Session Information
02 ONLINE 22 B, Perspectives and Experiences of VET Students and Teachers
Paper Session
MeetingID: 878 0185 6599 Code: 1pTHvE
The project is dedicated to the relation between theory and practice, which is a recurring point of discussion in social pedagogical vocational training courses and is still to be understood as an unfinished debate. Above all, the abbreviated juxtaposition not only separates actors and activities into two supposedly definable areas, but also action and reflection seemingly unambiguously. Connected to this is the question of how a fruitful confrontation between theory and practice in vocational training courses can succeed. Little is known about the appropriation processes of learners in this context and is therefore a desideratum in social pedagogical didactics and vocational training research.
Therefore, the project "appropriation processes of the relation of theory and practice of future pedagogues" is dedicated to the desideratum of the relation of theory and practice of vocational education in social pedagogy from a didactical perspective. From this perspective, in addition to institutional and curricular foundations, the main focus is on the people involved, such as students, teachers and practice mentors. The research project is a pilot project and focuses (initially) on the teachers of social pedagogy in vocational education.
In the light of the discourse on professionalization, the relationship is a highly relevant question, since professional action can be understood as the interweaving of professional knowledge and professional practice. Theory and practice must therefore be related to each other situationally in the sense of reflexive professionalism. Therefore, a "redefinition of the mediation context of theory and practice of social work" (Dewe et al. 2011., p. 71) is necessary as part of the professionalism (to be developed) in the context of qualification.
The linking of theory and practice has long preoccupied education in the context of social work and is still not complete today (Küster and Schoneville 2012). Frequently, one can also read about the dualism of theory and practice, recognizable by terms such as "problem" or "divergence" (Dewe et al. 2011, p. 74). Rainer Treptow sums up that "[t]he juxtaposition of theory and practice [...] is a convenient scheme" (Treptow 2016, p. 15). On the one hand, it sorts actors and activities into two supposedly delimitable areas; and on the other hand, it separates action and reflection seemingly unambiguously. This raises the urgent question of further differentiation and a fruitful discussion between theory and practice. This question is equally valid for all social pedagogical courses of study and education or is the "basic concern of all pedagogical training" (Dittrich 1987). This is negotiated on the horizon of the discourse on professionalism (Dewe and Otto 2012; Dewe et al. 2011) combined with the question of how professional, pedagogical action can be learned. The definitions of theory and practice, their relationship to each other, and finally their design in teaching-learning arrangements are still unclear.
However, little is known so far about the views of teachers in social pedagogical qualifications on the design of the theory-practice relationship. Therefore, a qualitative interview study with teachers will be conducted.
The qualitative study is to be classified in the field of qualitative educational research. For an opening up of the views of the teachers need qualitative and meaning-insightful research approaches. The research project follows the question of how teachers of vocational education in social pedagogy explain and shape the relation between theory and practice. For this purpose, guided interviews with teachers in social pedagogical courses have been conducted between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. In Germany, social pedagogical courses of vocational education are full-time school-based training. This means that phases of school alternate with internships in socio-educational institutions. This results in a high (didactic) demand on the teachers in the social pedagogical vocational training courses, since they are responsible for the design of the teaching-learning arrangements. Therefore, they are the focus of this explorative pilot study. The subsequent analysis of the interviews is done with qualitative content analysis according to Kuckartz (2018). The is an interpretation process that analyzes the text material systematically and rule-guided. Currently, the material is being reviewed and the categories are being defined, so that first interim results can be presented in the lecture.
Expected Outcomes
The aim of the study is to gain knowledge about the design of appropriation processes in relation to theory and practice, and to make a contribution to the professionalization of social pedagogical training. This pilot study is the beginning of a future research program that will also take a closer look at students and practice mentors. Thus, this project can be classified as qualitative vocational training research, which is especially needed for person-related service professions. For it is still true that there is too little regarding qualification and curriculum research, subject didactic surveys and teaching research (Friese 2010) as well as form and content of training such as attitudes and knowledge of the teachers (Rabe-Kleberg 2008). Consequently, this means providing a qualitative and sense-making approach to researching phenomena in and of teaching as well as perspectives of teachers and learners. This pilot study attempts an approach and presents first interim results on teachers' views on how they shape the relation between theory and practice in vocational education in social pedagogy.
Dewe, B., Ferchhoff, W., Scherr, A. & Stüwe, G. (2011). Professionelles Handeln. Soziale Arbeit im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Weinheim und München: Juventa. Dewe, B. & Otto, H.-U. (2012): Reflexive Sozialpädagogik. Grundstrukturen eins neuen Typs dienstleistungsorientierten Professionshandelns. In Thole, W. (Hrsg.), Grundriss Soziale Arbeit (S. 197-217) Wiesbaden: VS. Dittrich, J. (1987). Zum Theorie-Praxis-Verhältnis in der Erzieherausbildung. Darmstadt: Dissertationsdruck. Friese, Marianne (2010): Didaktisch-curriculare Aspekte für Fachrichtungen und Fachrichtungsbereiche personenbezogener Dienstleistungsberufe. In: Herkner, Volkmar/Pahl, Jörg-Peter (Hrsg.): Handbuch berufliche Fachrichtungen. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, S. 311-328. Gillen, J. (2007). Reflexion im beruflichen Handeln. Zur Funktion und Differenzierung des Reflexionsbegriffs. Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik,103 (Heft 4), S. 525-537. Hippach-Schneider, U., & Huismann, A. (2016). Vocational education and training in Europe – Germany (Cedefop ReferNet VET in Europe reports). Retrieved from Kuckartz, Udo (2018): Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung, 4. Auflage, Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa. Küster, E.-U. & Schoneville, H. (2012). Qualifizierung für Soziale Arbeit. Auf der Suche nach Normalisierung, Anerkennung und dem Eigentlichen. In Thole, W. (Hrsg.), Grundriss Soziale Arbeit. Ein einführendes Handbuch (S. 1045-1066) 2. überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. Wiesbaden: VS. Rabe-Kleberg, Ursula (2008): Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Profession in der Frühpädagogik. In: Balluseck, Hilde von (Hrsg.): Professionalisierung der Frühpädagogik. Perspektiven, Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich, S. 237-249. Treptow, R. (2016), Zur Vermittlung von Theorie und Praxis. Notizen über das Schwierige daran, In Zipperle, M., Bauer, P., Stauber,B. & Treptow, R. (Hrsg.), Vermitteln. Eine Aufgabe von Theorie und Praxis Sozialer Arbeit (S. 15-25) Wiesbaden: VS.
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