Session Information
02 SES 16 B, Doing VET Related Research in Sustainable Development
Panel Discussion
Research on VET for Sustainable Development: A shared/fragmented research framework? From the statement of intent to the contribution of evidence?
In a world undergoing multiple transitions, Vocational Education and Training has a critical role to play in the recovery and reshaping of education systems and labour markets worldwide. The new UNESCO Strategy for TVET 2022-2029, ‘Transforming Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Successful and Just Transitions’, takes into consideration the present and future priorities of individuals, economies, and societies (UNESCO, 2022a). It does also further captures UNESCO’s expectation that VET is critical for promoting a path to recovery and resilience building in the post COVID-19 pandemic era, and for accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development over the next years within the Education for Sustainable Development framework (ESD) (UNESCO, 2019).
In the pre-pandemic context, the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) framework was more declarative than action-oriented in both the EU and the individual Member States. In the context of the ongoing pandemic, the EU and its Member States have ratified their commitment to ESD through the Berlin Declaration (2021). This opens up a window of opportunity to rethink European education in terms of sustainable development since, in addition to knowing how to respond to future sustainability crises, it is needed to make sure we avoid them. The main challenges facing Education for Sustainable Development are structured according to the main priority action areas of the ESD framework (in which the ESD framework is fundamentally specified in Transversal core Sustainability competences and ESD-specific learning objectives, highlighting goal 4.7)(UNESCO, 2022b).
Discussion focus
An overview on the experience and research on Sustainable Development from the different dimensions of sustainability (social, economic and environmental ones).
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