Session Information
27 SES 04 B, Gender, Subject Didactics and Curriculum
Paper Session
Theoretical backgrounds:
Over the years an increasing volume of research in various school subjects has recognised that pedagogical practices reproduce gendered aspects of the cultural heritage of societies. In physical education (PE) pedagogical practices participate in the social construction of gendered bodies and minds through the curriculum. Girls and boys do not benefit from equal opportunities to participate in physical activities (Flintoff & Scraton, 2006). In the case of underprivileged urban schools, this statement is even worse as teachers have to maintain discipline and struggle against sexism in ways that can allow obtaining peace in the class (Larsson et al., 2009; Öhrn, 2009). This presentation focuses, within a didactique research approach (Amade-Escot et al., 2015; Amade-Escot & Verscheure, 2016; Verscheure & Amade-Escot, 2007) on how teacher and students interactions participate in the production of gendered content in a multi-ethnic class located in an economically deprived area. Its purpose is to examine the extent to which gender issues are addressed at the knowledge content level. Our contribution emphases the need of using different scales of analysis to understand how teachers and students struggle with gender issues during didactical transactions. During classroom practices, the teacher gives the students directions that expose what counts as knowledge and appropriate ways of practicing in a specific social practice. But teachers and students may not have the same goals or same agendas. Negotiations and transactions occur, some of them related to the gendered facets of each particular piece of content. Especially in PE where “since the demands of every sport involve a particular balance between force and skill, it can be suggested that the more it is force that is decisive, the more a physically dominating hegemonic masculinity can be publicly celebrated” (Whitson, 1994, p. 363).
Expected Outcomes
Amade-Escot, C., Elandoulsi, S. Verscheure, I. (2015). Physical Education in Tunisia: Teachers’ Practical Epistemology, Students’ Positioning and Gender Issues. Sport, Education and Society. 20(5), 656-675. DOI:10.1080/13573322.2014.997694 Amade-Escot, C. & Verscheure, I. (2016). Gender and didactics: from curricula to classroom practices. Coordinators of NW 27 Symposium on Gender - ECER, Dublin, Ireland, 23- 26 August 2016. Debars, C., Verscheure,I., & Amade-Escot, C. (2016). Analyse didactique du processus enseignement-apprentissage en milieu difficile, en Education Physique et Sportive : un essai de problématisation des inégalités de genre. Communication présentée au colloque de l’ARCD, Toulouse, France, 8-11 mars 2016. Fagrell, B., Larsson H. & Redelius, K. (2012). The game within the game: girls’ underperforming position in Physical Education. Gender and Education, 24(1), 101-118. Griffin, P.S (1985) Boys' participation styles in a middle school physical education team sports unit. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 4, 100-110. Larsson, H., Fagrell, B. & Redelius, K. (2009). Queering physical education. Between benevolence towards girls and a tribute to masculinity. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 14(1), 1-17. Öhrn, E. (2009). Challenging Sexism? Gender and Ethnicity in the Secondary School Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 53(6), 579–590. Schubauer-Leoni, M.L. (1996). Etude du contrat didactique pour des élèves en difficulté en mathématiques. Problématique didactique et/ou psychosociale. In C. Raisky, et M. Caillot (Eds.) Au-delà des didactiques le didactique : débats autour de concepts fédérateurs (pp.159-189). Bruxelles: De Boëck, Perspectives en Education. Verscheure, I. & Amade-Escot, C. (2007). The gendered construction of physical education content as the result of the differentiated didactic contract. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 12(3), 245-272. Verscheure, I. & Vinson, M. (2017, forthcoming). Effets de l’action didactique conjointe des professeurs et des élèves sur la construction différentielle des « positions de genre » en EPS. In Brière-Guenoun F., Couchot-Schiex, S., Verscheure, & I. Poggi M.P. (Eds.). Analyses didactiques et sociologiques de la construction des inégalités d’accès au savoir dans les pratiques d’enseignement et de formation en EPS en France. Besançon : Presses Universitaires de Franche Conté. Whitson, D. (1994). The embodiment of gender: discipline, domination and empowerment, In S. Birrell & S. Cole (Eds.), Women, Sport and Culture (pp. 353-371).Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics.
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