Session Information
27 SES 04 B, Gender, Subject Didactics and Curriculum
Paper Session
The theme of gender became a subject of the discourse of civic education within the context of new approaches with a stronger orientation towards the students’ environment already during the 1980s (Kuhn/Massing/Skuhr 1993; Oechlse/Wetterau 2000). While the first didactical concepts focused on gender equality as a subject of civic courses in school (Richter 1991), the discourse turns its attention increasingly to considerations about teaching methods during the 1990s. Nevertheless should be noted that the theme of gender has remained a side issue within the didactic of civic education (Richter 2014; Winckler 2014).
At the same time there is no doubt that the aspect of gender themes is particularly relevant in the context of civic education: Issues of gender equality interrelate with social structures and power relations in societies and most political systems are still characterized by a underrepresentation of women in their institutions (Oechsle/Wetterau 2000; Sauer 2010). With this in mind civic education has to enable students to reflect and deconstruct these social structures and power relation in order to foster their competencies of autonomous and responsible judgment and participation. Even though the reference to the students’ environment offers a student-centered approach to the subject, there is also a need for a thorough consideration of societal and political structures to ‘bridge the gap’ from social to political learning. Moreover, the intention of the deconstruction of the social and political construction of gender requires that students and teachers reflect their own socialization and interpretative patterns and biases (Oechsle/Wetterau 2000). The focus on these processes of teaching and learning draw the attention finally also to teaching practices and learning dynamics in classroom interaction. Critical proponents of a gender-reflexive civic education point out that teaching concepts, which intend the deconstruction of gender often neglects these kind of (methodological) considerations and risks to reproduce and consolidate the established gender categories (Garske 2009; Winckler 2014; Doneit/Lösch/Rodrian-Pfennig 2016).
In this context the paper presents a case study based on a historic classroom video as a dimension of didactical research, which intends to enlighten actual didactical discussions by the reconstruction of their conceptual development (Bombardelli/Grammes/Jehle 2016). The video documents a lesson about gender equality in a 10th grade of a Secondary school in West-Berlin in 1984; it is a part of a broader documentation of teaching practice in civics courses in West-Berlin in the 1980 by scholars of the Freie Universität Berlin. These scholars considered the videos as examples of a student-centered teaching practice which misses the intention to initiate processes of political learning (Grammes/Kuhn 1987; Jehle 2016). Against this historical background the paper introduces the video recording as a relatively new source (Schluß/Jehle 2013) and focuses on an analysis of the classroom interaction. Thereby it refers to a research desideratum for ethnomethodologically reconstructions of the processes of construction and performances of gender in the context of civics courses (Winckler 2014) and presents the historic analysis as an example for this kind of studies (Jehle/Blessing 2014). The analysis of teaching practices and learning dynamics in relation to the intentions of the lesson as well as to unintended effects should contribute, finally, to the actual conceptual discussion of a gender-reflexive civic education.
Expected Outcomes
Bombardelli, Olga/Grammes, Tilman/Jehle, May (2016): „Eine Schule – am Ende der Völkerwanderung“. Anfänge der „Gastarbeiter“pädagogik im Bildungsfernsehen (1972). In: Goll, Thomas et al. (Eds.): Herausforderung Migration: Perspektiven der politischen Bildung. Schwalbach/Ts., S. 69-75. Breidenstein, Georg/Tyagunova, Tanja (2012): Ethnomethodologie und Konversationsanalyse. In: Bauer, Ullrich et al. (Hg.): Handbuch Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie. Wiesbaden: 387-403. Erickson, Frederick (1992): Ethnographic Microanalysis of Interaction. In: LeCompte, Margaret et al. (Eds.): The Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education. San Diego: 201-225. Erickson, Frederick (2006): Definition and Analysis of Data from Videotape: Some Research Proecedures and Their Rationales. In: Green, Judith L. et al. (Eds..): Handbook of Complementary Methods in Education Research. Washington D.C.: 177-191. Garske, Pia (2009): Politische Bildung und die Interdependenz gesellschaftlicher Ungleichheiten. In: Mende, Janne/Müller, Stefan (Eds.): Emanzipation in der politischen Bildung. Theorien – Konzepte – Möglichkeiten. Schwalbach/Ts.: 155-179. Grammes, Tilman/Kuhn, Hans Werner (1987): Politikunterricht in Berlin. Unterrichtsfach – Lehrerausbildung – Fachdidaktik. Bestandsaufnahme – Dokumentation – Kritik. Berlin (West). Jehle, May/Blessing, Benita (2014): Using Classroom Recordings in Educational History Research. An East German Civics Lesson. In: Journal of Social Science Education 13, 1: 118-136. DOI: 10.2390/jsse-v13-i1-1273. Jehle, May (2016): Pädagogische Kamera? Pädagogische Perspektiven im Verhältnis von ‚Handlungen des Zeigens‘ und ‚gezeigter Handlung‘ in historischen Videoaufzeichnungen von Unterricht. In: Schmidt, Friederike et al. (Eds.): Pädagogische Blicke. Weinheim, Basel: 207-225. Doneit, Madeline/Lösch, Bettina/Rodrian-Pfennig, Margit (Eds.) (2016): Geschlecht ist politisch. Geschlechterreflexive Perspektiven in der politischen Bildung. Toronto: 37-51. Kuhn, Hans-Werner/Massing, Peter/Skuhr, Werner (Eds.): Politische Bildung in Deutschland. Entwicklung – Stand – Perspektiven. Opladen. Oechsle, Mechthild/Wetterau, Karin (Eds.): Politische Bildung und Geschlechterverhältnis. Opladen. Richter, Dagmar (1991): Geschlechtsspezifische Sozialisation und Politische Bildung. Hamburg. Richter, Dagmar (2014): Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte politischen Lernens. In: Sander, Wolfgang (Ed.): Handbuch politische Bildung. Schwalbach/Ts.: 359-365. Sauer, Birgit (2010): Geschlechterverhältnisse und Politik. In: Lösch, Bettina/Thimmel, Andreas (Eds.): Kritische politische Bildung. Ein Handbuch. Schwalbach/Ts.: 229-239. Sensevy, Gérard (2011): Overcoming Fragmentation: Towards a Joint Action Theory in Didactics. In: Hudson, Brian/Meyer, Meinert A. (Eds.): Beyond Fragmentation: Didactics, Learning and Teaching in Europe. Opladen, Farmington Hills: 60-76. Sensevy, Gérard (2012): About the Joint Action Theory in Didactics. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften 15: 503-516. Schluß, Henning/Jehle, May (2013): Videodokumentation von Unterricht. Zugänge zu einer neuen Quellengattung der Unterrichtsforschung. Wiesbaden. Winckler, Marie (2014): Von Geschlechterdifferenzen zu Differenzierungsprozessen. Veränderungen und Innovationspotenziale in der Politikdidaktik. In: zeitschrift für didaktik der gesellschaftswissenschaften 1: 116-117.
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