Session Information
19 SES 02 B, Ethnographies of Pedagogic Innovation and Learning
Paper Session
This research starts from the problem that many of the essential learnings useful for living occur without explicit teaching or are not recognized in the formal educational system, so it is necessary to look at other experiences to understand how they are produced and how they form citizenships. In order to understand these realities, it is necessary to use broad concepts that allow us to analyze their processes such as ecologies of learning and expanded education. This ongoing proposal is a doctoral thesis of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada framed in the project I+D Ecologies of learning in multiple contexts: analysis of expanded education projects and conformation of citizenship (EDU2014-51961-P, MINECO , 2014-2018). The case study focuses on the PIDES association, a group of young people that for 10 years has been designing and carrying educational projects in (Granada and Melilla) from sociocultural animation to overcome social exclusion.
To develop this research, interdisciplinary bridges have been established between theories coming from different fields of knowledge, although all of them related to education. On the one hand, the process of neoliberal globalization has caused numerous changes interconnected (Gutiérrez-Pequeño, 2016) that have increased the needs and potential of socialization and communication of people (Reig, 2013), questioning the traditional frames of reference of modernity (Floridi, 2015) producing an horizontal redistribution of knowledge and relationships (Moravec , 2011).
At an educational level, Martín Barbero (2012) indicates that there has been a: de-centering of the axes of possession and order, beyond the book, the school, the teacher, as a de-localization / de-temporalization and a dissemination of knowledge, in which the frontiers of knowledge vanish, recovering that which comes from the experience of life. Currently requires the recognition of skills (communicative and relational), tacit knowledge etc. that have been acquired throughout life based on social interaction and in cohabitation with different learning contexts (Fernández & Anguita, 2015). The current youth with the fragmentation of great identities, appearing "hypermediations that point to the confluence of languages, the reconfiguration of genres, and the appearance of new semiotic systems characterized by interactivity and reticular structures" (Scolari, 2008). In relation to these new challenges, Martín Barbero (2012) specifies that the educational institution (school, institute, university and family) sees its authority deteriorated, and asserts it is necessary to send young people back spaces in which they can demonstrate promoting citizenship practices.
These current ways of learning can be understood more broadly from the perspective of learning ecologies as a scientific analysis of groups in contexts in which configurations of activities, materials, resources and related relationships are integrated in physical or virtual spaces (Hathornwaite, 2015) , which provide learning opportunities mediated by filters (Luckin, 2015) lifelonglearning and lifewidelearning (Jackson, 2015). Also, the case study of the PIDES association as an example of expanded education (Zemos98, 2012) makes visible the progressive disappearance of the barriers between the traditional classification of formal, non-formal and informal education, and its increasingly higher interaction.
The general objectives that are proposed for the investigation are the following:
1- Identify in the projects developed in the PIDES association those elements that allow them to be conceived as expanded education projects
2.- Understand the case studies as ecologies of learning that allow the development of skills, knowledge, relationships and interactions in the field of social intervention.
3.- Analyze the processes of construction of citizenship in the selected cases, as well as the formation of political subjectivities for community development.
The methodology used is qualitative, and it is an instrumental case study (Stake, 1998). Through which is being acquired a level of deep understanding of what, how to learn and how citizenship is formed through participation in the PIDES association. Some of the issues or key issues that are being taken into account are criteria that allow us to recognize the PIDES Association as an ecology and context of expanded education, processes and established social mediation tools; and forms of mediation of discourses produced by people in the context of citizen participation. The case study is addressed from the research of three analysis units corresponding to three active projects and studied between 2016 and 2018. In relation to Simons (2011), specific methods have been selected for each project according to their potential informant with the questions to investigate. In this way, we explain below their selection for the data collection of each project that is later being analyzed through inductive-deductive and emerging processes. The La Colmena project consists of the creation of meeting spaces and workshops in the Penitentiary Center of Albolote (Granada). The techniques used were participant observation in three modules during a month and a half, as well as a focus group formed by volunteers and interviews with two workers and two ex-participants. On the other hand, we analyze the Entalegarte days, which are produced with the intention of taking out everything learned in the La Colmena project and sharing it through workshops with people from the university and initial training, with prisoners and with all interested persons. . For this case, video and voice recordings have been carried out in different workshops during the four days during and four interviews with people of different profiles. Finally, we have chosen the Imaginarte project that promotes reading animation in the Elena Martín Vivaldi municipal library of Cenes de la Vega (Granada), aimed at children of CEIP El Zargal in the same municipality. For this, the chosen methods have been the recording of fifteen sessions of workshops and interviews to the librarians, families, teachers and children, which are in progress.
Expected Outcomes
This research is ongoing and aims to understand in depth the educational reality of the PIDES association to rethink the current ways of learning and forming citizenship in an expanded education experience and ecology of learning beyond the academic reality. Therefore, the results will also allow rethinking the learning and processes in the formal spaces to enrich it. On the other hand, the productive, organizational, relational, etc. capacity will be made visible. of young people committed to social realities. Some of the questions that are emerging from the first analysis are: The importance of creating relationships of trust and affection beyond formal spaces and times, which have a direct effect on learning. It also highlights the dialogic methodology used in the association that constantly promotes the exchange and the analysis of the practice itself, as well as the transfer of knowledge is a space of trust. Social justice is understood in this case study as a form of redistribution of horizontal knowledge between the participating and worker personnel, and also that of bringing knowledge, processes and strategies that do not arrive within the context by introducing them. In the projects, new spaces are generated that escape those established institutionally for the transmission of knowledge. The practices of the PIDES association are not cloistered in the place where it is produced, the jail. It sets up knowledge that goes beyond the traditional, based on writing and reading to focus on the visual arts, movement, music ... from the socio-community perspective. Spaces of trust are created and dynamics are generated in which knowledge of the participants is put into play, life experiences.
Cobo, C. & Moravec, J.W. (2011). Introducción al aprendizaje invisible: la (r)evolución fuera del aula. Aprendizaje Invisible. Hacia una nueva ecología de la educación, pp. 18-46. Col•lecció Transmedia XXI. Barcelona: Laboratori de Mitjans Interactius / Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Fernandez, E. & Anguita, R. (2015). Aprendizajes invisibles en contextos de educación expandida. Retos y oportunidades en la sociedad hiperconectada. Revista de currículum y formación del profesorado, 2 (19). Retrieved from: Floridi, R. (ed.) (2015). El Manifiesto Onlife. El ser humano en la era de la hiperconexión. [Traducido al español por acción colectiva]. Recuperado de: Gutiérrez-Pequeño, J.M., Fernández-Rodríguez, E., Ruiz -Requies, I, De La Iglesia-atienza, L. & Anguita-Martínez, M.R. (2016). Socialization of interconnected youth: experiencing identity in an augmented society. ECER 2016, Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers, Dublin, Ireland. Haythornthwaite, C. (2015). Learning Ecologies: The Individual and the use of Networks. En Nuevos contextos, múltiples mecanismos: Ecologías de aprendizaje. Barcelona: Edul@b de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. [Video file] Retrieved from: Jackson, N. (2015). Lifewide learning. En Nuevos contextos, múltiples mecanismos: Ecologías de aprendizaje. Barcelona: Edul@b de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. [Video file] Retrieved from: Luckin, R. (2015). Resources-based Ecologies. En Nuevos contextos, múltiples mecanismos: Ecologías de aprendizaje. Barcelona: Edul@b de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. [Video file] Retrieved from: Martín Barbero, J. (2012). Ciudad educativa: de una sociedad con sistema educativo a una sociedad de saberes compartidos. En Coca, S. (coord.) Educación Expandida, pp. 103-124. Proyecto Zemos98. Moravec, J.W. (2011). Desde la sociedad 1.0 hacia la sociedad 3.0. En Cobo, C. y Moravec, J.W. Aprendizaje Invisible. Hacia una nueva ecología de la educación, pp. 47-73. Col•lecció Transmedia XXI. Barcelona: Laboratori de Mitjans Interactius / Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Scolari, C. (2008). Elementos para una Teoría de la Comunicación Digital Interactiva. Barcelona: Gedisa. Reig Hernández, D. (2013). Describiendo al hiperindividuo, el nuevo individuo conectado. En Reig, D. & Vílchez, L.F., Los jóvenes en la era de la era de la hiperconectividad: tendencias, claves y miradas, pp. 21-81. Madrid: Fundación Telefónica. Stake, R.E. (1998). Investigación con Estudios de Casos. Madrid: Ediciones Morata Simons, H. (2011). El Estudio de Casos. Teoría y Práctica I. Madrid: Ediciones Morata.
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