Session Information
99 ERC SES 02 C, Interactive Poster Session
Interactive Poster Session
The current situation caused by Covid-19 shows how relevant digitalisation processes are and how quickly we can depend on them. The opportunities and challenges of digitalisation in education require teachers to be competent in media education. Educational policy demands are becoming increasingly important, as mandatory media education is not sufficiently implemented in teachers' education (Tiede, Grafe & Hobbs 2015). Empirical studies in educational research on fostering media pedagogical competencies of pre-service teachers are still scarce (e.g., Klaß & Gläser-Zikuda, 2018). Against this background, this dissertation project aims to develop and evaluate a pedagogical concept to foster such competencies of pre-service teachers in initial teacher education. The project follows a design-based research methodology as 'practice and theory-oriented development and evaluation of pedagogical concepts' (Tulodziecki et al., 2013).
In the international discourse media-related and media pedagogical competencies, there are different significant models, for example TPACK (Mishra & Koehler, 2006), DigCompEdu (Redecker, 2017) and standards, such as the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards (ISTE 2008) and the Media Literacy Education and the Common Core State Standards (MLE & CCSS) (see The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) 2014).
Standards and models of pedagogical media competencies in Germany were introduced, e.g., by Tulodziecki and Blömeke (1997). For the present study, the model of media pedagogical competence by Tulodziecki (2017) is chosen as a basis. The model, which was developed in the context of the Paderborn model of the BIG project 1995-2000, is continuously revised and updated (Tulodziecki 2017, Tulodziecki et al. 2019). Media pedagogical competences comprise three competence areas, which are media didactics (teaching with media), media education (teaching about media), school development and competencies related to socialization as central areas (Tulodziecki 2017). It has been empirically proven in competence research (e.g., Klaß and Gläser-Zikuda 2018).
To foster the respective media pedagogical competences of student teachers in initial teacher education, a pedagogical concept has been developed and implemented in a university context. In such a context, a shift from teacher-oriented learning towards student-oriented learning is required, which offers more time for applications and exercises. A didactic approach that supports these requirements is for example the 'flipped classroom' (e.g. Roehl et al., 2013). Following these considerations, a pedagogical concept has been developed, structured concerning the competence structure of pedagogical media competencies of Tulodziecki (2017). Tulodziecki´s et al. (2019) didactic approach to action, design and development-oriented teaching and its guiding principles of using complex tasks and a typical teaching structure are central components of the pedagogical concept. With regard to the content of the pedagogical concept, the conditions for teaching and learning with and about media, theoretical approaches and empirical research regarding media pedagogical activities are essential. As another important principle students develop their own theory-based examples for teaching with and about digital media in the classroom and test and evaluate them via micro-teaching in the university setting. The pedagogical concept was implemented as an advanced seminar in school pedagogy in the initial teacher education programme at a German university.
A set of evaluation methods is necessary to explore the efficiency of the pedagogical concept for fostering media pedagogical competence. The study includes quantitative and qualitative data measurements. The pedagogical concept evaluation was conducted as a quasi-experimental study with a pre-post-design, including an intervention group (n=34) and two comparison groups (n=32 and n=10). The comparison groups followed also a concept to foster media education, but did not include the testing and the evaluation of the own media education concepts by the students. To measure pre-service teachers' media pedagogical competences, items from the M³K inventory (media didactics and media education) (Herzig et al., 2015) were used. In addition, media pedagogical beliefs and learning opportunities with digital media in initial teacher education were measured (Herzig et al., 2015). Furthermore, a questionnaire on media usage (derived from the JIM study (Feierabend et al., 2017)), the ASKU inventory (Beierlein et al., 2014) as well as parts from the performance motivation index (Schuler & Prochaska, 2001) on commitment, willingness to learn, flexibility and confidence in success were used to explore different important variables. After data collection, descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed using SPSS. In addition, 20 construct interviews (König & Volmer, 2005) were carried out after the intervention to explore the students' understanding and knowledge of media pedagogical competence. The guideline for the interviews includes the following elements: subjective constructs (terms relevant to a person), subjective diagnostic hypotheses (descriptions and interpretations of situations based on the respective constructs), subjective goals (goals personally perceived as relevant), subjective explanatory hypotheses (assumptions about the cause of a particular situation) and subjective strategies (assumptions about suitable means to achieve goals) (König & Volmer, 2005, p. 84). The interview will be analysed by Mayring´s means of a qualitative content analysis. In addition to the two main evaluation instruments (pre-post questionnaire and construct interviews), short surveys have been conducted after every seminar unit and documentations (video, audio, protocols) from all seminar units have been compiled. With these supplementary instruments, disruptive factors can be classified and interpreted within the evaluation process.
Expected Outcomes
Subsequently, first insights into the results of the pre-post evaluation are provided. In general, the project delivers results on the suitability of the treatment. Descriptive analysis confirms an increase of the mean values and a decreased standard deviation from pre to posttest in the intervention group. The generalization of the results is limited due to the reason that the differences between both samples are not significant. This could be caused by the small sample size. However, according to Cohen's d standardized effect size, all results are at least within the range of medium strength. This also indicates a successful treatment. The comparison group results show an increase of the mean values and an increase of the standard deviation. This shows that the concept seems suitable to foster media pedagogical competences, but it indicates that this treatment does not foster the competencies of all pre-service teachers equally. In contrast to the comparison groups, the results from the performance motivation index increased significantly in the intervention group. Reflecting the research methodology, the sample size should be increased for further studies. However, a detailed description of the pedagogical concept's guiding principles may help implement similar concepts in other higher education institutions in Germany and potentially in different European countries. The pedagogical concept and the first results of quantitative data analysis will be shared at the conference presentation.
Beierlein, C., Kovaleva, A., Kemper, C. J., & Rammstedt, B. (2014). ZIS: Allgemeine-Selbstwirksamkeit-Kurzskala-(ASKU). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen. Feierabend, S., Plankenhorn, T., & Rathgeb, T. (2017). JIM-Studie 2017: Jugend, Information, (Multi-) Media. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienkonsum 12- bis 19-jähriger. Stuttgart. Herzig, B., Martin, A., Schaper, N., & Ossenschmidt, D. (2015). Modellierung und Messung medienpädagogischer Kompetenz - Grundlagen und erste Ergebnisse. In B. Koch-Priewe, A. Köker, J. Seifried, & E. Wuttke (Eds.), Kompetenzerwerb an Hochschulen: Modellierung und Messung: Zur Professionalisierung angehender Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sowie frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte (153-176). Klinkhardt, Julius. International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). The ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators for Teachers. Klaß, S., & Gläser-Zikuda, M. (2018). Analyse medienpädagogischer Kompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden – Ein Mixed-Methods Ansatz. In T. Knaus (Ed.), Projekt-Theorie-Methode: Vol. 2. Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik (pp. 505–540). Kopaed. König, E., & Volmer, G. (Eds.). (2005). System und Organisation: Vol. 10. Systemisch denken und handeln: Personale Systemtheorie in Erwachsenenbildung und Organisationsberatung. Beltz Verlag. Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108 (6), 1017–1054. Redecker, C. European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators: DigCompEdu. Punie, Y. (ed). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017. Roehl, A., Reddy, S. L., & Shannon, G. J. (2013). The Flipped Classroom: An Opportunity To Engage Millennial Students Through Active Learning Strategies. JFCS, 105 (2), 44–49. Schuler, H., & Prochaska, M. (2001). Leistungsmotivationsinventar (LMI). The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) (2014): Media Literacy Education & the Common Core State Standard. Online verfügbar unter Tiede, J., Grafe, S., & Hobbs, R. (2015). Pedagogical Media Competences of Pre-Service Teachers in Germany and the United States of America: A Comparative Analysis of Theory and Practice. (O. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia & S. Blömeke, Hrsg.)Peabody Journal of Education, 90(4), 533–545 Tulodziecki, G. (1995). Contributions of Media Use and Media Literacy Education to School Innovation. Bertelsmann Foundation, 93–133. Tulodziecki, G. (2017). Thesen zu einem Curriculum zur „Bildung in einer durch Digitalisierung und Mediatisierung beeinflussten Welt“. Merz (2). Tulodziecki, G., & Blömeke, S. (1997). Neue Medien - neue Aufgaben für die Lehrerausbildung: Tagungsdokumentation. Bertelsmann Stiftung. Tulodziecki, G., Grafe, S., & Herzig, B. (2013). Gestaltungsorientierte Bildungsforschung und Didaktik: Theorie - Empirie - Praxis. Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. Tulodziecki, G., Herzig, B., & Grafe, S. (2019). Medienbildung in Schule und Unterricht: Grundlagen und Beispiele (2. Ed.). Julius Klinkhardt.
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