Network: 27. Didactics - Learning and Teaching
27 SES 01 A, A Workshop on Writing, Reviewing and Publishing in Peer Reviewed Journals
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K3.02, Chair: Kathryn Scantlebury
- A Workshop on Writing, Reviewing and Publishing in Peer Reviewed Journals
Kathryn Scantlebury Carol Taylor Susanne Gannon
27 SES 01 B, Teaching and Learning: Texts, writing and experience
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K3.05, Chair: Marte Blikstad-Balas
- An Application of Foucault’s Askēsis in Autobiographical Writing to Develop One’s Bildung
- The Experience of Teaching and Learning – a Phenomenological Approach
- Why and How do Students Read Fiction? A Study of The Role of Literary Texts in Lower Secondary Language Arts Lessons
Jeong-Hee Kim
Katalin Hejja-Nagy
Ida Gabrielsen Michael Tengberg Marte Blikstad-Balas
27 SES 02 A, Exploring Pedagogies of Dialogic Space
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K3.02, Chair: Bob Jeffrey
- Exploring Pedagogies of Dialogic Space
- Creativity as Embodied Dialogue
- Dialogical Flow: Observing Classroom Emotions Intertwined with Learning Processes
- Embodied Dialogues and Creative Intersubjectivities in the Kokas Pedagogy
- Evaluating Pedagogy to Promote Dialogic Space in Internet Mediated Blogging across Cultural Difference
Eva Vass Rupert Wegerif Kerry Chappell Gabriella (Ameya) Canovi Bob Jeffrey CANNOT CHAIRThorkild Hanghøj Gabriella Deszpot
Kerry Chappell
Ameya Canovi
Eva Vass Gabriella Deszpot
Rupert Wegerif
27 SES 02 C, Teacher's Role, Experience and Knowledge
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K3.06, Chair: Georg Breidenstein
- The Teacher`s Roles - Alternation Between Different Teacher Positions In Didactic Practices
- Teacher Improviser: What does really work?
- The Construction Of Identity In An Illustration Project: The Reading Of Oneself And The World
Vigdis Vangsnes Nils Tore Økland
Eleonora Zorzi Marina Santi
Sofia Ré
27 SES 02 B, Sexism and Gender Equity in Educational Practices
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K3.05, Chair: Carol Taylor
- Effectiveness of the Gender Responsive Pedagogy- Kenya Equity in Education Project
- Grappling with Discourses of Sexism in Education
- “Girls are bad at math”: What role do stereotypes and student emotions play for boys and girls?
- Girls and boys at school. What about cybersexism?
Janet Okoko Dawn Wallin Laurie Hellsten
Amanda Cordova
Philippe Ambroise Genoud Gabriel Kappeler
Sigolene Couchot-Schiex Gabrielle Richard
27 SES 03 B, Primary School Curriculum and Learning
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: K3.05, Chair: Isabelle Mili
- Gender Gaps on Academic Achievement among Primary School Students and Influencing Factors ——Based on a Large-scale Assessment Data in China
- The Effect of Science Teaching Outside Traditional Classroom Environment on Elementary School Students' Science Process Skills and Attitudes toward Science
Ruilin Wu Meiling Niu Yihua Sun
Nurcan Cansiz
27 SES 03 A, Opportunities to Talk: Comparing student engagement and participation in lower secondary classrooms in Norway, Sweden and Finland
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: K3.02, Chair: Kirsti Klette
- Opportunities to Talk: Comparing Student Engagement and Participation in Lower Secondary Classrooms in Norway, Sweden and Finland
- Comparing Instructional Practices and Student Engagement in Finland, Norway and Sweden
- Some Consequences of Classroom Smartphone use on Student Participation and Student Engagement in Classrooms in Finland and Sweden
- Text Based Interaction in Norway and Sweden: What Opportunities do Students have to Talk about Texts?
Kirsti Klette Fritjof Sahlstrom Marie Tanner Michael Tengeberg Marte Blikstad-Balas Astrid Roe David Clarke Verneri Valasmo Jennifer Maria Luoto
Astrid Roe Kirsti Klette Jennifer Maria Luoto
Fritjof Sahlstrom Marie Tanner Verneri Valasmo
Michael Tengeberg Marte Blikstad-Balas
27 SES 04 A JS, International Comparisons of CLIL Teachers’ Actions and Needs
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K3.02, Chair: Brigitte Gruson
- International Comparisons Of CLIL Teachers’ Actions And Needs
- Teaching Chemistry In English As A Foreign Language, A Case Study
- Content And Language Integrated Learning: A Physics And English First-Year University Programme Developed Cooperatively
- Content Teachers' Needs and Mindset Toward the Content and Language Integrated Classroom
Brigitte Gruson Carole Le Hénaff Alain Jameau Tracy Bloor Punwalai Kewara Anke Wegner Jean-Marie Boilevin
Carole Le Henaff Alain Jameau Brigitte Gruson Jean-Marie Boilevin Lola Thépenier
Tracy Bloor
Punwalai Kewara
27 SES 04 B, Gender, Subject Didactics and Curriculum
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K3.05, Chair: Carol Taylor
- Gender issues in physical education. A didactic study in an underprivileged multi-ethnic school.
- Gender Equality As A Subject Of Civics Courses– A Historic Video Case As A Contribution To An Actual Discourse
- Gender in Czech Art Education
Claire Debars Ingrid Verscheure Chantal Amade-Escot Ingrid Verscheure Chantal Amade-Escot
May Jehle
Zuzana Svatošová Marie Fulkova
27 SES 05 A, Teacher Professional Developement through Didactics and History of Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K3.02, Chair: Carole Le Hénaff
- Beginner Teacher Students' Views on History and History Education
- Professionalization Process of Prospective Music Teacher
- Dead, surviving or flourishing? Teaching the history of education in/for the 21st century
Anna-Lena Lilliestam
Isabelle Mili
Nele Reyniers Pieter Verstraete Sarah Van Ruyskensvelde Geert Kelchtermans
27 SES 05 B, Cross-cultural Comparisons on Reading in Classrooms
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K3.05, Chair: Marte Blikstad-Balas
- Do Teachers Give Priority to Reading Strategy Instruction in Norwegian Secondary Classrooms?
- What is learning in co-educational situations? Case study in didactics: a reading and writing session in the first school year.
- Implementation of tiered instruction in reading contributing to the gifted students’ needs in teaching English at Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools
Camilla Magnusson Marte Blikstad-Balas
Murielle Gerin Monique Loquet
Aliya Olzhayeva Anzhela Aitbayeva
27 SES 05 C, Innovative Approaches to Learning and Teaching
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K3.06, Chair: Mylène Ducrey Monnier
27 SES 06 B, Democracy Education : Didactics and /or curriculum
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K3.05, Chair: Jonas Almqvist
- Education For World Citizenship: Technocratization And Homogenization Of The Curriculum Or Democratic Bildung?
- Students’ Perceptions of Politics and Three Conceptions of the Relationship between People and Politics
- The Importance Of Potentiality As A General Didactical Concept In Notions Of Teaching For Democracy
Lejf Moos Theo Wubbels
Nora Elise Hesby Mathé
Jonas Nordmark
27 SES 06 A JS, Cultural Approach in Mathematics Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K6.04, Chair: Florence Ligozat
- Comparison of Instructional Practices in Norwegian and Finnish-Swedish Mathematics Classrooms: Representation of content
- Moments of Emergence: A Networked Collaborative Inquiry to Enhance Mathematics Teaching and Learning in a Canadian Context
- How Do Mathematics Teachers Use Scaffolding During Their Lessons in Lower Secondary Schools?
Jennifer Luoto Kirsti Klette Marte Blikstad-Balas
Martha Koch Christine Suurtamm
Roar Bakken Stovner
27 SES 07 B, Addressing Normativity in Classroom Research
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K3.05, Chair: Georg Breidenstein
- Addressing Normativity in Classroom Research
- The Descriptive-Normative Tension in the Didactic Analysis of Classroom Practices: Perspectives from Comparative Didactics
- The Normativity of Rating Manuals in Classroom
- “Ethnomethodological Indifference” and Normativity in Classroom Research
Georg Breidenstein Kristi Klette Marte Blikstad-Balas Florence Ligozat Anne Monnier Tanya Tyagunova Christina Huf
Florence Ligozat Anne Monnier
Kristi Klette Marte Blikstad-Balas
Georg Breidenstein Tanya Tyagunova
27 SES 07 A JS, Gender Issues in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K3.02, Chair: Chantal Amade-Escot
- SPOC-supported course for promoting gender diversity in ICT careers
- Queering STEM: Innovative Curriculum and Teaching Techniques in Science Education
- Changing University Cultures and Responses To Sexual Violence: Using Feminist Research To Develop Educational Initiatives
Chantal Morley Martina Mc Donnell
Helene Götschel Florian Cristobal Klenk
Vanita Sundaram Carolyn Jackson Pam Alldred Alison Phipps
27 SES 08 A, Gender and Educational Practices across International Traditions of Didactics, Learning and Teaching
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K3.02, Chair: Carol Taylor
- Gender and Educational Practices Across International Traditions of Didactics, Learning and Teaching
- Developing a More Holistic Understanding of the Impact of University Cultures on Gendered Hierarchies
- Didactic temporalities, pedagogical interventions and gender based violence in Australian schools
- Gender Positioning as a tool to describe how gender order is enacted in classrooms: a didactic contribution
- Imagining forwards: Gender, Bildung and Feminist Utopia(s)
Carol Taylor Andrea Abbas Susanne Gannon Chantal Amade-Escot Richard Waller Annette Hayton Andrew Bengry-Howell
Abbas Andrea Richard Waller Annette Hayton Andrew Bengry-Howell
Susanne Gannon
Chantal Amade-Escot
Carol Taylor
27 SES 08 B, Schools : Agency structure and culture
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K3.05, Chair: Monique Loquet
- Cultural Capital and the Perception of Feedback
- Students’ Motivation and Teachers’ Motivational Support in Mathematics, Science and English Classrooms
Bent Sortkær
Jutarat Vibulphol Jyrki Loima Sansanee Nenthien Sakolrat Kaewdee
27 SES 08 C, Didactics and Early Childhood Education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K3.06, Chair: Isabelle Mili
- An Assessment Of Death Education In Childhood Education, Based On Project Methodology
- Feedback Interaction In Primary School Classrooms
- Does Kindergarten turn into a primary school?
Maria Sanchez Francisca Jose Serrano Pastor Maria Jose Martinez Segura
Elisabeth Eriksson
Gabriel Kappeler
27 SES 08.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 12:00-13:00, Room: K3.02, Chair: Florence Ligozat
- Network Meeting
Florence Ligozat
27 SES 09 A, Lesson Studies and Co-teaching : Perspectives in didactics
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K3.02, Chair: Anke Wegner
- Lesson Study As A Source Of Professional Growth For Student Teachers: An Example In Second Language Didactics
- The Implementation of the Lesson Study Model in Assessing an Educational Toy Design Workshop in a Museum
- What Difference Does It Make If Words Are Regarded To Be The Interface Between Communication And Thought, Or 'Just Words'?
Brigitte Gruson Mylène Ducrey Monnier
Kostas Karadimitriou Myrsini Lantzourakis Katerina Gioftsali Maria Moumoulidou Galini Rekalidou
Anna Lyngfelt
27 SES 09 B, Theoritical Explorations in Didactics
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K3.05, Chair: Gérard Sensevy
- The theory of simplexity in teacher education: Bridging the gap between general didactics and didactics of disciplines
- How Do Different Standards Lead To Different Conclusions? A Comparison Between Meta-Analyses Of Two Research Centers
- Remembering Didactical Concepts – A New-Old Structural Model
Iolanda Zollo Filomena Agrillo Maurizio Sibilio
Marta Pellegrini
Stefan Ting Graf
27 SES 09 C, Curriculum & Didactics : Subject learning
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K3.06, Chair: Bernard Schneuwly
- Practical aesthetic school subjects and transfer thinking. From general transfer to deep learning?
- Suitability of Cartographic Symbols on the Example of the Economic Maps in Czech School Atlases
- The Typical Curricular Form of Home Economics at School: a Didactical Approach of Curriculums and their Relationships with School Disciplines.
Jorunn Spord Borgen Finn Hjardemaal
Petr Trahorsch Jan Daniel Bláha
Joël Lebeaume
27 SES 10 A JS, Gender Issues and Physical Education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: K3.02, Chair: Fiona Chambers
- Societal Evolution, institutional Injunctions and Physical Education teaching. How do Students and Teachers perceive Sexism and Homophobia ?
- How collaborative research can enhance gender equality and changes of teaching practices in elementary school. A didactic analysis of a rugby unit
- "The Physical And Virtual Wall Between Boys And Girls In Icelandic Compulsory School Classrooms”
Sigolene Couchot-Schiex
Ingrid Verscheure
Bergljót Þrastardóttir
27 SES 10 B, Literacy, Cross-disciplinary and Subject Focus in Resources and Classroom Practices
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: K3.05, Chair: Florence Ligozat
- Prescribing Literacy Teaching for all School Subjects. How cross-curricular professional development in literacy addresses the objectives of specific school subjects
- Uncertainty as (Re-)Source of Instructional Change in Subject Education (Arts, English, Mathematics)
- Initial Literacy and Logical-Mathematical Knowledge: Confluence of Practices in a Case Study in Early Childhood Education
Nils Kirsten
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs Maria Peters Sabine Doff
Elena Ramírez Inés Rodríguez Jorge Martín-Domínguez María Clemente
27 SES 11 A, Transaction and Recognition
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K3.02, Chair: Anette Olin
- Transaction and Recognition
- Dialogue as Epistemic Cooperative Relationship
- Didactics, Dialogue and Development
- The Joint Action in Didactics as an Analytical Tool in Participatory Action Research
Anette Olin Jonas Almqvist Sophie Joffredo-Le Brun Mireille Morellato Benoît Lenzen Hannu Heikkinen Karim Hamza Gérard Sensevy Serge Quilio Geneviève Emond Marc Boutet Pierre Boudreau
Sophie Joffredo-Le Brun Mireille Morellato Gérard Sensevy Serge Quilio
Anette Olin Jonas Almqvist Karim Hamza
Benoît Lenzen Geneviève Emond Marc Boutet Pierre Boudreau
27 SES 12 A, Didactics and Bildung: Subject-specific education through and beyond the curriculum (Part 1)
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: K3.02, Chair: Helmut Johannes Vollmer
- Didactics and Bildung, Part 1: Subject-Specific Education through and beyond the Curriculum
- Bildung as Generalization: Linking and Systematizing Learning Experiences
- The Comenius–Condorcet/Humboldt–Vygotsky Line: School Disciplines as Organization of Knowledge for Developing the Person
Helmut Johannes Vollmer . . Bernard Schneuwly Gérard Sensevy
Helmut Johannes Vollmer
Bernard Schneuwly
27 SES 12 B, Schools and Identities Narratives
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: K3.05, Chair: Meinert Arnd Meyer
- Gender Equality Issues in Teacher Education and in Schools: A Plea for a Change in Practice
- Meaningful narratives in classroom - Teachers’ intentions and practices
- Teaching of Ethics in Schools in Poland: Main Challenges
Gudny S. Gudbjornsdottir Thordis Thordardottir Steinunn H. Larusdottir
Raili Keränen-Pantsu
Joanna Madalinska-Michalak
27 SES 13 B, Language and Education Research
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: K3.05, Chair: Anke Wegner
- Learning Analytics in Secondary Education: Assessment for Learning in 7th Grade Language Teaching
- Choreographing Language: the Role of Metaphor in Education Research
Wilfried Admiraal Jordi Vermeulen Jacqueline Bulterman-Bos
Monica Pentassuglia Giuseppe Tacconi Marco Perini
27 SES 13 A, Didactics and Bildung: Exemplifying the relationship (Part 2)
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: K3.02, Chair: Helmut Johannes Vollmer
- Didactics and Bildung, Part 2: Exemplifying the Relationship
- Bildung Inherent in the Subject: Analyzing Subject Goals and Outcomes in Relation to Bildung
- Learning Foreign Languages and More: Bildung as a Surplus
- Wolfgang Klafki's Theory of Bildung and the European Educational Agenda
Helmut Vollmer Meinert Meyer Bernard Schneuwly Gérard Sensevy
Bernard Schneuwly
Helmut Vollmer
Meinert Meyer
27 SES 13 C JS, Unpacking The Many Meanings Of Justice In Education: Analyzing justice from multiple perspectives
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: W5.13, Chair: Kirsti Klette
- Unpacking The Many Meanings Of Justice In Education: Analyzing justice from multiple perspectives
- Social Justice of education - privatization of education in the Nordic countries: possibilities of comparisons based on register data
- Dynamics in Education politics: Understanding and Explaining the Finnish Case
- The Many Meanings of Justice in Education – Taking a Classroom Perspective
- Analyzing Social Justice Through the Lenses of Inclusion and Marginalization
Kirsti Klette Lisbeth Lundahl Jón Torfi Jónasson Jaakko Kauko Hannu Simola Marte Blikstad-Balas Jennifer Maria Luoto Gunialla Holm Francesco Gobbo Anne Lise Arnesen Janne Varjo Mira Kalalahti Jenni Helakorpi Anna-Leena Riitaoja Harriet Zilliacus
;Lisbeth Lundahl Jón Torfi Jónasson Anne Lise Arnesen
Jaakko Kauko Hannu Simola Janne Varjo Mira Kalalahti
Marte Blikstad-Balas Jennifer Maria Luoto Kirsti Klette
Gunialla Holm Jenni Helakorpi Anna-Leena Riitaoja Harriet Zilliacus
27 SES 14 A, Comparative Perspectives on Joint Action in Didactics: High epistemic quality for equitable access to high quality learning and education in school
Friday, 2017-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: K3.02, Chair: Brian Hudson
- Comparative Perspectives on Joint Action in Didactics: High Epistemic Quality for Equitable Access to High Quality Learning and Education in School
Brian Hudson Monique Loquet Meinert Arnd Meyer Anke Wegner Murielle Gerin
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