Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education
23 SES 01 A, Datafied Temporalities and Temporal Modalities of Data Practices: Emerging Concepts in Educational Governance Research. (Part 1)
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Berit Karseth
- Datafied Temporalities and Temporal Modalities of Data Practices: Emerging Concepts in Educational Governance Research. Part 1
- Data Futures Past: Rupture and/as Repetition in Education Research and Governance
- The OECD's Construction of the Future Imaginaries for Curriculum Reform
- When the School Goes to You: Datatime and Dataspaces in Dominant Media Discourses of Personalised Learning Pathways
- Conceptualizing the Intersections of Time, Data and Practices in Educational Organizations
Berit Karseth Mathias Decuypere
Berit Karseth Antti Saari
Berit Karseth Simona Bernotaite
Berit Karseth Katrin Kannukene Kristjan Kikerpill Andra Siibak
Berit Karseth Ronni Laursen Ruth Jensen
23 SES 01 B, Deepening Europeanisation: European Union Governance of Education and Training in the 2020s
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Tore Bernt Sorensen
- Deepening Europeanisation: European Union Governance of Education and Training in the 2020s
- Governing European Adult Learning Through Political Mobilization, Advocacy Coalitions and Policy Learning
- The European Semester: Education Governance Through Policy Instrumentation
- The Erasmus+ Teacher Academies - A Case of Europeanisation via Experimentalist Governance?
Tore Bernt Sorensen Jaakko Kauko
Tore Bernt Sorensen Marcella Milana
Tore Bernt Sorensen Xavier Rambla Nafsika Alexiadou
Tore Bernt Sorensen Lukas Graf
23 SES 01 C, Addressing Teacher Shortages: A Social Justice Issue
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Martin Mills
- Addressing Teacher Shortages: A Social Justice Issue
- The Global Teacher Shortage: Problem Representations in Policy Responses
- Last One Standing: Initial interviews with Three Australian Teachers who Remain Teaching in High Turnover Schools
- The Experiences of Substitute Teachers: An International Review
- Addressing the Challenge of Teacher Recruitment and Retention in Disadvantaged Schools: Findings from a Rapid Evidence Review
Martin Mills Geert Kelchtermans
Martin Mills Theresa Bourke Reece Mills Simone White
Martin Mills Jo Lampert Bruce Burnett Amy McPherson
Martin Mills Anna Sullivan Simone White Andrea Reupert Neil Tippett
Martin Mills Becky Taylor Mark Hardman Sally Riordan Claire Pillinger
23 SES 02 A, Datafied Temporalities and Temporal Modalities of Data Practices: Emerging Concepts in Educational Governance Research. (Part 2)
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Berit Karseth
- Datafied Temporalities and Temporal Modalities of Data Practices: Emerging Concepts in Educational Governance Research. Part 2
- The Mundane Governance of Education through Time: The Case of National Testing in Norway
- Governing Education through Graphs, Charts, and Diagrams: Visualizing the Past, Present, and the Desirable Future
- Entangled Temporalities of Teaching with Digital Data Visualizations: An Ethnographic Study of Multiple, Contrasting, and Competing Temporalities in Danish Schools
- Temporal Justice, Temporal Politics and Temporal Hierarchies: School Networks, School Transport and Dynamics of Educational Policy-making and Politics in Finland
Miriam Madsen Berit Karseth Bob Lingard
Miriam Madsen Ida Martinez Lunde Nelli Piattoeva
Miriam Madsen Tatiana Mikhaylova Daniel Pettersson
Miriam Madsen Maria Birch Rokoguniwai
Miriam Madsen Tommi Wallenius Saija Volmari
23 SES 02 B, Evidence
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Maria Vieites Casado
- Evidence-Based Teaching Interventions: a Critical Discourse Analysis of their Impact on Teachers’ Abilities to Develop Diverse Pedagogies
- Exploring the Use of Evidence in Education Reform: The Case of Colombia’s 20-Years Pathway Towards School Autonomy With Accountability
- Dialogic Public Policies. Successful scale-up of evidence based educational practices in Portugal.
Jacklyn Barry
Tomás Esper
Aitor Gomez Maria Vieites Casado Garazi Álvarez Guerrero Susana León-Jiménez
23 SES 02 C, Vocational Education and Training
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Antti Seitamaa
- Formation of Applicants’ Subject Positions After Educational Reforms
- Exploring VET Teacher Agency: An Investigation of Policy Work and Master Discourses in England and Scotland
- From Hype to Weariness: National Experts Reflect on the Role of the European Union in Finnish VET Policy from 1995-2020
Alina Inkinen Anna-Maija Niemi
Stephanie Thomson
Antti Seitamaa
23 SES 02 D, Temporality and Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: Thomson Building, Anatomy 236 LT [Ground Floor], Chair: Simon Warren
- A Vote on the Temporal Order of Schools. The 1959 Referendum Among Pupils on the Five-day School Week
- The Timeliness of Policy Sociology - Multiple Temporalities, and the Possibilities of a Historical Policy Sociology
- Solving the Challenges of the Future Now: Aspects of Time in the Realization of the Vision of a New School
Joakim Landahl
Simon Warren
Katarina Blennow Martin Malmström Ingrid Bosseldal
23 SES 03 A, The OECD as an Educational Policy-Actor. Some Cases from the Nordic Context.
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Gunnlaugur Magnússon
- The OECD as an Educational Policy-Actor. Some Cases from the Nordic Context.
- The Nordic Data and Research as Evidence in the OECD Future Curriculum Narrative
- OECD and Sweden - a Complex Interdependence for the Legitimisation of Policy
- Visitors from Outer Policy Space – OECD´s Country Visits and Policy Reviews in 1980s Norway and Finland.
- Policy Making by Bullet Points? OECD and Contemporary Icelandic Education Policy
Gunnlaugur Magnússon Florian Waldow
Gunnlaugur Magnússon Berit Karseth Simona Bernotaite Anniken Hotvedt Sundby
Gunnlaugur Magnússon Ninni Wahlstrom Andreas Nordin
Gunnlaugur Magnússon Petteri Hansen Eirik Hammarstrøm
Gunnlaugur Magnússon Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir
23 SES 03 B, Philanthropy in Education: What is Education for?
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Stewart Riddle
- Philanthropy in Education: What is Education for?
- Philanthrocapitalism and the State: Mapping the Rise of Venture Philanthropy in Public Education
- Running the Canteen for Profit: New Philanthropy in Queensland State Schools
- Using Art-based Interviews to Highlight Experiences of Children Hosting School Tours in Zimbabwe
Kathleen Smithers Stewart Riddle
Kathleen Smithers Emma Rowe
Kathleen Smithers Anna Hogan
Kathleen Smithers
23 SES 03 C, Analysing European Knowledge Networks in Education Policy
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Maija Salokangas
- Analysing European Knowledge Networks in Education Policy
- From Evidence-Based Policy to Politics of Evidence
- Mapping the Higher Education Policymaking Network
- Acquiring and Using Knowledge in Higher Education Policymaking Networks
- New Philanthropy, Networks, and Knowledge in Education Governance: The Vodafone Foundation’ DigitALL program
Jaakko Kauko Maija Salokangas Eric Mangez
Jaakko Kauko
Jaakko Kauko Paula Silvén Jarmo Kallunki
Jaakko Kauko Katri Eeva Joni Forsell
Jaakko Kauko Sofia Viseu Erika Moreira Martins
23 SES 03 D, Parents and Choice
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: Thomson Building, Anatomy 236 LT [Ground Floor], Chair: Hanna Sjögren
- "Adjustment Between Extended School Policies and Parental Models in Urban Vulnerable neighbourhoods".
- "Parental Choice and Support for Private Schools Within a Norwegian Educational Context"
- The Role of Civil Servants in Swedish Local School Choice Systems
Roser Girós Calpe
Ingvil Bjordal
Hanna Sjögren
23 SES 04 B, Managing Diversity and Minoritised Groups’ Education: A Multi-country Perspective
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Tae Hee Choi
- Managing Diversity and Minoritised Groups’ Education: A Multi-country Perspective
- Additional Support Needs in Scottish Education: Functional Description or Feature of Failure?
- Towards the Development of an Inclusive Leadership Framework for Inclusive Education: Equipping Leaders to be Researchers
- Creating and Negotiating Contested Spaces in Teacher Education: Critical Literacies and the Decolonial Turn
- Beyond Language Dominating Policy Discourse: A Critical Race Perspective
Miron Bhowmik Tae Hee Choi Haiyan Qian
Miron Bhowmik Jane Essex
Miron Bhowmik Henry Koge
Miron Bhowmik Navan Govender
Miron Bhowmik
23 SES 04 A, Social Justice and the Market in a comparative Perspective: the Maintenance of public Good?
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Romuald Normand
- Social Justice and the Market in a comparative Perspective: the Maintenance of public Good?
- Schooling torn between Markets and Public Good – Exploring Scotland and Denmark as UK- vs Nordic-dependent Solutions
- Enactment of Policy Interventions to Retain Students in a Market-Oriented Secondary Education in Norway
- Configurations of Justice and the Role of the State: Debates on public Schools in the Portuguese Press (2001-2021)
Romuald Normand Lejf Moos
Romuald Normand Paul Adams John Benedicto Krejsler
Romuald Normand Guri Skedsmo Sølvi Mausethagen
Romuald Normand Luis Miguel Carvalho Maria Melo
23 SES 04 C, Early Childhood Education
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Sara Carlbaum
- Caring for the ECEC Market? Perspectives from Swedish Municipalities and Private Preschool Providers
- Managerialist Dialogue in Early Childhood Education and Care Policy-making in Norway.
- The Quest for Preschool Quality: Travelling ideas through a Scandinavian Edu-business
Joakim Lindgren Sara Carlbaum Malin Benerdal Linda Rönnberg
Anne Homme Kari Ludvigsen
Sara Carlbaum Linda Rönnberg Ann-Sofie Holm
23 SES 05.5 A, General Poster Session
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 12:15-13:15, Room: Gilbert Scott, Hunter Halls [Floor 2], Chair:
- From open-ended material to Saviors – A Genealogy of Physical Environments and material in Swedish Preschools
- Europeanization of Education: Two Decades of Research Insights in Slovenia
- Arts Education as Portrayed in China's Top-policy: A Critical Discourse Analysis
- The Micropolitics of Everyday School Life: The Interplay Between Sticky and Fluid Realities
Elsa Andersson
Urška Štremfel
Ruini Huang Kris Rutten
Anna Kristiina Kokko
23 SES 06 A, Educational policy and equality in Europe: comparative studies on Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Norway
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Juliette Torabian
- Educational policy and equality in Europe: comparative studies on Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Norway
- Embedded Concepts: Social and Historical Construction of Educational Inequality in Hungary’s and Lithuania’s education policy
- Early Childhood Policies Targeting Inequalities in Education. A Comparative Policy and Ethnographic Analysis of Pioneering Practices in Germany and Luxembourg
- Educational Equality through Unequal Treatment in Norway. Policy Problem Framing and Solutions Tackling Educational Inequality in an Egalitarian Context
Juliette Torabian Emer Smyth
Juliette Torabian Borbala Lorincz Jekatyerina Dunajeva Hanna Siarova
Juliette Torabian Sabine Bollig Frederick De Moll
Juliette Torabian Joakim Jensen Jan Skrobanek Solvejg Jobst
23 SES 06 B, Education, Asylum Seekers and Refugees, and Race in Europe
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Paul Vehse
- Education, Asylum Seekers and Refugees, and Race in Europe
- The silenced and raced refugee. Insights from Germany.
- Education Policy, Refugees and Racist Nativism in England
- ›Race‹ and ›Culture‹ in Austrian School Development Initiatives At Odds with Ethnocentric Curricula and Stereotyping in Teacher Training Courses
Anke Wischmann Paul Vehse Serafina Morrin
Anke Wischmann
Anke Wischmann Charlotte Chadderton
Anke Wischmann Nadja Thoma Agnieszka Czejkowska
23 SES 06 C, Privatisation
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Linda Rönnberg
- ‘Closing the Gap’: Analysis of the Rhetoric Involved in Creating the Case for the Privatization of England's Schools
- Debating Public Funding of Private Schools in Alberta and Ontario, Canada
- “We Have to Unlearn a Lot to Learn This”: Teachers’ Agency in a Swedish Private School Company Operating in India
Joanna Dennis
Sue Winton
Linda Rönnberg Ann-Sofie Holm Nafsika Alexiadou Sara Carlbaum
23 SES 07 B, Education Governance
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido
- Framing Diversity as an Asset: the Pursuit of Territorial Cohesion Through the Multilevel Governance of Education in Portugal
- Selling a Nordic “Helping Hand”? Education Export in Finland and Sweden
- Opting out or General Provision in Scandinavia? Freedom of Choice in Upper Secondary Education
Ana Grifo João Lourenço Marques
Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido Linda Rönnberg
Annette Rasmussen Marianne Dovemark
23 SES 07 A, Global Governance, Knowledge Production, and International Organisations
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Clara Fontdevila
- Global Governance, Knowledge Production, and International Organisations
Christian Ydesen Sotiria Grek Maren Elfert
23 SES 07 D, From the market to the Privatization of Social Justice: new Policy Arrangements
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: Thomson Building, Anatomy 236 LT [Ground Floor], Chair: Lejf Moos
- From the market to the Prrivatization of Social Justice: new Policy Arrangements
- Confronting the Education Reform Claimocracy: Stories from a privatised System.
- State of (a)Symmetry in the Governance of Education
- 3. From pedagogical Discourse to educational Policy: Analysing the Politics of educational Innovation through public Policy Process Theory
Romuald Normand Lejf Moos
Romuald Normand Helen Gunter
Romuald Normand Paolo Landri
Romuald Normand Edgar Quilabert Mauro Carlos Moretti Antoni Verger
23 SES 07 C, Teachers
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Charlaine Simpson
- Defining ‘Core Work’ in Teaching: Policy Implications of a Large-scale Analysis of Teachers’ Work Activities
- Boundary work as sticky goo: Exploring the boundary management at the Swedish Institute for Educational Research.
- The Complexities of Teacher Professionalism in Scotland and the Role of Professional Standards
Meghan Stacey Rachel Wilson Susan McGrath-Champ
Annika Linell Katarina Ståhlkrantz
Charlaine Simpson Pauline Stephen
23 SES 08 A, Agonism and its Critiques: Diverse Perspectives for a Research Agenda
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Louise Sund
- Agonism and its Critiques: Diverse Perspectives for a Research Agenda
Ásgeir Tryggvason Karen Pashby Edda Sant Jane McDonnell Marta da Costa Emma Carey Brummer
23 SES 08 C, Education Policy Actors
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Peter Kelly
- Philanthropic education policies: The strategies of Lego foundation and Novo Nordisk/Life
- Ed-tech and Business Actors in Swedish Schools 1920-1962
Hanne Knudsen
Malin Ideland Magnus Hultén
23 SES 08 D, Teacher Development
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: Thomson Building, Anatomy 236 LT [Ground Floor], Chair: Monika Merket
- The battle of Knowledge in Teacher Education: An Analysis of Knowledge Discourses in the Integrated Teacher Education Programs in Norway.
- Identifying Key Facilitators, Barriers, and Content in the Development of Physical Education Stakeholders’ Policy Capacity
- The Capacity of Teacher Unions for Positive Agency
Monika Merket
Jenna Lorusso Ann MacPhail Melody Viczko
Nina Bascia Jean-Claude Couture Roar Groettvik
23 SES 09 A, Exploring School Policy Reforms in Europe: A Comparative View on Transnational Alignments and National Contestations (Part 1)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: John Benedicto Krejsler
- Exploring School Policy Reforms in Europe: A Comparative View on Transnational Alignments and National Contestations [SESSION 1]
- Danish School Policy: the Nordic Context and Transnational Impact
- Disrupting Ssocial-Welfarist Schooling in the English Educational Reform Laboratory
- French School Policies: the Strong Republican State Absorbing External Influences
- Europe as the Exterior Interiorized in the Infrastructures of Policy
John Benedicto Krejsler Lejf Moos
John Benedicto Krejsler
John Benedicto Krejsler David Hall
John Benedicto Krejsler Romuald Normand
John Benedicto Krejsler Thomas, S. Popkewitz
23 SES 09 B, New Avenues and Challenges for Comparative Education Policy Studies (Part 1)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Antoni Verger
- New Avenues and Challenges for Comparative Education Policy Studies (Part I)
- Coping with Incommensurability: Methodological Approaches in Comparative Policy Studies
- Comparative Methods and the Context of Globalization: Developing a Multiscalar Study on Teachers’ Careers in Europe
- The Changing Dynamics of Public-Private Partnerships in Education: A Cross-country Analysis of Public Regulatory Trends from an Equity Perspective
- Performance-based Accountability in the Governance of Education: A Cross-country Analysis of Policy Instrumentation and Enactment Practice
Antoni Verger Sam Sellar
Antoni Verger Gita Steiner-Khamsi
Antoni Verger Xavier Dumay Tore Bernt Sorensen
Antoni Verger Adrián Zancajo Clara Fontdevila
Antoni Verger Antonina Levatino Gerard Ferrer-Esteban Lluís Parcerisa
23 SES 09 C, Professionalism
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Anna Beck
- Knowledge-Based Resistance: The Role of Professional Organisations in the Struggle Against Statutory Assessments in England
- Democratic legitimacy in policymaking: a critical analysis of the General Teaching Council for Scotland’s Professional Standards Review
- Rethinking Educational Policy: Ideological Implications of Educational Reforms
Diego Santori Jessica Holloway
Anna Beck Charlaine Simpson Louise Campbell
Elif Erberk Kabataş Cennet Engin
23 SES 09 D, Teachers
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: Thomson Building, Anatomy 236 LT [Ground Floor], Chair: Jaana Nehez
- Chinese University Teachers’ Perceptions Of Measures Promoting Applied Research
- First Teacher Assignments in the light of Responsibility and Accountability
- The chaotic Icelandic education Action Plan for 2021–2024: Focus on everything and nothing at once.
Jiaying Liu Manhong Lai
Anders Urbas Jaana Nehez Petra Svensson
Hermína Gunnþórsdóttir Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannesson
23 SES 10.5 A, NW 23 Network Meeting
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 12:15-13:15, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Peter Kelly
- NW 23 Network Meeting
Peter Kelly
23 SES 11 A, Exploring School Policy Reforms in Europe: A Comparative View on Transnational Alignments and National Contestations (Part 2)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: John Benedicto Krejsler
- Exploring School Policy Reforms in Europe: A Comparative View on Transnational Alignments and National Contestations[SESSION 2]
- Discussion: The Importance of Context in European School Policy Reforms
- Multi-Scalar Interactions and School Policy: The Trajectory of Educational Reform in Catalonia within the Spanish Quasi-Federal State
- School Policy and Reforms in Poland and Complexity of the Governance System
- School Policy Reforms in Slovenia and Croatia: In Between Post-Socialist Transformation and Europeanization
John Benedicto Krejsler Lejf Moos
John Benedicto Krejsler Lejf Moos
John Benedicto Krejsler Edgar Quilabert Antoni Verger Mauro C. Moschetti
John Benedicto Krejsler Joanna Madalinska-Michalak
John Benedicto Krejsler Urška Štremfel Eva Klemenčič Mirazchiyski Nikša Alfirević Ljiljana Najev Čačija
23 SES 11 B, New Avenues and Challenges for Comparative Education Policy Studies (Part 2)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Clara Fontdevila
- New Avenues and Challenges for Comparative Education Policy Studies (Part II)
- Effecting Change from Within, Beyond, and Between: Comparative Perspectives of Advancing Alternative Teacher Education Policies
- Situating Oneself in Relation to Others: Transnational Reference Clusters in Germany and Mainland China
- Tracing Reform Trajectories: A Computed Text Mining Study of Topologies and Discursive Shifts in Norwegian Education Policy (1990 – 2020)
- International Organizations, International Contractors and ILSAs: How can we Analyse the Making of Global Comparisons with CE?
Antoni Verger Clara Fontdevila Oscar Valiente
Antoni Verger Matthew A.M. Thomas Elisabeth Lefebvre
Antoni Verger Florian Waldow Haiqin Ning
Antoni Verger Kirsten Sivesind Lars G. Johnsen Dijana Tiplic
Antoni Verger Camilla Addey
23 SES 11 C, Teachers and Teaching
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Anna Hogan
- Contingencies of Collective Bargaining: Comparing Teacher Union Engagement in Social Dialogue on Teacher Supply in Europe
- Teachers and Time Poverty.
- Teachers in the Spotlight of the Global Education Industry: How Corporate Philanthropies Collaborate with the State to Shape Teacher Development
Alison Milner Howard Stevenson
Anna Hogan Greg Thompson
Benedict Kurz Marcelo Parreira do Amaral
23 SES 11 D, School Development
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: Thomson Building, Anatomy 236 LT [Ground Floor], Chair: Florian Monstadt
- The Effect of School Tracking on the Development of Political Interest among Adolescents and Young Adults in Germany
- The Hidden Curriculum of Well-being Initiatives in Higher Education
Florian Monstadt Claudia Schuchart Benjamin Schimke
Laura Louise Sarauw Eva Bendix Petersen
23 SES 12 B, Higher Education
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Katja Brøgger
- Anticipatory Policy Rhetoric: Exploring Ideological Fantasies of Finnish Higher Education
- Higher Education Systems Development in Post-Soviet Area: in Search of Increasing Contribution to Socio-Economic Transformation
- New Nationalisms, Geopolitical Shifts and the Politics of Scaling in European Higher Education Policy Research
Tuomas Tervasmäki
Pavel Sorokin
Katja Brøgger Hannah Moscovitz
23 SES 12 C, Media and Policymaking
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Peter Kelly
23 SES 12 A, Students
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Gunn Elisabeth Søreide
- Making of Standard Pupil Through National Final Assessment Criteria?
- The Challenges of School Bullying Discourses
- Policy in Action: the Construction of The Good Student
Hannele Pitkänen Eeva Rontu
Anne-Mari Väisänen Maija Lanas
Gunn Elisabeth Søreide
23 SES 12 D, Post-Covid
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: Thomson Building, Anatomy 236 LT [Ground Floor], Chair: Margaret Arnott
- Resetting Agendas for Educational Research Post COVID: Whose Voice Counts?
- A Political Discourse Analysis of Education Recovery Policy in the four nations of the UK
- Navigating the neoliberal tensions during the Covid-19 pandemic- IB practices within Singapore, Hongkong & Taiwan?
Gemma Moss Alice Bradbury
Jennifer Ozga Margaret Arnott Jo-Anne Baird Niclas Hell Luke Saville
Suraiya Abdul Hameed Yu chih Li Jack Tsao
23 SES 13 B, Europeanisation and Internationalisation
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Nafsika Alexiadou
- European Educational Research: A Thematic Analysis of the European Educational Research Journal (2002-2021)
- The Academization and Europeanization of Midwifery Training in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- Through disciplinary lenses – Students’ voices filtering Internationalization-at-home policies
Catarina Paulos
Tim Hölscher
Nafsika Alexiadou Linda Rönnberg Zoi Kefala
23 SES 13 A, Lifelong Learning and Higher Education
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Anne Larson
- Quality in Higher Education. The Equality Excellence Trade Off
- Ukrainian Higher Education at the Time of War and EU Integration Aspirations: How the Polish Experience Can Help?
- Political Economy Analysis of Education in Central Asia: Equity-minded assessment from the perceptions of university stakeholders in Tajikistan.
Živa Kos Jasna Mažgon Milica Antić Gaber
Olena Brintseva
Vasila Bozichaeva
23 SES 13 C, Digital and Online
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Anette Bagger
- Platforms and Digitalisation of Public Education: Exploring Their Adoption in Catalonia
- Online Education Policy Trajectories in Ontario, Canada's Secondary Schools
- Policy on Inclusion and Teaching Materials for Diverse Learners
Judith Jacovkis Pablo Rivera-Vargas Diego Calderon Lluís Parecerisa
Sue Winton Beyhan Farhadi
Anette Bagger Jonas Ålander Josefine Karlsson
23 SES 13 D, Educational Inequality
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: Thomson Building, Anatomy 236 LT [Ground Floor], Chair: Alejandro Montes
- How to Reduce Educational Inequality? Dilemmas in the Spanish Context
- School Autonomy to Counter Non-Traditional Factors of Inequality: A Reflection on the Italian Context
- The informed Discourse(s) in the Configuration of Practices Against Educational Inequality: Lessons Learned and Common Premises
Carlos Alonso-Carmona Susana Vázquez-Cupeiro
Valerio Ferrero
Alejandro Montes Carlos Alonso-Carmona
23 SES 14 A, Policy Networks, Mobilities and Governance in Education Reform
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair:
- Policy Networks, Mobilities and Governance in Education Reform
- WITHDRAWN: Following the Imaginations: Social Entrepreneurship and Education Policy Networks in Bangladesh
- The Assemblage of Inanimate Objects in Educational Research: Mapping Venture Philanthropy, Policy Networks and Evidence Brokers
- WITHDRAWN: An Apple for teacher (education)? Reconstituting teacher professional learning and expertise via the Apple Teacher digital platform
- The Global Inter-Network Governance of UN Policy Programs on Climate Change Education
Emma Rowe Marcia McKenzie Stephen John Ball
Emma Rowe N N
Emma Rowe
Emma Rowe N N
Emma Rowe Marcia McKenzie Nicolas Stahelin
23 SES 14 B, Policy Innovation
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Moira Hulme
- A Network Ethnography of a ‘Laboratory School’ Network
- The Innovation Imperative: Reception in the Spanish Educational System
- Policy Networks and the Introduction of Programming in Swedish Schools
- Constructing the Legitimacy of Educational Firms in the Education Sector: A Text Analysis of Annual Reports
Moira Hulme
Miriam Prieto Alberto Sánchez-Rojo
Anthemis Raptopoulou
Anki Bengtsson Eric Larsson
23 SES 14 C, Supranational and Intergovernmental Governance
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Ninni Wahlstrom
- The OECD’s Happiness and Well-being Projects: From learning dispositions to skills for the future economy
- Discursive Isomorphism among Education Intergovernmental Organisations
- Success or Failure? How Technicalities in PISA 2018 Sparked a Public Debate on Education Policy and the OECD
Min Ji (Evelyn) Kim
Johannes Schuster
Ninni Wahlstrom
23 SES 16 A, Global Challenges
Friday, 2023-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Anna Traianou
- Theorizing Mechanisms in Global Policy and Academic Discourse: The Language of Leadership
- Generating Views from Elsewhere: UIS and the Global Project of SDG4 Indicators
- Research Ethics And The Vulnerability of Political Elites
- How Learning Cities do Lifelong Learning policy – the cases of Sønderborg and the City of Cork
Jo Helgetun Gerald LeTendre Hansol Woo
Harsha Chandir Radhika Gorur Rino Adhikary
Anna Traianou
Pia Seidler Cort Anne Larson
23 SES 16 C, Talking the Talk, Walking the Walk: Have We Mobilised Research on Knowledge Mobilisation?
Friday, 2023-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Nora Revai
- Talking the Talk, Walking the Walk: Have We Mobilised Research on Knowledge Mobilisation?
Jordan Hill Nora Révai Lou Aisenberg Toby Greany Rien Rouw Kari-Elisabeth Vambeseth Skogen Annette Boaz
23 SES 17 A, Evidence and Impact
Friday, 2023-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J15 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Janne Varjo
- Lost in Translation? The Threat That Uncertain ‘Science’ is Becoming Crude, Certain and Racist Policy
- Constructing Impacts of Public Guidance Policies in Educational Transitions
Ian McGimpsey Claire E. Crawford
Janne Varjo Mira Kalalahti
23 SES 17 B, Time and Place
Friday, 2023-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J7 [Floor 1], Chair: Tatiana Mikhaylova
- The Emergence of the Physical Learning Environments
- Selective Traditions and the (Re)Production of Educational Spaces in School Building Policy
- Extended School Hours as the Nordic Solution: Policy for Equality or Individual Achievement?
Siv Stavem
Hanna Hofverberg
Stina Hallsen Tatiana Mikhaylova Elisabeth Rønningen
23 SES 17 C, Legal Governance
Friday, 2023-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: James Watt South Building, J10 LT [Floor 1], Chair: Emma Arneback
- From 64 sections to 900 in the Education Act – on juridification of Swedish education
- Juridification as Democratization – On the Ambivalences of the Swedish Legislation on Discrimination and Degrading Treatment
- Enacting the Convention on the Rights of the Child - in times of juridification
Andreas Bergh Lotta Lerwall Emma Arneback
Maria Rosén
Emma Arneback Andreas Bergh Tomas Englund Lotta Lerwall
23 SES 17 D, Methodological and Doctoral Concerns
Friday, 2023-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: Thomson Building, Anatomy 236 LT [Ground Floor], Chair: Richard Budd
- On the Use and Interpretation of Interview Data in Research for Educational Policy and Practice
- Tensions and Embedded Stratification in UK Social Science Doctoral Provision
- Depending on the Kindness of Strangers: The Affective Dimension of Inspection Visits to Low-Performing Schools in Chile
Stephen Parker Elizabeth Knight
Richard Budd
Álvaro González Rocío Fernández Ugalde
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