Session Information
27 SES 05 B, Cross-cultural Comparisons on Reading in Classrooms
Paper Session
The teaching and learning situation we analyze is a reading and writing session in the first school year in France. The students are six years old. In our excerpt, two students are working together: a boy and a girl. The fact that this is a mixed group is significant. Nevertheless, we differ from the studies (Mosconi (2015), Zaidman (1996), Jarlegan (2015), Faulstich-Wieland, Weber, Willems (2004), Budde (2006), Einarsson & Granström (2002), Sievers, (2006)) which attend to explain how primary school teaching practices are part of the process of a gender-based-division of knowledge. We also distinguish our research from the debate about co-educational/single-sex schooling (Younger and Warrington, 2002), (Smithers and Robinson, 2006), (Duru-Bellat, 2010). However, these studies inspire our work and we are asking the following question: how could co-education happened so that it becomes a tool to learn the knowledge at stake taken from the curriculum and at the same time a culture of gender equality?
The shift to co-education occurred in France in the 1970s. Mixed schools have been implemented because of economics issues. Equality between men and women, boys and girls has not been point as a perspective. Through the co-educational schooling system has been hardly ever discussed by the teachers. In many cases, boys and girls are seating next to each other in the classroom but do rarely have the opportunity to work together on an equality perspective. The questions we are raising are the following: what are the didactic conditions to enable a co-education that promotes a boy-girl’s coordinated action in a didactic situation? Is there a link between learning reading and writing in the first school year and learning a culture of gender equality?
Our research question is this: within a reading and writing situation, how interactions between a boy and a girl are adjusted to one another and articulated to interactions with the teacher, in order to enact a specific move toward the knowledge at stake that would be learning reading and writing and at the same time learning a culture of gender equality?
Based on the analysis of a lesson’s observation, our objective is to describe emerging didactic conditions which enable a boy-girl’s coordinated action within a learning situation.
Our theoretical framework would be Joint Action theory in Didactics (Sensevy, 2011; Gruson, Forest and Loquet, 2013) and specifically The Reticence-Expression Dialectics. Therefore, we will focus on the dialectics of telling-showing (expression) and being tacit-hiding (reticence) of the teacher. The Reticence-Expression Dialectics means that in order to enable a student’s action that would be comprehensive and autonomous, the teacher has to show and at the same time to hide some components of the piece of the knowledge at stake. In our excerpt we would attempt to show how The Reticence-Expression Dialectics of the teacher may enable a boy-girl’s coordinated action in a learning reading and writing situation.
Expected Outcomes
Budde, J. (2006). Wie Lehrkräfte Geschlechte (mit)machen – doing Gender als schulischer Aushandlungsprozess. In Gender und Schule, Geschlechterverhältnisse in Theorie und schulischer Praxis. Oldenburg: Bis Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Dölling, I. (2005). Geschlechter-Wissen. In Zeitschrift für Frauenforschung und Geschlechterstudien. Jg. 23 H 1+2, S. 44-62. Bielefeld. Duru-Bellat, M. (2010). Ce que la mixité fait aux élèves. Revue de l’OFCE, n°114. Juillet 2010. Einarsson, C. & Granström, K. (2002). Gender-biased interaction in the classroom: the influence of gender and age in the relationship between teacher and pupil. Scandinavian Journal of Research, 46, 117-127. Faulstich-Wieland, H., Weber, M., Willems, K. (2004). Doing Gender im heutigen Schulltag. Empirische Studien zur sozialen Konstruktion von Geschlecht in schulischen Interaktionen. Weinheim, München. Gruson, B., Forest, D., Loquet, M. (2013). Jeux de savoirs. Etude de l’action conjointe en didactique. Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes. Jarlégan, A. (2015). Mixité, pratiques enseignantes et socialisation scolaire : l'apport d'une approche quantitative (Note de synthèse HDR). Université de Lorraine. Mosconi, N. (2015, 25 novembre 2015). La mixité dans la perspective de genre. Communication présentée au colloque CNRS, IEC : La mixité et ses enjeux. Repéré à Pasquier, G. (2016). Du contrôle de ses actions à l’implication des élèves : la mise en place d’une gestion égalitaire de la prise de parole entre les filles et les garçons par des enseignantes d’école primaire, in Former à l’égalité, défi pour une mixité véritable (dir. Léchenet, Baurens, Collet).Paris: L’Harmattan. Sensevy, G. (2011). ‘Overcoming fragmentation: Towards a joint action theory in didactics’, in Hudson, B. & Meyer, M. A. (Eds) Beyond Fragmentation: Didactics, Learning, and Teaching. Opladen and Farmington Hills: Verlag Barbara Budrich. pp.60–76. Sensevy, G. (2012). About the Joint Action in Didactics. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. Sensevy, G. (2015). Analyzing teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge from the perspective of the joint action theory in didactics. Understanding Science Teachers’Professional Knowledge Growth. 63-85. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Sievers, L. (2006). Stockholm, Genderarbeit in der schwedischen Schule. In Gender und Schule, Geschlechterverhältnisse in Theorie und schulischer Praxis. Oldenburg: Bis Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Smithers, A. & Robinson, P. (2006). The Paradox of Single-Sex and Co-Educational Schooling. Buckingham : University of Buckingham Carmichael Press. Younger, M. & Warrington, M. (2002). Single-sex teaching in a co-educational comprehensive school in England: an evaluation based upon student’s performance and classroom interactions. British Educational Research Journal, 28, (3), 353-373.
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