Session Information
02 SES 14 B, Where are the Occupations?
The development of the notion of occupation (“Beruf”) as an organising principle of VET in Germany and Switzerland (and beyond) will be discussed. Specifically, dual apprenticeships, like in German-speaking countries and regions are closely linked to occupations. That is why in both countries around 230-320 different occupations are designed for learning and acquiring skills through VET. Specific organizations (in Germany employer and employee representatives and chambers, in Switzerland -interprofessional ad hoc-committees) are entitled to steer– together with firms, state and school representatives - the ongoing development and innovation of dual apprenticeships in VET. Professional associations play a dominant role in defining and shaping occupations and VET requirements and renewing the regulations for learning an occupation. Although occupations – in times of globalization, technical changes and in the context of economic uncertainties, in short in the knowledge economy - are not any more stable concepts, nevertheless they set standards and requirements in fulfilling a highly qualified work. Thus, debates if occupations loose their importance, are popping up from time to time, do not really fit to the fact, that while some occupations disappear, in the meantime others emerge. The contribution is based on an analysis of aims – that can be located in the framework for comparing VET- that are expressed by different actors within the reform discussions in the two countries. Occupations reveal to be quite an important reference for all actors in the field regarding the reform of a national VET system as a whole, but also for defining the required competences and skills for specific tasks and for the syllabus. Although the concept of occupation is quite fluid, occupations are crucial for the further development of dual apprenticeships because they link work qualifications in the firm with educational standards, forwarded by professional organizations and state bodies. These insights are also important for countries, which recently developed apprenticeships.
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