Network: 09. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement
09 SES 01 A, Assessing and Investigating Problem Solving
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: W5.13, Chair: Katrin Schulz-Heidorf
- Problem Solving Competence and Related Factors in PISA
- Assessing Online Collaborative Problem Solving of School Children: A case study utilising ATC21STM tool in Finland
Serkan Arikan
Arto K. Ahonen Susan-Marie Harding
09 SES 01 B, Early Literacy Interverventions and Development in Pre- and Primary School: Results from longitudinal studies
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: W5.18, Chair: Heike Wendt
- Preliminary Results From A Structured Vocabulary Intervention In Grade 2
- Early Phonological Intervention: A Longitudinal Design
- Is Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) consistent over time?
Sara Sjödin Ulrika Wolff
Ulrika Wolff Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Malena Åvall Ulrika Wolff
09 SES 01 C, Relating Classroom-, School- and System-Level-Factors to Achievement
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: W5.17, Chair: Antra Ozola
- Different Students, Different Impacts? Effect of School Characteristics on Disadvantages and Advantages Students’ Learning Outcome.
- Exploring the effects of classroom learning environment on critical thinking skills and disposition: A study of Hong Kong 12th graders in Liberal Studies
Matild Sagi
Zhi Hong Wan May Hung May Cheng
09 SES 02 A, Investigation Factors that Affect ICT-Competencies
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: W5.13, Chair: Ramona Lorenz
- The Investigation of the Structural Relationship among Factors That Affect Digital Reading
- Subjective and Objective Assessment of Information Literacy in Adolescents From a Spanish Region with a High Performance in PISA
Hye-young Park Jong-yun Kim Soo-kyoung Son
Héctor Javier García Llorente Adriana Gamazo García Fernando Martínez Abad Maria José Rodríguez Conde
09 SES 02 B, Issues in Assessing Reading and Language Competencies in Mother Tongue, Second and Foreign Language
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: W5.18, Chair: Sarah Howie
- Effects of Rater Training in Language Performance Assessments
- The Emergent Multiphase Design: How Mixed Methods Research Adds Value to a Reading Research Project
- Comparative Analysis of Essay Assessment By Two Methods: Criteria-Based Assessment And Comparable Judgement at Kazakhstan Schools
Michael Tengberg Gustaf B. Skar Pia Sundqvist Eric Borgström Erica Sandlund Lena Lötmarker
Lisbeth M Brevik
Tatyana Shikhareva Gulnur Izbassova
09 SES 02 C, Improving Measures of Socio-Economic Status to Support Educational Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: W5.17, Chair:
- Improving Measures of Socio-Economic Status to Support Educational Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
- International Measures of SES in Economics, Education, Health and Psychology
- Quality of SES Measures
- Towards a Global Scale of Household Wealth
Dan Cloney Tim Friedman Alla Routitsky Ray Adams Petra Lietz Ursula Schwantner Katherine Dix
Petra Lietz Ursula Schwantner Tim Friedman Katherine Dix
Tim Friedman Alla Routitsky Ursula Schwantner Petra Lietz Katherine Dix
All Routitsky Dan Cloney Petra Lietz Ray Adams
09 SES 03 A, Comparing Computer- and Paper-Based-Assessment
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: W5.13, Chair: Eugenio Gonzalez
- Beliefs, Interest, ICT Use and Math Achievement at PISA 2012: Comparing Pen-and-Paper and Computer Based Assessment
- Taking Reading Tests On Paper And Computer – The Analysis Of Mode Effects In Reading Assessments.
Jelena Radišic Guri A. Nortvedt Ragnhild Kobro Runde
Sarah Bürger Ulf Kröhne Frank Goldhammer
09 SES 03 B, Investigating Affective Outcomes in the STEM-Field at Primary and Secondary School Level
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: W5.18, Chair: Rolf Vegar Olsen
- Interests in STEM careers during primary schooling: Fitting the STEM interests into RIASEC structural space
- Assessment of Students’ Affective Outcomes in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015
- What we know about students’ attitudes towards mathematics and mathematic achievement in Germany and Denmark: A classification based on PISA
Toni Babarovic Ivan Dević Josip Burušić Dubravka Glasnović Gracin Marija Šakić Velić
Derek Cheung
Sascha Jarsinski Birgit Eickelmann Ramona Lorenz
09 SES 04 A, Investigating School Composition Effects
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: W3.11, Chair: Kajsa Yang Hansen
- Researching Mathematics Achievement Growth Of European Primary School Students – Results Towards Compositional Effects Of a Longitudinal Study
- The Impact of Specific Class Profiles on Within-School Segregation in Germany
- Improving odds for immigrant students best performance: understanding school ethnic composition effect in the Portuguese primary schools using multilevel analysis
Mario Vennemann Birgit Eickelmann Wilfried Bos
Sonja Nonte Tobias C. Stubbe Mareike Haas Maria Krieg
Teresa Seabra Helena Carvalho Patrícia Ávila
09 SES 04 B, Analyzing and Discussing the Dynamic School Effectiveness Model
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: W5.18, Chair: Jan Van Damme
- Validating Links Between Educational Effectiveness Research and School Improvement: The Impact of the Dynamic Approach to School Improvement
- Classroom Level Factors Promoting Qualitative Teaching For Slow Learner Students
- Design and evaluation of a Self-image Scale among adolescents
Yiannis Ioannou
Christina Ioanno Leonidas Kyriakides
Maria José Ferraces Otero Mar Lorenzo Moledo Agustin Godas otero
09 SES 04 C, Exploring the Role of Teachers in Assessment Practices
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: W5.17, Chair: Raphaela Porsch
- Summative Assessment and the Role of Teachers in the Assessment Process
- The Determination of the Instructional and Affective Influences of the High Stake Testing on Teachers in Turkey
- The Quality of Oral Feedback in English Instruction
Meyvant Thorolfsson
Meltem Acar Güvendir Yeşim Özer Özkan
Lisbeth M Brevik Ulrikke Rindal
09 SES 04.5 PS, General Poster Session
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 12:00-13:30, Room: W4.corridor (Poster Area), Chair:
- Different Admission Tools Uniquely Select Different Successful Students
- Explore Students’ Learning Strategies of Chemistry by Using Neuroscience Technology
- Looking back and looking forward. Studying student perceived benefits of peer-feedback in education degrees
Linda van Ooijen-van der Linden Maarten J. van der Smagt Susan F. te Pas Liesbeth Woertman
Chia-Ju Liu Chin-Fei Huang Hsiu-Chen Wu Siao-Jing Yen Chih-Chieh Hsu
Georgeta Ion Ingrid Agud-Morell Aleix Barrera-Corominas José Luís Muñoz Moreno
09 SES 05 A, Issues in Measurement and Sampling in Large Scale Assessments
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: W3.11, Chair: Agnes Stancel-Piatak
- Gauging the Measurement Property of Opportunity to Learn in PISA
- Understand Sources of DIF via Propensity Score Matching
- Who makes it into PISA? Understanding the impact of PISA sample eligibility using Turkey as a case study (PISA 2003 – PISA 2012)
Kajsa Yang Hansen Rolf Strietholt
Serkan Arikan Fons van de Vijver Kutlay Yagmur
Nicholas Spaull
09 SES 05 B JS, Perceptions and Learning Opportunities of Beginner Teachers on Assessment
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: W5.18, Chair: Martin Goy
- The implementation of the competency based assessment in the teacher training education: a study of a Spanish university
- Analysing Prospective Teachers’ Perceptions on Assessment and Evaluation Practices in Higher Education
- Preservice Teachers Learning How To Use Assessment For Equity
Enrique Alastor Garcia Cheikh-Lahlou Inmaculada Martinez-Garcia
Reyhan Ağçam Ebru Kaya
Mary Hill Fiona Ell Lexie Grudnoff Mavis Haigh Marilyn Cochran-Smith Larry Ludlow
09 SES 05 C, Exploring Teacher Attitudes towards Education Standards and Standardized Assessment
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: W5.17, Chair: Wen-Hui Lu
- The Attitude Of Russian Teachers Towards The New Educational Standards
- Outcomes From the 2017 Survey of Irish Primary Teachers’ Attitudes to and Use of Standardised Tests in Reading and Mathematics.
- Preschool and Kindergarten Teachers’ Conceptions of Standardized Norm-Referenced Assessment
Daria Khanolainen
Michael O'Leary Maeve Mc Cafferty Deirbhile NicCraith Zita Lysaght
Niek Frans Wendy Post Ineke Oenema-Mostert Alexander Minnaert
09 SES 06 A, Issues in Linking Large-Scale-Assessments
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: W3.11, Chair: João Marôco
- Comparing Mathematics Competencies Across Assessments
- Relative Age Effects in International Large Scale Studies
Ursula Itzlinger-Bruneforth Jan Steinfeld
Rolf Vegar Olsen Julius Bjørnsson
09 SES 06 C, Discussing Social Impact in Education Research and Assessment Related Education Policy and Research
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: W5.17, Chair: Julia Gerick
- Measurement of Research Enabling Social Impact in Educational Reserch
- 50 Years’ Legacy of Formative and Summative Evaluation and Assessment: A Critical Theoretical Review of Education Policy and Research
- Reform of Practical Science Assessment in England: Impact on Teaching and Learning.
Laura Ruiz-Eugenio Joan Cabre Silvia Molina Roldán
Sverre Tveit
Frances Wilson Neil Wade Steve Evans
09 SES 06 B, Investigating Outcomes in the STEM-field at Primary- and Lower Secondary School Level
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: W5.18, Chair: Mehmet İkbal Yetişir
- Differentiating Self-Related Beliefs on Math and Science With 4th Grade Students – A Comparative Perspective
- Gender Differences In Random Chance Parameter And Item Omission In Five Countries With Different Educational Traditions
- Psychometric Validation of an Objective Measure of STEM School Achievement in Primary School
Jelena Radišić Aleksander Baucal
Tetiana Lisova Yuriy Kovalchuk
Dubravka Glasnovic Gracin Toni Babarovic Ivan Devic Josip Burusic Mia Karabegovic
09 SES 07 B, Creativity Development, Cognitive Styles and Financial Literacy
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: W5.18, Chair: Marjeta Doupona
- What comes first - Openness or creativity? On creativity development of fifth-graders
- Cognitive style and educational performance. The case of public schools in Bogotá, Colombia
- A Situational Judgment Approach to Measure Financial Literacy of Young Adults
Caroline Theurer Wida Rogh Nicole Berner Frank Lipowsky
Christian Hederich Angela Camargo
Eveline Wuttke Carmela Aprea
09 SES 07 A, Relating Homework Practices and Opportunities to Learn to Educational Achievement
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: W3.11, Chair: Ariane S. Willems
- Disentangling the relation between homework and inequity. Results from TIMSS 2015
- Additional instruction in academic subjects: a comparative study of determinants and effects in Central- and East- European countries
- All-day schooling and student achievement: What works in Germany?
Trude Nilsen Jan-Eric Gustafsson Rolf Vegar Olsen
Vít Šťastný David Greger
Isa Steinmann Rolf Strietholt
09 SES 07 C, Discussing Assessment Related Education Policy and Research
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: W5.17, Chair: Danijela Trskan
- Role Of Educational Research In Creation Of Swiss French Common Culture Regarding Evaluation
- Five challenges applied to assessment reform efforts in secondary education in Ireland: Positioning attempts at assessment reform within international developments
- Assesment at Czech schools
Sophie Tapparel
Denise Burns Gerry McNamara Joe O'Hara Martin Brown
Jana Stara Karel Stary
09 SES 08 B, Investigating the Validity of Assessment and Grading Practices and Their Effect on Student Achievement
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: W5.18, Chair: Stefan Johansson
- Does Academic and Social Self-Concept and Motivation Explain the Negative Grading Effect on Students´ Subsequent Achievement?
- The Linguistic Competence in the frame of the transition to the Grade: assessment and training
Alli Klapp
Hugo Gonzalez Gonzalez Clara Chacón Muñoz Gemma Fernandez-Caminero José Luis Álvarez Castillo
09 SES 08 A, Exploring Trends and Equity with PIRLS/TIMSS
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: W3.11, Chair: Jana Strakova
- Family related factor’s effect on 4th graders educational outcome in mathematics - A geostatistical analysis of TIMSS 2015 data
- Tackling Unobserved Heterogeneity in Socioeconomic Status and Opportunity to Learn, and their Effects on Academic Achievement
- Trends in Accessibility of Literacy
Heidi Harju-Luukkainen Jouni Vettenranta Jia Wang Susanne Garvis Kristiina Kumpulainen
Victoria Rolfe Kajsa Yang Hansen Rolf Strietholt
Marjeta Doupona
09 SES 08.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 12:00-13:00, Room: W3.11, Chair: Monica Rosén
- Network Meeting
Wilfried Bos
09 SES 09, Network Keynote: The Dynamic Approach to School Improvement: Main features and impact on promoting quality and equity in education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: W3.11, Chair: Sarah Howie
09 SES 10 A, Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings from international comparative achievement studies (Part 1)
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: W3.11, Chair: Heike Wendt
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings From International Comparative Achievement Studies (Session 1)
- Changes and Development in Schooling and Classroom Conditions PIRLS 2006-PIRLS 2016 and its Effect on Student Reading Performance
- Socially Desirable Resources and Activities. Evaluation of a New Scale for a Separate Measurement of Economic and Cultural Capital
- Families’ Social Capital and Students’ Achievement in Mathematics and Science
Martin Goy Sarah Howie Tobias C. Stubbe Jennifer Lorenz Wilfried Bos Monica Rosén Nelladee Palane Karen Roux Celeste Combrinck
Sarah Howie Nelladee Palane Karen Roux Celeste Combrinck
Tobias C. Stubbe Jennifer Lorenz
Jennifer Lorenz Tobias C. Stubbe
09 SES 10 B, Investigating Student Attitudes on Assessment and Evaluation Practices
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: W5.18, Chair: Jelena Radišic
- Attitudes of Arab high school students from various ethnic groups in Israel towards cheating in Matriculation Exams
- "I Choose How I Evaluate Myself". An Experience in Higher Education
- Maintaining learning momentum: Chinese college students’ beliefs of formative assessment in their English learning
Sliman Khaldy
Gladys Merma Molina Diego Gavilán Martín
Ying Zhan
09 SES 11 A, Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings from international comparative achievement studies (Part 2)
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: W3.11, Chair: Sarah Howie
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings From International Comparative Achievement Studies (Session 2)
- Relations Between Dimensions of School Climate and Student Achievement
- Use of In-service Training by German Math Teachers With Different Qualifications. Findings From TIMSS 2015
- In Search of Concurrent Validity of Large-scale International Students Assessments (LSISA) and High-stakes National Exams: The Portuguese Case Study
Martin Goy Anna Toropova Heike Wendt João Marôco Vanda Lourenço Sarah Howie Eugenio Gonzalez Stefan Johansson Eva Myrberg Monica Rosén Raphaela Porsch
Anna Toropova Stefan Johansson Eva Myrberg Monica Rosén
Heike Wendt Raphaela Porsch
João Marôco Vanda Lourenço
09 SES 11 B, Social Networks and Professional Cooperation
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: W5.18, Chair: Tobias C. Stubbe
- Cooperation In Inclusive Schools: How Do Special Education Assistants Perceive And Evaluate Their Cooperation With Class Teachers?
- Measuring Social Networks: A Potential Pitfall In Modelling The Link Between Education And Social Network Quality
Ariane S. Willems Sonja Nonte Karina Meyer
Marina Lagemann Peter Winker
09 SES 12 A, Teaching and Teacher Characteristics: Findings form large scale assessments
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: W3.11, Chair: Trude Nilsen
- Cross-cultural Comparability of Scales on Adaptive Teaching and Differentiation: Evidence from Teaching and Learning International Survey 2018
- Formal Teacher Education and Student Ratings: Valid Measures of Teacher Competence?
Agnes Stancel-Piatak Katrin Schulz-Heidorf
Stefan Johansson Eva Myrberg
09 SES 12 B JS, Challenges to Measurement and Assessment in Inter- and Multicultural Education
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: W5.18, Chair: Christian Quvang
- Practices of Culturally Responsive Assessment in European Schools? Results of a Literature Review in Four European Countries
- Culture, Learning Strategies and Second Language in Higher Education: A Comparative Study Among Chinese and Spanish Students
Funda Nayir Martin Brown Denise Burns Guri Norvedt Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger Oya Taneri
Carmen Carmona Rodriguez Nerea Hernaiz-Agreda Simran Vazirani Mangani Jesús M. Suárez Rodríguez Inmaculada López-Francés María Jesús Benlloch Sanchis
09 SES 13 B, Insights into Learning, Emotions, Well-Being and Self-Image
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: W5.18, Chair: Alli Klapp
09 SES 13 A, Evidence from TIMSS on Teacher and School Characteristics and Changes in Mathematics Achievement from 2011 and 2015
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: W3.11, Chair: Agnes Stancel-Piatak
- Evidence from TIMSS on Teacher and School Characteristics and Changes in Mathematics Achievement from 2011 and 2015
- Changes in Mathematics Performance from 2011 to 2015 in Norway and Sweden as a Function of Teacher Professional Development
- Changes in Teacher Quality and School Climate Influencing Changes in Achievement from 2011 to 2015
- Are Changes of Socio-Demographic Achievement Gap in Mathematics a Function of Changing Opportunity to Learn? TIMSS 2011 and 2015
Agnes Stancel-Piątak Jan-Eric Gustafsson Monica Rosén Jan Van Damme Trude Nilsen Kajsa Yang Hansen
Jan-Eric Gustafsson Trude Nilsen
Trude Nilsen Jan-Eric Gustafsson Kajsa Yang Hansen
Monica Rosén Jan-Eric Gustafsson Trude Nilsen
09 SES 14, Relating Teacher Beliefs and Practices to Student Outcomes
Friday, 2017-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: W3.11, Chair: Eva Myrberg
- From mind to action: The relationship between teacher self-efficacy and instructional practice in science
- Academic Optimism And Non-cognitive Outcomes In Lower Secondary Schools
- Teacher Autonomy Variation and Its Relationship to Science Performance in PISA 2015 in Kosovo and Across Didaktik and Curriculum Traditions
Nani Teig Ronny Scherer Trude Nilsen
Jaroslava Simonová Jana Strakova Sabine Hoidn
Armend Tahirsylaj
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