Session Information
04 SES 06 B, Social Inclusion for All
Paper Session
Throughout my presentation I wish to impart information about the way high potential teenage students live their schooling experience when they are integrated in secondary school heterogeneous classes.
How do they qualify their current school environment? How do they describe what I call their identification issues?
What anxieties are at stake? How does the high potential teenage student internalize the way his/her parents, school and mainstream society perceive him/her?
What makes him/her feel uncomfortable in the reality if his/her surroundings and more particularly in a secondary school? To what extent may those surroundings collide with his/her own phantasmal fears?
Under which conditions can secondary schools meet those needs and foster the “growing up” through the process of empowerment and subjectivisation?
The subject areas, epistemological frameworks and researchers’ methodology are different. Some are specialized in teaching methods, others are development psychologists or clinical researchers in the field of psychoanalysis.
In France, identifying intellectually precocious children has become an important issue since the introduction of the ministerial circular recommending a specific care for the intellectually precocious schoolchildren (circular n°2007-158).
For this purpose, since the beginning of the 2013 school year, “every teacher welcoming in his class an intellectually precocious child has had at his disposal on EDUSCOL - a website controlled by the ministry of education - a training module dealing with this issue.”
This training module went on-line in September 2013 and it offers pedagogical resources and adjustments in order to favour the intellectually precocious child schooling in primary and secondary schools. However, adapting educational practices to the specific features of this particular group of intellectually precocious children requires that they should be well identified and as early as possible. This identification is not so easy due to the fact that the definition of an intellectually precocious child is not so clear. The aim of our research is to better understand the functioning of the intellectually precocious children and teenagers in a cognitive, psycho-affective, psycho-social and clinical perspective with a view to offer the children in trouble- or even children failing at school – an appropriate care.
To define my work in the team of this research, I am part of the current trend of the psychoanalytical clinical work in the field of Educational Psychology and Sciences(Claudine Blanchard-Laville et al, 2005).
Expected Outcomes
Blanchard-Laville, C. Chaussecourte, P. Hatchuel, F. Pechberty, B. (2005). Recherches cliniques d’orientation psychanalytique dans le champ de l’éducation et de la formation. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 151, p. 111-162. Bourdin, B., & Foussard, C. (2010). Les troubles spécifiques du langage. In C. Berzin (Ed.), Accueillir les élèves en situation de handicap. Repères : CRDP, Académie d’Amiens. Chapelier, J.-B. (2000). Émergence et transformation de la groupalité interne à l’adolescence, à partir des psychothérapies psychanalytiques de groupe. J.-B. Chapelier et al. Le lien groupal à l’adolescence. (pp. 1-55) Paris : Dunod. Chapelier, J.-.B. (2016). Actualité des psychothérapies de groupe à l’adolescence. Adolescence, 34. 9-16. Courtinat, A., de Léonardis, M., & Massé, L. (2009). Contextes de scolarisation et estime de soi chez des élèves à haut potentiel. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 30(1), 1-24. Courtinat-Camps, A., Villatte, A., Massé, L. & de Léonardis, M. (2011). « Qui suis-je ? » Diversité des représentations de soi chez des adolescent(e)s à haut potentiel intellectuel. Bulletin de Psychologie, Tome 64(4), n°514, 315Frenkel, S., & Bourdin, B. (2009). Verbal, visual and spatio-sequential short-term memory: Assessment of the storage capacities in children and teenagers with Down’s syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 53(2), 152-160.-328. Gutton, P. (2008). Le génie adolescent. Paris : Odile Jacob. Gutton, P. (2015). L’adolescence selon Modiano. Bègles : L’Esprit du Temps. Kattar, A. (2012). « Entretien clinique en groupe » à visée de recherche auprès d’adolescents, Cliopsy, 8, p.29-46. Kattar, A. (2016) Être élève-adolescent dans un environnement incertain. Entre « le familier et l’étranger ». Cliopsy. 15. 9-25. Kattar, A. (2016). Adolescent dans un environnement incertain. Une expérience libanaise. Paris : L’Harmattan. Kestemberg, É. (1999). L’adolescence à vif. Paris: PUF.
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