Session Information
01 SES 14 A, Reflecting or Replaying? The Significance of Reflections in Teacher Education and Professional Development
In addition to Doris Witteks findings, this paper focuses on the structural similarities of pupils’ and teachers’ reflections in school learning and professional development. It starts out from findings on pupils’ learning in personalized classrooms in secondary schools in Germany (based on group discussions and classroom videos). Reflections on the conditions, the processes and outcomes of learning are key-aspects of pedagogical conceptions on personalized learning and are also often empirically observable in classrooms (Martens, in press). In the pedagogical discourses and as well in pedagogical practice reflection and reflexivity are subsumed under the semantics of learning and Bildung (Klafki, 1963; Marotzki, 1900) and are therefore overall positively connoted (Matter & Brosziewsky, 2014). Addressed as learners, pupils and teachers have in common that they were expected to be “reflexive agents” (Reckwitz, 2009 p. 179). This implicates a freedom of choice but also an individual resp. individualized responsibility for the own learning processes in school and in professional development. The idea of a reflexive agent is accompanied by an ambivalent demand for self-optimization and self-development understandable as a demand for a “constant change” and therefore closely associated with ideas of a second modernity (Beck, 1986). The underlying Data was analyzed with the Documentary Method (Bohnsack, 2010). Methodologically it is based on Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge and aims to relate persons’ theoretical or explicit and a-theoretical or tacit knowledge in terms of orientation patterns that are habitualized in everyday practices. By multidimensional, comparative analyses of empirical cases it is possible to trace the emergence of these orientation patterns back to collective (socialization) experiences. Rather than describing each individual case, the Documentary Method generalizes types - in terms of generalized rules and orientation frameworks - from all cases. Based on a comparison of empirical cases from teacher and pupil research, firstly structural similarities and differences in explicit and implicit reflections of these two groups are described. First empirical findings indicate that pupils and teachers rather replay then reflect in their learning processes. Positive expectations concerning reflections that appear from theories of professional development resp. professionalization and learning resp. Bildung seem to be not realized. Finally considerations will be presented what common conditions do promote the emergence of replayings rather than reflections in both groups.
Beck, U. (1986). Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Bohnsack, R. (2010). Documentary method and group discussions. In R. Bohnsack, N. Pfaff & W. Weller (Eds.), Qualitative analysis and documentary method in international education research (pp. 99-124). Opladen & Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich Publishers. Klafki, W. (1963). Studien zur Bildungstheorie und Didaktik. Weinheim: Beltz. Marotzki, W. (1990). Entwurf einer strukturalen Bildungstheorie. Biographietheoretische Auslegung von Bildungsprozessen in hochkomplexen Gesellschaften. Weinheim: Deutscher Studienverlag. Martens, M. (in press). Reflexion und Reflexivität im Individualisierenden Unterricht. In: Rabenstein, K. u.a. (Eds.), Individualisierung von Unterricht: Transformationen - Wirkungen - Reflexionen. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt Verlag. Matter, C. & Brosziewski, A. (2014). Routinierte Reflexion: Zur Individualisierung pädagogischer Reflexionsprobleme. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 34(1), pp. 23-37. Reckwitz, A. (2009). Praktiken der Reflexivität: Eine kulturtheoretische Perspektive auf hochmodernes Handeln. In: F. Böhle & M. Weihrich (Eds.), Handeln unter Unsicherheit (pp. 169-182). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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