Session Information
02 SES 06 A, Teacher Education and Training
Paper Session
In Norwegian teacher education a new reform was initiated in 2017 aiming at developing what is called “Teacher Education Schools” (The Ministry of Knowledge, 2017). Both previous experiences and methodological and epistemological arguments have long pointed in this direction (Darling-Hammiond, 2006; Eikeland, 2012a). The aim is to strengthen the quality of student teachers’ placement periods and teaching practice in schools, to stimulate cooperation on research and development, and to strengthen the professional relevance and quality of teacher education and the institutions.
A professionally relevant education can be defined as being characterized by a close coherence between content and tasks in the profession and the educational content. Such education is largely in accordance with the competence demands of the profession (Hiim, 2017; Sylte 2020). There’s a multitude of research indicating that insufficient professional relevance is a challenge in teacher education as well as in professional education in other areas. One of the reasons seems to be that collaboration between educational institutions and professional workplaces is not sufficiently developed (Canrinus et al., 2015; Heggen & Smedby, 2015; Hiim, 2013; Sylte, 2020; Young, 2004).
The regional education authorities in Oslo and Viken and a group of researchers in the Department of vocational teacher education at the OsloMet University developed an Action research project (LUSY), aimed at developing vocational teacher education schools with three vocational upper secondary schools (VET), funding from the Norwegian Research Council. The aim is to develop a binding and lasting cooperation between the schools and OsloMet to create the best possible vocational teacher education and VET. The intention is to form binding and lasting cooperative structures between VET and OsloMet University, on the education of vocational teachers through a symbiotic learning model. The focus in this paper is:
How can cooperations between a university, schools and companies help develop relevant quality criteria for Teacher Education Schools in VET through a symbiotic learning model?
The project is based on a holistic, multi-dimensional understanding of knowledge where professional knowledge have many forms. Much research on VET is based on a concept of competence that is frequently defined as a holistic set of knowledge, skills and attitudes applied to solve specific tasks (Koenen et al., 2015; White Paper 28, 2015-2016). However, the use of the concept of competence in VET is often unclear and varies (Lester & Religa, 2017). A main issue in the project is to show how professional knowledge is constituted, and how the organization of collaboration between educational institutions and fields of practice can strengthen by developing a symbiotic learning model (Eikeland, 2012a). The idea is to collaboratively develop a new infrastructure between VET and OsloMet that will facilitate continuous mutual learning and quality development for both parts. This infrastructure will gradually include relevant workplaces with vocational interns in placements connected with the schools and the department of vocational teacher education.
This involves development of an organizational and didactic learning model for cooperation between educational institutions and fields of practice. The model is based on the concept of "symbiotic learning structure" which emphasizes learning through the collective element and closer cooperation between educational institution, school and working life as a lifelong learning perspective (Eikeland, 2012a). The purpose is quality assurance of criteria for what is needed to become a Teacher Education School through the development of such a new infrastructure.
Epistemological analyses of professional knowledge based on pragmatic approaches pose the theoretical framework of the project (Eikeland, 2008; Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1987; Schøn, 1983; Sennett, 2008). Connections between theories of professional knowledge, organizational learning, and professional didactics will be investigated (Eikeland, 2012a; Hiim, 2017; Sylte, 2020).
The project will mainly be carried out as action research, led by the authors of this paper. Action research means that research and development are integrated in social, organizational, or educational “experiments” or development projects (McNiff & Whitehead, 2006). The approaches to action research that will be used in this project are built on pragmatic and partly critical epistemology (Eikeland, 2012b; Hiim, 2010). Action research implies that knowledge is developed through collaborative and systematically documented processes of planning, carrying out, reflection and evaluation between teacher education institution, schools and companies. Action research requires voluntary participation by all people concerned in different phases of work. Project startups have been planned in collaboration with the leaders and unions of the two schools and the leaders of the vocational teacher education program. The plan has been to start with a dialogue conference, where those directly concerned and referred to each other for finding and implementing solutions have the opportunity to discuss the task of educating vocational teachers (Eikeland 2012b). The aim is to facilitate the development of a beginning common understanding. The dialogue will make it possible to see how different parties and Aconceive today’s situation concerning cooperation on vocational teacher education. It will also be important to discuss and plan what different participants can do to strengthen the cooperation and contribute to a relevant education. A dialogue conference usually produces plans for improvement and sub-projects conducted by groups of colleagues and stakeholders who need and see the use of collaboration. The plan is to institutionalize dialogue conferences and other permanent dialogical spaces where temporary sub-projects and collaborative colleagues and stakeholders present share and discuss their experiences. Results of project work is shared and plans for further work can be made. The aim is to stimulate collective learning and to facilitate systematic, continuous, documented development processes. This will contribute to a vocational teacher education as well as vocational education that cohere with the professional and vocational tasks and meet the needs of professional and vocational competence. The project is organized in four sequences with systematic planning, carrying out, evaluating, data collection and documentation. Documentation from conferences and sub projects (plans, logs, reports, etc.) will be the documentation basis in the project.
Expected Outcomes
Concerning development results, we expect new and more structured forms of collaboration (institutionalized infrastructure) between our vocational teacher education institution, VET and companies. The structures may concern collaboration between teacher educators, practice teachers and instructors in specific educational programs. More structured cooperation is also needed on placement periods in schools and companies for vocational student teachers and placement in firms for vocational students. The same goes for contents or parts of the contents in vocational teacher education and VET. By development of these collaborative structures, it is also expected to develop relevant quality criteria for Teacher Education Schools in VET through a symbiotic learning model. Formal qualification courses for practice teachers could be another issue, as well as other courses as vocational development in the schools. For example, the tentative results point to the need for a new formal qualification course for practice teachers that focuses on comprehensive vocational teacher competence. More structured cooperation through research- and development projects is also initiated. One of the most important issues is to develop meeting places that make collaboration possible, and create space for collective reflection, planning and trying out new ideas of relevant content, and collective learning through a symbiotic learning model. The results are closely related to the development processes and results. Development- and research processes in the project as a whole and in sub projects will result in new practical results and documented knowledge on possibilities and challenges concerning collaborative structures and content between institutions of vocational teacher education, VET, and companies on relevant education. That leads to a symbiotic learning model where relevant quality criteria for Teacher Education Schools in VET will be developed.
Canrinus, E. T., Bergem, O. K., Klette, K. & Hammerness, K. (2015). Coherent teacher education programmes: Taking a student perspective. Journal of Curriculum Studies. Darling-Hammond, L. (Ed.). (2006). Professional development schools—schools for developing a profession. Teacher’s College Press. Dreyfus, H. L. & Dreyfus, S. E. (1986). Mind over Machine: The Power of human intuition and expertice in the era of the computer. Free press. Eikeland, O. (2012a). Symbiotic Learning Systems: Reorganizing and Integrating Learning Efforts and Responsibilities Between Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) and Work Places. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. Springer. DOI 10.1007/s13132-012-0123-6 Eikeland, O. (2012b). Action research and organisational learning—a Norwegian approach to doing action research in complex organisations. Educational Action Research Journal, 20(2), 267–290. DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2012.676303 Heggen, K., Smeby J.-C. & Vågan, A. (2015). Coherence: A longitudinal approach. I J.-C. Smedby & M. Suthpen (red.), From Vocational to professional Education (s. 70–88). Routledge. Hiim, H. (2010). Pedagogisk aksjonsforskning [Educational action research]. Gyldendal Akademisk. Hiim, H. (2013). Praksisbasert yrkesutdanning [Practice based vocational education]. Gyldendal Akademisk. Hiim, H. (2017). Ensuring Curriculum Relevance in Vocational Education and Training: Epistemological Perspectives in a Curriculum Research Project aimed at Improving the Relevance of the Norwegian VET. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET).Vol. 4 no.1 pp. 1-19. Koenen, A.-K., Dochy, F. & Berghmans, I. (2015). A phenomenographic analysis of the implementation of competence-based education in higher education. Teaching and Teacher Education. Vol. 50 pp. 1-12. Kunnskapsdepartementet (2017). Lærerutdanning 2025. Lester, S. & Religa, J. (2017). Competence` and occupational standards: observation from six European countries. Education and Training. Vol. 59 (2), pp. 201-214. DOI: 10.1108/ET-01-2018-0024 McNiff, J. & Whitehead, J. (2006). All you need to know about Action Research Sage Publications. Schön, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Basic Books. Sennet, R. (2008). The Craftsman. Penguin Books. Sylte, A. L. (2020). Predicting the Future Competence Needs in Working Life: Didactical Implications for VET. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, 7(2), 167–192. White paper nr. 28 (2015-2016). Fag – Fordypning – Forståelse — En fornyelse av Kunnskapsløftet Young, M. (2004). Conceptualizing vocational knowledge. Some theoretical considerations. In H. Rainbird, A. Fuller & A. Munro (Ed.), Workplace learning in context (pp. 186-200). Routledge.
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