Session Information
99 ERC SES 07 H, Language Education
Paper Session
In Germany, roughly 27.2% of the population (22.3 million people) has a migrant background (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2022). Integration takes place in very different ways and depends not least on the political, economic, social, cultural, and religious dimensions of the immigrants. However, even with courses and many other support initiatives, the problem remains that many immigrants do not have adequate language skills (Becker & Lauterbach, 2008). Many of those who, at least, attend courses must retake the B1 exam and only 50-60% of them pass the B1 level, which they need to obtain a permanent residence permit (BAMF-Bericht zur Integrationskursgeschäftsstatistik, 2020).
Immigrants´ language efficiency in the host country has a positive effect on labor market integration and earnings (Dustmann & van Soest, 2001) and to be able to learn the language of the host country would be essential for immigrants to achieve full integration, whereby the immigrant becomes equal with the country's residents in terms of rights, duties, and opportunities (Sezer, 2010). However, as immigrant workers and refugees often do not have good education and some of them even struggle with literacy skills in their native language, Saunders (2015) asks the question whether the preconditions are given for these immigrant adult learners to participate autonomously in shaping their learning process. These new challenges call for new learning support methods. Saunders (2015) notes that one of the current challenges in foreign language teaching is to focus on learners' needs and to promote learner autonomy.
The level of a person´s autonomous learning ability may be indicated by the use of language learning strategies, which are behaviors or actions of learners to enhance their own learning (Oxford, 1990). Language learning strategies support the improvement of language proficiency (Oxford, 1990) because they support self-directed and active involvement, which is essential for improving communicative competence. Although they play a very important role in language learning processes, research that would have looked at immigrant and refugee self-regulated learning strategy use has been scarce so far, as most studies deal with the groups of school children or students.
Therefore, the current study investigates the self-directed strategy use (Oxford, 2016) of adult immigrants based in Germany and learning German as a foreign language in Integration Courses (BAMF integration courses). BAMF is the Federal Office and a competence center for migration and integration in Germany and is responsible for carrying out asylum procedures and protecting refugees but is also the driving force behind the nationwide promotion of integration. BAMF integration courses are specifically designed for adult migrants and guide participants in 6 modules (100 hours each) from the state of no language knowledge at all to the level B1 (Council of Europe, 2001).
The purpose of the research is to investigate in a smaller group of immigrant language learners (N=18) the external and internal factors influencing their learning and their autonomous language-learning ability. We use mixed method approach with narrative interviews, self-reflection questionnaires and a self-regulated strategy use questionnaire.
The research questions are:
- What are participants’ perceptions about their own learning?
- What technics, tools and learning strategies do the participants use outside of the classroom for self-directed learning?
- What are their motivations, attitudes towards learning German, and what are their needs and obstacles in learning German?
Volunteering adult immigrants who learn German as a foreign language in Germany in Integration Courses are the participants (N=18). We used convenience sampling as a method of sampling. This study is based on the first data collection cycle; however, we plan to have about 2 more iterations and batches. These data collection cycles follow mixed method research design, by using quantitative and qualitative research tools. Research phases, tools, and methods 1. Preliminary assessment of strategic self-regulated language learning (Oxford, 2011; Habók and Magyar, 2018) – quantitative approach; 2. Narrative interviews (N=11) (Küsters, 2009) about the external and internal factors influencing the language learning of migrant learners – qualitative approach; Further tools used in the research for ongoing monitoring of language proficiency: - A self-reflection questionnaire about language learning development with quantitative closed questions. - Development of language proficiency will also be monitored in every module of the course using language tests.
Expected Outcomes
This study (and the presentation, if accepted) will include results from Phases 1 and 2. We have preliminary data from Phase 1 from the first batch of volunteers, hence, we include those results in this abstract. However, currently we are analyzing the narrative interviews, and we intend to show findings from Phase 2 by the date of the conference. Our preliminary analysis (of data on frequency) shows: - Respondents are aged between 20 and 53 years. - Most of them have spent between 4 and 9 months in Germany in December 2022. - There seems to be a relationship between educational background and strategy use. - Participants seem to know that learning is better when they enjoy to do so, yet it seems that the emphasis in concrete learning is not on pleasure but on performance. Here, there could be some initial implications about teaching, because if they are not used to follow their interest in German, even if it is more difficult than in their native language, then they have no bridge to lifelong German learning. - The higher the overall score on the strategy test, the more "courageous" participants are to communicate, even if they are afraid of making mistakes. This suggests that it may be worth practicing the general use of strategy. Therefore, based on the findings of this ongoing study, in the subsequent phases of the research, a classroom intervention will be introduced for developing strategy use and then the study will aim to investigate how strategy use and learning autonomy of adult immigrants can be improved through classroom interventions. - Some of the answers suggest implications about refining research tools: The strategy questionnaire at A2 level could be supplemented by further questions and it would make sense to start focus group discussions.
1.Becker, Rolf, Lauterbach, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) (2008). Bildung als Privileg: Erklärungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit (4. Aufl.). Weinheim. 2.Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge – BAMF (2020). Bericht zur Integrationskursgeschäftsstatistik für das Jahr 2019 (Abfragestand: 01.04.2020). 3.Council of Europe (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Council of Europe. 5.Dustmann, Christian & van Soest, Arthur. (2001). Language Fluency And Earnings: Estimation With Misclassified Language Indicators. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 83. 663-674. 10.1162/003465301753237740. 6.Habók A and Magyar A (2018). Validation of a Self-Regulated Foreign Language Learning Strategy Questionnaire Through Multidimensional Modelling. Front. Psychol. 9:1388. 7.Küsters, Ivonne (2009). Narrative Interviews. Grundlagen und Anwendungen, 2. Aufl. Wiesbaden (Lehrbuch: Hagener Studientexte zur Soziologie): VS Verlag, ISBN 3-531-16153-9 8.Oxford, R. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House. 9.Oxford, R. (2011). Teaching and researching language learning strategies. Harlow: Longman. 10.Oxford, R.L. (2016). Teaching and Researching Language Learning Strategies: Self-Regulation in Context, Second Edition (1st ed.). Routledge. 11.Saunders, Constanze (2015). Online-Sprachlernberatung: Eine longitudinale Aktionsforschungsstudie. In: Böcker, Jessica, Saunders, Constanze, Koch, Lennart, Langner, Michael (Hrsg.) Beratung und Coaching zum Fremdsprachenlernen – Konzepte, Qualitätssicherung, praktische Erfahrungen Beiträge zu einer Arbeitstagung (Hannover 2015) Gießener Elektronische Bibliothek 2017. 12.Sezer, Kamuran (2010). Was ist Integration? Projekt „Migration und Integration“. Goethe-Institut. 13.Statistisches Bundesamt (2022). Press release No. 162 of 12 April 2022.
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