Network: 10. Teacher Education Research
10 SES 02 A, Global Engagement and Social Justice
Tuesday, 2022-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: M.3.114, Chair: Benjamin Ponet
- Internationalisation in Teacher Education: Engaging Preservice Teachers in Addressing Global Challenges in Local Contexts
- Uncovering Teacher Educators’ Dealing with Diversity: Practices, Opportunities, Barriers and Tensions
Åsmund Aamaas Poul F. Guttesen
Benjamin Ponet Hanne Tack Ruben Vanderlinde Wendelien Ventieghem Rajendra Chetty
10 SES 03 A, Engaging in and with Research
Tuesday, 2022-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: M.3.114, Chair: Hanne Tack
- BA/MA thesis in teacher education
- Blogging to Become a Teacher: Exploring Agency Learning and Online Communities of Inquiry with Weblogs in International Teacher Education Programmes
- Teacher Educators' Researcherly Disposition from an International Perspective
- Professional Collaboration: Use of PBL to Develop Math and Science Students’ Higher-Ordered Thinking Skills
Marte Lorentzen Hilde Afdal Hanna Holmeide
Tobias Hölterhof Gemma Tur Liat Biberman-Shalev
Hanne Tack Ainat Guberman Ruben Vanderlinde Ann MacPhail
Gulzina Nagibova Gulzukhra Nurmukhanova Aliya Konurova Nurziya Uspanova Gulsezim Ishanova Nurzhamal Ziyakhmetova
10 SES 04 A, Teacher Professional Development Across the Continuum
Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: M.3.114, Chair: Sarah Désirée Lange
- Initial Teacher Education, Induction and Continuous Professional Development Across Europe: The Relationship with Primary and Secondary Teachers’ Self-efficacy
- Pre-service teachers’ school practice through the Lens of Professional Development School
- Supportive Primary Teacher Beliefs towards Multilingualism through Teacher Training and Professional Practice
Wilfried Admiraal
Judit Orgoványi-Gajdos Ida Zagyváné Szűcs
Sarah Désirée Lange Sanna Pohlmann-Rother Laura Zapfe Daniel Then
10 SES 05.5, General Poster Session NW 10
Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 12:00-13:30, Room: Main Foyer, Chair:
- Opportunities for Interaction Between Research and the Field of Practice in a Collaborative Master’s Supervision Project
Ann Sylvi Larsen Signe Rix Berthelin Ane Opdøl Kopreitan Mari Nygård
10 SES 06 A, Change, Reproduction and Rethinking Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: M.3.114, Chair: Eline Vanassche
- Knowledge and Prestige: Change and Reproduction in Danish Teacher Education from Church Appendix to Democratic Institution
- Rethinking Teacher Education in A Post-pandemic World: A Transnational Comparative Study
- The Discursive Positioning of Teacher Educator Professionalism in Two Standards Documents: Ways of Seeing and Not Seeing
Jørn Jørn Bjerre
Gregor Maxwell Satu-Maarit Korte Mhairi Beaton Outi Kyrö-Ämmälä Minna Körkkö Miia Hast
Eline Vanassche
10 SES 07 A, Learning from Practice
Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: M.3.114, Chair: Maria Pacheco Figueiredo
- Multiple Case Studies Examining Teacher Educators and Student Teachers’ Experiences from Developing Teacher Education in Professional Inquiry Projects
- Lesson Studies informing Future Teachers Learning about Algorithmic Thinking in Early Childhood Education: Perspectives from Portugal
Birgitte Lund Nielsen Claus Baagø Jepsen
Maria Pacheco Figueiredo Susana Amante Valter Alves Cristina Azevedo Gomes Helena Gomes Ilke Gencel
10 SES 08 A, Communication, Evaluation and Feedback
Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: M.3.114, Chair: May Britt Postholm
- Can Digitally-Enhanced Reflections and Feedback Foster Development in Classroom Interaction Practices? A Study of a Student-Teacher’s Use of Negative Evaluation
- Towards a Dialogical Model of Feedback and Engagement, the Use of Video Feedback in Pre-service Further Education Student Teachers.
- Tripartite Collaboration in Teacher Education when Working on the R&D Thesis
Olcay Sert Annaliina Gynne Maria Larsson
Justin Rami
May Britt Postholm Torunn Klemp
10 SES 09 A, Student teachers
Thursday, 2022-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: M.3.114, Chair: Katharina Soukup-Altrichter
- Does a Teacher Education Reform Change Student Access and Student Career Goals?
- Learning Patterns of the Second-year Student of the Faculty of Education
Herbert Altrichter Katharina Soukup-Altrichter Christoph Weber
Lilyan Vega-Ramírez Christian Hederich-Martínez Andreea Vidaci
10 SES 10.5 A, Network Meeting NW 10 (hybrid)
Thursday, 2022-08-25, 12:00-13:30, Room: M.3.114, Chair: ML White
- NW 10 Meeting
ML White Susann Hofbauer
10 SES 11 A, Digital Innovation
Thursday, 2022-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: M.3.114, Chair: Thor-André Skrefsrud
- Developing Student-Teachers’ Technology-Enhanced Learning Competencies via Teacher Design Teams: Investigating Students’ Support Needs and Perceived Professional Growth.
- A Digital Third Space What Are the Affordances of Digital Collaborative Assessment in Teacher Education?
- VR Simulation as a Learning Method for Pre-Service Teachers
Bram Cabbeke Tijs Rotsaert Tammy Schellens
Viviana Daza
Odd Rune Stalheim Hege Merete Somby Thor André Skrefsrud Ann-Cathrin Faldet Karen Parish
10 SES 12 A, Mentoring and Induction
Thursday, 2022-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: M.3.114, Chair: Rizagul Syzdykbayeva
- (Missed) Opportunities to Learn in Triadic Mentoring Practice: A Positioning Theory Approach
- A Vignette-based Study on Mentor Teachers’ Supervisory Roles during Mentoring Conversations
- Teacher Induction Program in Kazakhstan: Challenges, Implications and Ways forward
Steven Bruneel Eline Vanassche
Hanne Tack Ruben Vanderlinde Ine Ophalvens
Rizagul Syzdykbayeva
10 SES 13 A, Professional Vision, extended Professionals and Identity
Thursday, 2022-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: M.3.114, Chair: Eva Minarikova
- Extended Professionals? Preparedness of German Pre-service Teachers in Special Educational Needs Training for School Development Processes.
- "For me, it is important to maintain self while adapting" Understanding Chinese Foreign Language Teachers' Identity in an Intercultural Context
Katharina Resch Sarah Walczuch Eva Hartmüller Sabine Marschall
Xu Liu Wilfried Admiraal Tessa Mearns
10 ONLINE 39 C, Thinking Critical
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Anna Beck
- Fostering Critical Thinking in Initial Teacher Education Curriculums: A Comprehensive Literature Review
- Future Teachers' Thinking on the Role of Education in Gender Equality
- Developing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Models for Supporting Students
Teresa Angelico
Gladys Merma-Molina Diego Gavilán Martín Mayra Urrea-Solano Salvador Baena-Morales
Natasha Ziebell Jemma Skeat
10 ONLINE 39 B, Mentoring, Reasoning & Feedback
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Marita Cronqvist
- From Critical to Generative Moments when Learning to Provide Oral Feedback: The potential of video mentoring during fieldwork
- Using Video to Spur Generative Discussions during Coursework: Reasoning in Groups and in Whole Class
- Effects of Teacher Feedback on Primary School Students’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs and their Interest in Science Lessons
Gøril Brataas Inga Staal Jenset
Inga Staal Jenset Gøril Brataas
Fabian Hoya Jan Roland Schulze Frank Hellmich Eva Blumberg
10 ONLINE 39 A, Education for Diversity and Inclusion
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Mariana Buenestado Fernández
- Teacher Education for Diversity and Inclusion in Austria: Ambitious Policies and Disconcerting Practices
- A Teacher Education Proposal for Diversity and Inclusive Education as Action of Research Results Transfer into Practice in Higher Education
Vasileios Symeonidis Heike Wendt
Mariana Buenestado Fernández Azahara Jiménez Millán Eva Hinojosa Pareja María García-Cano Torrico
10 ONLINE 40 B, Virtual Reality, Pupils & Learning Community
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 13:00-14:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Gabriella Rodolico
- Four Different Ways that Pre-service Teachers used to Teach Virtual Pupils about Fractions
- Virtual Reality as the Catalyst for a new Partnership Model in Initial Teacher Education.
- Student Teachers’ Perceptions of Participating in a Professional Learning Community over Their Practicum Experience: A Qualitative Study
Marcus Samuelsson Anja Thorsten Joakim Samuelsson
Pamela Cowan Rachel Farrell Martin Brown Stephen Roulston Sammy Taggart
Elvira Barrios Carmen Sanchidrián Aurora Carretero
10 ONLINE 40 C, Satisfaction, Multidimensional Overview & Theoretical Analysis
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 13:00-14:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Ainat Guberman
- Satisfaction of University Students when Applying Language Assessment Tests in Real-life Contexts.
- CLIL from different perspectives; Italy, Spain and Turkey
- Teaching the Good Life. A Theoretical Analysis for Education and Schooling.
Alba Ayuso-Lanchares Inés Ruiz-Requies Rosa Belén Santiago-Pardo
Gamze Korbek Janet Wolf
Evi Agostini Nazime Öztürk Denis Francesconi
10 ONLINE 40 A, Poster Presentations
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 13:00-14:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Susann Hofbauer
- “Erziehung” in the Classroom – Reconstructing Teacher Orientations Based on Authentic Video Recordings of Teacher-Student-Interactions
- Teachers’ Knowledge of Students’ Learning Strategie: How to Support Self-regulated Learning
- Professional Satisfaction and Career Development of Beginning Teachers
Jan-Simon Zimmermann Sabine Hornberg Magdalena Buddeberg
Mikk Granström Eliis Härma Eve Kikas
Rasa Didziuliene Genute Gedviliene
10 ONLINE 41 C, Teacher Programs & Mentoring
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Itxaso Tellado
- Mentoring Preservice Teachers in/for High-Need Schools: Insights and Lessons from a Clinically Rich Urban Teacher Residency Program
- Toward Developing an Effective Mentoring Program to Enhance Student Teachers’ Self-efficacy in Classroom Management: Kosovo Experience
Sibel Akin-Sabuncu A. Lin Goodwin
Elmedina Nikoçeviq Kurti
10 ONLINE 41 A, Symposium: Teacher Education for a Society of Migration
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger
- Teacher Education for a Society of Migration
- Challenges and Opportunities in International Comparisons of Teacher Preparation for Multilingual Learners: Results and Reflections from the MultiTEd Project
- Preparing Teachers for Diversity: How are Teacher Education Systems Responding to Cultural Diversity – The Case of Austria and Ireland
- How Has Teacher Education in Denmark Reacted to the Increase of Migration-related Diversity in Schools?
Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger Hanne Brandt
Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger Tobias Schroedler Meike Wernicke Svenja Hammer
Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger Martin Brown Herbert Altrichter Sarah Gardezi
Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger Karen Bjerg Petersen
10 ONLINE 41 B, Digital Education Spaces, Settings & Platforms
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Gabriella Rodolico
- Learning Labs, Digital Education Spaces and More? (Digital) Lab Formats in Early Teacher Training
- Classroom Disruptions in Digital Settings during the Pandemic - an Interview Study with Teachers
- A Reflection into the Impact of an Internationalisation Experience Via Digital Platform, Based on the Opinions of Students and Lecturers
Anna Hartenstein Mandy Schiefner-Rohs
Pierre Meinokat Ingo Wagner
Gabriella Rodolico Mark Breslin Annamaria Mariani
10 ONLINE 42 C, Research on Teacher Educators
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 18:00-19:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Alba Ayuso-Lanchares
- Quality Initial Teacher Education in the Grip of Teacher Educator “Academic Tribes and Territories”
- Integrating Global with Local: Preparing Teachers for Immigrant Students in the Context of Global Migration and the New Normal
- The Effectiveness of the Process of Future Teachers’ Preparing for Professional Research Activities: Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for Its Increase
Fjolla Kacaniku
Sibel Akin-Sabuncu Seung Eun {Sunny} McDevitt A.Lin Goodwin Crystal Chen Lee
Nadezhda Savina
10 ONLINE 42 B, Development
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 18:00-19:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Susann Hofbauer
- Personal and Life Skills Development Among Adolescents Through School-based Program Intervention and Teacher Education: The Case of Kosovo
- What Really Drives Japanese Lesson Study?: Learning to Promote Students’ Non-cognitive Development in Academic Lessons
- Analysing the Relation Between Implicit and Explicit Knowledge. Study Review on the Use of Documentary Method in School Education Research
Majlinda Gjelaj Blerta Perolli- Shehu Wiltrud Weidinger Meister Doris Kuhn Hana Zylfiu- Haziri
Noriyuki Inoue
Jan-Hendrik Hinzke Zhanna Gevorgyan
10 ONLINE 42 A, Teacher Education, Shortage & Retraining
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 18:00-19:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Gøril Brataas
- Enacting principles of quality design through the Strengthening Pre-Service Teacher Education in Myanmar project
- Reduced Teacher Education as strategy against Teacher Shortage: Impacts on Equity
- Retraining and Integrating Former High-Tech Employees as STEM Teachers in Israeli High Schools
Michelle Lasen Kristy Osborne
Guadalupe Francia Ulrika Bergstrand
Ainat Guberman Erez Zavelevsky Nahum Hofree
10 ONLINE 43 B, Research on Values, Beliefs & Understandings in Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2022-09-07, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Gøril Brataas
- Collective Teacher Efficacy, Teachers’ Work-related Stress and Feeling of Preparedness for Future School Closures During Covid-19 Pandemic
- The Influence of Formal, Non-formal and Informal Training on Secondary School Teachers’ Self-efficacy in Shanghai: TALIS 2018
- Learning Environment in Supervision that Develops Students' Autonomy in Degree Projects
Lauri Heikonen Raisa Ahtiainen Sanna Oinas Risto Hotulainen Satu Koivuhovi Arja Rimpelä
Yijun Zhou Yi-Jhen Wu
Marita Cronqvist Ellinor Skaremyr
10 ONLINE 43 C, Research in Teacher Education: Cultures and Methodologies
Wednesday, 2022-09-07, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Nilay Ozturk
- Youth Working Together to Build a Renewed Understanding of Inclusive Plurilingual Education
- Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers’ Conceptions of Children’s Play
- Using Online-Group Discussions in Teacher Education Research. Potentials and challenges for Collecting Online-Data in the Context of Inquiry-Based Learning.
Julia Llompart Esbert
Fatma Çağlin Akıllıoğlu Canan Avcı
Jan-Hendrik Hinzke Vanessa-Patricia Boldt Alexandra Damm
10 ONLINE 43 A, Symposium: Teacher Education in the Nordic Countries
Wednesday, 2022-09-07, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Berglind Gísladóttir
- Teacher Education in the Nordic Countries: Opportunities to Enact Practice
- Monitoring Opportunities to Study Practice in Teacher Education - Teacher Candidates’ Perspectives
- WITHDRAWN Linking Campus Teaching in Teacher Education to Practice: First Exploration Using the Danish Translation of the ”Linking to Practice” Scale
- Icelandic Teacher Education: Students’ Opportunities to Enact Practice
Berglind Gísladóttir Kirsti Klette Ida Katrine Riksaasen
Berglind Gísladóttir Inga Staal Jenset Esther Canrinus
Berglind Gísladóttir N N
Berglind Gísladóttir Birna María Svanbjörnsdóttir Guðmundur Engilbertsson
10 ONLINE 44 A, Symposium: Developing Teaching Practices
Wednesday, 2022-09-07, 13:00-14:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Inga Staal Jenset
- Developing Teaching Practices: A Nordic Perspective on Why and How We Can Use Videos to Foster Professional Learning
- Designing a Video-based Program for Teacher Education: Examining Expert and Novice Noticing Skills
- Video as a Tool for Discussion: Teacher Candidates’ Reasoning across Coursework and Fieldwork
- Observation and Feedback for Improved Reading Instruction. Impacts and Constraints of a Longitudinal Collaborative Intervention
Inga Staal Jenset Gøril Brataas Kirsti Klette Hilda Borko
Inga Staal Jenset Stefan Ting Graf Hanne Rasmussen
Inga Staal Jenset Gøril Brataas
Inga Staal Jenset Michael Tengberg
10 ONLINE 44 B, Research on Teacher Induction and Early Career Teachers
Wednesday, 2022-09-07, 13:00-14:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Francesca Vergani
- Whose Responsibility is it Anyway?: Pupil Mental Health in a Scottish Secondary School
- Teacher Training Based On Successful Educational Actions
- Individual and External Factors Influencing the Well-being of Prospective Teachers
Mark Breslin Christine Hadfield
Itxaso Tellado Garazi López de Aguileta Silvia Molina Roldán
Claudia Menge Stefanie Gäckle Andreas Ortenburger
10 ONLINE 45 B, Professional Development and Knowledge in Engineering and Language Educators
Wednesday, 2022-09-07, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Galiya Yeszhanova
- Examining the Effect of a Long-term Engineering-based Professional Development Program on Science Teachers' Implementation of Engineering Design Lessons
- Professional Knowledge in Degree Projects in Teacher and Engineering Education - a Comparative Study
- Cartographies of Being and Becoming Language Educators.
Nilay Ozturk Sevgi Aydin-Gunbatar Gillian H. Roehrig
Rimma Nyman Mattias Börjesson Lilia Kristiansson
Donata Puntil
10 ONLINE 45 A, Virtual Excursions & Online Learning Environments
Wednesday, 2022-09-07, 16:00-17:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Anna Beck
- Designing an Intuitive Authoring Tool for Virtual Excursions - A user-experience study with a mixed method approach
- Conceptualising Socially Progressive Teacher Education
- Living the Orchestra Metaphor as Experiential Teacher Education for Inclusion. A Case Study with Italian In-service Teachers
Samira Khodaei Lea Daling Anas Abdelrazeq Ingrid Isenhardt
Aileen Kennedy
Francesca Vergani
10 ONLINE 46 B, Narratives, Effects of Pandemic and Pedagogical Renewal
Wednesday, 2022-09-07, 18:00-19:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Christian Wiesner
- Metaphorical Narratives and Intercultural Teacher Training Experiences
- Analysis of the Pedagogical Renewal in Spain today: A Systematic Review.
Giambattista Bufalino Gabriella D'Aprile
Laura Domingo-Peñafiel Núria Simó Gil Mar Beneyto-Seoane Núria Carrete-Marín Xabier Arregi-Murgiondo
10 ONLINE 46 A, Research on Professional Knowledge & Identity in Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2022-09-07, 18:00-19:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Garazi López de Aguileta
- Digital Assessment of Teachers’ Competence in Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Evaluation of Their Beliefs and Opportunities to Learn
- Designing an Integrated STEM Curriculum Unit in the Context of Socioscientific Issues
- Preparing Teachers of Social Studies in a Postdigital Era – Teacher Educators’ Views of Digital Citizenship and Professional Digital Competence
Svenja Lemmrich Timo Ehmke
Nilay Ozturk Gillian H. Roehrig
Alex Örtegren Anders D. Olofsson
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