Session Information
27 SES 04 B JS, Teaching and Learning a Second Language
Joint Paper Session - NW 27 and NW 31
The paper focuses on the professionalisation of pre- and in-service teachers studying German as a foreign/second language. Professionalisation is understood as an individual process of the recognition and solution of professional developmental tasks which arise from societal as well as institutional conditions (Havighurst 1948/1972; Hericks 2006; Wegner 2014). This definition goes back to the theoretical background of research on learner development an educational experience (Bildungsgangforschung, see Meyer 2016; Wegner 2016) which aims at reconstructing developmental tasks of students, but also of teachers. Opposing traditional teacher centredness, we focus on learner centredness and on the importance of the teachers´ and the students´ biographies, the didactic relevance of their self-concepts, their interests and needs, and their educational power. We thus aim at describing teaching and learning within a framework of developmental tasks of students and of teachers (Meyer 2007: 167). Our basic hypothesis is that teaching and learning in institutional contexts depends on the recognition and solution of developmental tasks on both sides and thus on the intergenerational negotiation of institutional interests and individual needs (Kunze/Trautmann/Meyer 2012).
There has been only limited research on the professionalisation of language teachers from the perspective of Bildungsgangforschung so far (see Heinemann 2018 on bilingual education; Wegner 2014, 2016, 2018 on multilingual schools). The paper thus presents a specific research focus in the context of multilingualism at schools.
The research project explores which role language awareness plays in the process of professional development of pre- and in-service teachers. In general, German language didactics focuses on the cognitive domain of language awareness whereas the affective, the social and the power domain of language awareness (James/Garret 2013) are rather neglected. We are thus interested in the way that pre- and in-service teachers may recognize and work on developmental tasks and how they broaden their individual didactic theories in the field of language awareness by taking part in a project seminar which includes the cooperation with multilingual students at secondary schools.
The single case study is based on a project seminar in which pre- and in-service teachers create an intercultural, digital dictionary together with multilingual students at secondary schools. The creation of this dictionary aims at helping students to foster their German language competence and their intercultural competence. Understanding and using terms, concepts and their definition or explanation are core aspects of teaching and learning in any school subject. Dictionaries can be very helpful, provided they are suitable in heterogeneous, multilingual contexts.
The data collection comprises problem-based interviews (Witzel 1985) with pre- and in-service teachers who take part in the project seminar. Interviewing pre- and in-service teachers at the beginning and at the end of the seminar allows us to reconstruct specific processes of professionalisation in the field of teaching and enabling language awareness. The paper presents first findings and aims at discussing the implementation of a broad concept of language awareness in teaching and teacher education.
The case study focuses on interview data which are collected in the beginning and at the end of a project seminar. In our experience, language awareness is a topic which is of secondary or peripheral interest for pre- and in-service teachers. The interviews done at the beginning of the project seminar will focus rather generally on individual didactic theories, practical experiences and given challenges of teaching and learning. This problem-based approach (Witzel 1985) allows the reconstruction of professional development and current developmental tasks. In the course of the project seminar pre- and in-service teachers create, together with students at secondary schools, an intercultural, digital dictionary which is helpful in text reception and text production. It explains terms and concepts in the cultural contexts of the students and offers support for using them. It comprises grammatical and lexical descriptions like any other dictionary, but it also helps to remove linguistic barriers and to facilitate language acquisition. The cooperation of pre- and in-service teachers and students, their joint work on the digital dictionary during the seminar may change their view on language teaching and learning in multilingual contexts and it may lead to the recognition of and work on specific developmental tasks as language teachers. In the end of the seminar a second interview grants to reconstruct processes of professional development. The data analysis will be done according to the documentary method (Dokumentarische Methode, Bohnsack 2003). The documentary method aims at reconstructing the orientation framework of the interviewees. This orientation framework represents basic human structures of thinking and behavior which are based on their experiences (Nohl 2006: 11) and not conscious. So if a person's basic structures of thinking and behavior change, an educational process has taken place (ibid.: 12).
Expected Outcomes
We expect to reconstruct processes of professionalisation in the course of the project seminar by comparing two sets of data at the beginning and at the end of the project. Furthermore we estimate that different perspectives on language awareness, intercultural work and joint action with students will be reconstructed in relation to biographical experiences and current professional development. The results can also help to identify productive and innovative forms of teacher education that allow individual professional development and joint reflexion on language awareness and didactics. In our view, focusing on (critical) language awareness in its affective, social and power domain plays a crucial part of contemporary didactics in times of globalization, migration and diversity.
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