Network: 99. Emerging Researchers' Group (for presentation at Emerging Researchers' Conference)
99 ERC SES 01 A, ERC Opening Ceremony
Monday, 2023-08-21, 09:00-09:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 438AB [Floor 4], Chair: Saneeya Qureshi
- ERC Opening Ceremony
Saneeya Qureshi Joe O'Hara
99 ERC SES 02 A, ERC Interactive Session: The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research
Monday, 2023-08-21, 09:30-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 438AB [Floor 4], Chair: Satu Perälä - Littunen
- ERC Interactive Session: The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research
Ines Alves Bonnie Slade Margret Sutherland
99 ERC SES 03 B, Sociologies of Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 707 [Floor 7], Chair: Carola Mantel
- Disorder As a Power Relation in Schooling and Education
- Working-class Students` Right to Education and Social Justice: Educational and Social Challenges
Veera Tervo
Júlia Rodrigues Fátima Antunes
99 ERC SES 03 D, Interactive Poster Session
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 743 [Floor 7], Chair: Burcu Toptas
- Queer Teachers in a Heteronormative Working Environment
- Exploring Education as a Complex System in the Digital Age: the Case of Translator Education
- Accessible Pathways to Higher Education in the Netherlands: Students’ Perceptions of the Opportunities to Reach Higher Education
- Women’s Knowledge and Attitudes about Sexual Violence and Possibilities for Prevention, Education, and Support Interventions in this Area
- The impact of Community-based Education Initiatives on the Educational Trajectories of Ethnic Minority Youth
Mario Mallwitz
Karolina Levanaitė
Benthe van Wanrooij Louise Elffers Monique Volman
Marlena Mitka
Blansefloer Coudenys Noel Clycq Orhan Agirdag
99 ERC SES 03 A, Inclusive Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Michelle Proyer
- This space is not built for people like us: An Institutional Ethnography of Disability Inclusion Policies in a Nigerian university
- Stories of Teacher Development: Experiences that Influence Inclusive Practice Beliefs
- Constructing School Principals’ Leadership Autonomy regarding Inclusion Policies: Comparison of School Leaders’ Professional Journals in Germany and Norway
Abass Isiaka
Jessica Delorey Jacqueline Specht
Carolina Dahle
99 ERC SES 03 C, Interactive Poster Session
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 745 [Floor 7], Chair: Dragana Radanović
- Mapping Pathways to Success: Unraveling the Influence of Family Backgrounds on Graduate Career Trajectories
- Microinteractional Adaptation Practices of Teachers in Linguistically Diverse Mathematics Classes
- School's project. From the 2030 Agenda to the Italian School Policies
- Ed-Tech Consultants as New Intermediaries between Policies, Pedagogies and Technologies
- Teaching Creativity? A Generative View for Complex Thinking Through PhilosophArt
- Queer-Friendly Schools? The Relationship between Perceived School Climate, Mental Health and Student Well-Being of LGBTIQ+ Students in Switzerland
- Semantic Clarification of Life Skills in the Field of Health Promotion at School : a Scoping Review
Yujing Liu
Simay Birce Cirit
Anna Chiara Angela Mastropasqua Emilia Restiglian
Lucas Joecks
Sofia Marina Antoniello
Adrien Ott Monika Hofmann Christa Kappler Janine Lüthi Tina Hascher
Adeline Darlington Bernard Corélie Salque Emily Darlington Florence Carrouel
99 ERC SES 03 E, Interactive Poster Session
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 734 [Floor 7], Chair: Mhairi Beaton
- Teachers' Attitudes on Talent Management in High School Education
- Differentiation of Learning Tasks as a Path to Educate All Pupils in the First Stage of Primary School
- Investigating Saudi Secondary School Teachers’ Use of Social Media for Continuing Professional Development
- Nurturing Academic Hospitalities as Neurodivergent Welcome: a Shepherd’s Hut as ECR-led, Participatory ‘Conference Fringe’
Elena Ichim
Monika Semradova
Mansour Alshetaiwi
Christian H Hanser
99 ERC SES 03 F, Ignite Talks
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 407 [Floor 4], Chair: Andreas Hadjar
- Doing the Right Thing? An Exploration of the Construction of, and Response to, ‘Disadvantage’ by Teachers in English Secondary Schools.
- Entrepreneurial Universities and Regional Developmental Pathways in German and British Higher Education
- Perceptions of Democracy and Diversity Among Student Teachers Preparing to Teach in International Contexts
- How do I fit in? A Caribbean Perspective on Social and Personal-Emotional Adjustment to University life.
- Multicultural Heritage Education: Exploring World-View-Oriented Heritage Education Model of Antonine Wall for New Scots
Una Lodge
Bahar Cemre Karaagacli
Karianne Helland
Stacia Ali
Hsiao-Chiang Wang Yen-Ting Lin
99 ERC SES 03 G, Teacher Education Research
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 639 [Floor 6], Chair: Arnaud Dubois
- A Policy for Practice: A Document Analysis of National Guidelines and Principles for Mentoring Newly Qualified Teachers
- The Impact of Geographical School Location on Teacher Retention and Attrition: The Case of Early Career TESOL Teachers in Vietnam
- A Cross-national Study of the Practice Component of English Language Teacher Education Programmes: Algeria in the International Context
Remi Skytterstad Pedersen
Thu Dao Geert Kelchtermans
Oum Kaltoum Charrak
99 ERC SES 03 H, Identity and Agency in Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Dayana Balgabekova
99 ERC SES 03 I, Research in Higher Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 1 (Yudowitz) [Floor 1], Chair: Rosemary Deem
- Place of Well-being in Doctoral Researcher Development: Examining Support Services
- Using Research-Engaged Evaluation to Develop Sense of Belonging and Educational Community for Students in Higher Education
- Interdisciplinarity – A Preliminary Review of the Literature
- Employability Development in Liberal Arts Undergraduates: Evidence From a Dutch University College
Neslihan Gök Ayyıldız Gökçe Gökalp
Charlotte Boulton Emily Halsall Alison Shaw
Bernard Concannon Dr Anne Graham Cagney
Milan Kovačević Teun J. Dekker Rolf van der Velden
99 ERC SES 03 J, Families and Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 2 (Fraser) [Floor 1], Chair: Sofia Eleftheriadou
- Can Technology-Enhanced Practice make perfect? A Systematic Review on Technology-Enhanced Learning in Higher Education
- Failure in Postdigital Educational Contexts
- Me, my Selfie and I: an Exploration of Subjectivity and Identity Portrayal in Children's Social Media Use
Saniye Demirtas Yigit Prof. Dr. Julia Gorges
Katharina Poltze
Claire Pescott
99 ERC SES 03 K, Language Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 3 (Gannochy) [Floor 1], Chair: Laurence Lasselle
99 ERC SES 03 L, Policy Studies and Politics of Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Elsa Lee
- Can a Public-Private Education Policy Transform the Lives of Disadvantaged Children? Private School Inclusion via India’s Right to Education Act
- The State of Critical Thinking in Algerian EFL Classes between Policy Discourse and Policy Implementation: University Teachers’ Perceptions
- The Role for Trade Unions on the Promotion of Lifelong Learning and Education
Inderjit Bains
Sarra Hocini
Christa Van Oostende
99 ERC SES 03 M, Gender and Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 430 [Floor 4], Chair: Marit Hoveid
- Perceptions and Experiences of Women Academics in Turkey Regarding Mansplaining
- French Contribution to Trans Studies in Physical Education
- Voices from Girls with Autism - Lived Experience of Participation in Secondary School
Rozerin Yaşa Kadriye Begüm Dogruyol Aladak
Bastien Pouy-Bidard
Helena Josefsson
99 ERC SES 03 N, Social Justice and Intercultural Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 429 [Floor 4], Chair: Fabio Dovigo
- Intercultural Dimension in the Italian Juvenile Justice System. Intercultural Competence of Justice Professionals Working with Foreign Minors.
- The Experience of Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Displaced Students In Physical Education and Sport Activities
- Citizenship Education and Diversity at Secondary Schools in Practice: Insights from the Literature for a Case Study Research in Antwerp.
- Taking Steps Towards Epistemically Aware and Inclusive Learning Spaces
Elisa Maria Francesca Salvadori
Luca Vittori
Marloes Vrolijk
Maija-Stina Larkio Pia Mikander
99 ERC SES 03 O, Participatory Experiences in Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 529 [Floor 5], Chair: Satu Perälä - Littunen
- The LCA Programme and the Recognition of Difference: Issues of Value and Parity of Esteem in Post-Primary Education.
- Building Supportive and Collaborative Relationships in Times of Change: A Relational Approach to Mandated and Non-mandated Networks in a School-District
- An International Academic Leadership Development Program: Mid-term Impacts on Personal Growth and Professional Practices
Annmarie Curneen
Ignacio Wyman
Khuyen Dinh Chang Zhu Aysun Caliskan Zhengwen QI Yujie Xue
99 ERC SES 03 P, Science and Environment Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 508 [Floor 5], Chair: Ottavia Trevisan
99 ERC SES 03 Q, Health and Wellbeing Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 408 [Floor 4], Chair: Edwin Keiner
- Becoming Your Own Best Self - Self-Optimization in Youth Education in Finland
- Do You Remember How You Felt? Affective Memories, Achievement Emotions and Learning.
- Exploring Food And Nutrition Education And Supporting Pupils’ Capabilities in Adopting Health Promoting Behaviours
- Teachers’ Voice on Wellbeing Education – Experiences and Perspectives from the Puppetry-Based Socioemotional Learning Programme
Saara Vainio
Amandine Grand'Haye
Evelyn McLaren
Órla Bracken Deborah Sewell Joanna Wincenciak Eve Esteban
99 ERC SES 03.5, Lunch Break Event: Getting to Know EERA and Making the Most of the Emerging Researchers' Conference and ECER (sign up required)
Monday, 2023-08-21, 12:30-13:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Atrium, Chair: Saneeya Qureshi
99 ERC SES 04 A, Inclusive Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Michelle Proyer
- Teaching Sensitive and Controversial Issues in The History Classroom: Exploratory Case Studies in England
- Empowering Marginalized Students to Speak up through Dialogic Literary Gatherings: an Ethnographic Case Study in Ghana
- Views and Experiences of Teachers Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pupils with SEND
Latife Eda Kuzuca
Eugenia Allotey Rocío García-Carrión
Klaudia Matasovska
99 ERC SES 04 C, Interactive Poster Session
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 745 [Floor 7], Chair: Dragana Radanović
- Influences of Engaging in the Into Headship Programme Post-programme: Some Perceptions of Newly-Appointed Headteachers in Scotland.
- Elementary 1:1 iPad Implementation: Lessons Learned from a Design-based Research Study
- Establishing a Culture of Employability through University-Industry Collaboration in Real-World Learning
- Developing a Formative Proposal for Initial Teacher Education Based on STEAM Approach and Creative Thinking Development
- A Comparative Analysis of Teacher Education Study Programs of Selected Universities in Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates
Rosemary Grady
Laura Pellizzer Marina De Rossi
Kim Wilcox
Erika Ribeiro Ana V. Rodrigues
Talar Agopian
99 ERC SES 04 D, Interactive Poster Session
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 743 [Floor 7], Chair: Burcu Toptas
- Mental Health’s Perception of Gender Creative Secondary Students
- An Exploratory Multiple-case Study of MEd TESOL Students in the UK: Researcher and Participants’ Reflective and Reflexive Practices
- Men Experiencing Sexual Violence by Women. Sociopedagogical Analysis of the Phenomenon in Poland.
- Navigating the Dialogic Possibilities of Teaching: Mapping Student Teachers' Dialogic Experiences and Identities
Laurie-Rose Caron-Jacques Mélissa Goulet
Muna Albuloushi
Pamela Hyży
Laurel Smith
99 ERC SES 04 E, Ignite Talks
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 734 [Floor 7], Chair: Franz Kaiser
- Need for Higher Education Administrative Data: Opportunities and Challenges
- Professional Identity and School Environment – Influences on Teacher Agency
- Facilitating for Participation in School: Pupils’ Self-determination in a Norwegian School
- Understanding and Facilitating the Changing Role of Further Education and Trainining Teachers in Strategic Partnerships with Industry
- Title Case ‘The Impact of Including AS students on the Processes and Outcomes of a ‘leadership for Inclusion’ team.
- Exploring Science Teachers’ Experiences in Lesson Study: a Critical Participatory Action Research Study
Victoria A. Bauer Christoph Hönnige Monika Jungbauer-Gans
Maarja Tinn
Solveig Maria Magerøy
Sean Manley
Rachel Ryan
Azneezal Ar Rashid Mohd Ramli Mohamad Termizi Borhan
99 ERC SES 04 B, Sociologies of Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 707 [Floor 7], Chair: Carola Mantel
99 ERC SES 04 F, Teacher Education Research
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 407 [Floor 4], Chair: Carmel Capewell
- Typological Analysis of Secondary School Teachers' Careers prior to Entering Teaching
- The Role of Institutional Habitus in the Development of Teacher Identity in Pre-Service Teacher Education
- Many Faces of Ignorance: Reviewing Educational Conceptualizations of and Approaches to Transnational Ignorance about Indigenous Peoples
- Learning Moments and Cognitive Presence; a Study in the Nature and Promise of Informal and Incidental Learning
Victoria David
Anil Kandemir
Ella Mattila Johanna Annala Jyri Lindén
Pamela O Brien
99 ERC SES 04 G, Communities, Families and Schooling in Educational Research
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 639 [Floor 6], Chair: Gasper Cankar
99 ERC SES 04 H, Research in Higher Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Arnaud Dubois
- Who Are They Now? Faculty in evolving higher education institutes
- Research and Teaching in the Career Development of Higher Education.
- Academic Diaspora, Home Country Development, and Internationalization
Michelle Greene Anne Graham Cagney
Patricia Arroyo Ainsa Reina Ferrandez-Berrueco
Tugay Durak
99 ERC SES 04 I, Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 1 (Yudowitz) [Floor 1], Chair: Klaus Rummler
- Engaging Diffractive Ethnography To Explore Student and Teacher Perceptions of Collaborative Testing To Enhance Learning and Engage STEM Students.
- Hitting the Mark: Formative Assessment and the Development of Capabilities in a Primary School Context
- The Design and Development of a Measurement Scale for Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness from Students' Perspective
- Teachers’ Formative Assessment Literacy in the Confucian Culture Context: Design and Validation of an Inventory
Helen Bremert
Valerio Rigo
Daniel - Emil Iancu
Rong Fu
99 ERC SES 04 J, Policy Studies and Politics of Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 2 (Fraser) [Floor 1], Chair: Susanne Maria Weber
- The Science-Policy Interface of Sustainability and Climate Change Education
- The Affective Entanglements Between Neo-Nationalism and Neoliberalism in French Higher Education Policy.
- “There is Demand, There is Market,” on the Implementation of Chinese Prohibitive Shadow Education Policy---Double Reduction from the Tutors’ Perspective
Stefanie Mallow
Ester Zangrandi
99 ERC SES 04 K, Gender and Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 3 (Gannochy) [Floor 1], Chair: Victoria Showunmi
- “Everywhere You Get These Models of What You Should be Like” - Men, Masculinity Ideals and Mental Health
- Neo-Nationalism and Anti-Gender Discourse: Higher Education Institutions’ Role in Polish Anti-Liberal Politics
- Female Underrepresentation in Syrian Universities Senior-Leadership Positions: Perceptions, Barriers, and Enablers
Inka Tähkä
Rasmus Harsbo
Dareen Assaf
99 ERC SES 04 L, Social Justice and Intercultural Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Minge Chen
- Factors influencing teachers’ identity in Indigenous rural contexts: The FITIRIS Model
- The Applicability of Intersectionality in the Scottish Education System
- A Fragmented Sense of Belonging: non-EU Young Adult and Adult Students' Experiences in Finland
Angela Baeza Pena
Sarah-Jane Hamilton
Alessandra Aldrovandi Tuuli Kurki
99 ERC SES 04 M, Professional Learning and Development
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 430 [Floor 4], Chair: Sofia Eleftheriadou
- Discovering an Old Philosophy: Imaginative Education Theory for Teacher Professional Development
- The Diverse Role of the Primary School Teaching Assistant; Implications of Identity, Status and Professionalism . An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
- Current Provision for Professional Development for Middle leaders in Chinese Higher Vocational Colleges
- Chinese Physical Education Student-teachers' Attitudes to Using WeChat Group for Professional Learning
Alessandro Gelmi
Amanda Jones
Ni Zhang
Hongyun Li Ash Casey Gareth Wiltshire Elisavet Manoli
99 ERC SES 04 N, Science and Environment Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 429 [Floor 4], Chair: Laurence Lasselle
- A Systematic Literature Review on University Campus as a Living Laboratory for Sustainable Development
- Revealing the Characteristics of Learning for Children in Forest School and the Implications for Professional Practice.
Julio Cesar Estrada Monterroso Marco Rieckmann
Christine Shepherd
99 ERC SES 04 O, Health and Wellbeing Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 529 [Floor 5], Chair: Satu Perälä - Littunen
99 ERC SES 04 P, Equity in Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 508 [Floor 5], Chair: Ottavia Trevisan
- The Maker Approach to Support Equity in STEM Education
- Atypical Academic Pathways: Young Students' Perspectives
- Exploring the Impact of a Widening Participation Outreach Programme on Second-level Students’ College Readiness and Educational Progression.
Francesca Gratani Lorenza Maria Capolla
Marta de Oliveira Rodrigues Sofia Marques da Silva Armando Loureiro
Eilis Ni Chorcora Ronan Smith
99 ERC SES 04 Q, Curriculum Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 408 [Floor 4], Chair: Edwin Keiner
99 ERC SES 05 A, NW 10. Teacher Education Workshop: Making and Connecting: LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and Teacher Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: ML White
- Network 10 Teacher Education ERC Workshop: Making and Connecting: LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and Teacher Education
ML White Anna Beck Ainat Guberman Susann Hofbauer Itxaso Tellado
99 ERC SES 05 C, Inclusive Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 745 [Floor 7], Chair: Muriel Epstein
- What Influences and How Inclusive Education Policies Are Formulated in Portugal?
- Investigating Classroom Inclusion with Social Network Analysis
Ana Carvalho Ariana Cosme Amélia Veiga
Ellen Frank Delgado
99 ERC SES 05 D, Histories of Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 743 [Floor 7], Chair: Carola Mantel
- The Reception of Hygiene, Eugenics, and Theories of Degeneration in the Chilean Education: A Historical Analysis
- Diversity in Education: Linguistic, Religion Approaches: Language Concepts:
- Exploring the Intellectual Influence of John Dewey on the Educational Initiatives of Gandhi and Ambedkar: A Critical Comparison
Maria Karina Lozic Pavez
Mane Ghevondyan
Sphoorti .
99 ERC SES 05 E, Teacher Education Research
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 734 [Floor 7], Chair: Carmel Capewell
- Uncovering the Teaching Anxieties of Pre-service Teachers and the Reasons behind
- A Closer Look at Teacher Commitment through the Perspectives of Novice Teachers
- Preparing Primary School Teachers at University: Students’ Beliefs for Global Awareness. A Comparative Study
Burcu Özcan Ahmet Ok
Fadime Ural Ahmet Ok
Giulia Filippi
99 ERC SES 05 F, Communities, Families and Schooling in Educational Research
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 407 [Floor 4], Chair: Laurence Lasselle
- A Comparative Study of Educational Provision and Experience of Rural Students in Rural and Suburban Boarding Schools in Middle China
- Parental Involvement in Children’s Education; A Developing Country Perspective
- Understanding Disciplinary-specific Academic Resilience: Case Study of a Southeast Asian Scholar in Higher Education in Sweden.
Manning Luo
Qazi Waqas Ahmed
Nhu Truong Anna Danielsson Per Anderhag
99 ERC SES 05 B, NW 12. Workshop: Connecting Research, Practice and Infrastructure
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 707 [Floor 7], Chair: Christoph Schindler
99 ERC SES 05 G, Research in Higher Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 639 [Floor 6], Chair: Dragana Radanović
- Higher Education Accountability to Student Voice in the UK: Student Representatives’ Perceptions
- "Kazakhstan's Quest for World-class University: Interplay Between Global, National and Local"
- Challenges including students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at university: The faculty staff voices.
- University Students' Perceptions of Studying Abroad Based on the Push-Pull Theory
Qian Jiang
Gulzhanat Gafu
Mercé Barrera Ciurana Odet Moliner Gargia
Busra Kulakoglu Betul Bulut-Sahin
99 ERC SES 05 H, ICT in Education and Training
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Klaus Rummler
- Investigating the Form and Purpose of Augmented Reality and Game-Based Learning when Designing and Implementing Curriculum to Support Student Learning.
- Integration of Computational Thinking into Mathematics and Science Preservice Teacher Education Courses
- Commercial off-the-Shelf Game Play and L2 Identity Development
Janelle Dixon
Nisanka Uthpalani Somaratne Rajapakse Mohottige Annette Hessen Bjerke Renate Andersen
Neslihan Gök Ayyıldız Nur Çakır
99 ERC SES 05 I, Policy Studies and Politics of Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 1 (Yudowitz) [Floor 1], Chair: Ottavia Trevisan
99 ERC SES 05 J, Gender and Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 2 (Fraser) [Floor 1], Chair: Victoria Showunmi
- The Value of Graduate Education: Investigation of Individual and Relational Factors
- Methodological Reflection on the Application of the Feminist Perspective.
- Gender-specific Subjectification Processes of Teenagers in the Informal Digital Learning and Educational Space YouTube
Eda Çürükvelioğlu Köksal S. Burcu Özgülük Üçok
Miriam Comet-Donoso Maria del Pilar Folgueiras Bertomeu Sonia Estrade
Verena Honkomp-Wilkens
99 ERC SES 05 K, Social Justice and Intercultural Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 3 (Gannochy) [Floor 1], Chair: Sabine Weiss
- Researching the Best Choreographies for Young People’s Well-being and Citizenship in the here and now
- Reinforcing and Resisting Racialisation in Finnish Schools via Humour
- Effect of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Luxembourg on Language Performance: Closing the Gap between different Language Backgrounds?
Joana Mesquita Eunice Macedo Helena Costa Araújo
Saara Loukola
Lena Maria Kaufmann Constanze Weth Martha Ottenbacher Antoine Fischbach Caroline Hornung
99 ERC SES 05 L, Participatory Experiences in Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Sofia Eleftheriadou
- The Visual Discourse of the Picturebook in the Spatial and Material context-encouraging mutual communication in Early and Preschool Child Education
- Competences for Participation: a Narrative Literature Review
- What is the Relevance of a Concept of “Participation” in the Study of Teacher Expectations?
Ines Strapajević
Maria Ratotti
Rune Hejli Lomholt
99 ERC SES 05 M, Science and Environment Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 430 [Floor 4], Chair: Elsa Lee
- Exploring the Complexity of Education for Sustainability Through Multiple Case Studies
- Primate Welfare and Conservation Education Program: Evaluating the Impact in Knowledge and Attitudes on Visitors
- Focusing on a Christian ESE: A New Materialst Approach
Diego Posada
Martí Masip Olga Feliu David Riba Raquel Heras
Amanda Anderson
99 ERC SES 05 N, Mathematics Education Research
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 429 [Floor 4], Chair: Ineke Pit-ten Cate
- Supporting Primary Teachers’ Use of Higher-Level Thinking Questions in Mathematics Lessons
- A Strategy for Overcoming Difficulties in Mathematical Problem-solving of Elementary School Students
- Factors that Predict the Mathematics and Science Results of Secondary School Students - TIMSS perspective
- Comprehensive School Students' Metacognition – Mathematics As an Activating Factor
Sarah Porcenaluk
Asta Paskovske
Daniela Avarvare Lucian Ciolan
Susanna Toikka
99 ERC SES 05 O, Educational Leadership
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 529 [Floor 5], Chair: Burcu Toptas
- Leading with Hope in Times of Crisis: A Systems Thinking Approach
- A Systematic Literature Review on the Practice of Dialogic Leadership: Its Role Within Education and Outcomes
- Algerian Middle School EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Reported Practices of Teacher Leadership
Patricia Virella
Shiza Khaqan Gisela Redondo-Sama
Imene Messalem
99 ERC SES 05 P, Didactics - Learning and Teaching
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 508 [Floor 5], Chair: Susanne Maria Weber
- Teachers’ Interactions with Linguistically Diverse Learners in Primary School Mathematics
- Plurilingual Literary Writings as Tools to Develop Students´ Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills
- A Historical Panorama of Literature Teaching - Results from a Systematic Literature Review
Alexandra Louisa Dannenberg Friederike Heinzel Elisabeth Rathgeb-Schnierer
Klaudia Kruszynska
Andressa Jove Godoy Amélia Lopes
99 ERC SES 05 Q, Research in Education
Monday, 2023-08-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 408 [Floor 4], Chair: Edwin Keiner
99 ERC SES 06 A, ERG - Network Meeting
Monday, 2023-08-21, 17:10-17:45, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Saneeya Qureshi
- Emerging Researchers' Group Network Meeting
Saneeya Qureshi
99 ERC SES 07 C, Sociologies of Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 745 [Floor 7], Chair: Sabine Weiss
- The Clash of Ethics and Economics in Inclusive Education
- Exploring the Effects of the Spirit of Diversity on Higher Education: the Jixia Academy as an Example
- Learning to Expand the Futures of Venice. A Socio-Pedagogical Contribution to CHAT's Fourth Generation
Ridvan Ayhan
Yujie Yuan
Mattia Favaretto
99 ERC SES 07 E, Identity and Agency in Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 734 [Floor 7], Chair: Buratin Khampirat
- Youth Participation in Decision-Making Processes: The Voices of Youth and the Role of Education
- Investigation of the Role of Adult Learners in the Co-Creation of Curriculum Design within a Lifelong Learning Context in SETU
- Co-constructing Professional Learning: Teachers and Researchers Working Together to Respond to Student Diversity.
Daniela Bianchi
Gulmira Tussupbekova Lucy Hearne Helen Murphy Gina Noonan
Genevieve Thraves Sarah Oluk
99 ERC SES 07 D, Teacher Education Research
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 743 [Floor 7], Chair: Burcu Toptas
- The Virtue for a Good Teacher according to David Carr
- Examining the Mathematical Modeling Process in Argumentation-Based Debates: The Case of SSI
- Time to Apply the Brakes? Practitioner Enquiry in the First Year of Teaching
Alicia Encío
Mustafa Çağrı Gürbüz Şirin Yılmaz
Suzie Dick
99 ERC SES 07 B, Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 707 [Floor 7], Chair: Dayana Balgabekova
- Muslim Teachers' Understandings of Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings.
- The Construction of Achievement(Differences) and its Social Genesis - An International Comparison between Canada and Germany
- The Power of Inclusion – Who or What matters? Using UDL, Bronfenbrenner, And Freire To Reconceptualise “Inclusion” in Career Guidance.
- Multigrade Teaching Materials in Spanish Rural Schools to promote inclusion
Nourah Alshalhoub
Büşra Kocabıyık
Mary Quirke Conor Mc Guckin
Núria Carrete-Marín
99 ERC SES 07 A, Ignite Talks
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Erich Svecnik
- Do Private School Students Perform Better? A comparison of public, low-cost, and high-cost private schools in Nigeria.
- Bridging Gaps Through Cooperation Between Teacher Education and Schools.
- Towards Successful Interdisciplinary Teaching in Dutch Gymnasia
- The Five Spaces for Design in Education
Thelma Obiakor
Kristine Haugen Rubilar
Sandra Karten
Melissa Warr Punya Mishra
99 ERC SES 07 F, Research in Higher Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 407 [Floor 4], Chair: Marco Rieckmann
- European Policies and Pedagogy in Higher Education: A Comparison of Instructional Development in Six Universities of the Eutopia Alliance
- Students' Outlook on Diversity in Quality Assurance of Higher Education: How Far Have We Come?
- Expecting and Negotiating Internationalisation: Lived Engagement of Students from an International Joint University
Laurent Gensbittel Muriel Epstein
Pegi Pavletić Irina Duma Damir Solak
Bowen Zhang
99 ERC SES 07 G, Children and Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 639 [Floor 6], Chair: Dragana Radanović
- What Does it Mean to Educate the Whole Child?
- Rethinking Parental Engagement during and after the Covid-19 Crisis through a Froebelian Lens: Bringing Young Children’s Voices to the Front
- Thirty Years of Educational Robotics and Robots for Children: A Large-Scale Research Agenda
Oyvind Hennum
Xunrou Shen
Nursel Yilmaz Arafat Yilmaz
99 ERC SES 07 H, Language Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Nagima Sarsenbayeva
- Adult Immigrants Negotiating Identities Through Language Learning
- Language-Learning Autonomy among Adult Immigrants Based in Germany
Paulina Chavez Rodriguez
Klara Antesberger Helga Dorner
99 ERC SES 07 I, Communities, Families and Schooling in Educational Research
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 1 (Yudowitz) [Floor 1], Chair: Volker Bank
- An Investigation of Young People’s Perspectives on the Effectiveness of Scottish Youth Work in Supporting Wellbeing Post COVID-19 Pandemic
- Learning in rural communities: Parental ethnotheories in Nigeria
- How Do Family-School Relations Influence the Discussion of Controversial Issues in an Elite School? Case Study from Chile’s Constitutional Process
- Ukrainian Parents’ Engagement with Czech Public Schools: Challenges and Roles of Parents in the Collaboration
Haley Sneed
Bukola Oyinloye
Angelica Bonilla
Natalia Dombinskaya
99 ERC SES 07 J, Professional Learning and Development
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 2 (Fraser) [Floor 1], Chair: Ineke Pit-ten Cate
- The Space in Between: Exploring Teachers' and Students' Descriptions of Mutuality in Teacher-Student Interactions.
- Does Child-Centered Teaching Require as Much Specialty as It Thought?: Pre-Service EC Teacher’s Views on Co-Constructing, Deconstructing, and Community Building
- Teachers as Producers of Evidence in an Era of Performativity – Issues of Agency and Professionalism
Øystein Nybøe Marieke Bruin
Nazlı Berfin Yapar Sabiha Üzüm Hasibe Özlen Demircan
Georgina Hudson
99 ERC SES 07 K, Social Justice and Intercultural Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 3 (Gannochy) [Floor 1], Chair: Gasper Cankar
- A Narrative Intervention as Means to Developing Transition Care Awareness of Cross-Culture Kids (CCKs) in Lithuania
- Intercultural Competence in Foreign Language Education at Primary Schools: Comparative Analysis in Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia) and Croatia
- English in Pakistan’s Education System: A Tool for Social Mobility or Social Exclusion?
- Problematisations of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Physical Education Teacher Education: Analysing PETE Curricula from Norway, Canada and Aotearoa/New Zealand
Lingyi Chu
Martina Kramar
Amal Hamid
Sandro Claudio Vita
99 ERC SES 07 L, Vocational Education and Training (VETNET)
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Jana Strakova
- Global Learning in the Workplace – Companies’ Response to Globalization
- The Sense of Self-Efficacy in VET Teachers
- Life’s a Long Song – Educational History and its Impact on CVET Decision-Making
Julia Hufnagl
Arturo Garcia de Olalla Elena Quintana-Murci Maria Tugores-Ques Carme Pinya-Medina Francesca Salvà-Mut
Christopher Zirnig
99 ERC SES 07 M, Ethnography in Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 430 [Floor 4], Chair: Mhairi Beaton
- An Autoethnography of a Dyslexic PhD Tutor in the UK
- Invisible Change: Informal Learning Practices among Craftspeople in SMEs - A subjectivation-theoretical analysis into the affective creation of learning identities
- Ethnographic Research on Inclusive Education in North-South Relations – Exclusionary Methodologies Included?
Jessica Eccles-Padwick
Milan Glatzer Antje Barabasch
Felicitas Kruschick
99 ERC SES 07 N, Educational Leadership
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 429 [Floor 4], Chair: Satu Perälä - Littunen
- Contemporary Roles of Chairpersons, Principals and Teachers on Boards of Management in Primary Schools in the Republic of Ireland
- Fortifying Teacher Leading Through Distributing Pedagogical Leadership in Initial Teacher Preparation Programs
- (Professional) Biographies and Implicit Knowledge of School Leaders (at Schools in Socially Disadvantaged Locations)
Gavin Murphy Michael Buckley
Peter Okiri Mária Hercz Mária Hercz
Franziska Proskawetz
99 ERC SES 07 O, Organisational Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 529 [Floor 5], Chair: Shosh Leshem
- What Makes Teachers Stay? A Cross-sectional Exploration of the Individual and Contextual Factors Associated with Teacher Retention in Sweden
- Putting the Concept of “preschool-naturing” to Work
- Pedagogical Interactions in Organisations – Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Trial Within the Scope of the Praxeological Sociology of Knowledge
Jeffrey Casely-Hayford Per Lindqvist Christina Björklund Lydia Kwak Gunnar Bergström
Sanne Björklund
Katharina Papke
99 ERC SES 07 P, Preschool and Primary Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 508 [Floor 5], Chair: Ottavia Trevisan
- Comparing Teacher-child Interactions in Age Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Preschool Classes in Czech Republic
- The Mushroom Watchers: Design-Based Research about Biocultural Diversity and Sustainability in a Portuguese Kindergarten
- Researching with migrant Families in Chile about their Childhood and Parenting Practices in the Context of Early Childhood Education
Ondřej Koželuh
Bruna Batista Ana Isabel Andrade Gabriela Portugal
Fernanda Ahumada-Medina
99 ERC SES 07 Q, Equity in Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 408 [Floor 4], Chair: Edwin Keiner
99 ERC SES 08 A, Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Muriel Epstein
- Self & Environment – Introducing a New Model of Inclusive Subjects with the Example of Autism
- An Exploration of an Individualised Self-Regulation Programme using the Stress, Self-Regulation and Communication Framework (SSC) for Autistic Children
- Lived Body, Lived Room, and Professional Ethos: SENCOs’ Lived Experiences of Managing Inclusive Learning Environments in Swedish Upper Secondary School
Lukas Gerhards
Cora Howe Claire Griffin
Jonas Udd
99 ERC SES 08 B, Equity in Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 707 [Floor 7], Chair: Satu Perälä - Littunen
- The Wicked Problem of Inequality of Opportunities: An Analysis of Actor Perspectives in Two Local Contexts
- Understanding Teacher Agency in Mathematics Curriculum Making for Promoting Social Justice and Equity.
- Problematisation of Gender Binarism: An Overwhelming Mission for Equality Planning in the Finnish Basic Education
Femke Koekkoek Eddie Denessen Louise Elffers Monique Volman
Derya Sahin İpek
Salla Myyry
99 ERC SES 08 C, Teacher Education Research
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 745 [Floor 7], Chair: Sofia Eleftheriadou
- The Relationship Between Design and Regulation in Action at the Time of Emergency
- Becoming-Activist: A Teacher’s Journey of Engaging with the Activist Approach in School-based Physical Education
- Learning To Be a Teacher of Mathematics, What Makes the Difference? Reflections From First Year Primary Education Student Teachers.
Lorenza Maria Capolla Francesca Gratani
Cara Lamb Dillon Landi David Kirk Kimberly L. Oliver
Lucy Westley
99 ERC SES 08 D, Identity and Agency in Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 743 [Floor 7], Chair: Mhairi Beaton
- An Exploration of Teacher Agency for Inclusive Education: a Qualitative Analysis of Italian General and Special Education Teachers’ Perspective
- The Role of History Teachers’ Agency and Self-Efficacy in Teaching Historical Thinking Introduction
- Teacher Agency in Digital Age: A Systematic Review of Technology-integrated Teaching
Marco Andreoli Luca Ghirotto Jennifer A. Kurth Angelo Lascioli
Latife Eda Kuzuca
Qiandong Zhou
99 ERC SES 08 E, Research in Higher Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 734 [Floor 7], Chair: Marco Rieckmann
- Construction and Development of Student Identity of College Students Whose Parents Do Not Have University Degree
- Social and Ecological Responsibility of Higher Education? Diverse Roles of Higher Education Lecturers Regarding Sustainability Topics
- Academics in Performative Ethos: A Comparative Education Study of Finland and South Korea
Taťána Škanderová
Ann-Kathrin Schlieszus Johanna Weselek
Yoojin Kim
99 ERC SES 08 F, Gender and Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 407 [Floor 4], Chair: Victoria Showunmi
- A Gender Perspective on School Engagement Structure and Relations
- Dialogic Gatherings with High School Boys to Promote New Alternative Masculinities’ Behaviours which Create Safer Spaces
- Learning to Be: Performing Working Class Masculinities in Vocational Educational Training in Spain
Jenni Tikkanen
Guillermo Legorburo-Torres Oriol Rios-González
Esperanza Meri Almudena A. Navas
99 ERC SES 08 G, Research in Digital Environments
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 639 [Floor 6], Chair: Klaus Rummler
- Children’s and Families’ Perspectives on Learning With Digital Technologies at Home
- The Influence of ICT-BASED Instruction On The Academic Performance And STEM Literacy Of Chemistry Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual School
- Two Worlds Collide : Digitally Proficient but Disconnected from the Outdoor Environment ?
- Institutional approach to the development of Digital Competence in Teaching: An international validation with experts.
Amanda Levido Sandy Houen Sarah Matthews Emma Cross
Mary Joy Bejerano Gulsim Kimatova Ishanova Gulsezim
Pavla Boulton
Virginia Viñoles Cosentino Anna Sánchez-Caballé Francesc M. Esteve-Mon María Ángeles Llopis-Nebot
99 ERC SES 08 H, Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Franz Kaiser
- Diversity of Pathways for Beneficiaries of an Integration Scheme: the Example of the Garantie Jeunes
- Young People at Risk in Vocational Education: the Social Ecology of Risk Factors for Vocational Students
- Why Children Are Out of School in Rautahat, Nepal?
Oceane Vilches
Inna Bentsalo
Sweta Adhikary
99 ERC SES 08 I, Social Justice and Intercultural Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 1 (Yudowitz) [Floor 1], Chair: Michael Jopling
- Global Citizenship Education and Diversity: Ontological and Axiological Connections
- Critical Pedagogies in Neoliberal Times: the Voices of Rural Teachers in Peru
- Exploring the Role of Racial Literacy in Pedagogies for Social Justice
Francisco Parrança da Silva Ana Isabel Andrade Mónica Lourenço
Silvia Espinal Meza
Margaret Lovell
99 ERC SES 08 J, Philosophy of Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 2 (Fraser) [Floor 1], Chair: Xavier Rambla
- Constructing and the harnessing the Intuitive Mind
- Care As The Basis For Emancipatory Education: Hermeneutic Analysis Of Literature Review
- In Search of Features of a Modern Holistic Education Paradigm in Lithuanian Primary Education.
Robin Sturman-Coombs
Amanda Aliende da Matta
Brigita Miseliunaite
99 ERC SES 08 K, Participatory Experiences in Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Sem 3 (Gannochy) [Floor 1], Chair: Jana Strakova
- How children create and justify Human Kinds
- Life, Meaning and Education
- Participatory Planning: Preparing for Adulthood as an autistic person.
Agnese Desideri
Chang Liu
Catherine Murray
99 ERC SES 08 L, International Perspectives in Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Nicola Walshe
- Socioeconomic Status, Parenting Factors and Educational Motivations Among 12-15 Years Old in China: How Do They Relate?
- Understanding Virtual Internationalisation: Perspectives from academic members in higher education
- Teacher Characteristics and Student Math Achievement the Case of Saudi Arabia
Fang Xu
Aysun Caliskan Zhengwen Qi Chang Zhu Yujie Xue Ngoc Bich Khuyen Dinh
Ahmad Abotalib
99 ERC SES 08 M, Multicultural Perspectives in Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 430 [Floor 4], Chair: Erich Svecnik
- Creating an Inclusive Play Environment for Children from children and teachers' perspectives: a Cross-cultural Study in Vietnam and Spain
- Chinese Students’ Intercultural Experience in the UK and Reflections on Interculturality
- Adapting Grounded Theory Methodology for Transcultural Research. Methodological Considerations for International Research on Diversity in Education.
Tú Anh Hà
Yuanjing Ye
Eva Kleinlein
99 ERC SES 08 N, Language Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 429 [Floor 4], Chair: Volker Bank
99 ERC SES 08 O, Research in Sports Pedagogy
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 529 [Floor 5], Chair: Shosh Leshem
- How Social Relationships Influence Pupils' Embodied and Emplaced Experiences in Physical Education
- Influence of Physical Education Teachers on the Practice of Out-Of-School Physical Activity/Sports according to University Students
- Sport as a vehicle for Character Education: Analysis of the Intervention Programs in Physical Education. A systematic Review.
Iselin Aartun
Andreea Vidaci Maria Teresa Pascual Galiano Lilyan Vega-Ramírez Maria Alejandra Avalos Ramos
Alejandro Ramón Rebolloso
99 ERC SES 08 P, Early Childhood and Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 508 [Floor 5], Chair: Joanna Madalinska-Michalak
- Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Perspectives on Adult-Child Interactions at Outdoor Spaces with Young Children in Portugal
- Observation as a Professional Tool: Exploring Early Childhood Teachers’ Experiences
- STEM Education In Early Childhood : Investıgatıng Teachers’ Conceptions And Practices
Ana Sofia Lopes Maria Pacheco Figueiredo Gabriela Portugal
Gamze Nur İnönü Meryem Gulhan Sema Çelebi Selda Aras
Sebnem Soylu Volkan Şahin
99 ERC SES 08 Q, Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 11:00-12:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 408 [Floor 4], Chair: Edwin Keiner
- The Student's Voice In Development Processes In Higher Education
- Efficient Use of Online Learning Platforms For Feedback
- Resilient Classrooms: Students and Teachers’ Perceptions of the Classroom Climate
Kristin Haugen Marit Hoveid Randi Beate Tosterud Sigrid Wangesteen
Gulnaz Dihambayeva Ainur Kurakbayeva Yelnur Ospanova
Lavinia-Ioana Verdeș Mușata-Dacia Bocoș-Bințințan
99 ERC SES 08.5, Lunch Break with Local Academics (sign up required)
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 12:30-13:30, Room: Wolfson Medical Building, Atrium, Chair: Saneeya Qureshi
- Lunch Break with Local Academics
Saneeya Qureshi
99 ERC SES 09 A, ERC Keynote Rosemary Deem: Diversity and doctoral education – dream or reality?
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 13:30-14:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 438AB [Floor 4], Chair: Satu Perälä - Littunen
99 ERC SES 10 A, ERC Closing Ceremony
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 14:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 438AB [Floor 4], Chair: Saneeya Qureshi
- ERC Closing Ceremony
Saneeya Qureshi Joe O'Hara
99 ERC SES 11 A, Workshop: The end is where you start from: how to defend your thesis and convince examiners of its merit right from the start of your doctoral journey.
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:30-17:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Shosh Leshem
99 ERC SES 11 B, Workshop: Writing for your Research Community, Writing for the EERJ
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:30-17:30, Room: James McCune Smith, LT 641 [Floor 6], Chair: Sotiria Grek
- ERC Workshop: Writing for your Research Community, Writing for the EERJ
Sotiria Grek Paolo Landri
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