Session Information
32 SES 03 A, Inequality, Diversity and organizational Learning in Primary Schools
Paper Session
One of the major tasks of primary education is to cope with social inequalities on the one hand and to embrace diversity on the other. Research shows, that in particular in Germany – but also other European countries with highly selective school-systems – the social background has a string impact on educational trajectories (PISA etc.). Many approaches have been discussed to interrupt this relation, but these were merely located either as additive measures like school-social work or (social-) pedagogical initiatives besides schooling. Approaches that aim at organisational aspects of schooling with an emphasis on pedagogies are rarely discussed in the fields of primary education in Germany. However, there have been historical prototypes of successful social-space oriented primary education with reference to ecological systems theory (Bronfenbrenner 1981), that can be used as functional prototypes (Spies/Wischmann 2023) to reconstruct the role of organisational-pedagogy positions/reflections in school-development-processes supported by science and municipality. Our assumption is that a social space-oriented approach to primary schooling has organisational impact in terms of the recognition and valuing of diversity as a basic characteristic of primary education under unequal social conditions.
With the help of historical documents and retrospective explanations of the social space-oriented development of primary schools, we will reconstruct the relevance of the municipality as a networking agency in relation to the function of teaching and the relevance of community participation. In doing so, we will discuss the demand for coherence in organisational and multiprofessional pedagogical action for cooperation within the school and community networked educational relationship that made the "opening of school" possible. Therefore, we will present a project around the Wartburg Primary School in Muenster, which was both a model project of practice and a research project (Benner/Ramseger 1981, 1984).
The focus lies on the coherent interactions and relations of the stakeholders and bodies involved, we will look at the levels/contexts of the municipality, the classroom (teaching and learning) and community participation. To capture the socio-ecological interrelations and the interplay of social and school pedagogical action premises and bodies of knowledge, we interpret selected passages from the expert discussion authorised by Dietrich Benner (2023) and the specific historical and political contexts of the interaction between municipal steering interests and processes with the pedagogical implications in the interplay between school and social pedagogical approaches in the ecological systems oriented sense of community education (White 2014) that are thematised there. The educational theoretical perspectives are hermeneutically interpreted by selected anchor sequences from the project reporting and a later text on the political educational responsibility of the municipality (Janssen 1995) in order to draw conclusions on desiderata based on educational theory for the current design of organisational pedagogy issues of school-development of the primary sector in educational landscapes.
We understand the Wartburg School as an ethnographic case study of school development research for a secondary analytical reconstruction classified by Reh & Rabenstein (2011). The data has been taken from the German Library for Educational History of the DIPF (Leibnitz Institute for Research and Information in Education). For the document analysis, a multi-stage, predominantly deductive but inductively open procedure for the selection and analysis of the documents was used to select a sample of lesson protocols, field notes, as well as transcribed reflections on pedagogical interactions (Ramseger 1981) and documents on intra- and extracurricular cooperation structures of school and socio-pedagogical actors from the archives. The Objective Hermeneutics (Silkenbeumer/Wenzl 2017) is used to reconstruct exemplary passages of the data and is triangulated with a secondary analytic ethnographic analysis (Huf 2017), which considers epochal contexts and contemporary discourses as a new analysis (Medjedović 2014, among others).
Expected Outcomes
To cope with social and educational inequalities and to understand diversity not only as a value but as the normality of primary schooling not only on the formal level, the presented relational approach offers perspectives for school development that capture both, organisational issues of multi-sited primary schools and of multi-professional pedagogical work. Hence, we present the case study of the Wartburg School as an 'historical prototype' of an educational landscape.
Benner, D. (2023). Sozialraumbezogene Grundschulentwicklung – wissenschaftliche Theoriebildung und pädagogische Praxis in lebensweltbezogener Kooperation. Fachgespräch mit Anke Spies und Robert Wunsch. In A. Spies (Hrsg.), Bündnisse und Verbündete – Vergewisserungen in pädagogischer Absicht. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (i.D.) Benner, D. & Ramseger, J. (1984). Abschlussbericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung über die vierjährige Modellphase des Grundschulprojekts Gievenbeck an der Wartburggrundschule in Münster. Münster: DVV Copy Center Benner, D. & Ramseger, J. (1981): Wenn die Schule sich öffnet. Weinheim. Juventa Bronfenbrenner, U. (1981). Die Ökologie der menschlichen Entwicklung. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta Janssen, H. (1995). Schule und Stadt. Ein Bündnis für Kinder und Jugendliche. In G. Reiß (Hrsg.) Schule und Stadt. Lernorte, Spielräume, Schauplätze für Kinder und Jugendliche (S. 11-26). Weinheim: Juventa. Huf, C. (2017): Sekundäranalysen ethnografischer Daten (S. 4-5). In D. Bambey, A. Meyermann & M. Porzelt (Hrsg.), Potentiale der Sekundärforschung mit qualitativen Daten - ein Workshopbericht. Medjedović, I. (2014). Qualitative Sekundäranalyse: Zum Potenzial Einer Neuen Forschungsstrategie in der Empirischen Sozialforschung (1st ed.). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH. Spies, A. & Wischmann, A. (2023). Der ‚historische Prototyp‘ einer Bildungslandschaft mit primarpädagogischem Anspruch? In C. Brüggemann, B. Hermstein, & R. Nikolai (Hrsg.), Bildungskommunen? – Zum Wandel von Kommunalpolitik und -verwaltung im Bildungsbereich. Weinheim: Beltz/Juventa (i.D.) Rabenstein, K. & Reh, S. (2011). Einzelschulforschung als rekonstruktiv-qualitative Sozialforschung. In S. Hellekamps, G. Mertens, W. Plöger & W. Wittenbruch (Hrsg.), utb-studi-e-book: Bd. 8438. Schule (S. 727-735). Schöningh. Ramseger, J. (1981). Das erste Schuljahr in einer offenen Grundschule. Grundschule, 13, 316-320. Silkenbeumer, M./Wenzl, T. Potentiale einer Nachnutzung aus objektiv hermeneutischer Sicht, Workshop DIPF. In D. Bambey, A. Meyermann & M. Porzelt (Hrsg.), Potentiale der Sekundärforschung mit qualitativen Daten - ein Workshopbericht (S. 3-4). White, Cameron (2014) (Eds.): Community Education for Social Justice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
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