Session Information
04 SES 06 C, The Role of Parents in Inclusive Education
Paper Session
Neoliberal discourse on the freedom of parental school choice affects are know in countries such as England and France (Ball 2003; van Zanten 2005), however the affects are known to affect the Finnish education system as well (Seppänen et al 2015). Regardless, the government has maintained the principle of neighbourhood school allocation for now. Moreover, a recent reform of the special needs education of the Finnish education system was implemented in 2010, with intention to modify the organisation of educational support to be more flexible. Instead of the previously receiving special support or not, now all of the pupils are entitled to receive support in three categories of general, intensified and special (Basic Education Act 642/2010). The latest reform in 2011 did not stress the importance of neighbourhood schools for all pupils (Mietola and Niemi 2014; Lempinen, Berisha and Seppänen 2016). Instead, it stated that special support must be organised by taking into account the pupil’s rights and facilities to arrange teaching in regular education or partly or entirely in a special education class or in other suitable place (Basic Education Act 642/2010, 17§). Therefore, municipalities (and schools) differ in the organisation of special needs education by autonomously restricting idea of neighbourhood school allocation and possibilities for parental choice (Mietola 2014; Niemi 2015; Seppänen et al. 2015; Lempinen, Berisha and Seppänen 2016). addition to neightbourhood school allocation, support measures in education, class disposition and strategies, another important influence in the choice of schooling with those children cases who receive intensified or special educational support is the multiprofessional board.
The focus of this article is to examine from parental viewpoint the extent of parental, professional and bureaucratical school choices with regard to children´s allocations and support needs in basic education. The results of the study are based on a quantitative questionnaire, which collected responses from 208 participants drawn primarily from four different municipalities in Finland.
Research questions in study are as follows:
- According to parents, who has influenced the allocation of children to schools?
- What influenced the allocation children to schools and classrooms?
Expected Outcomes
Ball, S. J. 2003. Class Strategies and the Education Market: The Middle Classes and Social Advantage. London: Routledge Falmer.Basic Education Act. (642/2010). Erola, J. ed. 2010. Luokaton Suomi? Yhteiskuntaluokat 2000-luvun Suomessa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. Horvat, E. M., Weininger, E. B., and Lareau, A. 2003. “From Social Ties to Social Capital: Class Differences in the Relations between Schools and Parent Networks.” American Educational Research Journal 40 (2): 319–351. Magnússon, G.2015. Traditions and Challenges: Special Support in Swedish Independent Compulsory Schools. Mälardalen University, School of Education, Culture and Communication, Educational Sciences and Mathematics. (REDDI)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5079-9581. (English)Doctoral thesis. Mietola, R. 2014. Hankala Erityisyys. Etnografinen Tutkimus Erityisopetuksen Käytännöistä ja Erityisyyden Muotoutumisesta Yläkoulun Arjessa. [Troubling Special. An Ethnographic Study on Practices of Special Education and Formation of Special in the Everyday Life of Lower Secondary School.] PhD diss., University of Helsinki, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Studies in Educational Sciences. Niemi, A-M. 2015. “Erityisiä Koulutuspolkuja? Tutkimus Erityisopetuksen Käytännöistä Peruskoulun Jälkeen.” [Special Educational Paths? A Study on the Practices of Special Needs Education after Basic Education]. PhD diss., Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Studies in Educational Sciences. Seppänen, P., Kalalahti, M., Rinne, R., and Simola, H. (Eds.). 2015. “Lohkoutuva Peruskoulu – Perheiden Kouluvalinnat, Yhteiskuntaluokat ja Koulutuspolitiikka.” [Segmenting Comprehensive School – Parental School Choice, Social Classes and Education Policies]. Research in Education Sciences 68. van Zanten, A. 2005. “New Modes of Reproducing Social Inequality in Education: The Changing Role of Parents, Teachers, Schools and Educational Policies.” European Educational Research Journal 4 (3): 155–169. doi:10.2304/eerj.2005.4.3.1
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