Session Information
In the Official Journal of the European Union (Official Journal of the European Union, 2006) there are written and defined competencies, the development of which should be encouraged in students by all educational institutions. One of these competences is the competence of learning to learn, which is defined as "the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to organize one’s own learning, with includes effective management of time and information, both individually and in groups" (Official Journal of the European Union, 2006, p. 16). Learning to learn competence should enable an individual independent lifelong learning, the ability to achieve set learning goals, the knowledge of effective learning strategies and methods, self-confidence, and the ability to learn with and from others (Amalathas, 2010). At the same time this is an important factor in achieving efficient performance, which is, based on conducted studies, agreed upon by a number of researchers (Sladoje-Bošnjak, 2011; Wall, 2012; Sagitov, 2014; Peculea, 2015).
Learning to learn competence covers various factors of successful learning. Among the most important rank an efficient use of available time that is given to a student for learning as well as efficient acquisition, retrieval, collection and processing of information. Binder, Keller and Thiel (1999) state that researches showed that many learners do not know how to organise time that they are given to learn well, so it is very important that we teach students to organise time and create curricula, and also explain (Caruth, 2014) to them why a certain content is important, and how and where it will be used effectively in life. All this helps to maintain motivation for learning, from which it depends what the thoroughness of learning and the quality of achieved results will be like (Binder, Keller and Thiel, 1999).
Learning to learn competence does not develop automatically, therefore teachers represent an important factor in the transfer of this knowledge (Licardo, 2009). Teachers aiming to students’ becoming independent at learning are an important factor in effective development of learning to learn competence, and also an important factor in the learning performance of students, which is was confirmed by other researchers (James and others, 2006; Sagovita, 2014; Peculea, 2015), who state that teachers should help students and encourage them in self-directed learning.
The researches conducted (McCormic, 2006; Delač Felda, 2012) showed that introducing learning to learn competence to lessons represent a difficult task for teachers, as they state that they do not have enough expertise in this competence and are not acquainted with a lot of learning strategies. McCormick (2006) states that it is important that schools should collectively learn how to improve the way of teaching and learning, as this is the only way they can improve and develop learning to learn competence in students.
In our study, we were interested in how students of primary education at the faculties of education in Slovenia estimate the following: attitude towards education, their own way of studying, time and information management in organising learning, competence for teaching of learning to learn, gathering information, and the need for additional education to improve learning to learn competence.
Expected Outcomes
Amalathas, E. (2010). Learning to Learn in Further Education. Reading: CfBT Education Trust. Retrieved 11. 10. 2015 from: Binder, A., Keller, G. & Thiel, R. (1999). Spreminjanje učnih navad. Ljubljana: Center za psihodiagnostična sredstva, d.o.o. Caruth, G. (2014). Learning How to Learn: A Six Point Model for Increasing Student Engagement. Participatory Educational Research (PER), 1 (2), str. 1-12 Delač Felda, D. (2012). Vpeljevanje kompetence učenje učenja v pouk. V 1. mednarodna Konferenca o učenju in poučevanju matematike (str. 299-302). Ljubljana: ZRSŠ James, M., Black, P., Carmichael, P., Conner, C., Dudley, P., Fox, A. ... Wiliam, D. (2006). Learning How to Learn: Tools for schools. London in New York: Routledge. Licardo, M. (2008). Nekateri vidiki kompetence učenje učenja ter njena povezanost s šolskim učnim uspehom ob koncu primarnega, sekundarnega in terciarnega izobraževanja. Magistrsko delo. Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Maribor. Licardo, M. (2009). Učenje učenja. In 4. letna konferenca Kakovost za prihodnost vzgoje in izobraževanja (str. 18-21). Ljubljana: Slovenski institut za kakovost in meroslovje. Magajna, L. (1996). Kvalitativne značilnost in interaktivni procesi, ki vodijo do uspešnega učenja in izvajanja. In B. Marentič Požarnik (Ur.), Zbornik posveta; Kakovost preduniverzitetnega izobraževanja (str. 31-34). Maribor 24. in 25. maj 1996: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. McCormick, R. (2006). Learning to learn: learning, teachers and schools. V U. Fredrikkson in B. Hoskins (Ur.), Learning to learn network meeting Report, Report from the second meeting of the network, November 2006 (38-42). Ispra: CRELL. Official Journal of the European Union. (2006). Retrieved 12. 12. 2014 from: Peculea, L. (2015). Curricular openings in developing the learning to learn competency: an intervention program for 11th graders with learning difficulties. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 209 (2015): 370 – 377. Retrieved 12. 1. 2015 from: Sagitova, R. (2014). Students’ self-education: learning to learn across the lifespa. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152 (2014): 272-277. Retrieved 12. 1. 2015 from: Sladoje-Bošnjak, B. (2011). Teacher's psyhic characteristics and student's metacognitive strategies. In V. Kadum (Ur.), Monografija međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa I. dio; Suvremene strategije učenja i poučavanja (str. 285-294). Pula: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile, Odjel za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti. Wall, Kate. 2012. It wasn’t too easy, which is good if you want to learn’:an exploration of pupil participation and Learning to Learn. The Curriculum Journal, 23 (3): 283–305. Retrieved 19. 11. 2015 from:
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