Session Information
09 SES 10 B, Investigating Student Attitudes on Assessment and Evaluation Practices
Paper Session
The European Higher Education Area proposes to promote reflection, innovation and the improvement of university teaching through student-centered teaching methodologies, autonomous work and self-regulated learning (Fernández et al., 2012; Merma, Peiró and Gavilán, 2014). In this perspective, García and Pérez (2011), Rosário et al. (2010), Suárez and Fernández (2011), and Zimmerman and Schunk (2008) argue that the variables that have more weight in the training of students at present is the use of self-regulated learning strategies; According to these authors, this type of learning implies an active process in which students establish the objectives that guide their learning, attempted to regulate and control their cognition, motivation and behaviour.
Other researchers have studied the relationship between academic goals, self-regulated learning, and academic performance. Thus, Dupeyrant and Mariné (2005) have shown that students who have high levels of self-regulation achieve good performance. Generally, these students tend to show processes of planning, use of strategies of elaboration and organization, as well as supervision and metacognitive control, that are congruent with their learning goals, whereas students with low levels of self-regulation usually also present low levels Of academic performance (Valle, Cabanach, Rodríguez, Núñez, & González-Pienda, 2006). Likewise, lately Coll, Rochera, Mayordomo and Naranjo (2014) have demonstrated that students do not have competences linked to autonomous learning.
One of the notoriously significant changes in this process of renewal of Higher Education is the changes in evaluation, which can be summarized in the fact that the teacher not only has to know what to evaluate, but also must know how to use procedures and strategies of self-regulation that favours learning. Consequently, the evaluation should focus on the performance of the learner and should include a diversity of holistic and rigorous strategies and should be translated into a set of practices aimed at gathering information about student performance from significant, contextual and real situations. Another feature of the authentic evaluation is that it is carried out throughout the teaching process and is systematically articulated with a wide range of necessary instruments, generates knowledge from the permanent reflection that makes possible the feedback of teaching and self-regulation of learning in students (Coll, Rochera, Butordomo, & Naranjo, 2014).
Few studies have investigated the self-regulation of evaluation in the Spanish context. Self-regulated assessment starts specifically with the identification and activation of internal conditions, the student's prior knowledge of the contents to be learned, his / her repertoire of strategies for such learning, personal conditions and external conditions. Performs the teaching-learning process, all of which will make it possible to achieve the competences.
Based on these premises, in this experience, carried out with students of the Master's in Secondary Education Teaching Staff, our objective has been to integrate the self-regulated assessment in the university teaching of the subject Society, Family and Education, that adapts to the needs of the students, and the learning placed as strategies of evaluation in the mentioned subject. The socioconstructivist perspective (Coll, 2001; Daniels, 2003) and situated teaching (Lave and Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 2001), vocational training oriented to reflective practice (Henderson, 1992; Schön, 1992) and the (Darling-Hammon, Ancess, & Falk, 1995) have been the theoretical referents of this research.
Expected Outcomes
Coll, C., Rochera, M. J., Mayordomo, R. M., Naranjo, M. (2014). La evaluación continuada como instrumento para el ajuste de La ayuda pedagógica y la enseñanza de competencias de autorregulación. Cuaderno de Pedagogía Universitaria, 8(15), 14-20. Daniels, H. (2003). Vygotsky y la pedagogía. Barcelona: Paidós. Darling-Hammond, L., Ancess, J., & Falk, B. (1995). Authentic assessment in action. Studies of schools and students at work. New York: Teachers College Press. Dupeyrat, C., & Mariné, C. (2005). Implicit theories of intelligence, goal orientation, cognitive engagement, and achievement: A test of Dweck’s model with returning to school adults. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30(1), 43-59. Fernández, E., Bernardo, A., Suárez, N., Cerezo, R., Núñez, J. C. y Rosário, P. (2013). Predicción del uso de estrategias de autorregulación en educación superior. Anales de Psicología, 29(3), 865-875. García, R., y Pérez, F. (2011). Validez predictiva e incremental de las habilidades de autorregulación sobre el éxito académico en la universidad. Revista de Psicodidáctica, 16(2), 231-250. Henderson, J. (1992). Reflective teaching: Becoming an inquiring educator. New York: Mac Millan Publishing Company. Lave, J., y Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Merma, G., Peiró, S. y Gavilán, D. (2014). Una experiencia de integración de competencias y contenidos, y de transverzalización de temas en la docencia. En M. T. Tortosa, D. Álvarez y N. Pellín (Coord.), XII Jornadas de Redes de investigación en Docencia Universitaria. El reconocimiento docente: innovar e investigar con criterios de calidad (pp. 749-759). Alicante: Instituto de Ciencias de Educación. Rosário, P., Núñez, J. C., González-Pienda, J. A., Valle, A., Trigo, L. y Guimarães, C. (2010). Enhancing self-regulation and approaches to learning in first-year college students: a narrative-based programme as-sessed in the Iberian Peninsula. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 25, 411-428. Schön, D. (1992). La formación de profesionales reflexivos. Barcelona: Paidós. Suárez, J. M., y Fernández, A. P. (2011). Evaluación de las estrategias de autorregulación afectivo-motivacional de los estudiantes: Las EEMA-VS. Anales de Psicología, 27, 369-380. Valle, A., Cabanach, R. G., Rodríguez, S., Núñez, J. C. y González-Pienda, J. A. (2006). Metas académicas, estrategias cognitivas y estrategias de autorregulación del estudio. Psicothema, 18(2), 165-170. Wenger, E. (2001). Comunidades de práctica. Aprendizaje, significado e identidad. Barcelona: Paidós. Zimmerman, B. J., y Schunk, D. (2008). Motivation. An essential dimension of self-regulated learning. En D. Schunk, & B. J. Zimmerman (Eds.), Mo-tivation and self-regulated learning. Theory, research and applications (pp. 1-31). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.
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