Session Information
09 SES 02 B, Issues in Assessing Reading and Language Competencies in Mother Tongue, Second and Foreign Language
Paper Session
In the modern educational space there have been great changes in the evaluation system due to the introduction of new approaches in education. A new evaluation system has been implemented in The Nazarbayev Intellectual school (NIS) system, including the criteria-based assessment. Implementation of the new evaluation system in the school practice requires analysis, and improvement of evaluation in order to improve the quality of teaching (Kavetsky, Ryzhkovskaya, 2010) [1].
For the system of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan criteria-based assessment is implemented in 2011, for a total of 6 years in the pilot schools, so this kind of evaluation is new for country. This raises a lot of questions and problems
Criteria-based approach (CBA) to the evaluation of students’ works become more and more popular in modern school, probably because such approach helps to exercise, particularly, feedback that enables all participants of the process (teachers and pupils, and parents). (CBA) involves a number of basic settings for the teacher:
1 Only the work of the student, not his personality can be evaluated using a mark;
2. Work the student is not directly comparable with the work of other students, but with the standard ( the way of perfect work);
3. The standard is informed to students in advance;
4. A clear marking algorithm is developed by which the student can determine his level of achievement and determine his mark by himself;
5. Teachers can evaluate only what is taught, so the evaluation criterion - a concrete expression of the educational objectives;
6. General learning objectives in the subject are the criteria for assessment of student achievement in the subject and allow to generalize the results, identified from student's separated works [2]
Why did we choose this research topic?
According to the results of academic progress on World History and English language among seventh grade with Kazakh language training a problem has been revealed - students can not write an essay.
The reasons: the language barrier, small vocabulary, did not read the task attentively, do not comply with the format of the essay (introduction, main part, conclusion), do not reveal the topic, do not know how to argue, give examples and facts, can not draw conclusions.
To solve this problem, teachers of World History and the English language have decided to conduct a study mong 7th grades with employment of Comparable Judgement approach.
Actuality of the topic: teachers of language subjects (Russian, Kazakh, literature and English), geography, history of Kazakhstan are faced such problems.
Currently, new requirements for the competence of pupils are presented, such as functional literacy, so this skill is very important as the ability to write an essay .
The purpose of the research: objective assessment of student’s work using the approach, to identify whether evaluation criteria are drawn up correctly and how to draw p evaluation criteria
To teach students to write an essay on a specific topic in Russian and English languages
To improve the quality of knowledge and skills
Increase vocabulary
To teach to follow the logic order of writing essays, taking into account characteristics of the subject being studied
To teach to follow the rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation
Teach to reveal the theme of essays deeply.
Hypothesis: Using different methods of estimation (criteria-based and comparative) teachers will be able to formulate the most effective criteria for assessing the essay that will help students to cope with this task.
Methods: The evaluation criteria, comparative evaluation, analysis, synthesis, and interviews.
The novelty of the research: There are no similar studies have been conducted in Russian language
Expected Outcomes
1. IT Kavetsky, TL Ryzhkovskaya, IA Koverzneva, VG Ignatovich, NA Loban, SV Starovoitova. Fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy - Minsk. Publishing house MIM 2010 2. Stella Cottrell (2008) Guidance on study skills, 286. 3., National Academy of Education named Y. Altynmarina, 2017 4. Laming, DRJ (2004) Human judgment: the eye of the beholder. London, Thomson. 5. Thurstone, LL (1927a). Psychophysical analysis. American Journal of Psychology, 38, 368-389. Chapter 2 Thurstone, LL (1959). Measurement of values. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. 6. Thurstone, LL (1927b). The method of paired comparisons for social values. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 21, 384-400. Chapter 7 Thurstone, LL (1959). Measurement values. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL 7. Bramley, T (2007) Paired comparison methods. In Newton, P, Baird, J, Patrick, H, Goldstein, H, P, Timms and Wood, (eds) Control methods of expertise standard comparability. London standards, CSA. 8. B Pollitt, A (2012) The Adaptive comparative judgment method. Evaluation in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice. 19: 3, 1-20. DOI: 10,1080 / 0969594X.2012.665354 9. 10. Kimbell R, A and Pollitt A (2008) assessment Coursework high-stakes exams: authenticity, creativity, reliability of the third international conference Rasch measurement. Perth: Western Australia in January
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