Session Information
02 ONLINE 23 B, Competences and Didactics at the Workplace
Paper Session
MeetingID: 827 1194 4584 Code: f8XwVp
For the design of learning settings in VET, peer learning approaches can be suitable learning methods to increase learning motivation and learning success of the apprentices. Central criteria, is the peer learning includes communication at eye level and the reciprocal reliability of the peers. This can facilitate the transfer of skills, competencies and knowledge from peer to peer, so that both sides can benefit in the learning process.
For the theoretical foundation of peer learning, the preliminary considerations of Vygotsky (1929, 1978, 1986) on the internalization of knowledge through social interaction and reciprocal exchange, the considerations of Piaget (1932, 1986) on the importance of the symmetrical peer relationship as well as those of Bandura (1979, 1986) on learning through model observation and imitation are taken into account (social learning theory).
The research question to be investigated is "To what extent does peer learning influence collaborative learning and social relationships and interactions within classes and cohorts in VET?"
It is expected that peer learning, as noted by Topping (1996) and Haag and Streber (2011), among others, improves social learning, contributes to social inclusion, and reduces social isolation (of individuals).
Furthermore, peer learning should help to increase the exchange and feedback among apprentices. Empirical studies such as Kutscha et al. (2012) or Gebhardt et al. (2009) make it clear that apprentices would like to receive more feedback and more collegial support as well as more recognition and appreciation during their apprenticeship. Moreover, they are afraid of making mistakes.
On the other hand, the study by Leijten and Chan (2012) shows that peer learning in VET increases feedback quality and can promote peer feedback strategies as well as increasing interactions between peers.
The effects of peer learning for learning settings in the learning locations of company and vocational school in industrial-technical apprenticeships as well as apprenticeships in the healthcare sector in Germany will be analyzed. For this purpose, different research methodological approaches are taken into account: social network analysis and guideline-based interviews with apprentices and teachers and instructors. The research setting comprises six schools or companies with a total of 11 classes (243 apprentices). In addition, 39 interviews with apprentices and 15 interviews with teachers and instructors are available for the analysis. Through such an approach of mixed methods research, the weaknesses of the individual methods should be balanced reciprocally. Social network analysis is particularly suitable for illustrating personal relationships in school classes. In this way, both one-way and two-way social relationships can be modeled and their changes in the networks can be made visible. Following Zander (2014), the help networks, work networks, and friendship networks are illustrated and analyzed. The surveys are conducted before and after the intervention oft he peer learning. The algorithm ForceAtlas 2 (Jacomy et al., 2014) was used for the analysis. The guided interviews with the apprentices is based on Witzel (2000) for a problem-centered interview (PZI) and the analysis was conducted according to a content-structuring qualitative content analysis by Kuckartz (2016). The interviews with the teachers and instructors are based on the guidelines of Meuser and Nagel (2002) and Helfferich (2014). The analysis takes into account the suggestions of Meuser and Nagel (2009) and Gläser and Laudel (2010). The analysis of the transcripts was done with the analysis program MAXQDA.
Expected Outcomes
The results of the social network analysis show an increase in the friendship and sympathy networks as well as the help and work networks through peer learning. This finding can at the same time be supported by the qualitatively collected data and illustrated along exemplary statements of the interviewees. Apprentices report in the interviews that a positive new feedback culture has emerged in their classes. In addition, the apprentices recognize that it makes sense to continue to help each other after peer learning and to support each other reciprocally with appreciative feedback. In the learning process, it became clear to the peers that they can trust each other and ask each other for advice. Therefore, they express the intention to work together more in the future. Additionally, positive reports and experiences were described which could be allocated to the code "Solidarity". Moreover, some apprentices describe situations that illustrate that they consciously show consideration for lower-performing apprentices, support them in their learning and actively integrate them into the social community. The content of this finding fits with Topping's (1996) and Haag and Streber's (2011) arguments that peer learning can contribute to social integration. Furthermore, the intention to include other apprentices from the class in the social community is of central importance and a prerequisite for successful cooperation in everyday working life. Finally, suggestions for action will be presented on how peer learning can be implemented in VET. The lecture ends with further proposals for exchange and discourse.
Bandura, A. (1979). Sozial-kognitive Lerntheorie. Klett-Cotta. Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood-Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Gebhardt, A., Martínez Zaugg, Y. & Nüesch, C. (2009). Förderung von Lernkompetenzen im betrieblichen Teil der Berufsausbildung. bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online, 17, 1-35. Online: (17.12.2009). Gläser, J. & Laudel, G. (2010). Experteninterviews und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Haag, L. & Streber, D. (2011). Tutorielles Lernen. Empirische Pädagogik, 25(3), 358-369. Helfferich, C. (2014). Leitfaden- und Experteninterviews. In N. Baur & J. Blasius (Eds.), Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung (pp. 559-574). Springer VS. Jacomy, M., Heymann, S., Venturini, T. & Bastian, M. (2014). ForceAtlas2, a Continuous Graph Layout Algorithm for Handy Network Visualization Designed for the Gephi Software. PLOS ONE, 9(6), 1-12. Kuckartz, U. (2016). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung. Beltz. Kutscha, G., Besener, A. & Debie, S. O. (2012). Einstieg in die Berufsausbildung – Probleme der Auszubildenden und Handlungsbedarf in den Kernberufen des Einzelhandels. Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 108(3), 394-419. Leijten, F. & Chan, S. (2012). The effectiveness of peer learning in a vocational education setting. CPIT. Ako Aotearoa Southern Hub project. Meuser, M. & Nagel, U. (2002). ExpertInneninterviews – vielfach erprobt, wenig bedacht. Ein Beitrag zur qualitativen Methodendiskussion. In A. Bogner, B. Littig & W. Menz (Eds.), Das Experteninterviews. Theorie, Methode, Anwendung (pp. 71-93). Leske + Budrich. Meuser, M. & Nagel, U. (2009). Das Experteninterview - konzeptionelle Grundlagen und methodische Anlage. In S. Pickel, G. Pickel, H.-J. Lauth & D. Jahn (Eds.), Methoden der vergleichenden Politik- und Sozialwissenschaft. Neue Entwicklungen und Anwendungen (pp. 465-479). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Piaget, J. (1932). Le jugement moral chez l'enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Piaget, J. (1986). Das moralische Urteil beim Kinde. Klett-Cotta. Topping, K. J. (1996). The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring in Further and Higher Education: A Typology and Review of the Literature. Higher Education 32(3), 321-345. Vygotsky, L. (1929). The problem of the cultural development of the child. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 36, 415-434. Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society. The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Vygotsky, L. (1986). Thought and language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Witzel, A. (2000). Das problemzentrierte Interview. Forum qualitative Sozialforschung, 1(1), 1-13. Zander, L. (2014). „Sage mir, mit wem du umgehst...". Reziproke Zusammenhänge zwischen Selbstwahrnehmung, Merkmalen Anderer und Beziehungen zu Anderen in Lernkontexten. Habilitationsschrift: Freie Universität Berlin.
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