Session Information
23 SES 09 A, Exploring School Policy Reforms in Europe: A Comparative View on Transnational Alignments and National Contestations (Part 1)
Symposium to be continued in 23 SES 11 A
Since the early 2000s, the French education policy has taken a transnational turn in participating increasingly in the PISA consortium, OECD activities, and the European Open Method of Coordination with some effects in the development of national programs on basic skills, early school leaving, school climate and dropouts, but also national assessments of students' skills and school self-evaluation approach. However, due to republican heritage and civic nationalism, the influence of neo-liberalism is limited, and the development of school market and school choice have been resisted until now. The republican compromise still emphasizes standardized national curricula based on school subjects and student guidance regulations on behalf of equal opportunities and a specific conception of citizenship and secularism. This republican vision is combined with reform proposals and implementations in which national interest groups and the ministerial technostructure play an important role in buffering international influences. The French education policy is also subject to a strong (and sometimes authoritarian) statism that conveys imaginaries of education and entrenched ideologies hiding policy borrowing and leading. Based on Actor-Network-Theory and policy research, this communication explores the political assemblages and epistemic governance that have allowed this policy borrowing and lending. It shows that forms of epistemic authority transposing the PISA survey relay the expert knowledge circulating in the international space, but that these forms also maintain a political imaginary and a great republican narrative. First are presented spaces of interest and political associations between different national actors involved in the transfer and hybridization of knowledge built around PISA. The communication seeks to characterize some influential spokespersons in the production and translation of this knowledge into a French-style reformist political agenda. Based on an analysis of data on these various policy assemblages from official documents, scientific and professional journal articles, and website consultations, map of the interpersonal links between these reformist actors has been developed in order to better understand their connections and associations in promoting the PISA paradigm. To do this, the Gephi network software has been used to map the links between individuals belonging to different institutions.
*Hultqvist, E., Lindblad, S., & Popkewitz, T. S. (Eds.). (2018). Critical analyses of educational reforms in an era of transnational governance. Cham, Springer. *Normand R. (2020) The French State and Its Typical “Agencies” in Education. Policy Transfer and Ownership in the Implementation of Reforms. In Ärlestig, H., & Johansson (eds) Educational Authorities and the Schools (pp. 151-168). Cham, Springer, 2020 *Normand, R. (2022). PISA as epistemic governance within the European political arithmetic of inequalities: A sociological perspective illustrating the French case. In Critical Perspectives on PISA as a Means of Global Governance (pp. 48-69). London, Routledge. *Sellar, S., & Lingard, B. (2014). The OECD and the expansion of PISA: New global modes of governance in education. British Educational Research Journal, 40(6), 917-936. *Steiner-Khamsi, G., & Waldow, F. (Eds.). (2012). World yearbook of education 2012: Policy borrowing and lending in education. Routledge.
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