Session Information
10 ONLINE 42 C, Research on Teacher Educators
Paper Session
MeetingID: 818 7511 3500 Code: 2dG8kH
The search for answers to the challenges of the time has now become intense. The acceleration of socio-economic processes dictates its own imperative to us: time does not wait. A hint of directions and partly the content of activities in the field of education was given by economists K.Schwab [1], futurologists M.Kaku [2], philosophers and methodologists A.Laszlo, P.Senge, P.Luksha [3], psychologists A.G. Asmolov [3] and other scientists. Realizing that a person is not only a functional element of the economy, but also the most important source of the country's national wealth, its "golden" fund, they actually accelerated the work of teachers to transform the quality of a modern person in accordance with socio-economic realities, and also drew attention to such problems of education systems as the lack of professional practice based on research; the need to create a qualitatively new education, based on the activity of the "lower classes" - the students themselves and teachers; the growing need for the production of a new intellectual product - knowledge and technology.
In Russia, the research activities’ relevance in the field of education in general and the professional research activities of teachers in particular is increasing. This is manifested in the holding of several Russian forums in 2021 [4; 5; 6; 7] and the Congress of Young Scientists [8], dedicated to the discussion of the priorities of the state scientific and educational policy, prospects and strategic goals of students' research activities, support of student scientific associations [7 ] which are the most important organizations of students’ research activities.
A significant advantage of research activities in the development of the individual is its ability to integrate with any type of professional activity and to increase its effectiveness. The teacher's professional research activity is of particular importance, on which the quality of education largely depends, the improvement of which naturally leads to the country’s economic growth.
To our opinion, teacher’s professional research activity should be understood as an activity aimed at identifying the problems that a teacher faces in the educational process, the reasons for their occurrence, the conditions and ways to overcome them and, updating it and increasing its efficiency in order to meet the requirements of a developing society.
The teacher’s professional research activity has a great developmental potential. Under the condition of long-term performance of professional research activities by the teacher, the teacher's intellectual and creative potential is increased, which contributes to the creation of author's educational technologies and the theoretical enrichment of pedagogy as a science.
The teacher’s professional research activity has an integrated character (includes analytical understanding of the educational process, involving pedagogical diagnostics; building an individual concept of professional activity, including pedagogical experimentation; participation in the design of the concept and program of school development and their implementation; student research in the process of education and upbringing; teaching students the methods of research activities). Secondly, it is quite complex due to the fact that the object and subject of professional pedagogical research are complex and changeable. In Russia the prestige and social status of the teaching profession are rather low, which prevents future teachers from developing motivation for effective professional research activities.
A powerful movement is developing abroad within the teaching profession, which has begun to integrate the fruits of research and the skills of a practicing researcher into pedagogical practice [9].
Despite the advantages of the teacher's professional research activity, students show passivity in mastering it, the quality of their research work leaves much to be desired, which necessitates solving such a research problem: what psychological and pedagogical conditions will increase the effectiveness of the process of preparing future teachers for professional research activities? The purpose of the study is to identify the psychological and pedagogical conditions, the creation of which will help to improve the efficiency of future teachers’ professional research activities. The author of this work has 15 years of experience in organizing research activities for students of the Elabuga Institute (branch) of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal Institute in Russia. We consider a rather long period of this work as a stating experiment, which made it possible to apply in the study, without reducing the reliability of its results, a qualitative approach and, accordingly, such qualitative methods of scientific and pedagogical research that contributed to the collection of information, such as: theoretical analysis of literary sources, which made it possible to identify trends updating the goals and objectives of training future specialists and teachers, including; long-term participant observation, conversation (allowing us to interpret the judgments of teachers (120) and students (423 bachelors and 71 masters), analysis of literary sources and mathematical data, retrospective analysis of personal experience not only in organizing research activities of students, but also in forming future teachers readiness for professional research activities. Based on the principle of functional complementarity, quantitative methods were also used in the study. Their application contributed to the establishment of causal relationships between the attitude of teachers to the preparation of future teachers for professional research activities and the identification of conditions, the implementation of which can increase its effectiveness.
Expected Outcomes
In the course of organizing future teachers' professional research activities, there was an increase in the number of students who connected to it and took part in its various forms. We mean scientific-practical conferences, research works competitions, participation in the work of student scientific associations, since term papers and final qualifying works are developed and defended by all students, without showing much interest, but simply following the curriculum. The number of students employed in extracurricular forms of organizing professional research activities has increased from 107 people since 2014 to 167 in 2021. But, unfortunately, the quality of students' research work did not improve. This is expressed in the low independence of students, the presence of plagiarism, poor knowledge of the conceptual apparatus of the topic and research methods, poor style of scientific writing, etc. The current situation prompted us to identify new psychological and pedagogical conditions. The study of competency models of a university teacher revealed that they lack the competencies necessary to prepare students for research activities [10; 11; 12]. Their inclusion in the normative provisions of the professional standard for university teachers, and mastering by teachers who train future teachers can increase: 1) their professionalism; 2) awareness and conviction [12; 13] in the need to prepare future teachers for professional pedagogical research. Significant conditions for solving the problem under consideration are: 3) ensuring continuity between the Federal State Educational Standard for a third-generation general education school, and the Federal State Educational Standard (3++) for the university; 4) popularization of the role of the teacher's professional research activities among students; 5) transition to future teachers' research training etc. The identification and implementation of new psychological and pedagogical conditions for the training of future teachers is an important direction in improving the quality of education in general.
1. Schwab K. (2016). The fourth industrial revolution. Publishing house "E". p. 208. (in Russ.). 2. Kaku M. Global Future 2050. Lecture at the III Third Regional Social Innovation Forum "An infinite amount of knowledge will be available to everyone" [Text + Sound]. URL: 11004333.html or (in Russ.). 3. Report "Education for a complex society" "Educational ecosystems for social transformation". URL: (date of access: 20.12.2021). (in Russ.). 4. Russian forum "Youth and Science" URL (in Russ.). 5. All-Russian seminar-meeting "Problems and tasks of organizing research work of students of universities of the Russian Federation". [Electronic resource] URL - (in Russ.). 6. All-Russian Forum "Teacher and Science: Practices, Competencies, Achievements". URL: (in Russ.). 7. All-Russian School of Student Scientific Associations. URL – (in Russ.). 8. Young Scientists Congress. URL – https://xn--d1acaa0afldb6c3b6bf.xn--80afdrjqf7b.xn--p1ai/congress/. (in Russ.). 9. McAleavy T. (2015). Teaching as a research-engaged profession: problems and possibilities. Education Development Trust. p.48. 10. Efimova G.Z., Sorokin A.N., Gribovsky M.V. (2021). The ideal teacher of higher education: personal qualities and socio-professional competencies. Education and science. 23(1): 202-230. (in Russ.). 11. Dulzon A.A., Vasil'eva O.M. (2009). Competence Model of a University Teacher. University Management: Practice and Analysis. No. 2. pp. 29-37. (in Russ.). 12. Annenkova I.P. (2015). Competence-based and qualimetric approaches to the development of tools for monitoring the quality of professional activity of scientific and pedagogical workers of the university // Science and world. 2015. No. 8 (24). Vol. II. P. 32-36. (in Russ.). 13. Ellis N., & Loughland T. (2016). The Challenges of Practitioner Research: A Comparative Study of Singapore and NSW. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 41(2): 122-136.
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