Session Information
07 SES 17 B, Between Responsibilization and Negotiation: Discursive Orders and Parental Perspectives on School in the Context of Societal Inequalities
With the publication of the PISA study in 2001, students and parents with a so-called 'migration background' became the main focus of educational policy attention in Germany. With that, a stronger cooperation between schools and parents became a central policy demand (cf. Gomolla/Kollender 2019, p. 29). At the same time changes in the citizenship law contributed to the fact that ‚those parents‘ became a topos of an integration policy interest as well. Gomolla and Kollender (2019), in a study on education policy documents, examined the meanings and negotiations of parental images, and showed, how parents 'with a migration background' were increasingly addressed in a deficit-oriented perspective as a "target group of compensatory support and assistance offers" (ibid., p. 38). Discriminatory and marginalizing social and institutional structures and practices remain de-thematized in educational policy discourse. Pedagogical practices do not remain untouched by these discourses, images and conceptions about parents. Discursive knowledge about parents 'with a migration background' is (re)interpreted by pedagogical professionals, as empirical studies show for example for both kindergartens (cf. Kuhn 2018) and secondary schools (cf. Kollender 2020). My paper follows on from this and presents exemplary analyses from a study in German primary schools. Twelve qualitative interviews with primary school teachers were analysed with a focus on the questions: To what extent is discursive knowledge about parents 'with a migration background' expressed in the teachers' narratives? What do we learn about the school, their structures and knowledge orders, the legitimized practices in speaking about parents? The contribution first explain the migration-pedagogical (Mecheril et al. 2010) and critical race theory foundations (Taylor et al. 2016) of the study. The focus is on the exemplary results from the study. These are presented and it is explained how discursive knowledge orders and logics of classification are taken up and applied in the institutional context of the school. In the final part, the study-results will be discussed with a view on school-development perspectives.
Gomolla, Mechthild/Kollender Ellen (2019): Schulischer Wandel durch Elternbeteiligung? Kontinuitäten und Neuverhandlungen der Bilder von ,Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund‘ im politischen Diskurs der BRD. In: Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management 4, H. 1-2, S. 28-41. Kollender, Ellen (2020): Eltern-Schule-Migrations-Gesellschaft. Neuformation von rassistischen Ein- und Ausschlüssen in Zeiten neoliberaler Staatlichkeit. Bielefeld: transcript. Kuhn, Melanie (2018): Zwischen Einschluss und Ausschluss. Diskursive Erzeugungen der anderen Eltern in der schweizerischen Kindertagesbetreuung. In: Thon, Christine/Menz, Margarete/Mai, Miriam/Abdessadok, Luisa (Hrsg.): Kindheiten zwischen Familie und Kindertagesstätte. Differenzdiskurse und Positionierungen von Eltern und pädagogischen Fachkräften. Wiesbaden: VS, S. 75-92. Mecheril, Paul/Castro Varela, Maria do Mar/Dirim, İnci/Kalpaka, Annita/Melter, Claus (2010): Migrationspädagogik. Bachelor/Master. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Verlag. Taylor, Edward; Gillborn, David; Ladson-Billings, Gloria (eds.) (2016): Foundations of Critical Race Theory in Education. Second Edition. New York: Routledge.
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