ECER 2022
session provided by 10. Teacher Education Research
10 ONLINE 42 B
Paper Session
MeetingID: 945 7599 8433 Code: FM82Vb
Susann Hofbauer
- Personal and Life Skills Development Among Adolescents Through School-based Program Intervention and Teacher Education: The Case of Kosovo
Majlinda Gjelaj Blerta Perolli- Shehu Wiltrud Weidinger Meister Doris Kuhn Hana Zylfiu- Haziri
- What Really Drives Japanese Lesson Study?: Learning to Promote Students’ Non-cognitive Development in Academic Lessons
Noriyuki Inoue
- Analysing the Relation Between Implicit and Explicit Knowledge. Study Review on the Use of Documentary Method in School Education Research
Jan-Hendrik Hinzke Zhanna Gevorgyan
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