Session Information
04 SES 04.5 PS, General Poster Session
General Poster Session
The development of inclusive schools confronts the whole German education system with new challenges. Considering the different responsibilities in the controlling and managing of the educational system in Germany, the District level alongside the State level also has an important role in the process of developing an inclusive school system. The objective of the doctoral Thesis is thus to develop a set of indicators at district and individual school level that provides information about conditions and school organizational aspects such as experience in dealing with heterogeneity (special educational needs, migration, gender, etc. ) on input, process and output-level. It can also be understood as a continuous, largely data-based process of observing and analyzing the implementation of school inclusion as part of the education system in Germany in its entirety as well as of its individual components for the purpose of informing both German educational policy and the public regarding framework conditions, process characteristics, outcomes and benefits of inclusive processes.
The main question of the Thesis thus is: What indicators can be identified at the District level to describe and reflect developments in the implementation of an inclusive school system?
Expected Outcomes
Altrichter, H. (2011): Governance – Steuerung und Handlungskoordination bei Transformation von Bildungssystemen. In Künzli, R. & Maag Merki, K. (Hrsg.), Zukunft Bildung Schweiz (S. 51–94). Bern: Akademien der Wissenschaften. Ditton, Hartmut (2000): Qualitätskontrolle und Qualitätssicherung in Schule und Unterricht. Ein Überblick zum Stand der empirischen Forschung. In Andreas Helmke, Walter Hornstein & Ewald Terhart (Hrsg.), Qualität und Qualitätssicherung im Bildungsbereich (Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 41. Beiheft) Weinheim & Basel: Beltz, S. 73-92. Döbert, H. & Klieme, E. (2010): Indikatorengetsützte Bildungsberichterstattung. In: Tippelt, R.; Schmidt, B. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Bildungsforschung. 3., durchgesehene Auflage. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, S. 23-54 Ogawa, R; Collom, E. (1998): Educational Indicators. What are they? How can Schoos and School Districts use them. Riverside. University of California.
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