Session Information
02 SES 17 A, Research in VET
Panel Discussion
The aim of this panel is to discuss about the challenges and strategies of action on research on VET from the perspective of researchers of different countries (Germany, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland).
The starting point is a set of challenges that have been identified in Spain through a process of strategic reflection by a team of 10 scientific researchers working on Vocational Educational and Training (VET) from different universities, scientific disciplines (psychology, pedagogy, economics, sociology, political science, labor studies, etc.), and research approaches. The relevance of this collective reflective project lies in its novel, strategic and multidisciplinary nature. The challenges identified refer mainly to the system of research governance, its influence in the public agenda through specific programmes, instruments, tools and resources; as well as main research focus and its interaction with the rest of the stakholders of the VET system. Once challenges were identified, results were presented to VET researchers who rated their degree of need and relevance as regards facilitating research into VET in their own country.
As a consequence, the focus of the panel is to discuss about the analogies and differences of the degree of need and relevance of each challenge related to reseach into VET from different countries perpectives (German, Spanish, Sweden and Swiss ones). Challenges to be compared related to: a common reference framework for VET research, a VET research and innovation agenda and/or plan, a definition of priority research lines, VET research structures (centers, units, etc.) and networks, stable resources, accessing public/private micro-data and new databases, awareness of VET research, disseminating and communicating results and focus on knowledge demand (VET stakeholders’ demand).
We would also like to receive input from the participants in this session, so as to gain a broader perspective on how best to facilitate VET research and innovation. The discussion is expected to be fruitful and inspiring.
-Gamboa-Navarro, J.P., Moso-Diez, M., Albizu-Echevarria, M., Lafuente-Alonso, A., Mondaca-Soto, A., Murciego-Alonso, A., Navarro Arancegui, M. y Ugalde-Zabala, E. (2020). Observatorio de la Formación Profesional en España. Informe 2020, Madrid: Fundación Bankia por la Formación Dual. In -Echeverría, B. & Martínez-Clares, P. (2020). Retos y estrategias de acción en torno a la investigación sobre Formación Profesional en España. Madrid: Fundación Bankia por la Formación Dual. In -Echeverría, B. & Martínez-Clares, P. (2019). Diagnóstico de la investigación sobre la formación profesional inicial en España. Madrid: Fundación Bankia por la Formación Dual. In -Marhuenda, F. & Chisvert-Tarazona, M.J. (Eds.) (2019). Pedagogical concerns and market demands in VET. Proceedings of the 3rd Crossing Boundaries in VET conference, Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET). In -Moso-Diez, M. (2019a). Una aproximación a la investigación europea sobre la Formación Profesional. Echeverría, B. & Martínez-Clares, P. (Dir.). Diagnóstico de la investigación sobre la formación profesional inicial en España. Madrid: Fundación Bankia por la Formación Dual. -Mulder, M. y Roelofs, E. (2012). A critical review of vocational education and training research and suggestions of the research agenda. Wageningen University. Recuperado de uploads/2011/11/2012-Mulder-Roelofs-Critical-Review-of-VET-Research-and-Research-Agenda.pdf -Mulder, M. y Roelofs, E. (2013): A critical review of vocational education and training research in 2012 and suggestions for the research agenda. Wageningen University. In -Nägele, C., Stalder, B. E. & Kersh, N. (Eds.) (2020). Trends in Vocational Education and Training Research, Vol. III. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET).
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