Session Information
27 SES 16 A JS, Digital Technology in School: Designing large scale interventions and corresponding research Part 1
Joint Symposium NW 16 and NW 27 to be continued in 27 SES 17 A JS
Background. In Switzerland, the new unified curriculum now emphasizes education with and in technology (D-EDK, 2016). The question is, how well prepared student teachers are to implement technological contents. Theory. The Technology Integration Planning Cycle (Hutchison & Colwell, 2016) shows serveral contraints in using technology for instruction. With reference to Peschel and Koch (2014) constraints can imply teacher-related, resource-related and pupil-related barriers. These factors may not only hinder the use of technology for instruction, but also instruction to understand technology. Method. 69 pre-service teachers were assessed on the expected resources and pupil-oriented obstacles in the implementation of technology instruction, the in-school collaboration to support technology education, and the intention to implement technology instruction. Results. In-school support and collaboration improve the intention to implement technology instruction, as well as instructional resources/ material. Teachers do not see any student-oriented obstacles. Discussion. Student teachers do not feel prepared to implement technology in instruction. Teacher education and practice research need to address this. As in-school collaboration can facilitate technology implementation, collegial knowledge management should be supported. The large-scale Swiss Science Education project (Koch et al, 2015) will be dicussed as a model of an individualized, collaboration-oriented black-box quasi-experiment.
D-EDK. (2016). Lehrplan 21. In Deutschschweizer-Erziehungsdirektoren-Konferenz (Hrsg.), Abgerufen von Hutchison, A., & Colwell, J. (2016). Preservice Teachers’ Use of the Technology Integration Planning Cycle to Integrate iPads Into Literacy Instruction. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 48(1), 1–15. Koch, A. F., Stübi, C., Felchlin, I., & Labudde, P. (2015). SWiSE - Research and Development in Practice. EAPRIL conference proceedings 2014., (1), 194–208. Peschel, M., & Koch, A. F. (2014). Lehrertypen - Typisch Lehrer? Clusterungsversuche im Projekt SUN. In S. Bernholt (Hrsg.), Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung zwischen Science- und Fachunterricht, Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik (GDCP), Jahrestagung in München 2013. (Bd. 34, S. 216–218). Kiel: Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik.
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