Network: 02. Vocational Education and Training (VETNET)
02 SES 01 C, VETNET Opening Session
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Christof Nägele
- VETNET Opening Session
Christof Nägele Barbara E. Stalder Natasha Kersh Andrea Laczik
02 SES 02 A, Diversity in VET
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Lea Remmers
- Diversity-oriented Teachers for Vocational Education. Analysis and Modelling of Competence Requirements for Teacher Education and Training.
- Considerations on Diversity-Sensitive Approaches in Youth Vocational Assistance regarding Non-Fittings and Resistance of Participants and Teachers
Daniela Moser Nicole Kimmelmann Susanne Miesera Silvia Pool Maag
Songuel Cora Lea Remmers Natalie Pape Paula Matthies Prof. Dr. Helmut Bremer
02 SES 02 B, Access to VET
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Anett Friedrich
- Between Myth and Reality: the True Inclusive Impact of the Dual Model
- School Leaving Certificates and Dual Vocational Education and Training - The Role of Firms as Gatekeeper in Germany
Lorenzo Bonoli Fernando Marhuenda-Fluixá
Anett Friedrich
02 SES 02 C, Assessment and Feedback in VET
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Ann Karin Sandal
- Zooming in on Assessment: an Analytical Model for Investigating Changes in Assessment in VET
- A Tool for the Self-Assessment of Informal Learning for Workers in the Metal and Electrical Industry
- Self-regulation and Formative Feedback in Vocational Education and Training
Karin Luomi-Messerer Monika Auzinger
Martin Fischer
Ann Karin Sandal Kjersti Hovland
02 SES 03 B, Transitions in VET
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Harm Biemans
- Linking Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) with Higher Education, and possible Consequences for Development Cooperation
- The Decision to Combine Initial and Continuing Vocational Education and Training: Narrowing the Structure and Purpose of Finnish VET?
- Student Perceptions of Different Learning Trajectories in Dutch VET
Junmin Li Johannes Karl Schmees Steffen Entenmann Dieter Euler Dietmar Frommberger
Antti Seitamaa Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido
Harm Biemans Hans Mariёn
02 SES 03 A, Students at Risk
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Tarja Irene Tikkanen
- Good Practice of Involvement of Students at Risk in Vocational Education
- Career Development Qualitative Tools: An Analysis of its Potential with Youth at Risk
- VET Teachers’ and Schools’ Capacities to Tackle the Challenges of Integration of At-risk Youth: An International Comparison
Biruta Sloka Ilze Buligina Ginta Tora Juris Dzelme Ilze Brante Anna Angena
Celia Moreno-Morilla Gladys Rivodó Muñoz Soledad Romero Rodríguez
Tarja Irene Tikkanen Vidmantas Tūtlys Meril Umarik Biruta Sloka
02 SES 03 C, Democracy
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Kristina Ledman
- Democracy at VET – Thoughts and Challenges from an Organisational and Didactical Approach
- Democracy Learning through Participation in Germany’s Dual System – a Bernsteinian Approach
- Opportunities for Critical Thinking, Social Inclusion and Democratic Participation in Vocational Students' Citizenship Education
Henriette Duch
Gabriela Höhns
Kristina Ledman Katarina Kärnebro Christina Ottander
02 SES 04 B, Curricula
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Pujun Chen
- Way Forward from Ground Zero: Identifying Stakeholder Views for VET Curriculum Development Model in Agriculture for Northern Part of Cyprus.
- Implementing the Competence-Based Approach in Chinese and Russian Vocational Curricula: Lessons Learned From Teacher Interviews and Classroom Observations
- Distinction or Distinctiveness: Making Sense of Diversity in Education for High Skills
Ozge Altay
Pujun Chen Junmin Li Matthias Pilz Anastasia Goncharova Dietmar Frommberger
Sue Webb Elizabeth Knight
02 SES 04 A, Transition Focus Teacher
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Matthias Pilz
- The Phenomenon of Vocational Orientation in a General Subject in VET
- Teachers and Their Role in the Career Choice Process
- School Quality as an Example for Policy Learning: Lessons from a German-Indian Cooperation Project
Anniken Hotvedt Sundby
Barbara E. Stalder Christof Nägele
Matthias Pilz
02 SES 04 C, Learning in VET
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Janne Kontio
- "From Apprentice to Learner” - On the Perception of Young People in the Course of the Transformation of Vocational Education
- Top Dead Center. The Transformation of a Lexical Item into Practical Work in Bilingual Vocational Education
- Meaningfulness in Third Learning Environment in VET
Lena Freidorfer
Janne Kontio
Vibe Aarkrog Anne Katrine Kamstrup
02 SES 06 A, Teacher Education and Training
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Geraldine Body
- Training of Trainers and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Quality Criteria for Development of Teacher Education Schools in VET by a Symbiotic Learning Model
- "Blending 4 Futures": A Teacher Training Course in Blended Learning for Vocational Teachers, Based on Design-Research
Geraldine Body
Ann Lisa Sylte Hilde Hiim Olav Eikeland
Marc Casper Anja Augsdoerfer Anna van Meegen
02 SES 06 B, Get Ready For Vocational Pathways
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Christof Nägele
- Application Patterns at Upper Secondary Educational Level Over Time as a Manifestation of the Standing of Vocational Education
- Determinants and Fulfilment of Individual Work Values Within the Vocational Choice Process – The Role of Social Background
- Finding the Way into VET – Career Education
Elsa Eiríksdóttir
Annalisa Schnitzler Silvia Annen
Christof Nägele Barbara E. Stalder
02 SES 06 C, Governance
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Marina Fiori
- "We are misfit children": How Vocational School Principals Perceive their Role
- Learning Environments in Vocational Education and Training
- A place for emotional competences in Vocational Education and Training
Mirit Haybi Barak Avihu Shoshana
Vibe Aarkrog Bjarne Wahlgren
Marina Fiori Florinda Sauli Matilde Wenger
02 SES 07 A, Teachers Work
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Franz Kaiser
- What Makes a VET Classroom Difficult to Manage? A Multilevel Analysis of Classcontext and Classcomposition as Determinants for Classroom Management
- Classroom Disruptions and Classroom Management in Learning Factory Settings at Vocational Schools
- How to Analyse the Work of VET Teachers in Germany? The Work Task Analysis TAGMA based on Action Regulation Theory
Sylvia Rahn Christoph Fuhrmann Allkemper Inga Shevchuk Anna Glock Sabine
Pierre Meinokat Ingo Wagner
Franz Kaiser Lea Besser Anne Traum Renate Rau
02 SES 07 B, Literacy and Sustainable Development
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Riikka Suhonen
- Literacy for Labour - Realised Curriculum of the School Subject of Literacy in Competency-based VET in Finlan
- Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development in Berlin's "Flagship Schools": A Transformative Design-Based Research Project
- Neutral VET in a Polarising World? Teachers’ Pedagogical Approaches to Addressing Controversial Global Issues in Upper Secondary VET in Finland
Penni Pietilä Sirpa Lappalainen
Marc Casper Petra Gerlach Christina Ayazi
Riikka Suhonen Antti Rajala Hannele Cantell Arto Kallioniemi
02 SES 07 C, Learning in Companies
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Maria Hedlin
- Digital Transformation by Women. Competence Requirements of Companies for Future IT Professionals Respecting a Gender Perspective.
- Impact of Work-oriented Basic Education from the Company Perspective
- VET Students Training for Jobs in the Hospitality Industry Explain Sexual Harassment by Guests
Ida Kristina Kühn
Ilka Koppel Claudia Schepers
Maria Hedlin Eva Klope
02 SES 07 D, Transition from HE and HIVE
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 1 [Floor 2], Chair: Andrea Laczik
- Diversifying the Higher Education Landscape: Facilitating Transition from HE and HIVE to the World of Work
- Origins and Policy Perspectives on Hybrid Study Programmes (HSP) in Germany, England and Austria: Aiming to Enhance Pathways of Transition?
- Innovation and Diversity in the Context of Higher Education in England: Enhancing Graduate Employability, Life Chances and Career Transitions
- Degree Apprenticeships in England – Successful Transitions into Higher Education and the Workplace?
- Intersections Between Vocational and Higher Education in Germany: Labour Market Transition Patterns in times of skills shortages
Andrea Laczik Lázaro Moreno Herrera
Andrea Laczik Johanna Telle Zips Dina Kuhlee Edgar Hahn Lisa-Marie Brand
Andrea Laczik Natasha Kersh
Andrea Laczik Kat Emms
Andrea Laczik Hubert Ertl
02 SES 08 A, The Dual Model
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Benjamin Schimke
- The Impact of Dual Apprenticeship (dVET) Transfer on Young People: The Case of the Mexican Model of Dual Training
- Dual Apprenticeships of German Family Companies in Central and Eastern Europe: Status and perspectives
- Same Degree, Different Labour Market Opportunities? Experimental Evidence on Signalling Effects of School Types in the Selection of Apprenticeship Applicants
Ellen Vanderhoven
Michael Gessler Susanne Peters
Benjamin Schimke Claudia Schuchart
02 SES 08 B, Lower Secondary
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Liana Roos
- Observation-Based and Collaborative Learning in Lower Secondary VET. The Case of Hungary and Poland.
- Youths Struggling the Transition to VET: Their Profile and Needed Key Competencies – Perspectives from an Estonian Preparatory VET Program
Magdolna Benke Anikó Haba Tomasz Rachwał
Liana Roos Karmen Trasberg Diana Eller
02 SES 08 C, Nursing and Health Care
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Martina Wyszynska Johansson
- Analysis of Cognitively-Activating Tasks in Vocational Education and Training of Nursing Against the Background of Diversity
- The Important Role of Emotional Intelligence for Apprentices in Healthcare and Social Care in Vocational Education and Training.
- Vocational Didactics in Sweden: Mapping of the Terrain
Miriam Schäfer Bärbel Wesselborg Ulrike Weyland Marc Kleinknecht Wilhelm Koschel Kristin Klar
Laure Tremonte-Freydefont Marina Fiori Matilde Wenger
Martina Wyszynska Johansson Ingela Andersson
02 SES 09 A, Teacher Education
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Blanca Estela Braña de Hvidsten
- The Professional Learning Practices and Views of Hungarian Vocational Teachers and Trainers
- Teacher Specialists in VET: How Can Professional Development Through an Experience-based Master's Degree Strengthen Their Role as Teacher Specialists
- Student Experiences from a Cohort Who Completed the Study of Practical Pedagogy for Tertiary Vocational Education at OsloMet in Norway
Eszter Bükki Anikó Fehérvári
Elin B. Morud Roger Bergh Klara Rokkones
Blanca Estela Braña de Hvidsten Anette Lund Follestad
02 SES 09 B, Excellence
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Paolo Nardi
- Teacher Training and Empowerment as a Tool to Meet the Challenges of an Inclusive School in rural school
- Innovative and Inclusive Pedagogies for Excellence in VET: a Potential Model for Identification and Clustering of Relevant Practices
- The Centres of Vocational Excellence as the Way Forward to Future VET Ecosystems. A Case Study
Anna Monzó Martínez M. Pilar Martínez-Agut Encarna Taberner Perales Isabel María Gallardo Concepción Barceló López M. Fernanda Chocomeli Fernández
Lucian Ciolan Daniela Avarvare
Paolo Nardi Sanna Ryökkynen
02 SES 09 C, Understanding Transitions
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Barbara E. Stalder
- Understanding Transitions to and Through Working Life: Concepts, Methods and Procedural Imperatives
- Vocational Education Graduates’ Negotiations With the New Conditions of Working Life Transitions
- Transitioning Experience: Migrant Learning and Engaging with Canada’s Labour Market Challenges
- When sustainability becomes something professional: Diverse ways of learning between Work & Sustainable Development
- The Learning and Changes Adults Negotiate Across Worklife Transitions
Christof Nägele Barbara E. Stalder Christiane Hof
Christof Nägele Susanna Ågren
Christof Nägele Michael Bernhard
Christof Nägele Elisa Thevenot
Christof Nägele Stephen Billett
02 SES 10.5 A, NW 02 Network Meeting
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 12:15-13:15, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Barbara E. Stalder
- NW 02 Network Meeting
Christof Nägele
02 SES 11 A, Lifelong Learning & Higher Education
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Cristyn Davies
- Are We All Exceptional? Structures of Lifelong Learning in Comparative Perspective
- Rationales behind Vocational Education Students' Decision-Making Regarding Continuing on to Higher Education
- Further Education and the UK’s Levelling Up Agenda
Lorenz Lassnigg
Alexandra Doroftei
Joanne Davies Michael Donnelly
02 SES 11 B, Migration and Inclusion
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Marianne Teräs
- Migration, Work, Education, and Successful Inclusion
- Work place, Workplace Education and Education - Perceptions of Knowledge Requirement and Skills for Integration into Swedish Labour Market and Society
- Inclusion of Immigrant Professional Drivers in Educational Training in Norway – Perspective on Second Language and Cultural Challenges
- Successful Integration of Refugees in Vocational Education and Training: Outcomes of the PAI Programme
- ‘Back to Work’—Factors Facilitating Migrants’ Re- Entry into Their Previous Vocations
Marianne Teräs Natasha Kersh
Marianne Teräs Åsa Broberg Lázaro Moreno Herrera
Marianne Teräs Ellen Beate Hellne-Halvorsen Tatjana Bru Blixen
Marianne Teräs Barbara E Stalder Marlise Kammermann Iris Michel Marie-Theres Schönbächler
Marianne Teräs Eva Eliasson Ali Osman
02 SES 11 C, Theorising VET
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Franz Kaiser
- Theorising VET: European Differences, Commonalities and Contestation
- VET Research in the Anglosphere: A European Perspective
- Neo-Institutionalism as a Complementary Theory for Internationalisation in VET
- Theorising the Transition and Welfare state functions of the German VET System
Bill Esmond Franz Kaiser James Avis
Bill Esmond Volker Wedekind
Bill Esmond Johannes Karl Schmees Eli Smeplass
Bill Esmond Christian Steib Thilo J. Ketschau
02 SES 12 A, Diversity (Part 1)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Gavin Moodie
- Double Symposium on Diversity in the Social Role of Colleges - Part 1
- What Do Colleges Do and Why Do They Matter? The Role of Colleges as Local Actors; Comparing Australia and Canada
- On the Roles and Relations of Further Education Colleges in England
- The Finnish UAS: Towards Enhancing Regional and National Collaboration
Gavin Moodie Martin Henry
Gavin Moodie Leesa Wheelahan
Gavin Moodie Gareth Parry
Gavin Moodie Maarit Virolainen
02 SES 12 B, Recognition & VET audiovisuals
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Sonja Engelage
- The Birth of the “Work Grammar” Educational Documentary Film Format, in the Italian VET Context (1955-1965)
- Recognition of Prior Learning in Industrial Shoe Production
- The Recognition of Prior Learning at Professional Education Institutions in Switzerland
Anselmo Roberto Paolone
Andreas Saniter Vivian Harberts
Sonja Engelage Carmen Baumeler Christine Hämmerli Patrizia Salzmann
02 SES 12 C, Success in VET
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Avihu Shoshana
- Supporting and Hindering Factors in Vocational Education and Training - A Cross-National Analysis of Young People’s Perspectives
- Analysis of Student Engagement in VET in the region of Valencia (Spain)
- Lived Experience of Youth in VET: "I Stopped Focusing The Past and Started Living the Present to Reach the Future"
Marieke Bruin Vidmantas Tutlys Biruta Sloka Meril Ûmarik
Esperanza Meri Almudena A. Navas Saurin Míriam Abiétar Joan Carles Bernad Ana Córdoba Elena Gimenez
Nofar Eini Avihu Shoshana
02 SES 12 D, Inclusive VET
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 1 [Floor 2], Chair: Jay Plasman
- A Review of Design Principles for Developing Vocational Skills of low-qualified Adults
- Inclusive Vocational Education and Situation Definition
- Improving College Preparation for Students with Learning Disabilities through Engineering-focused Vocational Education
Bernd Gössling
Matthias Vonken Patrick Schaar
Jay Plasman Michael Gottfried Filiz Oskay
02 SES 13 A, Diversity (Part 2)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Gavin Moodie
- Double Symposium on Diversity in the Social Role of Colleges – Part 2
- Vocational Routes in France: The Difficult Articulation Between Pre-bac and Post-bac
- Academization, Hybrid Qualifications and Skills Shortage – Competition and Complementarity Between Vocational and Higher Education in Germany
- WITHDRAWN When Bureaucracy Combines with Quasi-Privatization: The Complexity of Institutional Forms of Vocational Colleges in South Africa
Gavin Moodie Martin Henry
Gavin Moodie Pauline David
Gavin Moodie Silvia Annen
Gavin Moodie Stephanie Allais
02 SES 13 B, Conventions of VET
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Christian Imdorf
- Conventions of Vocational Education and Training (VET). The Potential and Challenges of French Pragmatic Sociology for European VET Research
- Vocational Education and Training and Sociology of Conventions: Examining VET in Spain Through the Lens of the Sociology of Conventions
- The Positioning of Company-Based VET in the Competition for High-Performing Pupils at Upper-Secondary Level in Switzerland: Strategies, Justifications and Sacrifices
- Skills versus Merit: A Pragmatic Sociological Analysis of Competences in Educational Research
Christian Imdorf Philipp Gonon
Christian Imdorf Fernando Marhuenda-Fluixá
Christian Imdorf Raffaella Simona Esposito
Christian Imdorf Rebecca Ye Erik Nylander
02 SES 13 C, Counseling and Preventing Dropout
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Sanna Ryökkynen
- Difficulties of Young People in Vocational Education: Analyses of the Use of Counseling at Vocational Schools
- Preventing Dropout in Vocational Education: an Action Research Proposal from Self Determination Theory
- Finnish Vocational Students’ Perceptions of the Special Support in Their Studying
Silvia Pool Maag Benno Rottermann
Arturo Garcia de Olalla Elena Quintana Murci Carme Pinya-Medina Carlos Vecina-Merchante Melania Roselina Ferreira-Puertas Francesca Salvà-Mut
Sanna Ryökkynen
02 SES 13 D, Research agendas and forecasting models
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 1 [Floor 2], Chair: Simon McGrath
- A Regional Forecasting Tool to Estimate the Horizontal Mismatch between VET Supply and Labour Market Demand 2022 - 2030
- Transitioning Vocational Education and Training: towards a new research agenda
- TVET Research in Costa Rica - Status, Challenges and Needs
Mikel Albizu Echevarria Mónica Moso-Diez Juan Pablo Gamboa Navarro Antonio Mondaca Soto
Simon McGrath Presha Ramsarup Volker Wedekind Jo-Anna Russon Heila Lotz-Sisitka David Monk
Irina Rommel Enrique Angles
02 SES 14 A, Generic and General Competencies
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Andreas Saniter
- Generic Skills in the 14-19 Curriculum: Policy Coherence and Teacher Status
- How Does the Learning Environment Support Vocational Student Learning of Domain-General Competencies?
- Integrating General Subjects into Vocational Lessons Teaching in German VET-Schools
Charlynne Pullen Mark Boylan
Sami Löfgren Liisa Ilomäki Jari Lipsanen Auli Toom
Andreas Saniter Ana Rovai
02 SES 14 B, Where are the Occupations?
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Philipp Grollmann
- Comparing Vocational Education - the Neglected Role of Occupations
- A New Framework for Comparing Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- “Occupation” as a neglected Category for VET Reforms
- Theoretical Perspectives on Technological Change, Work and Occupations – Leading Academic Experts' Views
- Occupations, Work Organisation and Occupational Practices – their Role in Comparative VET Research
Philipp Grollmann Barbara Stalder
Philipp Grollmann Jörg Markowitsch
Philipp Grollmann Philipp Gonon Lorenzo Bonoli
Philipp Grollmann Michael Tiemann
Philipp Grollmann
02 SES 14 C, Language in VET
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Gabriela Meier
- Language Education and Use in VET: Individual, Social and Educational Implications
- Multilingualism and Professional Socialisation of Apprentices in VET Programmes: A Case Study from Switzerland and Liechtenstein
- Oral Communication Skills in VET: Educators’ and Newly Arrived Immigrant Students’ Perceptions of Oracy Demands, Training and Assessment
- Teaching Hairdressing Using English Materials in a Linguistically Diverse VET Classroom in Norway: Evaluating a Digital Learning Platform
- Transition from an Introduction Class for Newly Arrived Migrants to a VET Programme - Experiences with First Language Use
Gabriela Meier Line Møller Daugaard
Gabriela Meier Esther Styger
Gabriela Meier Irmelin Kjelaas Annete Brekke
Gabriela Meier Mari J. Wikhaug Andersen
Gabriela Meier Unni Soltun Andreassen
02 SES 16 A, Policy
Friday, 2023-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: Pauline David
- A Political Economy of Youth Policy in Mexico
- Azerbaijan's VET Sector Transformation: The Impact of Policy Borrowing from the EU
- Reforms of the Vocational Track in France: a real Distancing from the Academic Convention?
José Antonio Cervantes Gómez
Majid Bayramli
Pauline David
02 SES 16 B, Doing VET Related Research in Sustainable Development
Friday, 2023-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Monica Moso-Diez
- Research on VET for Sustainable Development: A Shared/fragmented Research Framework?
Monica Moso-Diez Michael Gessler Volker Wedekind Paolo Nardi
02 SES 16 C, Learning Labs For at Risk Students
Friday, 2023-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Terje Väljataga
- Educational Learning Labs Interventions to Empower Young People at Risk for Social Exclusion in the Baltic Countries and Norway
Terje Väljataga Vidmantas Tūtlys Meril Ümarik Marieke Bruin Biruta Sloka
02 SES 17 A, Social Justice
Friday, 2023-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre A [Floor 4], Chair: James Avis
- Rethinking Skills Development and Entrepreneurship for Refugees: the case of five refugee communities
- Perceptions of Discrimination by Migrants in Transition to VET - Differences by Origin Group and Gender
- In Pursuit of Equity Vocational Education and Training and Social Justice
Preeti Dagar
Julia Hufnagl
James Avis
02 SES 17 B, Research in VET - An Organising Framework
Friday, 2023-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre B [Floor 4], Chair: Lázaro Moreno Herrera
- VET research framework
Lázaro Moreno Herrera Lorenz Lassnigg Fernando Marhuenda-Fluixá Michael Gessler Barbara E. Stalder Christof Nägele
02 SES 17 C, Use Your knowledge
Friday, 2023-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: Boyd Orr, Lecture Theatre 2 [Floor 2], Chair: Carlos van Kan
- Stimulating Educational Renewal by Identifying Knowledge Utilization Strategies
Carlos van Kan Patricia Brouwer Merel Wolf Marloes de Lange
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