Network: 22. Research in Higher Education
22 SES 01 A,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K5.04, Chair: Georgeta Ion
- The Changing Inter-relationship of Higher Education and the World of Work: Development of a Comparative Approach Focusing Finland and Portugal
- What is the Purpose of Education? Getting the Value of Work: Forms of School-to-Work Transition
- Does ‘Best Fit’ Lead To Productive Diversity? Employer Perceptions Of Graduate Employability
Vesa Korhonen Mariana Gaio Alves
Carla Silva
Jill Blackmore Mark Rahimi
22 SES 01 C,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K5.09, Chair: Serap Emil
- The Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Social Science Research Methods Teachers and Why it Matters
- Pedagogic Language and Pedagogic Competence: Does it Make Sense to Talk About Research Methods Pedagogy in the Social Sciences?
- Designing Transmedia Content with University Students. A Narrative Inquiry of the Participatory Culture in the Hyperconnected Society
- Sustainability and Transformative Learning in Higher Education: Arab and Jewish Students’ Perceptions of Socio-Ecological Systems
Melanie Nind Sarah Lewthwaite
Sarah Lewthwaite Melanie Nind
Jose Miguel Gutierrez Eduardo Fernandez Laura De la Iglesia Rocio Anguita Ines Ruiz
Adiv Gal Dafna Gan
22 SES 01 B,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K5.05, Chair: Helen Avery
- The Educational Attainment Of Minority Ethnic Students At University: The Rhetoric And The Reality
- First generation university students. Researching the dynamics of inclusions/exclusion within an higher education institution.
- Student Perspectives of Inclusion - a Case Study of One Higher Education Institution
Ratha Perumal
Marco Romito
Julian Brown Una Lodge Andrew Smith Prithvi Perepa
22 SES 01 E JS, Higher Education, Family Influence and Dropout
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K5.14, Chair: Loizos Symeou
- How Educational Background Is Shaping (Types Of) Higher Education Dropout
- University working class students in Spain: experiences in a more elitist university.
- The Use of Decision Trees to Know the Family Influence in University Drop Out.
Sören Isleib
Delia Langa Sergio Ariza María del Carmen Martínez-Serrano
Inmaculada Pedraza Navarro Teresa González-Ramírez
22 SES 02 A,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K5.04, Chair: Colin McCaig
- Routes Into Higher Education For Children-In-Care And Care Leavers: Transitions, Retention And Success
- Making Alternative Higher Education Model for Muslim`s Women: Survey On Student`s Viewpoints
- Being A Chinese Student At A UK University: A Case Study
- The Perceived Effect of Intercultural Awareness on Peer Interaction: A Study of a British University
Neil Harrison
Ahmad Zandvanian Seyed Mansour Marashi
James Underwood Chuhuai Ke
Ming Cheng
22 SES 02 B,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K5.05, Chair: Diana Mesquita
- The doctoral learning penumbra. Darkness, creativity, and meaningful others in doctoral education
- Conditions of access and experiences of young people of African origins in Portuguese Higher Education
- Joint Forces: How Social Background and Gender Shape Segregation in Higher Education across Nations
Søren Bengtsen Gillian Robinson Gina Wisker
Sandra Mateus Adriana Albuquerque Teresa Seabra Cristina Roldão
David Reimer Pollak Reinhard
22 SES 02 C,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K5.09, Chair: Jaakko Kauko
- Conducting Professional Development in Higher Education from a Transformative Leadership Lens
- Overburdening higher education? The Europeanisation of the professional complex
- Are Managerial Practices in Higher Education a Means to Professional Development and Justice or Factors of Hindrance to Career Advancement of Instructors?
Daryl Pierson Carolyn Shields
Eva Hartmann
Burcu Erdemir
22 SES 02 D,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K5.19, Chair: Jo Rose
- Academics And Administrators In The Changing Contemporary European University: Professional Collaboration Or Professions In Conflict?
- Learning Research Habitus: Tribes and Territories in the Field of Educational Administration
- Responses To Sexual Violence: Effecting Change In Higher Education
Rosemary Deem
Duygun Gokturk Gokce Gokalp
Anne Chappell Charlotte Jones
22 SES 03 A,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.04, Chair: Jani Petri Ursin
- A critical Look at Language Preparation and the First Semester U.S.A Experience of Turkish International Dual-Diploma Engineering Students
- After The Doctorate: Reflective Practice Accounts Of Two International Doctoral Graduates And Their Former Supervisor
- The Influence of Noncognitive Skills on College Attainment and Labor Market Outcomes: An International Comparative Study
- Embedded Or Ad-hoc Peer Mentoring? In Search Of Best Practice Of Supporting Students Studying Mathematics
Nilufer Ulker
Janinka Greenwood Safayet Alam Abu Salahuddin
Kai Zhou
Elena Luchinskaya Galina Nilsson
22 SES 03 B,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.05, Chair: Pauline Taylor
- Pathways To The Professoriate: Institutional Stratification In The Academic Career
- Nordic Research on Gendered Academic Careers – a Literature Review
- Can ‘Top Girls’ say no? An exploration of young women academics as subjects of capacity
Paul Wakeling
Charlotte Silander Ulla Riis Leif Lindberg
Rebecca Waters Boldsen Lund Kirsten Locke
22 SES 03 D,
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.19, Chair:
- Student Course Evaluation in Higher Education: A Qualitative Inquiry into Faculty Perceptions
- Engagement in Higher Education: Self-evaluations of University Students in Spain
- Evaluation of an Undergraduate Teacher Education Course: The Impact of Student-Centered Instruction in Turkish Classroom.
Gülçin Gülmez-Dağ Yeşim Çapa-Aydın Rahime Çobanoğlu
Paulo Padilla-Petry Jennifer Vadeboncoeur Raquel Miño-Puigcercós
Serap Emil Ozlem Fatma Yıldırım Taştı
22 SES 04 B,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.05, Chair: Rosemary Deem
- Gender, Intersectionality and Academic Leadership
- Sustainable Careers in Academia, Implicit Gender Stereotypes and Glass Ceilings: Explaining the transfer from Associate to Full Professor at a Dutch University.
Kirsten Locke Rebecca Waters Boldsen Lund Susan Wright
Christine Teelken Yvette Taminiau
22 SES 04 C,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.09, Chair: Pauline Taylor
- The Expert Panel As A Content Validation Technique. Practical Application In Defining The Professional Profile Of Social Education
- When Experience Speaks: Debating The Competency Profile Of Social Education
- Service Learning increases students’ motivation, but why and how? – Empirical results of a mixed method-study
María Dolores Eslava Suanes Carlota De León Huertas Ignacio González López
María Dolores Eslava Suanes Carlota De León Huertas Ignacio González López
Karl-Heinz Gerholz Katrin Klingsieck
22 SES 04 A,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.04, Chair: Monne Wihlborg
- Internationalisation At Home: Time For Review And Development?
- International Collaboration As An Imperative For Change: Ambivalent Roles Of North-South Projects In Higher Education
- 'Home' Academic Not At Home: A Journey Towards 'Pedagogy Of Connection'.
Sue Robson Alina Schartner
Lene Møller Madsen Hanne Kirstine Adriansen
Maja Jankowska
22 SES 04 D,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.19, Chair: Georgeta Ion
- How to Assess Expertise and Expert Learning in Work-Based Higher Education?
- Dare to assess the assessor? -Challenge accepted!: A Study on Assessment Practices in Turkish Higher Education
- Students' Perceptions of Assessment in Higher Education: Findings from Ongoing Research
- Horizontal Institutional Profiles in the Light of Vertical Higher Educational Rankings
Susanna Mikkonen Petri Nokelainen Tiina Anttila Tuire Palonen Timo Halttunen
Reyhan Ağçam Şerife Kalaycı
Patrícia Santos Diana Pereira Maria Assunção Flores
Anna Sebők
22 SES 04 E,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.14, Chair: Jo Rose
- Factors Influencing College Teaching Efficacy of STEM Graduate Teaching Assistants
- Promoting Self-Efficacy and Learning Gain in the Classroom: What is the Role of the Teacher?
- Active Learning Methods’ Effect on the Development of Students’ Disciplinary Content Knowledge and Generic Competences in Higher Education (STEM): A Systematic Search and Review
Rana Ceylandag Yesim Capa Aydin
Fabio R Arico
Susanna Hartikainen Laura Pylväs Petri Nokelainen Heta Rintala
22 SES 05 B,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.05, Chair: Christine Teelken
- Mobility Programs - A Journey of Self-Discovery
- Feedback and assessment in Higher Education: A study of undergraduate students
- Students’ Perceptions about Assessment for Learning in Higher Education: Findings from an Intervention Project in Engineering
- The Notion of Learning in Students in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia
- Effectiveness of teaching and learning at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME), Budapest, Hungary
- Full prof.
- Students Perceptions of Videos as a Resource for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Results from the Relobie Project
- Summative Assessment Strategies of the Student Learning Process with Global and Instant Feedback by Means of Mobile Devices
Natalie Nielsen
Diana Pereira Maria Assunção Flores Ana Margarida Veiga Simão Alexandra Barros
Patrícia Santos Maria Assunção Flores Paulo Flores Rui Pereira Nuno Dourado
Milena Ivanus Grmek Marija Javornik Krečič Branka Cagran
Andrea Pallag Judit Bényei András Derényi Andrea Schmidt
Vlasta Hus Minka Koprivnik
Piedade Vaz-Rebelo Carlos Rebelo Carlos Rebelo
Clara Pérez-Ràfols Àngela Dago José Manuel Díaz-Cruz Oscar Núñez Núria Serrano Xavier Subirats
22 SES 05 A,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.04, Chair: Sue Robson
22 SES 05 D,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.19, Chair: Diana Aguiar Vieira
- Academic Progress Under Various Assessment Systems
- The Influence of Two Different Types of Intake Assessments on Student Success in the First Year of the Bachelor Program
- Self-efficacy and 1st Year College Student Academic Achievement: A Longitudinal Study
Rob Kickert Marieke Meeuwisse Karen Stegers-Jager Peter Prinzie Lidia Arends
Yvonne Slots
Diana Aguiar Vieira Leandro S. Almeida
22 SES 05 E,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.14, Chair: Kaarel Haav
- University Professors Faced with the Responsibility of Providing Training in Civic and Social Competences
- The Training of the Competences of the Master’s students in Distance Education.
- Young Researchers Outside the Academia. Constraints and Opportunities in Developing Competences for a Constant Change.
- A Thousand Points of Whoa: An Autoethnographic Journey Through Leading A Program Innovation
Mar Lorenzo Moledo Miguel A. Santos Rego Jose-Luis Alvarez-Castillo Igor Mella Núñez
María Luz Cacheiro-González Antonio Medina-Rivilla María Concepción Domínguez Garrido María Medina-Domínguez
Andrea Galimberti
Vicki Squires
22 SES 05 C,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.09, Chair: Tamás Kozma
- “It’s Different For Everyone”: Understanding The Student Experience of Higher Education
- New ideals and normalities: University students’ subjectivities at enterprise university
- The Impact Of School Climate On The Study Succes Of At-Risk Students In Academic Higher Education
Rachel Spacey Mary Stuart
Päivi Tuulikki Siivonen Karin Filander
David Corradi Ward Nouwen Noel Clycq Christiane Timmerman
22 SES 06 D,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.19, Chair: Kaarel Haav
- The Critical Role of Experience in Student Teachers’ Learning
- Call that teaching? Exploring science teachers’ approaches to teaching in higher education
- Investigating Quality in Higher Education based on Academics’ Views Concerning Effective University Teaching
Britt Oda Fosse
Deesha Chadha
Melek Çakmak Ülker Akkutay
22 SES 06 C,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.09, Chair: Rosemary Deem
- The Heterogeneity Of Women Professors: Five Distinctive Career Profiles
- Motherhood at the Beginning of a Scientific Career: A Case Study in the Czech Republic
- Postgraduate Supervision and Academic Careers: The Role of Gender
Carmel Diezmann Susan Grieshaber
Klára Harvánková Anna Sioni CohenMiller
Camille Kandiko Howson
22 SES 06 A,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.04, Chair: Monne Wihlborg
- Non-traditional Destinations in International Student Mobility: A Social Network Analysis of Global Student Mobility
- Social Determinants of International Student Mobility in Hungary: Inclusive or Selective Features of European Mobility Programmes?
- A comparison of the performance of international students in first year undergraduate studies by entry route in an Irish higher education institution: Part 1 a quantitative study.
Yasar Kondakci Svenja Bedenlier Olaf Zawacki-Richter
Adam Hamori Ágoston Horváth
Fiona Faulkner Deirdre Ryan Anne Hurley Qi Wang
22 SES 06 B, Research-Led Strategies, Innovations and Practices for Achieving Learning Through Assessment in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.05, Chair: Georgeta Ion
- Research-Led Strategies, Innovations And Practices For Achieving Learning Through Assessment In Higher Education
- Students’ Views on Assessment of Deep Understanding
- The Pivotal Role of Professional Development Programmes for Promoting Good Assessment Practice
- Competence assessment through Comparative Judgement
Elena Cano Patrick Baughan Rebecca Hamer Maite Fernández-Ferrer San Verhavert Georgeta Ion Erik Jan van Rossum Laura Pons-Seguí Marije Lesterhuis Liesje Coertjens Tine van Daal
Rebecca Hamer Erik Jan van Rossum
Patrick Baughan
San Verhavert Marije Lesterhuis Liesje Coertjens Tine van Daal
22 SES 06 E,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.14, Chair: Diana Aguiar Vieira
- A Longitudinal Inquiry About Students’ Experiences Of Feedback
- What Do Masters Students Want From Feedback? Utilizing Local Knowledge From Practitioner Research In A Time Of Transnational Reforms
- Keep going or just let it go? Consequential validity of attainability feedback in tertiary education. Do expectancy and value matter?
David Carless
Sue Walters
Lot Fonteyne Stijn Schelfhout Filip De Fruyt Wouter Duyck
22 SES 07 B,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.05, Chair: Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela
- Deepening Understandings of Bourdieu’s Academic and Intellectual Capital Through a Study of Academic Voice within Academic Governance
- “You Always Try to Find a Way to Keep the Good Ones” University Governance, Academic Work and Careers in a Finnish Business School
- Applying The Art Of Seduction To Module Specification Documents: A Case For Change
Julie Rowlands
Katja Jönsas
Patrick Baughan
22 SES 07 C,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.09, Chair: Jani Petri Ursin
- Today I am here, tomorrow I don’t know: tales of the unexpected life when being an early career researcher
- Job Resources and Job Demands at Academic Workplaces: Exploring Perspectives of Early Career Academics
- In Their Own Words: Students Transitions From University To Hospital
Margarida Alves Paula Batista
Jiri Mudrak Katerina Zabrodska Katerina Machovcova
Alessio Surian Diego Di Masi
22 SES 07 A,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.04, Chair: Sue Robson
- International Student Policy in Taiwan: Exploring the Gaps between Policy Goals and Policy Implementation and Their Possible Causes
- Learning communities that matter: Academic practice and International and culturally and linguistically diverse Masters students and academic practice
- Internationalisation and marketisation of a joint program: Australian and Chinese universities
Dai-Ying Yang
Radha Iyer
Josephine Ng Berenice Nyland
22 SES 07 D,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.19, Chair: Laura Hirsto
- Learning across disciplines in Higher Education through peer observation of teaching: the Observar e Aprender project
- University Teaching Cultures and Teaching Practices: Comparative Study in Finland and Hungary
- University Teaching Development Projects Using Information and Communications Technology to Promote Teacher Collaboration
- Learning to become an academic entrepreneur – Start-up narratives as technologies of the self in higher education
Ernesto López Gómez Luis Tinoca
Orsolya Kálmán Päivi Tynjälä Eeva Kallio Terhi Skaniakos
Anne Virtanen Mikko Vesisenaho
Kati Kasanen Päivi Siivonen Katri Komulainen
22 SES 07 E,
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.14, Chair: Colin McCaig
- Dilemmas In Self-Directed Learning Spaces – Didactical Challenges Of Implementing The ’Study Activity Model’ In Danish Higher Education
- Reimagining the Virtual Synchronous Classroom to Deliver Large cohort Interactive Teaching
- Does attending a public or private university make a difference for students in Colombia?
Verner Larsen Annette Rasmussen
John Busch Philip Hanna Aidan McGowan Neil Anderson Ian O'Neill Matthew Collins
Edgardo Cayon Julio Sarmiento Juan Correa
22 SES 07 F JS, Gender Issues in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K3.02, Chair: Chantal Amade-Escot
- SPOC-supported course for promoting gender diversity in ICT careers
- Queering STEM: Innovative Curriculum and Teaching Techniques in Science Education
- Changing University Cultures and Responses To Sexual Violence: Using Feminist Research To Develop Educational Initiatives
Chantal Morley Martina Mc Donnell
Helene Götschel Florian C. Klenk
Vanita Sundaram Carolyn Jackson Pam Alldred Alison Phipps
22 SES 08 B,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.05, Chair: Maja Jankowska
- When Universities Take Over: An Introduction to the Risk of “Academic Capture” in Eastern Europe
- The re-modeling of Higher Education– the introduction of performance-based research funding at new universities and university colleges in Sweden
- The Increasing Importance of Research Universities In The Development Process
Mihaylo Milovanovitch Elena Denisova-Schmidt Arevik Anapiosyan
Charlotte Silander Ulrika Haake
Emine Aybike Akkutay
22 SES 08 C,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.09, Chair: Mariana Gaio Alves
- Whether a Rural Background Impedes the Formation of Chinese Undergraduates' Protean Career Orientations
- Career intentions of doctorate holders – Which role plays the employment situation of Postdocs in academia?
- Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education: Production, Evaluation and Academic Career
Rong Kang
Jens Ambrasat
Frédéric Darbellay Zoe Moody
22 SES 08 A,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.04, Chair: Monne Wihlborg
- Brexit and the Internationalisation of UK Universities: The Experiences of Academic Staff from EU Member States.
- Developing Talented Faculty Through Fulbright Programmes: Creating Engagement And Commitment To International Scholarly Partnerships And Research Collaborations Abstract
- Internationalization of Higher Education in China: Motivations and Issues Underlying the Development of Chinese-British Collaborative Universities
David Menendez Alvarez-Hevia Karin Zotzmann
Anne Graham Cagney Leslie Cordie
Jing Xiao
22 SES 08 D,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.19, Chair: Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela
- Service-learning in Spanish universities: A study based on the perception of the decanal team staff
- It pays to educate? Competencies and skills of Finnish higher education graduates.
- The Development of Autonomy in Undergraduate Students of Social Education: Challenges to Contemporary Higher Education
Hugo Gonzalez Gonzalez Mariana Buenestado Fernández Cruz Pérez Pérez Miguel Anxo Santos Rego
Juhani Rautopuro Jani Ursin
Esperança Jales Ribeiro Sara Alexandre Felizardo Cátia Magalhães José Sargento
22 SES 08.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 12:00-13:00, Room: K5.04, Chair: Christine Teelken
- Network Meeting
Christine Teelken
22 SES 09 A,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.04, Chair: Monne Wihlborg
- Opening or closing doors? Perspectives on Bologna from inside and outside the European Union.
- Conceptions and experiences of assessment in Higher Education: An empirical study in five public Portuguese universities
Monne Wihlborg Helen Avery
Diana Pereira Maria Assunção Flores Diana Mesquita Eva. Fernandes Cláudia Pinheiro Patrícia Santos
22 SES 09 B,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.05, Chair:
- Barriers to Academic Freedom: A Bottom Up Approach through Systematic Review
- The Engaged Academic: A Neoliberal Research Policy Subject or A Future Ruler of The New Academic Realm?
- Intellectual Endogamy within Universities in the Neoliberal Regulation of Academic Work
Hasan Yücel Ertem Gökçe Gökalp Sevgi Kaya-Kaşıkçı
Sanja Djerasimovic
AnaLuisa Munoz-Garcia
22 SES 09 C,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.09, Chair: Jaakko Kauko
- Understanding Pedagogic Collaboration in Online Settings
- Use and Benefits of E-Portfolios in Higher Education: Results From a Longitudinal Study
- Developing Educational Quality in a Digital Age
- Students’ Agency Experiences and Perceived Pedagogical Quality in University Courses
Helen Coker
Marion Händel Bastian Wimmer Albert Ziegler
Toril Aagaard
Päivikki Jääskelä Kati Vasalampi Päivi Häkkinen Anna-Maija Poikkeus Helena Rasku-Puttonen
22 SES 09 D,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.19, Chair: Tamás Kozma
- ‘Knowledge Displacement’ In Curriculum Design Within Danish Professional Higher Education – Implications For Preparing Pedagogical Content Knowledge’
- The Evaluation of the Impact of a New, Broad IT Bachelor Curriculum amongst Freshmen and Sophomores
- Developments in curriculum theory, policy and practice in Estonia in comparison with Germany.
- Images for Innovation and Research. Students’ Experiences as Windows for Curriculum Co-Creation
Verner Larsen
Monique Bijker Chris Kockelkoren
Kaarel Haav
Ignacio Haya Susana Rojas Teresa Susinos
22 SES 09 E,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.14, Chair: Maja Jankowska
- Research Conceptions and Research-based Teaching Approaches: Disclosure of a Presumed Relationship
- Validating An Observation Instrument To Measure Pedagogical Didactic Behaviour Of University Teachers
- Studying teacher education in Europe: An empirical analysis of the reasons for choosing, changing and leaving teacher education
Wendy Schouteden An Verburgh Jan Elen
Ine Noben Adriaan Hofman Jan Folkert Deinum
Barbara Neunteufl Tatjana Atanasoska
22 SES 09 F JS, Higher Education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: W3.09, Chair: Yvonne Leeman
- The Contribution Of Higher Education Institutions To Social Mobility. Measures On The Social Dimension For More Inclusive Access And Wider Participation In Higher Education In Austria.
- The Central European Issues in Higher Education - Case of Poland
Janine Wulz Tanja Bacher Sigrid Nindl
Marta Cobel-Tokarska
22 SES 10 A, Critical Internationalisation and Global Citizenship in Times of Nationalist Popul(ar)ism
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.04, Chair: Mostafa Gamal
- Critical Internationalisation and Global Citizenship in times of Nationalist Popul(ar)ism
- Entrepreneurial Students and (de-)disciplined Academics – The Empty Logics and Machiavellian Politics of Internationalizing Higher Education in Post-crisis Ireland
- Globalisation, Global Citizenship and Nationalist Popularism’s Confused De/re-centering of ‘Common Sense’ Governance
- Global Citizenship, Popul(ar)ism and the Constitution of Popular Identities in Scottish Further and Higher Education
Dalene Swanson Mostafa Gamal Su-Ming Khoo Emma Guion Akdağ . . Kevin G Davison
Su-Ming Khoo
Dalene Swanson
Emma Guion Akdağ Mostafa Gamal
22 SES 10 C,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.09, Chair: Serap Emil
- Student transition from school to higher education in Ukraine: The focus on ethnic minority youth at the border with the EU
- Academic Navigation: Conceptualizing Students’ Transitions Into Higher Education
- Trust as a Social Resource While Students‘ Transition to University
Olena Fimyar Paola Contreras R. Mariya Vitrukh Nataliya Horuk Tetyana Medina Nataliya Varga
Lene Møller Madsen Lars Ulriksen Henriette T. Holmegaard Bjørn F. Johannsen
Inka Bormann Barbara Thies
22 SES 10 D,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.19, Chair: Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela
- Embarking in a doctoral journey: insights from a longitudinal study on decision-making along the PhD
- FEASST@8 Project: Working With PhD Students to Develop an Online Community to Enhance Transferability and Researcher Skills
- Dancing Identities on the Route to Becoming Doctorate
Viviana Meschitti
Cristina Devecchi Ratika Velu Yu Zhao Remi Odunsi Chau Tran My Belinda Green
Shosh Leshem
22 SES 10 E,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.14, Chair: Patrick Baughan
- Views of Students and Teachers on the Practice of Teaching and Learning at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest
- Unpack the "body box": a new perspective for teaching in HE
- Developing EFL student-teachers’ awareness for CEFR-oriented practices
Judit Bényei Andrea Pallag Andrea Schmidt András Derényi
Monica Pentassuglia
Ismail Hakki Mirici Sezen Arslan Nurdan Kavakli
22 SES 11 A JS,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.04, Chair: Katja Brøgger
- Leaders And Leadership In Universities: Macro, Messo And Micro Perspectives On The Leadership Roles And Responsibilities Of Academic Developers
- Female Professors as Intellectual Leaders
- Understanding University Management from a gender perspective: an international study based on the perception of women as educational leaders.
Ciaran Sugrue Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke
Damon Burg Bruce Macfarlane
Inmaculada Martinez-Garcia Enrique Alastor Garcia Cheikh-Lahlou
22 SES 11 B, University Futures
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.05, Chair: Rebecca Waters Boldsen Lund
- University Futures
Rebecca Lund Susan Wright Miguel Lim Corina Balaban Daniel Kontowski Jakob Ørberg
22 SES 11 D,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.19, Chair: Kaarel Haav
- The potential of participatory research in influencing curriculum policy change in South Africa: SARiHE – researching rural students lived experiences
- Hungarian Minority Higher Education in Romania: the Institutional Context
- Core issues in the ethics of science: Research and publication ethics courses in education information packages from European universities
Sue Timmis Lisa Lucas Brenda Leibowitz Sheila Trahar Karen Desborough
Gavril Flora
Baris Uslu
22 SES 11 C,
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.09, Chair: Serap Emil
- "Inclusive University for Teacher Preparation Classrooms: perspectives from Northern Arizona University and Autonoma University"
- Teacher Students’ Voices On Why To Embark Teacher Training Program
- "Inclusive University Classrooms: the Importance of Faculty Training"
- Is your heart in your lecturing? A study of the Heart Rate of lecturers during lectures.
Marta Sandoval Cecilia Simón Carmen Márquez Patricia Petterson Alma Sandigo
Signild Risenfors Elin Almer
M Dolores Cortés- Vega Beatriz Morgado Rosario López-Gavira Rafael Carballo Almudena Cotán Fernández
Aidan McGowan Darryl Stewart Angela Allen Philip Hanna Des Greer Andrew McDowell
22 SES 11 F JS, Digital Scholarship, Metrics and Reputation
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: W3.15, Chair: Britten Ekstrand
- Boundaries and Potentials of Altmetrics in Educational Research
- Research evaluation and bibliometric indicators - the case of ISEG (Lisbon School of Economics and Management)
- The Mission of Universities in the Age of Rankings
Christoph Schindler Elisabeth Vogler Alexander Botte
Margarida Chagas Lopes Graça Leão Fernandes
Camino Ferreira Javier Vidal
22 SES 12 C, Researching Practice in Higher Education
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.09, Chair: Kathleen Mahon
- Researching Practice In Higher Education
Ela Sjølie Kathleen Mahon Doris Santos Birgit Schaffar-Kronqvist Stephen Kemmis Lill Langelotz
22 SES 12 B, Theoretical Perspectives on Access to Higher Education: Contrasting insights from Bourdieu, Archer, Simon and Kahneman
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.05, Chair: Rachel Brooks
- Theoretical perspectives on access to higher education: contrasting insights from Bourdieu, Archer, Simon and Kahneman
- Reflection and Widening Participation: Bourdieu’s theory of practice and the place of symbolic mastery.
- Reflexivity and culture: An Archerian analysis of access and participation
- Educational decisions under uncertainty and risk: theoretical insights from Simon and Kahneman
Anna Mountford-Zimdars Ciaran Burke Peter Kahn Neil Harrison Rachel Brooks
Ciaran Burke
Peter Khan
Neil Harrison
22 SES 12 A,
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.04, Chair: Laura Hirsto
- Instructor’s Transformational Teaching Fostering Student’s Mental Health
- A dual pricing mechanism: modelling the English higher education market
- Perception of the students of the Teacher Degrees about their difficulties to be integrated in the university reality
Fu Yang Ka Ying Chan Kai Yu Puri Lau Yat Man Sun
Colin McCaig Nic Lightfoot
Rocío Quijano López Inmaculada García Martínez Miguel Pérez Ferra María Teresa Ocaña-Moral
22 SES 12 D,
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.19, Chair: Mariana Gaio Alves
- : A degree but no graduate job: an exploration of reasons for the low graduate employment figure for students of a London University.
- The mobility program Galeuropa: contributions to the development of soft skills and the youth employability
- University websites in Europe between marketization and branding and traditional university discourses
- The (de) construction of the public university: the power of mass media in Chile
Jodi Roffey-Barentsen Iona Burnell
Ana Vázquez-Rodríguez Jesús García-Álvarez Julia María Crespo Comesaña
Predrag Lazetic
Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela Elisabeth Simbürger
22 SES 13 A,
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.04, Chair: Christine Teelken
- Knowing Faculty Needs on Inclusive Education: A Key Issue For Improving Higher Education
- Promoting Reflection On Generic Competences Developed In Informal And Non-Formal Settings: An Exploratory Research With University Students
- The Role of Study Abroad in Individual Identity Formation among Young Academics
Victor M. Molina Anabel Moriña Noelia Melero Víctor Hugo Perera
Anna Serbati Alessio Surian
Ayca Ergun Yasar Kondakci
22 SES 13 B, Access to Higher Education: Contemporary challenges across different countries
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.05, Chair: Ciaran Burke
- Access to Higher Education: Contemporary challenges across different countries
- Global Trends of Access to and Equity in Postsecondary Education
- Can holistic and contextualised admission (HaCA) widen access at highly selective universities? Experiences from England and the United States
- The mobility imperative: English students and ‘fair’ access to international higher education
Anna Mountford-Zimdars Chiao-Ling Chien Patrick Montjourides Rachel Brooks Ciaran Burke Neil Harrison Joanna Waters
Chiao-Ling Chien Patrick Montjourides
Anna Mountford-Zimdars
Rachel Brooks Joanna Waters
22 SES 13 D, Academic Freedom and Collegial Governance in Sweden and Canada
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.19, Chair: Ian Winchester
- Academic Freedom And Collegial Governance in Sweden and Canada
Howard Woodhouse Jan Sundin Ian Winchester
22 SES 14 B,
Friday, 2017-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.05, Chair: Jaakko Kauko
- Quality And Time – The Time Budget Of University Students
- Extending Bridges Between Theory And Practices In Higher Education Research
- Students' problems related to research skills in higher education: Academics and students’ views
Lars Ulriksen Christoffer Nejrup
Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela
Melek Çakmak
22 SES 14 C,
Friday, 2017-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.09, Chair: Tamás Kozma
- Individual and Social Factors influencing Student Engagement in Paid Work and Learning
- Entering initial teacher education: The transition experience from a practice theory perspective
Milosh Raykov Alison Taylor Christine Scholz Madonna Maroun
Kathleen Mahon Tess Boyle
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