Network: 28. Sociologies of Education
28 SES 01 A, Sociologies of new space-times of education. An outlook from Italy
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: E4.22, Chair: Romuald Normand
28 SES 02 A, Europeanization of education: Different Perspectives
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: E4.22, Chair: Eszter Neumann
- An archaeology of school evaluation in the European education area. Epistemological issues
- Mirroring school. A systems theoretical outline of the differentiation of transnational education in Europe
- Europeanisation and Education Governance: The Case of Teacher Education Reforms in Austria, Greece and Hungary
Emiliano Grimaldi
Pieter Vanden Broeck
Vasileios Symeonidis
28 SES 02 B, Digital Technologies, Digital Economy and Neuroscience in European Space of Education
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: E4.20, Chair: Camilla Addey
- A Critical Eye on the Contemporary Involvement of Neuroscience in Education
- University Structures For Graduate Employability In The Digital Economy
- European Assessment Topologies: An Inquiry Into The Spatiotemporal Configurations Of U-Multirank
Anita Norlund Magnus Levinsson
Janja Komljenovic
Mathias Decuypere Paolo Landri
28 SES 03 A, Competences, Large Scale Assessments and Experts in the Globalization and Europeanization of Education
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: E4.22, Chair: Assunta Viteritti
- Competencies as “global concept” in the Europeanization and Globalization processes
- The cultural political economy of the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey
- Interest groups and education policy in Europe: from business to philanthropy
Assunta Viteritti Orazio Giancola
Tore Bernt Sorensen
Romuald Normand Arianna Montemurro
28 SES 03 B, New Definitions of Justice in the Field of Education and Training; New Geographical And Temporal Scales Part 1
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: E4.20, Chair: Jean-Louis Derouet
- New Definitions Of Justice In The Field Of Education And Training; New Geographical And Temporal Scales. Part I
- Hybridisation And Conventional Crises of Principles Of Justice Within Education-training Systems: How To Respond To The Interpretative And Theoretical Challenges?
- Making the Immigrant – The Definition of Identity And Redefinition of Schooling
- Gap And Conflict Between Policy Making And Policy Practice For Migrant Students In Shanghai
- Empowering Teachers for Inclusion in Schools? Comparative and International Perspectives
Jean-Louis Derouet Eric Verdier Jonas Gustafsson Dan Zhang Régis Malet Jean-Émile Charlier Elisabeth Hultqvist
Éric Verdier
Jonas Gustafsson Elisabeth Hultqvist
Dan Zhang
Régis Malet
28 SES 04 A, New digital policy instrumentations in the governance of education
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: E4.22, Chair: Paolo Landri
- Digital devices in the governing of European Education Space. The case of SORPRENDO software for career guidance
- The Digital Competence Framework: Europeanization in Southern European primary schools?
- ‘Losing’ the game in the school choice field? an empirical account of the impact of the new school assignment system in Chile on the enduring positional advantage of middle class fractions
Marco Romito Catarina Gonçalves Antonietta De Feo
Luca Salmieri Orazio Giancola
Juan de Dios Oyarzun Ngaire Honey Macarena Hernandez
28 SES 04 B, New Definitions of Justice in the Field of Education and Training; New Geographical and Temporal Scales Part 2
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: E4.20, Chair: Jean-Louis Derouet
- New Definitions Of Justice In The Field of Education And Training; New Geographical And Temporal Scales. Part II
- “School Form” and School Justice Questioned by New Architectural and Eco-citizenship Demands
- Redistribution and Sustainability In The Educational Policies in North and South
Jean-Louis Derouet n n Sarah Croché Pauline David Jean-Émile Charlier Yves Dutercq
Pauline David Yves Dutercq
Sarah Croché Jean-Émile Charlier
28 SES 06 A, Convergence, heterarchies, and association in international and European education policy
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: E4.22, Chair: Emiliano Grimaldi
- Converging or Diverging Utopias: the invisible links behind the variations in Member-States’ policy responses to EU education policy.
- Public-Private Interface In Education Governance: Europeanisation In Brazilian Education
- Tracing the Politics of Association in Internationalization Policies
Victoria Konidari
Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido
Melody Viczko Lynette Shultz Shannon McKechnie Carrie Karsgaard
28 SES 06 B, Higher Education and the Academic Self: Insights from Mercosur and Europe
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: E4.20, Chair: Romuald Normand
- Who Gets to Play? The Politics of Bordering in Regional Higher Education Policies
- The Project of the Academic Self in Contemporary European Higher Education Space: Experiences of Early Career Educational Researchers
Aliandra Lazzari Barlete
Sanja Djerasimovic Marialuisa Villani
28 SES 07 A, Reshaping Space-Times of Education: Global trends, National responses
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: E4.22, Chair: Terri Seddon
- The French policy borrowing of School Effectiveness Research and Human Capital Theory: national policy networks, metrics, and expertise.
- How the Transnational Turn in European School Policy Produces Global Effects: Denmark as European case in transnational and global trends
- Follow the money: understanding endemic bad behaviour in the English school system
Romuald Normand
John Benedicto Krejsler
Pat Pat Thomson
28 SES 07 B, Social mobility, Equity and Meritocracy
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: E4.20, Chair: Mathias Decuypere
- Character education in English schools: Self-regulation, discipline and the promise of social mobility
- Efficacy and equity: evolution of social differentiation between primary schools and their results in a Portuguese municipality
- Concealing privilege? Diversity and meritocracy in Swedish post-16 elite schools
Konstanze Spoher
Teresa Seabra de Almeida Susana da Cruz Martins Adriana Albuquerque
Eric Larsson Claudia Schumann
28 SES 08 A, Digital Technologies and the Governance of Education
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: E4.22, Chair: Pieter Vanden Broeck
- Ranking to Govern. Digital Platforms and School Choice
- Forming Diverse European Learners: A Sociomaterial/Sociotopological Inquiry of MOOC Platform EMMA
- Desiring Machines: Learning Personalisation and the Promise of Ed-Tech
Sandra Vatrella Paolo Landri
Karmijn Van De Oudeweetering Mathias Decuypere
Kalervo Gulson Greg Thompson
28 SES 08 B, New Regimes of Accountability and the Making of Subjectivities
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: E4.20, Chair: Eric Mangez
28 SES 09 A, New vocabularies for investigating education policy and practice
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: E4.22, Chair: Paolo Landri
28 SES 09 B, New Myths for Education Practice? Dispositional Learning, New ICT devices and Social Competences
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: E4.20, Chair: Eszter Neumann
- Dispositional Learning in Innovative Learning Environments: A View From New Zealand
- Demythologizing the use of ICT devices in the European educational space. Interpreting the effects of digital divides and digital overdoses on learning outcomes.
- "Towards Formal Socialization? Defining And Evaluating Social Competences: The Case Study of Milan Middle Schools"
Leon Benade
Orazio Giancola Luca Salmieri
Alice Spada
28 SES 10.5, Network Meeting - NW 28
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 12:00-13:30, Room: E4.22, Chair: Paolo Landri
- Network Meeting - NW 28
Paolo Landri
28 SES 11 A, Widening Participation in Higher Education?
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: E4.22, Chair: Jean-Louis Derouet
- Widening Participation and Student Fees: Public Issues and Private Troubles in Australian and English Higher Education
- Understanding The Link Between The Resistances In The Field Of Education And The Challenges To The Rationalisation Process Of Societies
- Class, University Choice and Pedagogical Relationship
Stephen Parker Trevor Gale
Oana Marina Panait Jean Emile Charlier
Fiorenzo Parziale Sandra Vatrella
28 SES 11 B, Paper Session
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: E4.20, Chair: Emiliano Grimaldi
- Nations and Numbers. The Banal Nationalism of Education Performance Data.
- The Return of the Nation and the Rise of International Data: The Case of Sweden.
- Reshaping the 'Nation': Education, 'Performance Data' and Policy Discourses in Scotland.
- National Educational Performance in Canada: The Role of PISA and CMEC.
Nelli Piattoeva Joakim Landahl Margaret Arnott Sam Sellar Edda Sant Viktoria Boretska Emiliano Grimaldi
Joakim Landahl
Margaret Arnott
Sam Sellar Edda Sant
28 SES 12 A, Europeanization of education, and the policy of migration
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: E4.22, Chair: Orazio Giancola
28 SES 12 B, The Place of Students in Education Policies
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: E4.20, Chair: Luca Salmieri
- Studying Students' Participation In Formal And Informal Learning Environments In A Boarding School Setting
- Inclusion and Exclusion in the Implementation of an Educational Policy Focused on Overage Students in Brazil
- Friendship in socioeconomically diverse schools: an ethnographically oriented case study in Chile
Ulla Hoejmark Jensen Tom Steffensen Ditte Christoffersen
Marina Meira de Oliveira Maria de Fátima Magalhães de Lima Cynthia Paes de Carvalho
Manuela Mendoza
28 SES 12 C JS, Globalizing Test-Based Accountabilities in Education: Policy transfer and re-contextualization dynamics Part 1: Global Perspectives
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: C2.01, Chair: Antoni Verger
- Globalizing Test-Based Accountabilities in Education: Policy Transfer and Re-contextualization Dynamics (Panel 1: Global Perspectives)
- Reconfiguring Accountabilities in Education through Multiple Partnerships: An Australian Case
- Dynamics of Change in the Politics of Quality in Education: A Critical Examination on Some Premises
- School Autonomy with Accountability as a Global Education Reform Model: Political Rationales and Policy Trajectories
- From Low to High Stakes: Ideational and Material Drivers behind Test-Based Accountability Reforms in Brazil
Clara Fontdevila Antoni Verger Bob Lingard Steven Lewis Jaakko Kauko Lluís Parcerisa Andreu Termes Laura Mentini Susan L. Robertson Sam Sellar
Bob Lingard Steven Lewis Sam Sellar
Jaakko Kauko
Antoni Verger Lluís Parcerisa Clara Fontdevila
Andreu Termes Laura Mentini
28 SES 13 A, Teachers in the Context of Globalisation: Prospects for an expanding field
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: E4.22, Chair: Annelise Voisin
- Teachers in the context of globalisation: Prospects for an expanding field
- The teaching professions in the context of Europeanisation and globalisation: A systematic literature review
- Neo-institutional Theory, Education Policy and Teachers
- A Class Act Revisited : On the New Politics of Changing Teachers’ Work, the State, and Globalisation
- Making sense of teacher education in England through a socio-cultural approach
Tore Bernt Sorensen Xavier Dumay Gerald K. LeTendre Susan L. Robertson Katharine Burn Annelise Voisin Antoni Verger Ian Menter
Tore Bernt Sorensen Xavier Dumay
Gerald K. LeTendre
Susan L. Robertson
Katharine Burn Ian Menter
28 SES 13 B JS, Globalizing Test-Based Accountabilities in Education: Policy transfer and re-contextualization dynamics Part 2: Perspectives from Europe
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.01, Chair: Alison Milner
- Globalizing Test-Based Accountabilities in Education: Policy Transfer and Re-contextualization Dynamics (Panel 2: Perspectives from Europe)
- Analytical Perspectives on How Transnational Influences and National Assessment Cultures Shape National States’ Approaches to Test-Based Accountability
- School Autonomy with Accountability as a Global Education Reform: Its Adoption and Re-contextualization in the Norwegian Context
- Test-Based Accountability in a Multi-Scalar Educational Context: Evidence from Spain
- The Evolution of Test-based Accountability in the Autonomous Dutch System: A Policy Instruments Approach
Clara Fontdevila Marjolein Camphuijsen Jorunn Møller Natalie Browes Marcel Pagès Miriam Prieto Sverre Tveit Alison Milner Bob Lingard Guri Skedsmo Hulya Kosar-Altinyelken
Sverre Tveit
Marjolein Camphuijsen Jorunn Møller Guri Skedsmo
Marcel Pagès Miriam Prieto
Natalie Browes Hulya Kosar-Altinyelken
28 SES 14, Globalisation and Europeanisation: Whose knowledge? Which networks? So what about education?
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: E4.22, Chair: Terri Seddon
- Globalisation and Europeanisation: Whose knowledge? Which networks? So what about education?
- Academic territories in adult education and learning, and the un/making of ‘Europe’ through the politics of publication
- Charting Flat Lands? – Dimensions of Transnational knowledge building in education research
- Reflections on comparative historical sociologies for transnational topographies: So what about contextualised social embeddedness and space-times of education?
Terri Seddon Marcella Milana Sue Webb Beatrix Niemeyer Romauld Normand Julie McLeod
Marcella Milana Sue Webb
Beatrix Niemeyer
Terri Seddon Julie McLeod
28 SES 16, Friendship, Career Counseling, Inclusion of Young People in Instruction
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: E4.22, Chair: Emiliano Grimaldi
- Career Counselling of Young People in Different Places - the Handling of Contradictory Discourses of Individualism, Transnationalism and Connectedness
- (Re)producing and contesting inclusion and exclusion through education oriented media texts: Constructions of diversity and difference and their possible effects.
Per-Åke Rosvall
Alexandra Gunn Nicola Surtees
28 SES 17, Development Narratives as a Common Good? Knowledge Constraints on ‘Public’ Voice in Historically Subaltern Spaces
Friday, 2018-09-07, 15:30-17:00, Room: E4.22, Chair: Jo-Anne Dillabough
- Symposium title: Development Narratives as a Common Good?: Knowledge Constraints on ‘Public’ Voice in Historically Subaltern Spaces
- History, Politics, and Power: A Re-imagining of Classroom Space in the Global South
- From Sites of Intervention to Sites of Inspiration: Shifting Imagination of Sustainable Development to the ‘Margins’
- Neoliberal Conceptualizations of Youth: Contesting Narratives of Freedom and Citizenship
Peter Sutoris Maria Khwaja n. n. Sagarika Lakshmi Bose Jo-Anne Dillabough
Maria Khwaja
Peter Sutoris
Sagarika Bose
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