Session Information
09 SES 12 A, Teaching and Teacher Characteristics: Findings form large scale assessments
Paper Session
Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is the first international large scale survey with a specific focus on the learning environment and working conditions of teachers in lower secondary schools. TALIS collects trend data covering educational key issues every five years using a cross-sectional design (IEA, 2017). In this study we use the Multiple Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis to test the cross-country measurement invariance of scales on differentiation and adaptive teaching in heterogeneous classrooms for the education systems participating in TALIS 2018. The presentation provides an overview over the methodological procedures and the resulting content related implications. Recommendations for further research are derived from the analysis.
Adapting teaching to the needs of the learners (e.g. by differentiating groups of students by learning levels or by adapting instruction, feedback and material to the individual learner) has been found to play an essential role in the advance of learning processes (Roth, 2009). Successful learning depends on the degree to which the subject taught is of relevance to the individual student and whether it can be linked to the existing knowledge. Differentiated, adapted settings that allow students to learn according to their interests and competencies applying adequate learning techniques might enhance student performance, especially in heterogeneous learning settings and could reduce effects of social origin on achievement (Schulz-Heidorf, 2016). Although there has been some attempt to implement adaptive teaching and differentiation in education systems some countries are still struggling with challenges related to the successful implementation of respective methods into the daily practice of school teachers. For example in Germany the claim for differentiated and adapted teaching has been implemented only recently and teachers reported great difficulties with its realization in class (Solzbacher, 2008). An international comparison on the use of such teaching strategies allows to identify countries that have a stronger implementation of respective didactical settings along with further in-depth analyses. Recommendations on how to enhance student learning can be derived from such comparisons. This is in particular of education policy interest as it would provide a prospect of its potentials in reducing social disparities.
One major prerequisite to conduct international comparisons is the availability of a measure with specific quality properties concerning the cross-country comparability (Meinck, Stancel-Piątak, Hastedt, & Sibberns, in press). The construct validity should be judged among others with respect to the measurement invariance across groups of comparison (Meredith, 1993; Rutkowski & Svetina, 2013). As previous analyses have shown (Schulz-Heidorf & Solheim, 2016), there is no common understanding of the concept of adapted teaching, which can lead to difficulties in comparing measures collected in different countries. In this study scales on adapted teaching and differentiation from Teaching and Learning International Survey field trial are analyzed with respect to their cross-cultural measurement invariance. In prior TALIS cycles (2008 and 2013) the scales were constructed using the linear measurement model. In this cycle categorical measurement model is used to establish partial measurement invariance (Elosua, 2011).
Expected Outcomes
Asparouhov, T., & Muthén, B. (2014). Multiple-Group Factor Analysis Alignment. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 21(4), 495–508. Byrne, B. M., Shavelson, R. J., & Muthén, B. (1989). Testing for the equivalence of factor covariance and mean structures: The issue of partial measurement invariance. Psychological Bulletin, 105(3), 456–466. Elosua, P. (2011). Assessing Measurement Equivalence in Ordered-Categorical Data. Psicologica: International Journal of Methodology and Experimental Psychology, 32(2), 403–421. Fischer, Christian (2014). Individuelle Förderung als schulische Herausforderung. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Horn, J. L., & McArdle, J. J. (1992). A practical and theoretical guide to measurement invariance in aging research, 18(3–4), 117–144. IEA. (2017). Working in Partnership | IEA. Retrieved January 21, 2017. Meinck, S., Stancel-Piątak, A., Hastedt, D., & Sibberns, H. (in press). Cross-national large-scale assessments in education: methodological challenges, perspectives, and developments. In K. Schulz-Heidorf & J. Gerick (eds.) Current perspectives and developments in large scale assessments. Tertium Comparationis 23 (1) [special issue]. Münster: Waxmann. Meredith, W. (1993). Measurement Invariance, Factor Analysis and Factorial Invariance. Psychometrika, 58(4), 525–543. OECD. (2014). TALIS 2013 Technical Report. Paris: OECD. Roth, G. (2009). Warum sind Lehren und Lernen so schwierig? In Ulrich Herrmann (Hrsg.), Neurodidaktik. Grundlagen und Vorschläge für gehirngerechtes Lehren und Lernen (2. Aufl., S. 58–68). Weinheim: Beltz. Rutkowski, L., & Svetina, D. (2013). Assessing the Hypothesis of Measurement Invariance in the Context of Large-Scale International Surveys. Educational and Psychological Measurement. Schulz, W. (2009). Questionnaire construct validation in the international civic and citizenship education study. IERI Monograph Series: Issues and Methodologies In Large-Scale Assessments, (2), 113–136. Schulz-Heidorf, Katrin (2016). Individuelle Förderung im Unterricht: Eine Möglichkeit, soziale Herkunft und Schulerfolg zu entkoppeln? Eine Re-Analyse aus IGLU-E 2011. Berlin: epubli. Schulz-Heidorf, Katrin & Solheim, Oddny Judith (2016). Adapted teaching: A chance to reduce the effect of social origin? A comparison between Germany and Norway, using PIRLS 2011. Tertium Comparationis, 22 (2), 230-259. Solzbacher, C. (2008). Was denken Lehrerinnen und Lehrer über individuelle Förderung? Pädagogik, 60, 38-42. Stancel-Piątak, A., & Desa, D. (2014). Methodological Implementation of Multi Group Multilevel SEM with PIRLS 2011: Improving Reading Achievement. In R. Strietholt, W. Bos, J.-E. Gustafsson, & M. Rosén (Eds.), Educational Policy Evaluation through International Comparative Assessments (pp. 75–93). Münster: Waxmann. Vieluf, S. (2010). Construction and validation of scales and indices. In TALIS 2008 Technical Report (pp. 131–206). Paris: OECD.
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