Session Information
07 SES 10 A, Inclusive Education in Migration Societies
Paper Session
Early school leaving is one of the most important social problems amont the europeans states. Education have become in a fundamental right in Europe and since the II World War, al States members have been triying to offer a equal acces to basic education all the children. However, many children have been facing different problems which challenge their rigth to education. Probably, one of the best example of this situation is the EU2020 strategy, whicih focus on achive a growth strategy based on knowlodge.
However, education systems seems to face problems to ensure that all students achive their goals during their compulsy eductation. In this regards, the case of spanish sistem is clear: although, every child has the rigt to education and the acces to an edication place, this is not enough to provide children with all the competences taht are considered basic for all citizens.
Spanish education system have been increassing its capacity to wellcome divertity and have increased the compulsory education, but it haven´t been enough. Now a days, objetive in terms of the early schoolsleaving is away. Probably, at the end of this year 2020, it coludn´t raise less than 15% of early school leaving rate.
In this context, early school leaving have became in a more than just a problem linked with the educaiton sistem, it have became in a social problem. As a result, differents actors haven been envolved triyng to find a way to improve this indicators. So not educational actors have been working hard to find a way to ensure the rigth to education to that children who couldn´t realise this during their compulsory education and moreover.
Our proposal focuses on the educational work carried out by different actors (associations, foundations, NGOs), which provide non-formal educational services and social support to youngsters who either are externalized from secondary schools before finishing their Compulsory Education, or have finished it without a certificate. Local facilities that emerged at the end of the 1980s from the sphere of social intervention are aimed at them (Merino, 2013). These non-formal actors are oriented to favour the incorporation to the labor market by offering Vocational Education and Training addressed to professional profiles of low qualification (Termes, 2012).
Every academic year aorund 500 students are enrolled in this edcation offer through Zaragoza City Council. The Municipal Network of Social and Labour Centres of the Council of Zaragoza are a singular appliance with more than 30 years of experienca, in wihich civil society and local administration have been working toguether to improve education results of the most vulneranble children.
The unique characteriscs of the Municipal Network of Social and Labour Centres of the Council of Zaragoza merit to study more about it. In this sence, this paper will show some details about the moment when this network emerge and its reallity rigth now.
Qualitative and quantitative methodologies have been used. In one hand, we used quanlitative methodology to have a deep knowledge about the moment and circunstanses when the Network arise in the middle of the eighty of the XX sigle. In this case, search team have been focus on interviews and consulting different people as well as secondary sources of information. In another hand, quantitative methodologies have been used to show a recent picture of the Network. This two different sides ensure an adequate approach to the birth of the experience and to the process of development and actual impact of this Network.
Expected Outcomes
The Municipal Network of Social and Labour Centres of the Council of Zaragoza emerge in a moment an d social context in which Spanish civil society started to paid attention on education system for first time since the II Spanish Republic. Thanks to the meeting of interest show by Local Administration about young people and its future, with the political and ethical commitment of larger proportions of citizens organized through community associations, emerged a new education divice. Since the mid-1980s, this network have been offering different opportunities trying to give elements which facility social and eduction justice. In other words, trying to contribute to ensure the right to education to everyone.
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