Network: 02. Vocational Education and Training (VETNET)
02 SES 01 A, Internationalization of VET
Monday, 2021-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Sandra Bohlinger
- Internationalization of VET Research
- Research for the Internationalization of Vocational Education and Training: Current State and Future Perspectives
- The Role of Universities in International VET Transfer Projects
- Inside TVET: Challenges and Needs for TVET in South Africa
Ianina Scheuch Sandra Bohlinger Michael Gessler Philip Friebel Jacqueline Scheepers (Searle) Jonas Gebhardt Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia Utz Dornberger Axel Grimm
Sandra Bohlinger Michael Gessler Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia Ianina Scheuch
Philip Friebel Utz Dornberger
Jacqueline Norma Scheepers (Searle) Jonas Gebhardt Axel Grimm
02 SES 01 B, Work-Based Learning
Monday, 2021-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Natasha Kersh
- Work-based learning: Towards Embedded Processes and Inclusive Approach
- Learning Ecologies at Work
- Alternative Approaches to Higher Education in the UK: From Simulated to Real-world Workplace Learning
- Strengthening the Smartness in Work-based Higher Education Practice: A Ease Study on Patterns of Complex Transformations
- Reform or Revolution? The Impact of Digital Change on Vocational Education and Training in Germany
Natasha Kersh Karen Evans Andrea Laczik Katherine Emms Irina Maslo Hubert Ertl Marianne Teräs Nathalie Huegler
Karen Evans
Andrea Laczik Katharine Emms Natasha Kersh Nathalie Huegler
Irina Maslo
Hubert Ertl
02 SES 02 A, Enrolment and Diversity in VET
Monday, 2021-09-06, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Monica Moso-Diez
- Probability of Enrolment in IVET in Switzerland – On the Role of Educational Structures and Cultural and Economic Factors
- Keeping track of complex youth transitions and outcomes: New Perspectives on the Impact of Local and Regional Variations in England
- A quantitative analysis of the under representation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) within Vocational Education and Training in Spain
Regula Julia Leemann Andrea Pfeifer Brändli Christian Imdorf
Stephanie Thomson Sanne Velthuis Ruth Lupton Lorna Unwin
Monica Moso-Diez Antonio Mondaca-Soto Juan Gamboa-Navarro Mikel Albizu-Echevarría
02 SES 02 B, Internationalization of VET Research
Monday, 2021-09-06, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Sandra Bohlinger
- Internationalization of VET Research
- What are Important Principles for Successful Cooperation? Lessons from Mexico
- An Intermediate Conclusion - Potentials of Artefact Analysis for the Field of International VET Research
- Competence-based Approach in Curricula of Commercial Vocational Education and Training in China and Russia
Ianina Scheuch Beke Vogelsang Matthias Pilz Claudia Hunink Anastasia Goncharova Pujun Chen Sandra Bohlinger Michael Gessler Ute Clement Dietmar Frommberger Junmin Li
Beke Vogelsang Matthias Pilz
Claudia Hunink Ute Clement
Anastasia Goncharova Pujun Chen Dietmar Frommberger Junmin Li
02 SES 03 A, Competence Development of WBL Trainers and Tutors
Monday, 2021-09-06, 14:00-15:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Andreas Saniter
- Good Practices and methodological Approaches in supporting Competence Development of WBL Trainers and Tutors in European countries
Andreas Saniter Vidmantas Tütlys Iris Klein Sara Spata Paola Spinelli Jordi Piro
02 SES 03 B, Less Successful VET Students
Monday, 2021-09-06, 14:00-15:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Klara Zaleska
- Person-Vocation Fit in VET: An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Different P-V Fit Indicators on Training Satisfaction and Premature Contract Termination
- Teaching Practices & Early Leaving from Vocational Education and Training: An Empirical Approach & Intervention Project
- Educational Decision-making Process of Repeatedly Unsuccessful VET Graduates Leading to Finishing their Upper-secondary Education
Christian Michaelis Stefanie Findeisen
Carme Pinya Elena Quintana Francesca Salvà-Mut Olaya Álvarez Miquel F. Oliver M.Teresa Adame
Klara Zaleska Tereza Vengřinová Lenka Hlouskova Petr Novotný
02 SES 04 B, Labour Market and Skills
Monday, 2021-09-06, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Jörg Markowitsch
- Facing the Skills Shortage through Vocational Education? A Macro- and Micro Level Analysis on the Impacts of Policy Strategies in Germany
- Matching Labor Market Needs and Education: Conceptual and Methodological Improvements of the Croatian National Occupational Standards Framework
- What does 'responsiveness' mean? Empirical Methods of Comparative Studies of Governance in Vocational Education and Training
Johannes Karl Schmees Janika Grunau
Josip Burusic Maja Ribar Marija Šakić Velić
Jörg Markowitsch Ralph Chan
02 SES 04 A, Models of Participation
Monday, 2021-09-06, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Anja-Christina Greppmair
- Decentralized Competence Development in Norwegian VET: Empowering Vocational teachers and Training Instructors through Tripartite Partnership or Bureaucratization?
- Business Model Development and –Transfer in the Context of Internationalisation of VET: Lessons Learned of German VET Providers
Hedvig Skonhoft Johannesen Leif Christian Lahn
Ida Kristina Kühn Anja-Christina Greppmair
02 SES 05 A, Successful Students
Tuesday, 2021-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Harm Biemans
- WorldSkills Competition Success in Relation to Goal Orientations and Metacognitive and Resource Management Strategies
- Factors Influencing Student Success – A Quantitative Study Among Business Students And Business Teacher Training Students
- Continuing Learning Pathways in Dutch VET Compared in Terms of Curriculum Aspects
Heta Rintala Petri Nokelainen
Nora Cechovsky Ruth Leitner
Harm Biemans Ellen Klatter Frank Kreutz
02 SES 05 B, Vocational Learning and Pedagogy
Tuesday, 2021-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Henriette Duch
- Power and Discipline in Virtual Pedagogy in Vocational Schools During COVID-19 – Students’ Experiences
- Implementing Technical Level Qualifications in Vocational Education in England: an exploration of pedagogical principles in practice.
- Let's Vary the Travel Speed - Interaction and Critical Aspects in Welding Education
Henriette Duch Karen Egedal Andreasen
Maggie Gregson Trish Spedding Daniel Gregson
Jan Axelsson
02 SES 06 B, Linking Learning and the World of Work
Tuesday, 2021-09-07, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Presha Ramsarup
- Linking Knowledge, Education and Work: Occupations and Occupational Qualifications
- Qualifications Frameworks as Tools for Linking Education and Work: a Critical Interrogation
- Re-framing Notions of Work within VET Systems: A Laminated System Analysis
Stephanie Allais Yael Shalem Presha Ramsarup
Stephanie Allais Palesa Molebatsi Carmel Marock
Presha Ramsarup Simon McGrath Heila Lotz-Sisitka Volker Wedekind
02 SES 07 A, Skill Formation Systems
Tuesday, 2021-09-07, 14:00-15:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Horacy Debowski
- Skill Formation Systems, Policies and Processes in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia: Features and Patterns of Institutional Transitions
- Trajectories of Skills Policies in Poland in 1989 – 2019. Developments in the General, Vocational, Higher and Adult Education Sectors
- Vocational Education in the Czech Republic: Between Macro and Micro Perspective
- Skill Formation in Slovenia: Segmentation and Sectoral Disparities
Jörg Markowitsch Horacy Debowski Wojciech Stęchły Dominik Dvořák Petr Gal Samo Pavlin Klara Ermenc Skubic Jana Strakova Branko Bembič
Horacy Debowski Wojciech Stechły
Dominik Dvořák Petr Jiri Gal Jana Strakova
Samo Pavlin Klara Ermenc Skubic Branko Bembic Branko Bembic
02 SES 07 B, Teachers and Teaching Practice
Tuesday, 2021-09-07, 14:00-15:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Nina Kilbrink
- Between Boundaries: Involving Students in the Development of the Teacher-Training Course
- Vocational Learning – Empirical Examples from Vocational Education Workshop Sessions
Henriette Duch
Nina Kilbrink Stig-Börje Asplund Hamid Asghari Minna Viljamaa
02 SES 08 B, Looking Back in VET History to Shape the Future
Tuesday, 2021-09-07, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Stefan Kessler
- Nordic VET Meetings 1924-1946. A Historical Perspective on Internationalisation in VET
- Looking Back or Moving Forward: a Policy Conundrum
- Cinema Operators, Flower Arrangers and Car Service Maids – Mapping the Swiss VET Landscape in the Light of Official Statistics 1936-1969
Åsa Broberg
Margaret Eleanor Malloch
Stefan Kessler Nathalie Pfiffner
02 SES 08 A, Youth With Special Needs and at Risk
Tuesday, 2021-09-07, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Mathias Mejeh
- Paper Session 21st Century Skills and Self-regulation
- University Distance Learning Programs: Potential Impact on Competences of Prospective Vocational Teachers in the Field of Self-regulatory Skills.
- Evaluation of Intervention Studies to Promote Self-Regulated Learning at the Vocational School Level
Ann Karin Sandal
Daniela Moser Susanne Miesera Erich Svecnik Jarz Thorsten
Mathias Mejeh Corinne Grieder
02 SES 09 B, Dual VET International
Wednesday, 2021-09-08, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Fernando Marhuenda
- International Cooperation in VET: A Case Study of Expansive Learning in a German-Greek Project on Greening VET
- Satisfaction of company tutors in the development of Dual Vocational Training projects in the Principality of Asturias (Spain)
- The Relevance of Training for Work among Youth at Risk: Research in Accredited Second Chance Schools in Spain
Susanne Peters Léna Krichewsky-Wegener
Marta Virgos Sanchez Joaquín-Lorenzo Burguera María-del-Henar Pérez-Herrero
Fernando Marhuenda Elsa Olmeda Ana Córdoba-Iñesta
02 SES 09 A, Digital World
Wednesday, 2021-09-08, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Daniela Moser
- Shaping a Pedagogical Engaged Conception for a Digital Educational Ecosystem in Vocational Nursing Education: A Contextual Study of Teaching Practices with Traditional Worksheets
- European Framework for Digital Competence of Educators: Self-Assessing Digital Competence of Adult Educators in Public Vocational Training Institutes in Greece
- Competency Models for the Digital Transformation and Digitalization in European SMEs and Implications for Vocational Trainings in Learning Factories and Makerspaces
Tobias Hölterhof Roland Brühe Daniela Thomas
Kleanthis Noou Anna Karolina Retali
Maria Hulla Daniela Moser Patrick Herstätter Harald Burgsteiner Christian Ramsauer
02 SES 10 A, VET and Social Inclusion
Wednesday, 2021-09-08, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Preeti Dagar
- Educational inequalities in the Swiss Canton of Ticino: the role of the VET
- Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusion in Vocational Education
- Sustainable Livelihood and Social Inclusion Opportunities Through Skills Development for Urban Refugees
Giovanna Zanolla
Andrea Burda-Zoyke Robert W. Jahn Thomas Driebe Mathias Götzl
Preeti Dagar
02 SES 10 B, Higher Vocational Education and Training
Wednesday, 2021-09-08, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Nematollah Azizi
- Bridging Vocational with Upper Secondary and Higher Education: International Developments
- A Plurality of Vocational Schools. How Do Different Kinds of Vocational Schools Impact Higher Education Access for Socially Disadvantaged Students in Germany?
- Connecting Higher Education to Industry: A Critical reflection on Swedish and Iranian HE Policies and Practices
Dietmar Frommberger Johannes Karl Schmees
Christian Imdorf Nadine Dörffer Nadine Bernhard
Nematollah Azizi Sepideh Nikounejad Per-Olof Thang
02 SES 11 B, Learning from International Comparisons
Wednesday, 2021-09-08, 14:00-15:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Christine Siemer
- Stand-alone Occupation or Partial Qualification? Intentions for Developing Two-year Apprenticeships in Norway and Switzerland
- Participation in CVET of Job Entrants - a Comparison of International Surveys on ALE and CVET
- The Role Of Research Partners In Funded Model Projects In The Context Of The Internationalisation Of VET. Research Partners As Promoters
Evi Schmid Marlise Kammermann Ursula Scharnhorst
Marthe Geiben
Christine Siemer Michael Gessler
02 SES 11 A, Transitions and Guidance
Wednesday, 2021-09-08, 14:00-15:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Rita Mičiulienė
- Aspirations of Vocational Students in Transition to Post-Secondary Education Life Trajectories
- Career Guidance in VET in Andalusia (Spain): A Collaborative Research on Challenges and Proposals
- Vision, Mission & Values Statements: How They Define the Diversity of Vocational Schools in Lithuania?
Alice Aldinucci
Soledad Romero-Rodríguez Celia Moreno-Morilla Tania Mateos-Blanco Eduardo Jimenez
Rita Mičiulienė Sigitas Daukilas
02 SES 12 A, Mapping VET Research and Publication
Wednesday, 2021-09-08, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Laura Getz
- Major Themes of VET Research from 2011 to 2020: A Large Scale Bibliometric Analysis
- “Industry 4.0” & Education: an overview of the Portuguese research
- How Researchers Use the Academic Publication System for Research Communication – Results from the Project “Open Access in Vocational Education and Training Research”
Michael Gessler
Ana Azevedo Sofia Marques da Silva João Caramelo
Laura Getz Rödel Bodo Karin Langenkamp Kerstin Taufenbach Meike Weiland
02 SES 12 B, Digitalisation and VET
Wednesday, 2021-09-08, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Anna Keller
- Title 2021: Group Interaction in Oncological Further Education: A Didactical Approach of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- Aspects of Successful Coaching at the Workplace: Results of a Case Study
Claudia Schepers Imke Meyer
Anna Keller Antje Barabasch
02 SES 13 A, Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices in VET
Thursday, 2021-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Carmen Baumeler
- From Training for Companies to Training with Companies: Learning through Spanish Dual VET
- Albanian Universities as Providers of Vocational Education and Training for In-service Teachers
- Small Firms’ Motivations in Offering Apprenticeship Training
Fernando Marhuenda Andrea Pons
Maria-Jose Vieira Camino Ferreira Javier Vidal Agustín Rodríguez-Esteban
Carmen Baumeler
02 SES 13 B, VET Teachers Experience and Engagement
Thursday, 2021-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Anne O'Mahony
- Exploring the Effects of Collaborative Self–study on Professional Development whilst Facilitating Mentoring.
- Vocational Teachers’ Job Crafting – the Individual Activity Towards Meaningfulness of Work
- An Exploration of FET Teacher Engagement, Continuous Professional Development, and Career Progression in the South West of Ireland
Rosaline Schaug
Maret Aasa Krista Loogma
Anne O'Mahony Anne Graham Cagney
02 SES 14 B, Integration Into New Learning and Working Cultures
Thursday, 2021-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Chantal Kamm
- Skilled Migrants’ Access to Their Previous Vocation in Sweden
- Socialization of Next Generation in Swiss Apprenticeships
- The Relationship between Parents’ Educational Aspirations and Educational/Vocational Success of Second Generation Migrants in Switzerland
Marianne Teräs Eva Eliasson Ali Osman
Antje Barabasch
Chantal Kamm Andrés Gomensoro Sandra Hupka-Brunner Marieke Heers
02 SES 14 A, Learning and Working Environments
Thursday, 2021-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Lukas Ramseier
- Alternance Training in Health and Social Work : The Elaboration of Vocational Objectives During Tripartite Contract Meetings as Negotiation Between Work and Training Issues
- Perceived Learning Environments and Self-efficacy as Predictors of Effort in Upper Secondary School
- Digital Literacy as Cross-sectional Competence in VET – A Case Study of a Network of German Vocational Schools
Marianne Zogmal Dominique Trébert Camille Montefusco
Lukas Ramseier Markus P. Neuenschwander Jan Hofmann
Andreas Breiter Falk Howe Marion Brüggemann
02 SES 14.5 A, NW 02 Network Meeting
Thursday, 2021-09-09, 12:45-13:45, Room: n/a, Chair: Christof Nägele
- NW 02 Meeting
- VETNET General Assembly
Christof Nägele Barbara E. Stalder
Barbara E. Stalder Christof Nägele
02 SES 15 A, Learning and Sustainability in VET
Thursday, 2021-09-09, 14:00-15:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Jens Reißland
- VET and Social-Emotional Learning in Time of Covid-19: A Tale of Risks, Impacts and Mitigation Measures
- Developing Transversal Competencies Through Outdoor Learning - Preliminary Findings from the Project ‘From Outdoors to Labour Market’ (FOLM)
- Sustainable Vocational Education and Further Training Practice through Multiplier Training
Paolo Nardi Sebastian Irigoyen Ibarra Guillermo Arenas Diaz Gabriele Guzzetti
Jule Hildmann Mike Strang Seamus Hoyne Joanna Bochniarz
Anke Karber Jens Reißland Jan Pranger Claudia Müller
02 SES 15 B, Recognizing and Building Competence
Thursday, 2021-09-09, 14:00-15:30, Room: n/a, Chair: M'Hamed DIF
- Recognizing and Valuing Tacit Knowledge to Strengthen the Relationship Between Workplaces and Professional Schools
- On the Development and Role of the Validation of Acquired Experiential Learning in France
- Facilitation Of In-Depth Learning And Comprehensive Professional Competence In The Health-Care Education
Mariachiara Pacquola Maria-Cristina Migliore
M'Hamed DIF
Kaija-Liisa Magnussen Ann Lisa Sylte
02 SES 16 A, Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices in VET
Thursday, 2021-09-09, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Janet Lawrence
- Black Tiles and Silence: Going Digital. Voices from an FAVE Interdisciplinary Community of Practice.
- English Teaching in French Vocational Secondary Education: the Influence of a Participatory Action Research on Changes of Teachers' Practices
- Exploring the Effect of Aged Care Education on Quality of Care in Australia
Anne Graham Cagney Leslie Cordie Carol Yelverton Halpin Anne O'Mahony Mary Buckley Conor O'Neill
Caroline Hache Eric Tortochot Noémie Olympio Sandrine Eschenauer
Janet Lawrence
02 SES 16 B, VET, Socialization and Critical Thinking
Thursday, 2021-09-09, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Mattias Nylund
- VET, Socialization and Critical Thinking
- Thinking about HIVE (Higher Vocational Education): what would constitute a critical Vocational Education?
- Occupational Identity Strategies as Emancipation from Low-prestige VET Programs: Retail and Bricklaying Apprentices in Switzerland
- Acts of Appeal as Reproduction in the Context of Studying Finnish Literacy in VET Technology Field
- Critical Education in Vocational Subjects? Civic Knowledge in Vocational Programmes, Policy Documents and Classroom Practice
Mattias Nylund Robert Avis Kerstin Duemmler Penni Pietilä Per-Åke Rosvall Leesa Wheelahan Alexandra Felder Isabelle Caprani Liisa Tainio Sirpa Lappalainen Elina Lahelma Maria Rönnlund Kristina Ledman
James Avis
Kerstin Duemmler Alexandra Felder Isabelle Caprani
Penni Pietilä Liisa Tainio Sirpa Lappalainen Elina Lahelma
Per-Åke Rosvall Mattias Nylund Maria Rönnlund Kristina Ledman
02 SES 17 A, Research in VET
Friday, 2021-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Monica Moso-Diez
- Panel Discussion - Challenges and strategies relating to research into VET: A comparative approach of Germany, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
Monica Moso-Diez Sandra Bohlinger Lázaro Moreno Herrera Christof Nägele
02 SES 17 B, Skill Formation
Friday, 2021-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Vidmantas Tūtlys
- Skill Formation Systems, Policies and Processes in the Baltic Countries and Ukraine: critical junctures and development pathways
- Skill Formation Policies in Latvia in the Aftermath of Economic Crisis: Systemic consideration of the skills needs
- Post-communist Institutional Transformations of Skill Formation and Deployment in Lithuania and Ukraine: critical junctures and pathways of development
Vidmantas Tūtlys Krista Loogma Biruta Sloka Ilze Buligina N N Jonathan Winterton Sergei Melnik
Biruta Sloka Ilze Buligina
Vidmantas Tūtlys Sergei Melnik
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