Network: 04. Inclusive Education
04 SES 01 A, Leadership and Collaboration
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: W6.13, Chair: Gottfried Biewer
- What Headmasters Think About Inclusion? An Italian Research
- Leadership Of Secondary Schools Undertaking Inclusive School Development Processes
- Supervision As A Collaborative And Transformative Process In The Development of Inclusion
Giorgia Ruzzante
Benjamin Badstieber Bettina Amrhein Britta Oerke Lee Waschke
Charlotte Riis Jensen
04 SES 01 B, Pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: W6.16, Chair: Carmen Zurbriggen
- Preparing Pre-service Teacher Candidates for Inclusive Classroom Environments that Benefit Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- How much should inclusive education be special? Autistic Spectrum Disorders as an emblematic challenge in a multi-sited case study research
- Literacy Is Unlocking The World For Him: The active role of parents in the education of children with autism
Patricia Kopetz
Silvia Dell'Anna
Carol-Ann O'Siorain
04 SES 02 A, Attitudes of Preservice Teachers toward Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: W6.13, Chair: Katja Petry
- Bridging the gap. Exploring pre-service teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy in relation to their behaviour in educational practice.
- Can Participation in a University Program Improve Pre-service Teachers’ Intentions to Teach in Inclusive Classrooms?
- Pre-service teachers´ attitudes towards inclusion: Effects of a training module
Elke Emmers Dieter Baeyens Katja Petry
Paola Aiello Umesh Sharma
Mireille Krischler Ineke Pit-ten Cate Michelle D. Brendel Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt
04 SES 02 B, Looking at Inclusive Education within Countries
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: W6.16, Chair: Carol-Ann O'Siorain
- Inclusive Education in Eastern Europe: A Current State of Research and Future Directions
- Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education; Interpretations, Silences and Omissions –A Comparative Analysis
- From Research to Impact: Promoting Disabled Children’s Inclusion in Education in China
Inna Stepaniuk
Ilektra Spandagou Ann Cheryl Armstrong Derrick Armstrong Athina Zoniou-Sideri
Yuchen Wang
04 SES 02 C, Tools and Technology in Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: W6.21, Chair: Charlotte Riis Jensen
- Play and Social Interactions for Children with Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Preschool Settings: Adaptation and Development of Approaches for Special Educators
- The Functional Assessment Measure: an Assessment Tool to Support Teachers Before, During and After the Activation of Special Education Services
- Drafting the Individualized Education Plan for Students with Special Educational Needs: How Semantic Web Technology Can Help the Teachers
- The Inclusive Index- a self-assessment tool for mapping the social dimensions of Higher Education
Eva Siljehag Mara Allodi Westling
Manuela Sanches-Ferreira Sílvia Alves Mónica Silveira-Maia Pedro Lopes-dos-Santos
Angela Cattoni Sofia Cramerotti
Elena Marin
04 SES 03 A, Teachers' Attitudes toward Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: W6.13, Chair: Anke de Boer
- Primary School Teachers' Attitudes towards Inclusion and their Views on the Quality of Inclusive Learning Processes
- A Critical Analysis of the Teacher Attitudes on Inclusive Education Literature
- Challenging The Future Of Inclusive Education: The Role Of Policy And The Perpetuation of Intra-exclusion
Gamze Goerel
Ilektra Spandagou
Donatella Camedda
04 SES 03 C, Particular Groups, Needs and Migration
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: W6.21, Chair: Fabio Dovigo
- Education of children with forced migration background through the lense of supporting University students
- Between Reflection and Intervention: The Relevance of Organisational Structures for the Social Construction of EBD on Inclusive Schools
- How do schools integrate migrant students: Case studies from Serbia
- Exploring the Intersections Of Violence In Childhood, Learning Outcomes And Educational Practices: Towards A New Conceptual Model
Gottfried Biewer
Julia Gasterstädt Michael Urban
Sanja Grbić Tinde Kovač Cerović Dragan Vesić
Gillean McCluskey Lani Florian Deb Fry
04 SES 04 A, Inclusive Paedagogy
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: W6.13, Chair: Helga Fasching
- A Comparative Investigation of Special Educator Preparation in Norway and Sweden
- Lesson Planning for Diversity: Processes and Pedagogical Content
- Models of Applying a Differentiated Approach by Russian Math Teachers in General Secondary School
- Exploring Teacher Development For Inclusion From The LINK Project
David Lansing Cameron Gunilla Lindqvist Anne Dorthe Tveit Kerstin Göransson Maryann Jortveit Claes Nilholm
Hazel Lawson Brahm Norwich Alison Black
Galina Larina Valeriya Markina
Nick Clough Jane Tarr Eunice Macedo Krzysztof Stachyra Anna Rita Addessi
04 SES 04 B, Social Participation of Students with Special Educational Needs
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: W6.16, Chair: Heidrun Demo
- Social participation of SEN students in regular schools: The importance of their abilities profile
- Social Participation Of Students With Special Educational Needs In Regular Classes
Sofia Freire Joana Pipa Francisco Silva Cecília Aguiar Fátima Silva Maria Joao Mogarro
Ineke Pit-ten Cate Mireille Krischler Michelle Brendel
04 SES 04 C, Action Research and Integrity in Inclusive Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: W6.21, Chair: Fabio Dovigo
- The Role Of Action Research In Reforming Special Units: Striving For Change And Improvement
- Improving Inclusive Education In The School Community: A Participatory Action-Research
- Integrity of Education in the Framework of Inclusive Education
Eleni Damianidou Helen Phtiaka Olga Manora Andri Evangelou Eleni Panayiotou Marios Mantidis
Giuseppe Augello
Mihaylo Milovanovitch Tinde Kovač Cerović Olena Szabo
04 SES 04 D JS, Parents and Children with Autism: Lessons learned from Europe and Australia
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K3.21, Chair: Silvia Molina Roldán
- Parents Reflecting on Training of Families with Children on the Autism Spectrum: Lessons from ESIPP
- Profiling School Transition Experiences Of Children On The Autism Spectrum
Loizos Symeou Eleni Theodorou David Preece Jasmina Stošić Jasmina Troshanska Katerina Mavrou
Helen Klieve Sue Taylor Dawn Adams Jacqueline Roberts
04 SES 04.5 PS, General Poster Session
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 12:00-13:30, Room: W4.corridor (Poster Area), Chair:
- Development Of Social Sskills In Secondary Education Through Interactive Groups: A Case Study
- Teachers’ Attitudes and Self-efficacy on Inclusive Education: A Comparative Analysis between Japan and Finland
- Development Of Indicators For An Inclusive School System - An Empirical District And School-Level Analysis
- Inclusive Education from a Service Learning Secondary Education proposal
- Refugees with Disabilities in Austria and Beyond – Re-Exploring Gaps and One-Ways in Educational Provision
Joaquín-Lorenzo Burguera María-del-Henar Pérez-Herrero Laura Rapallo
Akie Yada Asko Tolvanen Hannu Savolainen
Dana Tegge
M. Pilar Martínez-Agut Anna Monzó Isabel María Gallardo-Fernández Alexandra Carrasco González Albert Ninyerola A. Cristina Zamora-Castillo
Michelle Proyer
04 SES 05 B, Social Participation of Students with Special Educational Needs and the Attitudes of their Peers
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: W6.16, Chair: Anke de Boer
- Determinants of Primary School Students’ Attitudes towards Peers with Special Educational Needs
- Employing Social Network Analysis to Examine the Social Networks of Students Identified as Having Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Settings
- Effect Of Disability Cognitive Bias Modification Task On Attitudes Towards People With a Disability
Frank Hellmich Marwin Felix Löper
Christoforos Mamas Giovanna Schaelli Alan J. Daly
Vanja Van Aarsen Katja Petry Katja Petry
04 SES 05 C, Minority Voices
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: W6.21, Chair: Jo Rose
- Masters Of Their Own Destiny: The Significance Of Engaging Minority Voices In The Changing Landscape Of Educational Research
- Inclusive participation and the importance of subaltern voices. A research in schools and social organisations in Cantabria (Spain)
- The Enigma of Living and Schooling with Dis/Ability
Patricia McCarthy
Ángela Saiz Linares Teresa Susinos Rada Noelia Ceballos López
Ben Whitburn
04 SES 05 A, The Role of Special Support Systems in Inclusive Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: W6.13, Chair: Gunilla Lindqvist
- A Special Support System for Inclusive Education: a step back or a resource for efficacy?
- Role of Special Class Provision in Inclusive Education in Serbia
- In& Out: Pull-out and push-out phenomena in inclusive school systems
Silvia Dell'Anna
Olja Jovanović Dragica Pavlović Babić Tinde Kovač Cerović
Sofia Dal Zovo Hege Merete Somby Heidrun Demo Kari Nes Dario Ianes
04 SES 06 B, Social Inclusion for All
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: W6.16, Chair: Charlotte Riis Jensen
- Participation Patterns of Portuguese Children and Youth with and without Disabilities in Leisure Activities at School, Home and Community Contexts
- Exploring the situated social being of children with PMLD in UK school contexts
- "Developing a Sense of Belonging" in the Light of the Capability Approach
- The Schooling Experience of High Potential Teenage Students in Secondary School Heterogeneous Classes
Manuela Sanches-Ferreira Sílvia Alves Manuela Gomes Bárbara Santos Monica Silveira Maia
Ben Simmons
Margarita Schiemer
Antoine Kattar
04 SES 06 C, The Role of Parents in Inclusive Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: W6.21, Chair:
- Ain't I A Mother? An Intersectional Lens to Understanding British Pakistani Mothers' Experiences Of Supporting Their Child With SEND
- Support in Finland: Who should decide where my child is schooled?
- Experiences of Collaborations in Transitions – first research results
Sana Rizvi
Sonia Lempinen
Katharina Felbermayr Astrid Hubmayer Helga Fasching
04 SES 06 A, The Role of Teachers in Evaluating the Social Outcomes of Students with Special Educational Needs in General Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: W6.13, Chair:
- The Role of Teachers in Evaluating the Social Outcomes of Students with Special Educational Needs in General Education
- Feedback and Social Inclusion - How Teacher Feedback is Linked to Social Peer Acceptance of Primary Schoolers in Everyday School Life
- Catering for Special Educational Needs in The Netherlands
- Inclusion in school – How Consistent are Students’ Self- and Teacher Reports?
Anke De Boer Christian Huber Ed Smeets Martin Venetz Florianne Rademaker Carmen Zurbriggen Guuske Ledoux Susanne Schwab
Christian Huber
Ed Smeets Anke De Boer Guuske Ledoux
Martin Venetz Carmen Zurbriggen Susanne Schwab
04 SES 07 B, Perspectives of Students on Inclusive Support
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: W6.16, Chair: Fabio Dovigo
- Space and Paraprofessional Support in Inclusive Schools in Germany – Implications for School Development from a Qualitative Study with Students with Special Educational Needs
- School Transitions and Risks of Marginalisation in the Italian Inclusive School System
- Included but Isolated? Results from systematic high frequency observations of teacher-student and student-student interactions in inclusive classes
- Inclusion and prevention of Learning Disabilities. A correlational study in an Italian primary school
Andreas Köpfer Ursula Boeing
Dario Ianes Sofia Dal Zovo Silver Cappello
Thorsten Henke Stefanie Bosse Jennifer Lambrecht Katja Bogda Nadine Spörer
Valeria Rossini Giada Della Rocca Cristina Semeraro
04 SES 08 A, Particular Groups, Needs and Inclusion
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: W6.13, Chair: Gottfried Biewer
- The Meanings of ADHD in the Pedagogical Documents Written by Teachers
- Do Stimulants Change Youths With ADHD's Authenticity? Perceptions of Parents and Youths with ADHD of the Effects of Stimulant Medication
- Revisiting curricula for deaf students: The conundrum of combining subject curriculum in Norwegian Sign Language and special education
- Identity as a Resource for Inclusive Educational Solutions in Complex Minority Situations: the Case of Ethnic Hungarian Deaf in Romania
Tanja Vehkakoski
Erez C. Miller Amos Fleischmann
Stein Erik Ohna Oddvar Hjulstad
Emese Belenyi
04 SES 08 B, Professional Collaboration in Inclusive Schools
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: W6.16, Chair: Carol-Ann O'Siorain
- Committing, engaging and negotiating: Stories of how teachers create shared spaces for co-teaching
- Collaboration between General and Special Education Teachers within Team Meetings in the Context of Inclusive School Development
- Lesson Study For Pupils With Learning Difficulties: To Enhance Inclusive Teaching And Assess By Response to Teaching Through Inter-Professional Collaboration.
Anna Rytivaara Jonna Pulkkinen Catriona de Bruin
Ann-Kathrin Arndt
Brahm Norwich
04 SES 08.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 12:00-13:00, Room: W6.13, Chair: Liz Todd
- Network Meeting
Liz Todd
04 SES 09 A, Achievement and Inclusion
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: W6.13, Chair: Liz Todd
- Achievement and Inclusion in Schools: A Study across the Four Nations of the United Kingdom
- Addressing the attainment gap in Scottish education – the link between attainment, poverty and children’s mental health and wellbeing
- Full-Day versus Part-Day Kindergarten for Students with Disabilities in Traditional Schools: Effects on Achievement
Kristine Black-Hawkins Lani Florian Martyn Rouse
Joan Gaynor Mowat
Michael Gottfried Jay Plasman Cameron Sublett
04 SES 09 B, Professional Collaboration in Inclusive Education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: W6.16, Chair: Donatella Camedda
- Interprofessional Development in Inclusive Schools
- Development and Validation of a Social Network Instrument to Assess Collaboration in Inclusive Schools
- Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment for all Learners: Qualitative Multi-Professional Team Structures in All-Day Schools
- Dis/abling Theory: Interdisciplinary Collaborations In Music Education
Lars Arndal Andy Hoejholdt Britt Blaabjerg Hansen
Jasmien Sannen Katja Petry Sven De Maeyer Nick Ferbuyt Elke Struyf Piet Van Avermaet
Meike Kricke Olaf Köster
Tim Corcoran
04 SES 09 C, Policy and Implementation
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: W6.21, Chair: Fabio Dovigo
- From The United Nations Toward Local School Politics: How Inclusive Education Is Affected By Different Actors
- The Formative Evaluation of the Implementation Processes of Inclusive Pilot Regions in Austria
- Approaching Inclusion – constitutive mechanisms of social and academic communities investigated through professionals’ practices and collaboration in public schools
Jennifer Lambrecht Stefanie Bosse Thorsten Henke Nadine Spörer
Erich Svecnik Ulrike Sixt Claudia Pieslinger
Janne Hedegaard Hansen Mette Molbaek Maria Christina Secher Schmidt
04 SES 10 C, Professional Development for Inclusive Education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: W6.21, Chair: Jo Rose
- Preservice Teacher’s Intercultural Experiences In Shaping Their Developing Identities As Teachers Of Diversity
- Whither Inclusion? Translation of the Policy of Inclusion in Teachers’ Understanding and Enactment in Practice
- Different Shades Of Professional Development Of Subject Teachers Working In Integration Classes In Academic Secondary Schools In Vienna, Austria.
- Reflective Practice As The Fulcrum Of Inclusive Education
Denise Beutel Donna Tangen
Órla Ní Bhroin
Judith 't Gilde
Tracy Dayman
04 SES 10 A JS, Theorising in Inclusive Education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: W6.13, Chair: Liz Todd
- Inclusive Education: From theory to research
- Thinking and Researching Inclusive Education Without a Banister
- Inclusive Education: Rethinking Its Theoretical Foundations
Marina Vasileiadou Simoni Symeonidou
Morten Timmermann Korsgaard Merete Wiberg Vibe Larsen
Alberto Sánchez-Rojo Miriam Prieto
04 SES 10 B, Taking a Different Perspective: Looking at the inclusion of students with special educational needs in general education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: W6.16, Chair: Elisa Kupers
- Taking a Different Perspective: Looking At The Inclusion of Students with Special Educational Needs in General Education
- Students’ Voices About The Received Extra Educational Support
- Voices and Preferred Solutions of Socially Excluded Students in Primary Schools
- Elementary Students’ Social Inclusion And Their Perspectives On Social Support
- Social Acceptance And Peer Relationships Of Children With Physical Disabilities
Anke de Boer Sanne Kuijper Renske de Leeuw Christoforos Mamas Ineke Pit-ten Cate Elisa Kupers Katja Petry Alexander Minnaert Giovanna Schaelli Alan Daly Jim Stevenson
Sanne Kuijper Anke de Boer
Renske de Leeuw Anke de Boer Alexander Minnaert
Christoforos Mamas Giovanna Schaelli Alan Daly
Ineke Pit-ten Cate Jim Stevenson
04 SES 11 A, Educational Provision for Refugee Children and Families Across Europe: Fostering dialogue across education, health, and protection services
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: W6.13, Chair: Mara Allodi Westling
- Educational Provision for Refugee Children and Families Across Europe: Fostering Dialogue Across Education, Health, and Protection Services
- Coercive Concern or Legitimate Worries? - The Encounter between Refugee families and Day-care Institutions in Denmark
- The Experience Of The School Service And Schools In A Small Town In Iceland On Welcoming Refugee Students
- The Artic Migration Route; Consequences For Local Communities, Education Capacities And Refugees.
- Beyond The Vulnerability Paradigm: Helping Schools And Child Psychology Services Support Refugee Children
Fabio Dovigo Susanne Bregnbæk Nanna Jordt Jørgensen Hermina Gunnthorsdottir Gry Paulgaard Mara Westling Allodi Tatjana Atanasoska
Susanne Bregnbæk Nanna Jordt Jørgensen
Hermína Gunnþórsdóttir
Gry Paulgaard
Fabio Dovigo
04 SES 11 B, Interventions to Foster Children’s Attitudes and Social Participation of Students with SEN in General Education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: W6.16, Chair:
- Interventions to Foster Children’s attitudes and Social Participation of Students with SEN in General Education
- Improving Peers’ Attitudes Towards Children with Disabilities: Exploring the Feasibility of a Disability Awareness Program
- Promoting Kindergarten Students’Aattitudes using the Making Friends Program
- Kindergarten Teachers’ Views on the Acceptability and Feasibility of a Disability Awareness Program
- Effect of a Disability Awareness Training on the Peer Interaction between Typically Developing Adolescents and their Peers with a Disability
Florianne Rademaker Sílvia Alves Michaelene Ostrosky Anke De Boer Katja Petry Vanja Van Aarsen Sanne Kuijper Christian Huber Pedro Lopos-Dos-Santos Manuela Sanches-Ferreira Monica Silveira-Maia Paddy Favazza Elisa Kupers Alexander Minnaert
Silvia Alves Pedro Lopos-Dos-Santos Manuela Sanches-Ferreira Monica Silveira-Maia
Michaelene Ostrosky Paddy Favazza
Florianne Rademaker Anke De Boer Elisa Kupers Alexander Minnaert
Katja Petry Vanja Van Aarssen
04 SES 12 B, Teachers in Inclusive Education: Roles, sentiments and strategies
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: W6.16, Chair: Gottfried Biewer
- Four Profiles Of Inclusive Supportive Teachers Perceptions Of Their Status And Role In Implementing Inclusion Of Students With Disabilities
- Teachers' Roles And Sentiments In Inclusive Education
- Inclusive Classrooms and Multimodality: Some Observations on Teachers’ Verbal and Non-Verbal Communicative Strategies for Inclusion
Bella Gavish
Stefanija Alisauskiene
Heidrun Demo Daniela Veronesi
04 SES 12 A, ‘Nothing about you, without you’: Exploring transitions from school to work or study for disabled young people
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: W6.13, Chair: Helga Fasching
- ‘Nothing about you, without you’: Exploring transitions from school to work or study for disabled young people
- Participative Cooperation/Collaboration for Inclusive Transition
- Development of biographical Coping Strategies in the Field of Transition from School to post school Arrangements
- Capturing Collaboration: Exploring video analysis of transition meetings
Helga Fasching Astrid Hubmayer Katharina Felbermayr Karolina Siegert Bettina Lindmeier Liz Todd Katja Petry
Astrid Hubmayer Katharina Felbermayr Helga Fasching
Karolina Siegert Bettina Lindmeier
Liz Todd
04 SES 12 C, Testing and Inclusive Schooling - International Challenges and Opportunities (Part 1)
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: W6.21, Chair: Bjørn Hamre
- Testing and Inclusive Schooling - International Challenges and Opportunities - PART 1
- High-stakes Educational Testing Discourses and the Question of the Public Good – A Comparative Study between Scotland and the United States
- Presentation Two: National Tests in Regional Contexts: Practices, Culture, and Power Relations
- Presentation Five: Inclusion and Accountability: Tension in Principle and Practice
Bjørn Hamre Christian Ydesen Karen Egedal Andreasen Peter Kelly . . William C. Smith Tim Corcoran Kristine Kousholt
Christian Ydesen
Karen Egedal Andreasen Kristine Kousholt
William C. Smith
04 SES 13 A, Analyzing Inclusive Education from Different European Country Perspectives
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: W6.13, Chair: Bettina Lindmeier
- Analyzing Inclusive Education From Different European Country Perspectives
- Teacher Support, Expertise And Cooperation In Inclusive School Development (UNIP)
- Italian And Austrian Student Teachers’ Attitudes And Efficacy Beliefs: A Comparative Study
- Is It All About Attitudes? – Development Of Students´ Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education And The Significance Of Professionalism
Alice Junge Bettina Lindmeier Andreas Köpfer Erika Marie Pace Paola Aiello . . Petra Hecht Maurizio Sibilio
Andreas Köpfer
Petra Hecht Erika Marie Pace Paola Aiello Maurizio Sibilio
Alice Junge Bettina Lindmeier
04 SES 13 B, Teacher Education for Inclusion: Recent research and future directions
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: W6.16, Chair: Mel Ainscow
- Teacher Education For Inclusion: Recent Research And Future Directions.
- Professional Learning For Inclusion: Building Capacity In Context.
- Research Oriented Teacher Education For Inclusive Practice And Special Educational Needs: The Power To Reform.
- Being Teachers For All: Inclusive Attitudes And The Role of Teacher Education.
- Developing Teacher Agency For Inclusive Practice
Donatella Camedda Annet De Vroey Deborah Robinson Natasa Pantic Mel Ainscow Lani Florian
Annet De Vroey
Deborah Robinson
Donatella Camedda
Nataša Pantić
04 SES 13 C, Testing and Inclusive Schooling - International Challenges and Opportunities (Part 2)
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: W6.21, Chair: Bjørn Hamre
- Testing and Inclusive Schooling - International Challenges and Opportunities - PART 2
- ***MOVED to 04 SES 12 C *** Presentation Five: Inclusion and Accountability: Tension in Principle and Practice
- Presentation Six: School Reforms, Market Logic, and the Politics of Inclusion in the US and Denmark
- Presentation Seven: Testing Technologies and Practices as Part of a Democratic and Inclusive School – International Challenges and Opportunities
- Presentation Eight: Testing and Diagnosis – A Pathway to Inclusion
Bjørn Hamre William Smith Jessica Holloway Magdalena Cardoner Ezequiel Gomez Caride Janne Hedegaard Hansen Roger Slee
William C. Smith
Jessica Holloway Bjørn Hamre
Magdalena Cardoner Ezequiel Gomez Caride
Janne Hedegaard Hansen
04 SES 14, Testing and Inclusive Schooling - International Challenges and Opportunities (Part 3)
Friday, 2017-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: W6.21, Chair: Bjørn Hamre
- Testing and Inclusive Schooling - International Challenges and Opportunities – PART 3
- The significance of pedagogical investigations, diagnoses and psychometric tests in inclusive education: comparative studies from Sweden and Germany
- A Dialectical Perspective on the Application of Psychological Test Knowledge in Relation to an Inclusive School
- Developing Formative Assessment Systems within a Cross-Cultural Context
Christian Ydesen Thomas Barow Daniel Östlund Anne Morin Lotte Hedegaard-Sørensen Brian Abery Renata Ticha . . Tim Corcoran
Thomas Barow Daniel Östlund
Anne Morin Lotte Hedegaard-Sørensen
Brian Abery Renáta Tichá
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