Session Information
02 SES 12 B, Recognition & VET audiovisuals
Paper Session
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is since years high on the agenda of European policies (cp. for example CEDEFOP 2019a, b, c) as well as of research in vocational training and education (VET) (cp. for example Velten, Herdin 2016). It is seen not only as a measure to reduce skills mismatch (cp. for example Eichhorst et al. 2019), but also, even more important, to offer career opportunities to people who, for what reasons ever, had no access to a fully recognized qualification (cp. Birke, Hanft 2016). Accordingly, the main target groups of RPL are unskilled or semi-skilled workers (cp. for example Matthes, Severing 2017; Flake et al. 2017) and most studies on RPL focus on European qualification framework (EQF) levels 2-4. In Portugal, RPL has been even restricted by law to these levels; only since 2022, RPL on higher levels is allowed due to an update of the respective law (cp. Portaria 2022). Thus, few experiences with RPL in continuous vocational education and training (CVET) are published (cp. CEDEFOP 2019a, b, c).
Against this background, one of the challenges tackled in the recent research and development project “Developing Innovative and Attractive CVET programmes in industrial shoe production” (DIA-CVET) is the question, whether an opportunity to apply RPL on higher levels in this sector exists. In a transnational comparative design, researchers from Romania, Portugal and Germany are working on the following three research questions:
* What are the measures of RPL that could be or are applied in CVET?
* How can these measures be classified?
* Which of these measures could support RPL in CVET in industrial shoe production in Germany, Romania and Portugal?
Methods applied were a mixture of literature (including regulations) reviews and empirical studies (semi-structured interviews with delegates from competent bodies being responsible for RPL in the three countries mentioned above). Measures of RPL identified have been classified and presented to stakeholders from industrial shoe production. Where appropriate, the developing, testing and improving of RPL measures in CVET have been foreseen (design-based research, DBR).
Expected Outcomes
The identified measures of RPL can be classified into structural (each holder of a certain qualification receives an exemption of parts of a higher qualification) and individual (referring to individual prior learning, for example via work-based learning (WBL)) RPL. Structural RPL can be illustrated by an example from Germany: The 2-year, level 3 qualification, in the shoe sector the “leather processing worker” (Fachkraft Lederverarbeitung), is fully accredited against the corresponding 3-year (level 4) qualification “industrial shoemaker” (Industrieller Schuhfertiger). Holders of the level 3 qualification have to participate only in the third (last) year of the level 4 programme and are exempted from the first part of the final examination. Individual RPL in all three countries is applied by using portfolio approaches. Depending on the country, this includes often additionally a competence assessment. Regarding the applicability of RPL to CVET, the situation in the three countries differs largely: * In Romania, further education above level 4 in the sector is mostly part of higher education (HE), VET qualifications and work experience are rather considered as an advantage of applicants for a HE programme. * In Germany, a corresponding IVET qualification and some years of work experience are even a precondition when applying for CVET (technician or industrial foreman, both level 6). * In Portugal, the situation regarding applicability of RPL in CVET in shoe sector is very promising: Due to the update of the law mentioned above, a first beneficiary with a level 4 qualification in shoe production with vast experience in the design department is currently in the individual RPL-process (portfolio) for a level 5 qualification (footwear designer). He would be the first beneficiary of RPL on level 5 in the whole country of Portugal.
Birke, Hanft 2016: Anerkennung und Anrechnung non-formal und informell erworbener Kompetenzen. Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung von Anerkennungs- und Anrechnungsverfahren. Dezember 2016. Wien: Facultas 2016. CEDEFOP 2019a: Balica, M. (2019). European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2018, update: Romania. CEDEFOP 2019b: Ball, C. (2019). European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2018 update: Germany. CEDEFOP 2019c: Guimarães, P. (2019). European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2018 update: Portugal. Eichhorst et al. 2019: Geringqualifizierte in Deutschland - Beschäftigung, Entlohnung und Erwerbsverläufe im Wandel. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung 2019. Flake et al. 2017: Lebenssituation und Potenziale An- und Ungelernter. In: Matthes, Britta; Severing, Eckart (Hrsg.): Berufsbildung für Geringqualifizierte – Barrieren und Erträge. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung 2017. S. 13-19. Matthes, Severing 2017: Berufliche Kompetenzen von Geringqualifizierten erkennen und fördern. In: Matthes, Britta; Severing, Eckart (Hrsg.): Berufsbildung für Geringqualifizierte – Barrieren und Erträge. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung 2017. S. 5-9. Portaria 2022: Portaria n.º 61/2022, de 31 de janeiro. Regula o reconhecimento, a validação e a certificação de competências no âmbito do Programa Qualifica. Velten, Herdin 2016: Anerkennung informellen und non-formalen Lernens in Deutschland. Ergebnisse aus dem BIBB-Expertenmonitor Berufliche Bildung 2015. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung 2016. All internet resources consulted on the 31.01.2023.
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