Session Information
13 SES 04 A, Rethinking Education in Light of Global Challenges: Culture, Society, and Bildung.
In the beginning of the 21st century, primary education have been subject to a ’transnational turn’ (Krejsler 2021), which involves a double movement, where the development is largely influenced by transnational actors such as the OECD, the EU and the IEA, while national-orientated forms of Bildung have been influential in some countries, including Denmark. In the middle of the field of tension between the school's national and the transnational aspects are students who grow up in transnational social fields (Levitt 2009), for example because they came to Denmark as refugees or immigrants or because their parents or guardians have experienced transnational migration. In this paper, I discuss, from a child-centered perspective (Fattore et al. 2012), challenges that primary education can contain in relation to ensuring well-being and participation for children who are characterized by transnational experiences and networks. The focal point is a case analysis of the everyday life at a school where most students have a transnational background. The focus of the analysis is on how the children navigate and relate to the school's Pedagogy of Nation, which is here understood as ‘complex processes through which the nation is re/produced in everyday life’ (Millei 2019). The empirical basis of the paper consists of interviews, textbook and observation material generated in the Danish part of the EU Horizon 2020 project Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe (MiCREATE). In addition to uncovering challenges, the paper discusses opportunities to develop pedagogy and teaching in a transnational direction to address the pitfalls which an unreflective practice of pedagogy of nation may have and to point out potentials by involving and drawing on all students' experiences in teaching.
Fattore, Tobia, Mason, Jan, and Watson, Elisabeth (2012), 'Locating the Child Centrally as Subject in Research: Towards a Child Interpretation of Well-Being', Child Indicators Research, 5 (3), 423-35. Krejsler, John Benedicto (2021), Skolen og den transnationale vending: Dansk uddannelsespolitik og dens europæiske og angloamerikanske forbindelser (Nyt fra samfundsvidenskaberne). Levitt, Peggy (2009), 'Roots and Routes: Understanding the Lives of the Second Generation Transnationally', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35 (7), 1225-42. Millei, Zsuzsa (2019), 'Pedagogy of nation: A concept and method to research nationalism in young children’s institutional lives', Childhood, 26 (1), 83-97.
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