Session Information
10 ONLINE 46 B, Narratives, Effects of Pandemic and Pedagogical Renewal
Paper Session
MeetingID: 844 8913 5186 Code: 81K9PN
While today's society has undergone changes in recent years, also through various historical, political and social movements, aspects such as educational practices, school organisation and curricular practices that are carried out in schools have not changed as much and are not adapted to current challenges and needs, often having a 19th century school in a 20th century society (Carbonell, 2008). The same is true for the so-called school culture and school grammar (Novoa, 2009; Viñao 2002). Moreover, the term innovation is often confused with renovation (Feu-Gelis & Torrent-Font, 2019) in educational centres, where a critical view and profound changes that guide schools and make it possible to change school models and, in turn, social transformation, must be the backbone. The current pedagogical renewal must be in line with a school that is more open and critical in its purposes and active methodologies, as well as democratic in its structures (Canals Cadafalch & Darder Vidal, 2001; Pericacho Gómez, 2015). It is therefore necessary to review the tradition and models of educational change and the pedagogical references that support them in order to analyse and define the current moment of pedagogical renewal, also identifying the common and differentiating elements of the centres that are renewing in order to guide and encourage others to change.
This paper presents the results of a research project whose main objective is to clarify the state of the art and the actuality of the pedagogical renewal in Spain to guide school practices for educational improvement based on emerging challenges. It aims to analyse the concept of “pedagogical renewal” instead of other terms such as innovation, change or educational reform, to provide a clear definition
A systematic literature review is conducted with the aim of analysing all published research articles on teaching materials in rural schools in the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases. The central research question is the following: What are the main findings that could help to determine how Pedagogical Renewal is conceptualized today? In order to answer this question, the following objectives are: (1) To describe and analyse the concept and definition of Pedagogical Renewal; (2) to review and identify the phases and characteristics relating to historical evolution of Pedagogical Renewal during the 10th and 20 th centuries(3) to define Pedagogical Renewal in the present day, considering the current pedagogies and characteristics of the educational centres considered to be renovators and, finally (4) analyse and determine, from a critical perspective, the aspects that facilitate such renewal as well as identify the experiences related to pedagogical renewal present in the identified publications.
From a total of 498 research papers identified, after PRISMA (Moher et al., 2009) only papers published in Spanish, English, Vasco, Galician and Occitan were selected (N=90) for further analysis, based on the selected criteria. The firsts results allow us to define the Pedagogical Renewal, identify the main pedagogical referents and identify the main characteristics of the educational centres to be considered as renovators.
A systematic review is carried out of all publications belonging to the Web of Science, Scopus and Google scholar databases between 2010 and 2020 The articles reviewed have broad inclusion and exclusion. Once the research question and objectives had been defined, we also specified the criteria from inclusion and exclusion of articles and the criteria for evaluating the quality of the resulting papers. Shortly, it consisted of including the articles that are written in Spanish, English, Vasco, Galician and Occitan, by giving the review an international character, which refer to the concept of pedagogical renewal and contain the keywords in title, abstract or keywords and which are mainly located in Spain. Publications that are not in open access and those that do not refer to the concept of pedagogical renewal from 1975 onwards, coinciding with the beginning of democracy in Spain, are excluded. All the databases were reviewed with the same search parameters. A systematic search was carried out combining Boolean indicators with the main concepts that allow us to define and present a link with the object of analysis. Also to avoid subjectivity checklists were developed to verify the quality of the content of the resulting publications. Finally, a total of 498 papers were identified. The publications resulting from the initial search, after deleting duplicates, and following the phases of PRISMA statement flow chart (Moher et al., 2009), a total of 78 papers were selected for the systematic review. Also to avoid subjectivity checklists were developed to verify the quality of the content of the resulting publications (Kitchenham & Charters, 2017). From here, the resulting articles were recorded in Excel descriptive tables. The process of extraction, synthesis and analysis of the information was carried out with Atlas Ti, a system of codes and categories, performing various descriptive analysis actions in order to enable theorisation. Lastly, reports were drawn up showing the most relevant information, the analysis of this information and the correlations between them, in order to obtain the main findings and conclusions. A rigorous procedure was followed at all times, also taking into account ethical aspects.
Expected Outcomes
The systematic review concludes with significant findings on the pedagogical models and educational references adopted in schools over time in order to establish the foundations of what we currently consider to be a renovating school. Also allow us to categorise the data in four dimensions: social, historical and political context, didactic elements and educational practices, theoretical references and conceptualisation of the term, and life stories and experiences. In addition, content analysis has made it possible to differentiate between key terms such as innovation, reform and pedagogical renewal from a critical viewpoint and established criteria. The results are applicable not only to education in Spain. These aspects can be extrapolated to other contexts taking into account the students as the centre of learning, the internal changes in schools, which go beyond one-off innovations (Carbonell, 2001) to carry out educational improvements and profound changes at all levels. With regard to the terminological issue, we can speak of a period of renewal at the present time, understanding also, through different experiences and visions throughout the literature review, how the current school has completely renewed aspects related, for example, to school architecture and spaces to adapt them to the new pedagogical models, with a new organisational and management model based on a network structure that facilitates the pedagogical leadership of teachers (Besalú Costa, 2019). Finally, this research allows us to demonstrate findings that refer also to secondary education in Spain, a stage that tends to have less presence in publications on the subject. It also allowed us to consolidate the idea that schools considered to be renovators currently have common and shared characteristics in aspects such as teacher training, the relationship with the environment, social commitment, the didactics and methodology used in the school, educational roles and digital culture, among others.
Besalú Costa, X. (2019). La renovació pedagògica a la Catalunya del segle XXI. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Canals Cadafalch, MªM., Darder Vidal, P. (2001). La renovació pedagògica a Catalunya des de dins (1940-1980). Fets i records. Barcelona: Edicions 62. Carbonell, J. (2001). La aventura de innovar. El cambio en la escuela. Madrid: Morata. Carbonell, J. (2008). Una educación para mañana. Barcelona: Octaedro. Feu-Gelis, J., Torrent-Font.A. (2019). Innovation in the Context of Educational Change and Mirages. In: Peters, M., Heraud, R. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer, Singapore. Kitchenham, B.A. y S. Charters (2007) Guidelines for performing systematic literature reviews in software engineering, Technical Report EBSE-2007-01. School of Computer Science and Mathematics, Keele University. Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G. & Prisma Group. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. PLoS Medicine, 6(7). Novoa, A. (2009). Educación 2021: Para una historia del futuro. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 49, 181-189. Pericacho Gómez, F. (2015). Actualidad de la renovación pedagógica en la comunidad de Madrid: un estudio a través de las escuelas emblemáticas. Evolución y experiencias actuales ante los retos socioeducativos de la sociedad del siglo XXI. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Tesis Doctoral. Viñao, A. (2002). Sistemas educativos, culturas escolares y reformas: continuidades y cambios. Madrid, Morata.
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