Session Information
27 SES 08 C, Didactics and Early Childhood Education
Paper Session
Over the last few years, a great advance in emotional education has been carried out in response to children's social needs. Linked to this emotional development, in our current culture, we observe that loss and death are associated with negative emotions and have been established as a social taboo, as sex was before (Gorer, 1965). Precisely for this reason, it is not easy to include the education for death together with emotional education in classrooms. Although it has great educational potential, it is still an area to be developed in the education of the country (García, & Aura, 2010).
On the other hand, we know that children are facing situations of death, both biological: loss of family, pets, etc., and symbolic: teeth loss, loss of attachment objects, etc., Children perceive death and react to these experiences, which have a great impact on emotional development (Corr, 2010; Koehler, 2010).
In this sense, different experts (Esquerda, & Agustí, 2012; Howarth, 2011; Kübler-Ross, 1999; Pedrero, & Leiva, 2011) have pointed out the need action from schools and include education in the face of loss and death in order to satisfy the needs of children in an integral sense. In particular, Herrán, and Cortina (2006), consider that it is appropriate to initiate death education in childhood.
Our research tries to answer the following questions:
- How does the teacher value the development of the death education project?
- How does the teacher assess the programming of objectives, materials and resources, methodology, class management, motivation and evaluation, in relation to their adequacy, pertinence, relevance, and frequency during the development of the project?
- Are there differences in assessments throughout project development?
Therefore, the objectives of this paper are:
- Assess the adequacy, pertinence, relevance and frequency of the dimensions: programming of objectives, materials and resources, methodology, class management, motivation and evaluation, during project development.
- Compare the different assessments measures carried out by the teacher in the course of the development of the project.
Learning based projects, establish its basic pillars in pragmatism and constructivism. Students raise, develop and evaluate a project based on a real problem. It presents as the main characteristics of social learning, autonomous, meaningful, contextualized, holistic and active (Blank, 1997; Harwell, 1997).
Because of this, this method enables the learning of contents in an interdisciplinary and globalised way. Part of the experience, of real issues and initiates students in research (Blumenfeld et al. 1991; Muñoz, & Díaz, 2009). Therefore, following the ideas of Herrán, and Cortina (2006) we consider that this methodology may be adequate for the treatment of death education.
The designed project is focused on a preventive and formative perspective (Herrán, & Cortina, 2006). It consists of 11 sessions of which its driving axis is the cycle of life and the emotions linked to the different phases of the life cycle.
The programme takes into account the principles of the projects methods, so it includes the collaboration of families in order to take into account all the agents involved in a child's education.
Expected Outcomes
Blumenfeld, P. C., Soloway, E., Marx, R. W., Krajcik, J. S., Guzdial, M., & Palincsar, A. (1991). Motivating project-based learning: Sustaining the doing, supporting the learning. Educational Psychologist, 268(3&4), 369-398. doi: 10.1080/00461520.1991.9653139 Blank, W. (1997). Authentic instruction. In W. E. Blank, & S. Harwell (Eds.), Promising practices for connecting high school to the real world(pp. 15–21). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida. Corr, C. (2010). Children, development, and encounters with death, bereavement, and coping. In C. A. Corr, & D. E. Balk (Coord.), Children’s Encounters with Death, Bereavement, and Coping(pp. 1-20). New York: Springer. Day Ashley, L. (2012). Case study research. In J. Arthur, M. Waring, R. Coe, & L. V. Hedgs (Eds.), Research Methods & Methodologies in Education. London: SAGE. Esquerda, M., & Agustí, A. M. (2012). El niño ante la muerte. Cómo acompañar a chicos y adolescentes que han perdido a un ser querido [The child facing death. How to accompany children who have lost a loved one]. Lleida: Editorial Milenio. García, A., & Aura, M. C. (2010). La gran Carencia. Muerte, eutanasia y educación [The great lack. Death, euthanasia and education]. Murcia: Diego Marín. Gorer, G. D. (1965). Death, grief and mourning. New York: Doubleday & Co. Harwell, S. (1997). Project-based learning. In W. E. Blank, & S. Harwell (Eds.), Promising practices for connecting high school to the real world(pp. 23-28). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida. Herrán, A., & Cortina, M. (2006). La muerte y su didáctica. Manual para Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria [Death and didactis. Manual for childhood, elementary and high education]. Madrid: Editorial Universitas. Howarth, R. A. (2011). Promoting the adjustment of parentally bereaved children. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 33, 21-32. doi: 10.17744/mehc.33.1.a2m06x0835352741 Koehler, K. (2010). Sibling Bereavement in Childhood. In C. A. Corr & D. E. Balk (Coord.), Children’s Encounters with Death, Bereavement, and Coping(pp. 195-218). New York: Springer. Kübler-Ross, E. (1999). Los niños y la muerte [Children and death]. Barcelona: Luciérnaga. Muñoz, A., & Díaz, M. R. (2009). Metodología por proyectos en el área de conocimiento del medio [Project method in knowledge environmental]. Revista Docencia e investigación, 19, 101-126. Retrieved from Pedrero, E., & Leiva, J. J. (2011). La muerte, tema radical y perenne en la educación. Hacia una (r)evolución educativa [Death, radical subject in education. Towards an educational (r)evolution]. XII Congreso Internacional de Teoría de la Educación. Retrieved from
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