Session Information
04 ONLINE 26 B, Digitizing Inclusion in a Changing World: Comparing insights into four European countries for matching new global realities
MeetingID: 864 2100 0794 Code: qZm0KV
In order to be able to specify the description of the experiences of international comparative research on a globally relevant topic such as inclusion, the extent to which nationally anchored differences are reflected in materials is referred to in this talk. The German school landscape is characterized by the federal system, which has a decisive influence on the fragmented and thus highly diverse negotiations about education and learning. This also affects inclusion as a universal goal in particular and leads to highly divergent systematic approaches to the ideal of inclusion. Initially, a comprehensive presentation of the landscapes of inclusion in Germany is aimed at in this talk. On the basis of sample materials, it will be exemplified which understandings of inclusion can be identified and how these are ought to be realized in everyday school practices. Using the criteria catalog for inclusion oriented learning materials as a comparative instrument, local specifics of the landscapes of inclusion and materials will be highlighted for the German context. Additionally, conclusions about the design of digital inclusive learning materials are being drawn. Focussing on Bavaria - one province in the south of Germany -, it can be shown that the school landscape is closed to the developments towards inclusion insofar as the increasing inclusion of students with disabilities is not reflected in textbooks (Vogt & Krenig 2017; Vogt, Macchia & Bierschwale 2020). Furthermore, with a view on the tensions that exist between (global) aspirations and (local) realities with regards to inclusion, the importance of research on the intersection of learning materials and inclusion will be elicited, especially in the context of the digitalization of school education (further intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic) and the prominence of OER (open educational resources). In addition, the presenters focus on further potentials of the criteria catalog as a collaboratively created comparative instrument. Thus, we will work out how an instrument developed in the context of international comparative research is viable to productively mitigate tensions between interdependency and individuality with regard to inclusion. It will also be reflected on how the consideration of local specifics is not to be understood as a parallel assertion, but rather as a means to achieve a global goal respecting local specifics, histories and developments.
Andersen, K. N.; Vogt, M.; Bagger, A.; Macchia, V. & Bierschwale, C. (2022). Perspective luxembourgeoise: Conclusions sur le caractère inclusif des supports pédagogiques. In Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg (2022), 423, 12-15. Bierschwale, C., Vogt, M., Andersen, K. N., Bagger, A. & Macchia, V. (2020). Qualitätskriterien von inklusiven Bildungsmedien im Fach Mathematik. k:ON – Kölner Online Journal für Lehrer*innenbildung, 2020(2), 1-25. Döbert H. (2007). Germany. In: Hörner W. et al. (eds) The Education Systems of Europe. Springer,Dordrecht. Vogt, M. & Krenig, K. (2017). Entwicklung und Bewertung von Unterrichtskonzeptionen und -materialien für einen inklusiven Grundschulunterricht. In: Casale, R. & Peschel, M. (eds.): Forschung für die Praxis. Frankfurt a.M., 94-104. Vogt, M., Andersen, K. N., Bagger, A., Macchia, V. & Bierschwale, C. (2021). Inklusionssensible Bildungsmaterialien als „Must have“. Hilfen bei der Bewertung von Vorhandenem und eigenen Erstellung von Neuem. Grundschule aktuell. Zeitschrift des Grundschulverbandes, 2021(155), 18-21. Vogt, M., Macchia, V. & Bierschwale, C. (2020). Inklusive Unterrichtsmaterialien als Inhalt und Entwicklungsaufgaben für Hochschullernwerkstätte. In U. Stadler-Altmann et al. (eds.), Spielen, Lernen, Arbeiten in Lernwerkstätten. Facetten der Kooperation und Kollaboration (S. 163-171). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
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