Session Information
27 SES 03 B, Primary School Curriculum and Learning
Paper Session
There are many international studies on gender gaps of academic achievement, and these results show that boys do well in mathematics, but in reading literacy has the opposite result. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) planned and organized by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development is one of the most influential international student learning assessment items in the world. Machin and Pekkarinen analyzed the PISA data, and they found that the average reading scores of boys were lower than girls and meanwhile, boys got higher average scores in mathematics than girls. Furthermore, this gender gap was found in positive relation with the learners' academic achievement. According to the results form PISA 2012, eastern Asian countries, such as Shanghai-China, Singapore and Chinese Taipei, girls did as well as boys in mathematics, both on average and among the highest-performing students, and the gender gap in reading, in favor of girls, was narrower than OECD average.
Actually, such gender gaps are not only appeared in middle school students, but also emerged in primary school students of minority in Xinjiang. Both in Chinese and mathematic, girls did better than boys. The steady gender gap had been revealed by six years successive investigation during 2011-2016 in Xinjiang. China has long been a multiethnic and multilingual country. In the society of 21st century, both the country and the ethnic minorities in China are facing the same problems as the other multiethnic countries of the world have. China needs to both maintain the unity of the country and to promote the diversified development of cultures of ethnic minorities. Members of each ethnic minority have to learn the common language (refers to Chinese) to step into the mainstream modern society and also to learn minority language to maintain traditional culture as well. It has resulted in an inevitable trend to develop bilingual education specialized in the common language and a minority language. As a main component of education for minorities, bilingual education also acts as an essential measure to solve the problem both in the unity of the country and the development of minorities. The function of minorities’ bilingual education will be increasingly strengthened with the further development of society.
We hypothesized there were gender differences in “problem behaviors in school” and “the interest in mathematics study” these two indexes which would affect students’ achievement and performance. Problem behaviors in school referred to the frequency of students' truancy. We also considered the related factors that influenced the education achievement of the students, including intellectual helplessness and national identity. National identity is a sense of belonging to our nation. Previous studies have found that the dimension of the evaluation and behavior about the recognition of Chinese National identity have a strongly correlation to the adaptation of interpersonal relationships which may exert an indirect influence on academic performance. Intellectual helplessness is analogous to learned helplessness. It can negatively predict students’ academic achievement. We supposed that these indexes were the main factors of influencing the academic achievement. There were two main teaching models in minority class. One was Chinese Medium Education which taught in Chinese and their own language, and the other was Uighur Medium Education which often taught in Uighur. We also supposed that different teaching model would contribute to students’ academic achievement which meant that students with higher Chinese grades would behave better in mathematic that was instructed by Chinese.
Expected Outcomes
Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy. The exercise of control. New York: Freeman. Dickerson, A., Mcintosh, S., & Valente, C. (2013). Do the maths: An analysis of the gender gap in mathematics in Africa. Social Science Electronic Publishing, 46(6),1-22. Bedard, K., & Cho, I. (2010). Early gender test score gaps across OECD countries. Economics of Education Review, 29(3),348-363. Bharadwaj, P., Giorgi, G, D., & Hansen, D., Chris, N. (2012). The Gender Gap in Mathematics: Evidence from Low- and Middle-Income Countries. NBER Working Paper No. 18464. Ellison, G., & Swanson, A. (2010). The Gender Gap in Secondary School Mathematics at High Achievement Levels: Evidence from the American Mathematics Competitions. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(2),109-28. Fortin, N. M., Oreopoulos, P., & Phipps, S. (2013). Leaving Boys Behind: Gender Disparities in High Academic Achievement, NBER Working Papers, No. 19331 Fryer, R. G., & Levitt, S. D. (2010). An Empirical Analysis of the Gender Gap in Mathematics. American Economic Journal Applied Economics, 2(2),210-40. Guiso, L., Monte, F., Sapienza, P., Zingales, L. (2008). Culture, Gender, and Math. Science, 320(5880),1164-5. Lai, F. (2010). Are boys left behind? The evolution of the gender achievement gap in Beijing's middle schools. Economics of Education Review, 29(3),383-399. Machin, S., & Pekkarinen, T. (2008). Global Sex Differences in Test Score Variability. Science, 322(5906),1331-2. Organisation For Economic Co-operation And Development. (2007). PISA 2006:Science Competencies for Tomorrow’s World. Paris:OECD. Organisation For Economic Co-operation And Development. (2015). PISA 2012 results: The ABC of Gender Equality in Education: Aptitude, Behaviour, Confidence. OECD Publishing. Sedek, G., & Mcintosh, D., N. (1998) Intellectual Helplessness. Personal Control in Action. Springer US. ,419-443.
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