 2), 31 - 48. Aspfors, J. F., G. (2015). Research on mentor education for mentors of newly qualified teachers: A qualitative meta-synthesis. Teaching and Teacher Education 48 (2015) 75e86, 48, 75-86. Christensen, O., & Gynther, K. (2012). Design-based research : Introduktion til en forskningsmetode i udvikling af nye E-læringskoncepter og didaktisk design medieret af digitale teknologier. Læring Og Medier Online, Retrieved from Halkier, B. (2008). Fokusgrupper (2. udgave ed.). Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur. Järvinen, M., & Mik-Meyer, N. (2008). Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv: Interview, observationer og dokumenter. Kbh.: Hans Reitzel. Kemmis, S., Heikkinen, H. L. T., Fransson, & G. Aspfors, J. (2014). Mentoring of new teachers as a contested practice: Supervision, support and collaborative self-development Teaching and Teacher Education, 43, 154 - 164. Kjærgaard Danielsen, A., & Spanager, L. (2012). Anvendelse af fokusgruppeinterview inden for sundhedsvidenskab. Ugeskrift for Læger, 174(19), 1298-1302. Kvale, S., & Brinkmann, S. (2009). Interview: Introduktion til et håndværk (2. udgave ed.). Kbh.: Hans Reitzel. Maxwell, J. A. (2016). Expanding the history and range of mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Vol. 10(1), 12–27. Sundli, L. (2007). Mentoring - A new mantra for education? Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(2), 201- Anderson, T., & Shattuck, J. (January/February 2012). Design-based research: A decade of progress in education research?. Educational Researcher, vol. 41(no. 1), 16-25. Background References Britton, E. (2012). Addressing the mathematics-specific needs of beginning mathematics teachers. Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, 111(2), 273-288. Cherry, N. (2012). The paradox and fog of supervision site for the encounters and growth of praxis,persons and voices . Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 20(No. 1), 6-19. Glazerman, S., Dolfin, S., Bleeker, M., Johnson, A., Isenberg, E., Lugo-Gil, J., et al. (2008). Impacts of comprehensive teacher induction: Results from the first year of a randomized controlled study. NCEE 2009-4034National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. Isenberg, E., Glazerman, S., Bleeker, M., Johnson, A., Lugo-Gil, J., Grider, M., et al. (2009). Impacts of comprehensive teacher induction: Results from the second year of a randomized controlled study. NCEE 2009-4072National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. Lejonberg, E., & Elstad, E. (2015). Mentor education: Challing mentors`beliefs about mentoring. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, vol 4(No 2), 142-158. Sundli, L. (2004). Professionskvalificering i praksis. Unge Pædagoger, 2004(3/4), 18-30.
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